Senior soldier's strange excuse for 'groping' junior colleague under table (original) (raw)

Senior soldier's bizarre excuse for 'groping' junior colleague under table at 'inclusivity' event

Warrant Officer Francis Kavwenje claimed he was moving his younger colleague's hand to stop her from 'aggravating' an exercise-induced rash during an 'inclusivity' event

Warrant Officer Francis Kavwenje

Warrant Officer Francis Kavwenje allegedly sexually assaulted a female colleague during an event in Wiltshire

A senior soldier accused of "groping" a junior colleague during an "inclusivity" event used a bizarre excuse to justify his gesture during a court martial hearing.

Warrant Officer Francis Kavwenje made his colleague feel "uncomfortable" after putting his hand up her skirt and rubbing her thigh while they sat together at a table, a panel was told. It was heard that during the night, he allegedly asked her questions including "how big is your bed?" and "do you like eating sausages?", and asked her whether she would be "alone tonight".

The female soldier said when WO2 Kavwenje touched her, she "wanted to scream" but "could not", and accused him of taking "advantage' of her "vulnerability". The court martial heard that Kavwenje then allegedly tried to persuade his female colleague to let him come home with her so he could enjoy her car's heated seats.

He told Bulford Military Court in Wiltshire that he was moving her hand to stop her from scratching her rash (


Ollie Thompson/Solent News)

WO2 Kavwenje denied touching her sexually and has instead told Bulford Military Court in Wiltshire that he was moving her hand to stop her from "aggravating" an exercise-induced rash. Graham Coombes, prosecuting, told the court martial the incident took place at an Army Multicultural Network Industry Event in a pub in Salisbury, Wiltshire. WO2 Kavwenje allegedly made the soldier feel "uncomfortable" throughout the night by asking her questions, the prosecutor said.

During the evening, the female colleague's thigh was itching due to a rash and "she scratched that itch", the prosecutor said. Another colleague on the table asked her about it and she showed them a rash which resembled "bumps" on her leg which she developed after exercising.

Later on in the night, the female colleague felt WO2 Kavwenje "touch her hand for some seconds" and "feeling her thigh for some seconds". Mr Coombes said: "It is said that the accused rubbed the thigh and caressed the hand of [the complainant] while they were sitting at a table together.

"In total, the accused touched [the complainant] four to five times during that evening. At the end of the evening, the accused asked to be driven to [the complainant's] house." It was heard that the alleged victim was meant to be driving her friend WO2 Kavwenje home but had left "without saying anything".

The prosecutor said WO2 Kavwenje - of the 1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery based in Salisbury - had "followed her out" and "got in the car". During the short journey back to his house, he asked his female colleague if he could go back to her house so he could "enjoy" her heated car seats for longer. She refused, and after she dropped WO2 Kavwenje home he messaged her to say "it had been a great night".

After the female soldier reported him to the service police, WO2 Kavwenje was interviewed and denied the touching was "sexual". Mr Coombes said: "He said that he grabbed hold of her hand and put it on the table to stop her aggravating her itchy leg.

"It's the prosecution's case that at no point did [the complainant] consent to what happened, either at [the pub] or in the car. The prosecution case is that she was sexually assaulted by the accused. By contrast, the accused says that he did not touch [her], certainly not her thigh, and if he had it was accidental."

The alleged victim and WO2 Kavwenje were work colleagues and had exchanged "friendly messages" online but had not socialised outside of work, it was heard. In interview footage shown to the court, the female soldier recalled the moment the warrant officer put his hand on her.

"I started to itch my thigh, then, for some reason, I just felt his hand come under the table, touching me, under my skirt, in my thigh area," she said. "I'm looking at him, and I'm looking down and I'm not saying anything, I didn't want to make a scene about it."

The soldier said he was "doing this soft scratching motion" which was more of a "caressing smooth touch". She said he also took hold of her hand and started to "caress it softly and slowly". The soldier continued: "I was very angry. I wanted to scream, but I could not scream. I wanted to shout, but I could not shout. I believe he took advantage of my vulnerability."

WO2 Kavwenje has pleaded not guilty to one count of sexual assault. The trial continues.