Mum's terror as flight attendant yells 'get me off this flight' over bomb threat (original) (raw)

A mum-of-two with PTSD was left struggling to breathe in an "hours-long" panic attack after her flight was diverted due to a bomb threat sent by AirDrop.

38-year-old Valerie Maluchnik was flying home to Maui from Chicago with her two kids when an unknown passenger sent the chilling threat via Apple's AirDrop feature to one of the flight attendants on board, suggesting there was a bomb on the plane.

The Southwest Airlines flight from Las Vegas, which turned into a flight from hell, was immediately diverted. Valerie was left frozen in fear as one of the flight attendants started screaming "Get me the f**k off this flight."

Valerie, who admits she's "already a really bad flyer" recalled falling asleep after taking medication to calm her on the flight.

She said she woke up to the pilot talking over the speaker and he said that there was a mechanical issue and they were going to have to turn around and go to Oakland.

Valerie and her two children before takeoff on the flight which was later diverted (


Valerie Maluchnik)

She said: "In my mind, I had questions the whole time. I'm like, well, Oakland's not the first airport that I think we would have chosen, it's not the closest.

"I'm thinking in my mind, like, this is going down. So I'm trying to watch the flight attendants, which is what I've always been taught to do when you're afraid, because if they're panicking you know then there's a problem.

"I noticed they kept coming up to the front of the cabin, I was sitting in the front row with my kids. It was odd that even the one that was off-duty was coming up, so it was just like a lot of back and forth.

"I asked the flight attendant what was going on, and she basically said that there's a communications failure and that they had to turn around because there wasn't anybody on Maui that could handle it."

Valerie said this "Made sense" to her due to Maui being a small island with a "super small island airport".

However, she said: "A little while later I saw that there was one of the other flight attendants in front of me started saying to the other one 'get me the f**k off this plane, get me the f**k off this plane' repeatedly.

The Southwest Airlines flight was diverted to Oakland, California, after the bomb threat (


Bloomberg via Getty Images)

"Then, for me, the panic in my chest started. It feels almost like a heart attack, it gets real tight. Just having PTSD and a panic disorder, the freight trains of thoughts are going even though I'm trying to stay cool for the kids."

Thankfully, her kids were still asleep at this point, but when they woke up she explained that they were headed back to Oakland.

When they eventually touched down, passengers were told to keep their seatbelts on because they were on an "active runway". They were kept on the plane for around half an hour, while Valeria worried another plane would crash into them.

Then, she recalled: "The things with the flight attendants seemed weird. And then they opened up the door and Sergeant King came on. He basically explained that we're gonna take all our stuff and we're going to leave. I didn't notice that he had a bomb squad patch on his badge, someone else on TikTok pointed it out."

Sergeant King aboard the flight, informing passengers they were being asked to get off the plane (


They were told to take as little as possible and to bring their IDs as they were set to go through security again. Valerie focused on getting her two children off the plane safely but recalled she was "starting to shake" when she was walking down the steps onto the runway.

She said: "I'm noticing the slew of police and bomb people, the dogs. I'm worried about my kids. Like at this point, I don't know what's going on, but your mind kind of runs away with everything trying to piece it together.

"So I'm noticing all our luggage has been pulled up from under the plane and it's lined up in front of this like concrete barrier, and I'm assuming that's to protect the airport from if there was an explosive."

The passengers were taken to a nearby gate, and then "ushered into the airport to go through security again".

Valerie was travelling home with her son, eight, and daughter, 15, fro Chicago to Maui (


Valerie Maluchnik)

"For me," Valerie explained, "it was hours and hours long of panic attack and it was horrible... I don't know if it was a joke, but for me it left long-term effects for a joke like that. I'm thinking I'm never gonna see my animals again, my husband wasn't with me, you know, did I make the right choice flying home that day? All those things kind of run through your mind."

As a result of her traumatic experience, Valerie was recommended a specialised type of trauma therapy known as EMDR. It stands for Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing.

It's a psychotherapy which helps people process and recover from past experiences which are impacting their mental health and wellbeing using side to side eye movement, or alternating physical movements, such as tapping, combined with special talking therapy in a specific and structured format to help people process traumatic experiences.

Valerie's therapist has recommended a PTSD service dog, which she's trying to fundraise for. She explained: "He's recommended a service dog for me because the switch flips sometimes and I just start to get either like overly frustrated, or its like a sensory overload, or I just need to go lay down in the other room until all the stress has passed."

Valerie, who struggles with a panic disorder to begin with, is dealing with the "long-term effects" after the incident (


Valerie Maluchnik)

She said: "We have to fly, that's part of the reason why the doctors recommended a service dog to help me get through those moments. If I'm doing great in therapy but then get on a plane and it all starts, how do we work through that?"

Since sharing her experience on TikTok, Valerie has received hate comments from users who say she's "being dramatic" and "taking it and blowing it out of proportion", with her daughter even noticing the online trolls. But, Valerie said she's talked to other passengers who found her through her TikTok videos, and "it's people that were ok on the day of and as things were happening" but are now "scared to fly home" and "nervous about getting on a plane again".

She said the one thing that's struck her daughter from the experience, and her mum posting about it online is "the people that are being really rude to us about going through a traumatic situation."