'A 'suspended supper' helped me conquer my fear 50 meters above Croatia' (original) (raw)

Reporter Lucy Williamson soared above Dubrovnik's Adriatic Sea for a sky-high dinner — and discovered a recipe for conquering her fear of heights that also tasted delicious

Dining 50 meters above the ground

Strapped into my seat, knuckles white and heart racing, I found myself suspended 50 meters above the ground, my feet dangling in thin air. No, this wasn't some extreme sport or daredevil stunt - this was dinner.

This was "Dinner in the Sky" in Dubrovnik (there was also one in London) where your table comes with a side of vertigo and your appetizer is served with a dash of adrenaline. My fear of heights was about to go head-to-head with my love for food.

As the table began to rise, my stomach did a backflip that had nothing to do with hunger. But as we ascended, something magical happened. The sun, like a giant ball of molten gold, began its slow descent into the Adriatic Sea. My fears began to subside.

"Miss, your beetroot tartare," said a smiling chef, snapping me back to reality. I looked down at my plate, a work of art in itself. Perched atop were rice crackers that looked more like delicate coral than something you'd munch on.

A restaurant that gives visitors bird’s eye views over the Adriatic (


Dinner in the Sky)

Then our table began slowly rotated, offering 360-degree views. Each turn brought a new vista. I was so engrossed in the view that I almost missed the arrival of the main course.

"Rice balls with mushroom ragu," announced the chef, presenting a dish that looked (and tasted) like it belonged in a Michelin-starred restaurant rather than a dangling dinner table. Between courses, I chatted with my fellow diners, all united in our shared excitement (and perhaps a touch of nervous energy). As the night progressed and the wine flowed freely (thank goodness for safety harnesses!), any remaining tension melted away.

Me and my fellow adventurers taking in the views (and champs)

But hold onto your forks, folks, because the dessert was about to steal the show. An almond cake that was so light and fluffy, I half expected it to float away. As I savoured each bite, I marvelled at how the chefs managed to create such culinary masterpieces in what was essentially a suspended kitchen.

As we began our descent back to terra firma, I felt a mix of relief and disappointment. Relief that I had conquered my fear of heights (or at least suspended it for a few hours), and disappointment that this unforgettable experience was coming to an end.

At €220 a pop, "Dinner in the Sky" isn't exactly cheap eats. But let's be real – where else can you enjoy a three-course meal, conquer your fear of heights, and get a bird's eye view of one of the most beautiful cities in the world, all while trying not to drop your fork on unsuspecting pedestrians below?

Dinner in the Sky takes place Iva Dulčića 34, Babin Kuk, Dubrovnik. Daily 2pm-10pm.

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