Coronation Street star lived in a tower block before landing dream role (original) (raw)

Hard up and living in a tower block while working as a pizza chef, Dolly-Rose Campbell could barely believe it when she landed her role in Coronation Street as loudmouth kebab shop worker Gemma Winter.

Dolly-Rose had spent the previous eight years struggling to make ends meet as she followed her acting dream.

Some days she was so poor she couldn’t afford to run the washing machine. At times she had to choose whether to pay for food or put money in the gas meter.

Things changed when she got a call out of the blue asking if she would like to audition for the part of Gemma, one of drug dealer Callum Logan’s sidekicks.

It was only for an initial six episodes, but viewers took such a shine to her that she has become a full-time character.

Dolly-Rose has become a firm favourite on the Street as loud mouth, Gemma (



Dolly-Rose, 29, has now moved out of the tower block and has her own house and car for the first time in her life.

She says: “I never really had any money ever. If I ran out I had to choose whether to put money on the gas or buy food.

“I’ve always had to watch every penny, try to make my food stretch, and not put the washing machine on too often.

There are fears for Gemma after she collapsing following an overdose (



“I’m not a millionaire now, but it’s a new thing to be able to afford to do those things, and a bit of shock.”

She stumbled into acting by chance aged 15 when she and her best friend were banned from seeing each other because Dolly-Rose was seen as a bad influence.

They realised they could still secretly meet up if they went to a youth theatre in Bolton.

Until that point she had never set foot in a theatre, but she fell in love with drama on the spot.

Gemma laughing at the kebab shop with Craig (



After school she studied at Manchester’s Arden School of Theatre and then became a jobbing actress.

During the years that followed she appeared in numerous plays on stage and radio, but with only one TV appearance – an episode of Doctors in 2010 – she began to fear she would never be able to act full time.

“The radio plays were really high quality, so I never felt like I wasn’t doing anything.

"It just didn’t feel like it was anything I would ever be able to make my whole living from,” she explains.

“I always thought the acting would be alongside other jobs.”

Gemma was left scared after she was attacked (



Those other jobs included working in the kitchens of pubs and cafes in Manchester, before she received the unexpected call from Corrie’s casting department, after a woman there remembered seeing her in a play several years previously.

She thought Dolly-Rose would be perfect for the role of Gemma, an old friend of Kylie Platt and Kylie’s ex, Callum.

Lancashire-born Dolly-Rose had been on the Granada tour of the Corrie set just three weeks before the audition.

She recalls: “As we went round, my friend was laughing and taking the mickey, saying ‘oh, imagine if you got a job on Corrie’. I said ‘yeah, that’s never going to happen’.”

After being hired for six episodes, she carried on with her day job.

Dolly-Rose admits she's still star struck by cast members like Kym Marsh (



At the time she was working in a café and it was there she unexpectedly ran into Corrie legend Barbara Knox, who has spent the past 44 years playing Rita Tanner.

“She came in for a coffee,” Dolly-Rose says. “I’d filmed one episode and I knew that I was coming back for another five, so I went over and said ‘I’m going to be working at Coronation Street next week’.

“She was really nice and we had a little chat. When the two of us finally had a scene together a year later it was lovely because she remembered me.

“She said ‘I’ve never forgotten that day. I’m so glad we’re working together’. She was so nice.”

Ahead of her screen debut, Dolly-Rose was called by Corrie’s wardrobe and make-up departments asking for her input on what Gemma’s look should be.

Gemma chats to Jason in the Rovers (



“Having worked in radio where you never get a costume or make-up I was ‘ooh, I want this, I want that’,” she says laughing.

“I wanted the clothes to be a size too small. I see girls like that every day, who like to say they’re a size 10 when they’re actually a 12.

"And I wanted big, black, really unnatural eyebrows, because that was the big fashion at the time.

“Sometimes now we’ll be driving in the car and my mum will see someone and say ‘look, it’s Gemma’.”

Gemma’s love of figure-hugging clothes means she has won some less than flattering outfits, but Dolly-Rose insists she is not fazed.

At Callum's funeral Macca comforts Gemma (



“It’s important that it’s seen that there are different sizes of women and different shapes, and not that one is right or better than any others,” she says firmly.

“It’s important for the audience to be able to recognise themselves in the people they see.”

Gemma began with a bang in Corrie in 2014. She collapsed from a drugs overdose and after being caught shoplifting she pretended to be Kylie to avoid being charged. She was also attacked.

Viewers immediately took to her, but after the six episodes Dolly-Rose assumed the job was over and went back to auditioning.

She was working at restaurant chain Zizzi when Corrie offered her a permanent role this year.

Having spent the night with Gemma, Jason makes it clear she's not welcome

Viewers have seen Gemma’s gentler side since her return. Desperate to be loved, she engineered a night of passion with Jason Grimshaw.

But he dumped her. She is now heartbroken after the discovery of Callum’s murdered body under the floor of the Platts’ house.

Dolly-Rose doesn’t want viewers to feel sorry for Gemma. “She’s fun and has a great personality and I think it would be a mistake to pity her,” she says.

“I think she’s had hardship but she isn’t one to be maudlin. She gets on with life. She’s quite a positive person.”

Dolly-Rose, who lives in Salford with her pet dog, has seen her life change beyond recognition in the past year, but says it hasn’t sunk in yet.

Gemma gives Callum Logan his fake passport

“I will always have to pinch myself that I’m in Coronation Street,” she says.

“I’ve moved into a nice house with a garden and I’ve got a car and occasionally I think ‘whose life am I living?’.

“This is not where I expected to be and I just feel really grateful every day.”

Modest and quietly spoken, Dolly-Rose could hardly be more different from her brash Corrie character, but pub lover Gemma would probably have approved of the actress’s celebration on landing the role full time.

Dolly-Rose says: “I was in my old flat in the tower block when I got the call.

“I then rang my friend who lived in the tower block next to mine and we went for a pint.”

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