ELAN - Linguistic Annotator (original) (raw)
version 6.3
This manual was last updated on 2022-01-24.
The latest version can be downloaded from: https://archive.mpi.nl/tla/elan.
Original Author: Birgit Hellwig
Updates for version 2 and higher: Dieter Van Uytvanck
Updates for version 3.2.0 and higher: Micha Hulsbosch
Updates for version 4.0.0: Aarthy Somasundaram and Micha Hulsbosch
Updates for version 4.1.0: Maddalena Tacchetti and Aarthy Somasundaram
Updates for version 4.1.1 and higher: Aarthy Somasundaram
Updates for version 4.4.0 and higher: Jeroen Geerts
Updates for version 5.0 and higher: Han Sloetjes