Eating Disorders Symptoms - National Eating Disorders Association (original) (raw)

The chance for recovery increases the earlier an eating disorder is detected. Therefore, it is important to be aware of some of the warning signs of an eating disorder.

This isn’t intended as a checklist. Someone struggling with an eating disorder generally won’t have all of these signs and symptoms at once, and the warning signs vary across eating disorders and don’t always fit into neat categories. Rather, these lists are intended as a general overview of the types of behaviors that may indicate a problem.

What are Common Signs and Symptoms of an Eating Disorder?

Emotional and Behavioral Signs and Symptoms:1

Physical Signs and Symptoms:1

**What are Common Signs and Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa?**1

Learn more about anorexia nervosa

**What are Common Signs and Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa?**1

Learn more about bulimia nervosa.

**What are Common Signs and Symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder?**1

Learn more about binge eating disorder.

**What are Common Signs and Symptoms of Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders (OSFED)?**1

Learn more about OSFED.

**What are Common Signs and Symptoms of Avoidant/ Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)?**1,2,3,4

Learn more about ARFID.

****What are Common Signs and Symptoms of Pica?**1

Learn more about pica.

****What are Common Signs and Symptoms of Rumination Disorder?**1

Learn more about rumination disorder.

What are Common Signs and Symptoms of Other Food & Behavior Concerns:


Learn more about orthorexia.

Excessive Exercise6

Learn more about excessive exercise.


Learn more about diabulimia.

Laxative Misuse13,14,15,16,17

Learn more about laxative misuse.


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