Homeopathy Heals in Africa (original) (raw)

(NewsTarget) Homeopathic clinics in Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana and Ethiopia and Ghana are bringing homeopathy's healing medicines to the suffering in Africa. Treating malaria and AIDS, these clinic and others like them are staffed by selfless healers and are in need of our support. Over 23 million Africans are living with HIV/AIDS, including two millions new HIV infections recorded in 2007. In Tanzania, a person dies of malaria every three minutes. This is over 200, 000 deaths a year and this figure is growing.

Didi Ananda Ruchira began the Abha Light Foundation (www.abhalight.org) in 1998. Her work on treating acute malaria was presented at the 2008 International Meeting on Homeoprophylaxis in Cuba. She utilized the homeopathic remedy, Malaria officinalis, the Malaria nosode. Her healing regime also includes eating the inner skin of the grapefruit and drinking Neem tea or tincture, taken the Azadrachta indica tree. The Abha Light Foundation runs the Abha Light College of Natural Medicine as well as 20 health centers, 25 mobile clinics, five free HIV/AIDS clinics, and conducts workshops and seminars on natural medicine. They are the largest homeopathic pharmacy in Kenya, and they conduct research and development.

In Botswana, more than a third of the population is suspected to be infected with HIV or AIDS. Hilary Fairclough and Philippa Brewster founded the Maun Homeopathy Project to offer free homeopathic medical treatment. The clinic is located in northern Botswana and partners with other health clinics to offer treatment in several locations and in mobile clinics. The clinic volunteers serve three-month stints and help train the local Botswanians as homeopaths through apprenticeship and a distance-learning program based in Great Britain.

The Senya/Tamale Homeopathy Project in Ghana is a grassroots project founded by Adjoa Margaret Stack. A homeopathic practitioner in Oakland California, Adjoa treats many suffering with malaria in Ghana. As a Peace Corp volunteer to Ghana in 1983, Adjoa discovered her interest and destiny as a healer. After studying homeopathy, she decided to return to Ghana to share her skills and address the epidemic of malaria infecting that nation. Her first clinic was located in a friend's home, and a drum beat out the message to visit her clinic under almond trees in her friend's front yard. The first summer, she treated over 60 people. In 2008, she spent five months in Ghana and treated almost 300 patients. Her work is supported by private donations.

In one group of Tanzanian rural villages, populated by 175,000 people, up to 45% have AIDS. There are medical clinics stocked with equipment, but no doctors because no one will work in this rural area. Jeremy Sherr has set up three homeopathic clinics and is opening the Tanzanian School of Homeopathy along with Sigsbert Rwegasira, who has been a practicing homeopath in Tanzania for 17 years. His TIAM Project joined forces with Sherr's Homoeopathy for Health in Africa, and they plan to start a school shortly. The school will offer a three-year course in homeopathy as well as African Traditional Medicine. So far, Sherr and his team have treated over 250 patients. Jeremy has also set up sustainable food projects in the villages. The government of Tanzania has officially recognized homeopathy as a form of healing and are in support of this project.

Peter Chappell has been working in Ethiopia since 2001. From his experience, he prepared a unique approach to chronic disease. He has since developed remedies delivered via sound. His organization, the Amma Resonance Healing Foundation funds projects in Africa and around the world. His colleague, Harry van der Zee, MD, published a guide for treating infections diseases in developing countries, called the Amma4Africa Manual

Homeopathy shows great promise in treating disease worldwide. These clinics are pioneers in proving homeopathic medicine in areas desperate for healing.


About the author

Melanie Grimes is a writer, award-winning screenwriter, medical journal editor, and adjunct faculty member at Bastyr University. She also teaches homeopathy at the Seattle School of Homeopathy and the American Homeopathic Medical College.
A trained homeopath, she is the editor of the homeopathic journal, Simillimum, and has edited alternative and integrative medical journals for 15 years. She has taught creative writing, founded the first Birkenstock store in the USA and authored medical textbooks.
Her ebook on Natural Remedies for the Flu is available at:
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