Home remedies to alleviate psoriasis (original) (raw)

(NaturalNews) Psoriasis is a complex disease of the skin. What makes it complex is the fact that it is incurable, because the problem is directly related to some malfunction of the immune system. There is a need to first correct the disorder happening inside the body before the reddening and flaking of the skin can be stopped. In the meantime, there are home treatments available to alleviate the symptom.

What's Inside the Medicine Cabinet?

Dietary supplements are known to help control symptoms of psoriasis, especially if they contain evening primrose oil, milk thistle, vitamin D or fish oil. Direct application of fish oil on the affected skin surface has been effective for some patients.

Air Moisture Should Be Maintained

Keep the air moist. This is to avoid drying out the skin, which can be very painful. One may also use skin moisturizers for the same purpose.

Stop Using Perfumes and Dyes

Use skin products that are especially formulated for sensitive skin and avoid using products that have fragrances and dyes in them. These ingredients are irritating to the skin and can only worsen the condition.

What Foods to Eat?

Good management of psoriasis entails keeping watch on the diet. Fatty foods and red meat are a big no-no. The National Psoriasis Foundation recommends eating cranberries, nuts, soy and chocolate.

What Oils Can Do

Vegetable oil and olive oil have also been found to work wonders for psoriasis patients. Apply the oil on the affected area to keep it moist. In the process, nutrients necessary for healing are also kept from escaping from the area. You can also try massaging the oil on your scalp to get rid of stubborn plaques.

What Water Can Do

Your dermatologist might tell you to be careful with hot water, because it can burn the skin. For psoriasis cases, however, bathing with lukewarm water is highly recommended. Put some olive oil, milk, mineral oil or Epsom salt in lukewarm water. The mixture will help relieve itching and loosen obstinate plaques and scales. Use a moisturizer after the bath for maximum benefits.

Conclusion: No Single Answer

The key to relief is right management, but there's no single treatment that works for everyone. What you can do is apply the suggested home remedies here. As you go along, you will discover the kind of treatment that brings the best relief for you. Some of the treatments mentioned here may even aggravate the condition rather than bring relief. When that happens, discontinue using those treatments.

In any case, it is important that you keep your surroundings clean as well as employ the best hygienic practices. Also, keep yourself updated with the latest researches on psoriasis and its treatments.

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About the author:
Sofiya has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments,health insurance, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.

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