A natural home remedy to eliminate nasal allergies (original) (raw)

(NaturalNews) For some people, nasal allergies are a part of life, but they don't have to be. Over 50 million people in the U.S. alone suffer from nasal allergies. Nasal allergies, sometimes called hay fever, can even be a sign of a bigger problem and it's a growing condition.

What causes nasal allergies?

Seasonal allergens such as pollen, grass and airborne spores can irritate the sensitive mucous membrane in the nose and the respiratory tract. It's normal for these allergens to produce light sneezing and a bit of irritation now and then. However, if you experience the symptoms associated with these allergens in a more severe and ongoing manner, it may be an indication of an overly-toxic body. Especially if the allergies persist throughout the year, known as perennial allergies.

Diet is a big factor in nasal allergies. GMO and processed foods leave tons of chemicals and toxins in the body. These chemical and toxins lower the body's immune function and leave one more susceptible to toxins and disease. Genetically modified foods, refined carbs, refined sugars, and refined dairy products lead to inflammation, make the body acidic and leads to the over-production of mucous. These conditions severely impair the ability of the immune system to fight back against daily foreign invaders and allergens.

Physicians, hospitals and emergency rooms received over 13 million visits due to nasal allergies alone just in 2013. Hay fever was diagnosed in nearly 17 million adults and in 6.7 million children just in 2013.

How to get rid of nasal allergies naturally

Cleansing at least once a year is a great way to stay healthy and help your immune system stay strong. Look for a well rounded cleanse that will help detox your entire body in a safe and effective manner. If you don't find a cleanse you like, try making natural vegetable and fruit juices at home. Add power foods like flax seed, chia seeds, and lots of non-gmo berries which are full of antioxidants that will help your body detox naturally.

Drink lots of water with fresh squeezed lemon juice. Lemon juice helps cleanse the lymphatic system of lymph, which is basically accumulated toxins that are ready to be expelled. A clean lymphatic system is key to having a strong immune system since they work side by side to attack and trap foreign invaders. Additionally, you'll want to cut out all refined foods and GMO foods. Refined carbs, refined sugars, and refined dairy products are the foundation for disease. Eliminating GMO foods is also very important because they are doused in chemicals that weaken your immune system and can wreak havoc on your digestive, intestinal, lymphatic, circulatory, and nervous system.

Lastly, try this home made remedy for allergies which uses apple cider vinegar to help you cleanse. Combine all of the ingredients below and drink 1 glass a day until your allergy symptoms subside. Over time this healthy drink will help reduce inflammation, excess mucous, balance pH and help eliminate nasal allergies.

Mix together:
8 ounces of water
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoons FRESH lemon juice (do not used bottled lemon juice), this is roughly one half of a lemon
1 tablespoon raw honey

Click here to read more about natural remedies for nasal allergies written by the author, Jeanette Padilla.

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About the author:
Jeanette Padilla is an experienced herbalist, writer, and co-creator of Sunshine Natural Healing. Read more of her work at Sunshine Natural Healing, or follow her on Facebook

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