How is murdering 3,500 babies a day in America not (original) (raw)
(NaturalNews) Many of us in America shake our heads in shame when we hear or watch news in which buildings are blown up or people are beheaded. We collectively feel disgust at these acts, wondering how humans can be so cold and calculating. We think about how sad it is that they are compelled to inflict physical and emotional horror on their fellow human beings.
We talk about these despicable acts, which also include violence within the United States (shootings in churches, schools, theaters, and so on), as ones often carried out by the hands extremists or under their direction. Then, we fly our flags high, thank goodness we have loved ones close, and... embrace a pro-abortion mentality, supporting the rights of people to abort thousands of babies daily.
Not everyone is pro-abortion, but many Americans do stand in favor of the act, with debates about when life begins often fueling various standpoints.
How can this be? How is it that the same people who (hopefully) view beheadings and senseless violence against another human as extremist behavior also feel that killing an unborn baby is perfectly acceptable? Is that not extremist behavior too? Is it not the same thing as killing innocent, unsuspecting people? Moreover, is that not a form of domestic violence?
If you think the unborn don't feel pain, think again
If you don't think so, consider the fact that experts have noted that aborted fetuses do indeed feel pain. In 2013, Maureen Condic, Ph.D., an Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah, stated that an unborn child can feel pain as early as eight weeks, which is much earlier than the widely-accepted notion of 20 weeks.
"The neural circuitry responsible for the most primitive response to pain, the spinal reflex, is in place by 8 weeks of development," she says. "This is the earliest point at which the fetus experiences pain in any capacity."
Planned Parenthood, undercover videos and ordering aborted body parts as young as four weeks
Take this information and couple it with the fact that Planned Parenthood has been involved in selling aborted baby parts to various entities interested in purchasing the likes of hearts and livers. It's no secret that undercover videos have been circulating around the internet in which various PP members are shown doing everything from bargaining over fetal organs to explaining how carefully the procedures are conducted to ensure that organs stay intact.
One video even goes so far as to show an order form in which prospective fetal body part purchasers can select from gestational age choice, including as early as four weeks. Four weeks! If pain can be felt as early as eight weeks, it's possible it could also be felt at this younger stage. Imagine the sensations as the body is extracted and the desired part du jour severed and sent off with the company that requested it.
Don't overlook the domestic violence taking place every day in America
That's okay, right?
Just don't kill an innocent family member who was on their way to work or harm others in the name of religious or spiritual beliefs (or for whatever reason). Don't blink an eye when the hearts of aborted fetuses (who feel pain) are ripped out, but be sure to get upset at stories in which unsuspecting loved ones are killed... whether they were journalists reporting on the news, a friend taking in a Saturday movie or a sibling running a marathon.
Isn't killing... killing?
It seems the government should also consider the despicable atrocities taking place in various Planned Parenthood organizations across the United States when examining extremist behavior. There are certainly groups that engage in evil, disturbing behaviors against certain members of society, but let's call a spade a spade. The truth is that domestic extremism in the name of greed and selfish needs is happening all the time on American soil under the direction of PP and carried out by their affiliates.
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