GMO news, articles and information: (original) (raw)

Are your storable foods mostly just reprocessed GMO corn?11/22/2016 - Recognizing that the world is an increasingly volatile place and that an emergency situation could hit at any time, many people are preparing in advance by stocking up on storable food supplies to back end any potential hiccups in the supply chain. But it's important to remember that not all storable...USDA approves genetically engineered potatoes despite GMO backlash11/7/2016 - Once more, the social change engineers and bureaucrats "in charge" of the country are acting like they know best when it comes to the issues of food freedom and food health. Despite push-back from millions of Americans and Europeans who are opposed to genetically modified foods because of the known...Taiwan: 97% of soybeans are now GMO11/6/2016 - The Taiwanese Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced that the country's new tracking codes have allowed it to determine for the first time that 97 percent of soybeans imported into Taiwan come from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In July, the Taiwanese FDA implemented new commodity...Farmers angry at Dannon for pledging to label, ultimately eliminate GMOs11/2/2016 - Earlier this year, the Dannon Company made a pledge to begin labeling its GMO-containing products before eventually phasing out GMO ingredients in many of them, but some farmers are unhappy and are now voicing their opposition to the plan. The "Dannon Pledge," announced in April, involves the shift...Non-GMO 'crop circles' showing up in corn fields in Nebraska10/28/2016 - An American company has hit on a novel way to promote its non-GMO corn snacks while raising awareness concerning the dominance of GM agriculture in the country – by using crop circles as an advertising medium. Our Little Rebellion – a company that sells a line of non-GMO corn snack products...Nestle to launch new non-GMO products ... How shocked will Monsanto be?10/27/2016 - One of the food industry's most prominent players recently announced that they will be expanding their line of non-GMO products, due to the ever-increasing customer demand for clean food. Nestle may have wowed consumers with their choice, but it may make some waves with their good friend, Monsanto. "The...Monsanto just received first 'CRISPR' license to modify crops10/4/2016 - Monsanto has officially entered the "GMO 2.0" business, with the signing of the licensing agreement to use the technology known as CRISPR-Cas9. Due to a recent ruling by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), the technology will allow Monsanto to create a new generation of GMO foods that are legally...Has your DNA been altered by GMOs?9/26/2016 - If you are eating genetically modified foods – including essentially any product containing corn or soy that has not been certified organic or free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) – the modified genes in those GMOs might be negatively influencing your body's own DNA. The American...GMO contamination of food increasingly disrupts international trade9/16/2016 - Genetically modified organisms are a covert science experiment going on in the environment, in people and all around the world, subjecting the unaware masses to lab-invented foods. While GMOs can be detected in a country's imports, there is little effort done to label these ingredients on food product...Repulsive: Monsanto expands presence in Vietnam, 55 years after Agent Orange9/6/2016 - Almost exactly 55 years ago, the US military began a campaign to spray massive quantities of the toxic defoliant Agent Orange over the jungles of South Vietnam – its supposed ally -- in a effort to kill the plants that gave cover and food to hostile forces. To this day, an estimated 3 million...Hungary destroys GMO corn fields8/31/2016 - Are you tired of GMOs working their way into so many of the foods you buy? Do you ever wish you could just burn down all the GMO crops out there so they can stop compromising our food supply for good? Some Hungarian officials did exactly that when they burned down 1,000 acres of maize in 2011. The...Organic cattle being pumped full of GMO vaccines8/30/2016 - We must act to maintain the integrity of organic standards! Action Alert! [1] The semiannual meeting of the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) will take place April 25–27 in Washington, DC. Because the NOSB makes decisions that, in large part, determine the future of organic foods (it's...Protesters in Argentina force Monsanto to destroy GMO seed manufacturing plant8/27/2016 - After a three-year-long battle between multinational corporation Monsanto and local Malvinas citizens and anti-GMO campaigners from across Argentina, one of Monsanto's half-completed multi-million dollar GMO seed plants will be dismantled. According to March Against Monsanto, the plant would have been...Failed news company Al Jazeera now peddling Monsanto propaganda8/25/2016 - If you wanted to fail in media post-9/11 America, probably one of the best ways to achieve that would be to have your network funded by the oil-rich dictatorial sheikdom of Qatar (pronounced CUT-ter), a nation that also lavishly funds Islamic terrorist and extremist groups like Hamas and the Muslim...GMO ban expands in Russia as Putin halts all production and imports8/17/2016 - Russia has adopted a new law that prohibits all GMO crop cultivation and GMO animal breeding in the Russian Federation, to prevent the release of GMOs into the environment. Furthermore, the new law allows the Russian government to restrict the import of GMO products that may pose a threat to human health...Monsanto's GMO wheat found growing illegally again... this time in Washington8/4/2016 - A farmer has found 22 illegal plants of genetically modified wheat in an unplanted Washington field, sparking fears of another international trade fiasco like the one that occurred three years ago when similar wheat was found growing illegally in Oregon. The wheat, which has been developed to be...Applegate Farms meat goes non-GMO despite Big Food buyout8/1/2016 - When Hormel, the food company famous for its processed meat products like Spam, bought America's biggest natural and organic meat company, Applegate Farms, many health-conscious consumers were worried about the future direction of the brand. It turns out those worries were unfounded, however, as the...Russia clamps down on GM animal feed, banning imports from around the globe7/29/2016 - Russian authorities have announced a limit on GMO animal feed imports as the country continues taking steps towards becoming GMO-free. The Russian food safety regulatory agency Rosselkhoznadzor made the announcement on July 21 that animal feed that is either fully GMO or that contains a high percentage...Nobel laureate GMO promoter presided over firm that lost billions7/25/2016 - The risk analyst Nassim Nicholas Taleb has condemned economics laureate Robert C. Merton as "blind" to risk. Report: Claire Robinson The letter from over 100 Nobel laureates attacking Greenpeace for opposing GMOs in general and GMO golden rice in particular has become mired in a new scandal. (Article...Foods gene-edited to withstand noxious herbicides are being labeled non-GMO7/20/2016 - The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced that it will not regulate the entire forthcoming generation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), allowing new genetically engineered (GE) foods to enter the food supply without any testing or permitting process. This "free pass" by the...Campbell Soup urges Congress to adopt nationwide mandatory GMO-labeling7/13/2016 - Campbell Soup Company made national headlines earlier this year when they became the first major food company in the world to label their own product's GMOs independently. Stemming from Campbell's belief in honest, transparent labeling, the company recognizes that "consumers appreciate what goes into...99 percent of GMOs could be EXCLUDED from labeling under newly proposed law7/5/2016 - There's a new GMO labeling bill moving through Congress that, contrary to what its backers claim it to be, is nothing more than a covert anti-labeling bill that threatens to undo many years' worth of hard work by true GMO labeling advocates pushing for meaningful reform in this important area of food...GMO cornfield treated with neonicotinoids kills 37 million honeybees6/26/2016 - Those who are still skeptical about the role neonicotinoid pesticides are playing in the worldwide devastation of honeybee populations, need only look to what happened in the spring of 2013 in Ontario, Canada: Within days of the planting of nearby fields of GM (genetically modified) corn, beekeepers...Eerie parallels between Nazi scientists and modern GMO scientists6/15/2016 - The absolutely horrific war crimes that took place during World War II against prisoners both young and old in the Nazi death camps are often relegated to the dustbin of history, with the implication that such inhumane experimentation on human beings could never possibly happen again in today's modern,...Pesticide-producing GM eggplant fails farmers in Bangladesh5/15/2016 - Genetically modified Bt seeds produce plants that create their own pesticides. Independent testing has discovered that Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) proteins adversely affect friendly insects and pollinators as well as endanger animals and humans because the Bt cry protein crystals are not denatured in...GMO corn is failing; pesticides only exacerbate the problem, scientists say5/5/2016 - The chickens are coming home to roost for American farmers who adopted the chemical agriculture model. Reports indicate that genetically modified (GM) Bt corn, which is currently grown on millions of U.S. acres, is no longer working. And farmers who grow the crop are having to throw everything in the...Mars, Inc., announces it will clearly label all GMOs on its products4/12/2016 - Over the last few weeks, there has been several amazing announcements from food giants that are seen as a step in the right direction by those who are trying to live a healthy, GMO-free lifestyle. General Mills caved into the mounting public pressure to clearly label its foods GMO; Campbell's promised...Big Food says they will label GMOs... But is there more to the story?4/11/2016 - The world's largest food corporations have spent hundreds of millions of dollars[1] (some of it illegally[2]) to avoid being required to label the genetically engineered[3] (GMOs) ingredients in their products. (Story by Katherine Paul and Ronnie Cummins, republished...GMO foods were never approved by the FDA!3/29/2016 - How could it be that genetically modified foods were never approved by the FDA, yet they infiltrate nearly all staple crops across the USA? For 25 years, Americans have been consuming common foods like corn, soy and canola that contain bacteria from insects and insecticides that kill bugs and worms,...Putin: Human evolution under big threat from GMOs, vaccines3/27/2016 - Those who support vaccine choice and oppose genetically modifying our food chain have an unlikely ally: Russian President Vladimir Putin. As reported by the Health Freedom Alliance, a report that was prepared by the Russian Security Council (SCRF), a report which is currently circulating within the...Ted Cruz is another Monsanto shill3/25/2016 - During a recent agricultural summit in Iowa, the fact that Ted Cruz chose to use the words "anti-science" and "zealot" to describe his stance on GMO, actually supports the fact that he is already BOUGHT by biotech, the most evil industry on the planet – which inserts cancer-causing herbicides...GMO food 'safety' testing exposed as a corporate-run science fraud3/24/2016 - Genetically modified (GM) food may be one of the biggest frauds in science and will definitely not feed the world or improve our farming techniques. On average, 80 percent of most American staple foods is genetically modified to some degree. GMOs have long been part of a daily routine for Jonathan...Warning: Monsanto's GMO soy could give you blue balls!3/24/2016 - Bringing new meaning to the term blue balls, a study has shown that eating a diet containing genetically modified soy actually caused the testicles of rats to turn blue. The study is just one of many cited in a report by the Institute for Responsible Technology reviewing research on the potential...Oregon passes mandatory GMO labeling bill for transgenic salmon3/9/2016 - Mankind has irrevocably altered the natural ecosystem. We've polluted the oceans, the atmosphere and the soil, we've cut down rainforests and sought to conquer even the most inhospitable of places on Earth. When it seemed that it couldn't get any worse, Murphy's Law showed us otherwise. We started playing...The DARK Act is BACK: Defend your human right to know what you're eating!3/7/2016 - Unambiguous, clear and complete food labels are an ethical responsibility that rests on the shoulders of the manufacturer, retail seller and local administration. Acknowledging this duty is a crucial step because, when you're in charge of the food that people eat, you have a direct impact on their health....Secretive food industry jeopardizing public's right to information3/2/2016 - I just don't get it. Over the more than 20 years I have worked as a business journalist, I've always been motivated by a simple premise: Knowledge is power, and that power belongs with the public. The spread of information that people can use to make decisions – what to buy, what to eat, where...Bogus study authored by former Monsanto worker claims GMO animal feed is safe2/25/2016 - A new study published in the Journal of Animal Science claims to have finally settled the debate over whether or not genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are safe for animals: They are, it alleges. But the study's main author is a former research scientist for Monsanto, and a current specialist promoting...How the mainstream media act as shameless shills for the biotech industry2/16/2016 - One of the main reasons the general public doesn't know enough about all the harmful effects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - foods, seeds and otherwise - is because they have not been adequately reported by the mainstream media. Alternative health and news sites like ours have, in fact, proliferated...New report probes pro-GMO journalists2/10/2016 - On September 23rd of last year, Washington Post food columnist Tamar Haspel admitted to receiving "plenty" of money from pro-agrichemical industry sources. (Story by Gary Ruskin, republished from Following her admission, I thought it might be useful to report on journalists – including...Grain terminal in North Dakota 100% dedicated to non-GMO harvests1/28/2016 - In a move that further reinforces the wave of health-consciousness that's sweeping the nation, a newly-acquired North Dakota grain terminal has its sights set on creating and maintaining a fully non-GMO facility. Captain Drake, LLC's million-bushel grain terminal, is addressing the growing demand...Biotech shills continue spouting lies to push GMO imperialism1/14/2016 - When it comes to food science research, the most common debates are about science and which sources or studies are correct, or more legitimate. Fact checking and deciphering which studies are biased and which ones aren't can be exhausting as well as confusing. However, sometimes the truth is blatant. An...See all 1409 GMO feature articles.Concept-related articles:Technology:The Top Ten Technologies: #8 Computer / Human Interface SystemsEmerging technology is not the answer to the world's social and economic problemsBreakthrough Food Technology Process Protects Foods With Thin Film Made From Natural Ingredients; Replaces Plastic WrapWhen technology becomes religion and science becomes GodArtificial Intelligence 'more dangerous than nukes,' warns technology pioneer Elon MuskFarmers:Monsanto: The world's poster child for corporate manipulation and deceitWHO:Whole Foods caught in GMO marketing deception, false advertising - here's the proofFuel:Top Superfood Formulator Living Fuel Earns NaturalNews Recommendation for "Living Fuel Rx" Product LineOil:Cod Liver Oil: The Number One SuperfoodOils:Raise Your Immunity Frequency With Essential Oils to Beat the Common ColdVegetable:New "Juice Feasting" Emerging as Phytonutrient-Rich Disease-Fighting Nutritional SystemGrassroots:Warning to activists: Grassroots movements being systematically infiltrated by big industry operativesGrowing:Research adds weight to growing pains in children (press release)Snacks:Consume healthy snacks for weight lossConsumers:Safeguard Organic Standards: 10 Reasons Consumers Buy OrganicVegan:Top seven vegan sources of proteinFood:The Honest Food Guide empowers consumers with independent information about foods and healthFoods:Whole Foods caught in GMO marketing deception, false advertising - here's the proofMeat:Processed Meat Unsafe For Human Consumption; Cancer Experts Warn of Dietary DangersResearch:Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1965-2005) Today's Top Stories on NaturalNews Today | Week Month Year PRISON is the PERFECT PLACE for LIBERALS: Equal treatment, free food, free healthcare, no cars, no fuel, and nobody has guns except the guards Vaccines in your beef? Costco supplier Harris Ranch sparks consumer backlash over animal vaccination practices Trump cracks down on CISA, aims to end government censorship Massive gold transfer just took place between London and the New York Commodity Exchange CIA SHOCKER: USAID is exactly HOW the CIA gets all their nefarious "work" done that BETRAYS America’s interests, safety and prosperity USAID funded massive ‘news’ platform, extending ‘censorship industrial complex’ to billions worldwide How geoengineering and nanotechnology manipulate climate and human biology Hims & Hers Super Bowl ad sparks outrage: Hijacking health messaging to push risky drugs PERCEPTION WARFARE: The USAID scandal is so enormous American patriots are finally winning the INFORMATION WAR Trump strips Deep State operative Norm Eisen of security clearance in major blow to anti-Trump efforts Seven Illinois counties edge closer to secession as failed state fractures apart The king of fruits: Exploring the wonders of durian Trump, Rubio slam USAID over corruption, censorship, and waste The revolving door between BIG PHARMA and GOVERNMENT: A threat to public health and scientific integrity From weeds to wellness: The hidden superfoods in your backyard [DOGE cancels 180MinHHScontracts,scrapsFaucimuseumexhibitamidgovernmentwastecrackdown](/2025−02−11−doge−cancels−hhs−contracts−fauci−exhibit.html)TAX−FUNDEDTRANNYANIMALS:FreakshowDCDemsspent180M in HHS contracts, scraps Fauci museum exhibit amid government waste crackdown [TAX-FUNDED TRANNY ANIMALS: Freak show DC Dems spent 180MinHHScontracts,scrapsFaucimuseumexhibitamidgovernmentwastecrackdown](/20250211dogecancelshhscontractsfauciexhibit.html)TAXFUNDEDTRANNYANIMALS:FreakshowDCDemsspent250 MILLION to turn MONKEYS and RATS GAY by surgical mutilation and castration drugs The Great Green Rebranding: How climate activists are trading “save the planet” for “save your wallet” The new American dream: $500,000 nuclear bunkers and the fear of WWIII Essential home security tips: Protecting your property without electricity Health Basics: Top 10 reasons to AVOID ALL VACCINES Acorns shown to have neuroprotective properties Stan Johnson on the Health Ranger Report: Henry Gruver’s 2016 vision of second Trump term becomes reality in 2024 Homeless crisis in America GETTING WORSE as government continues to spend hundreds of billions on foreign aid Mike Adams Sermon 42: God’s superfruit FIGS can fight warts, staph infections and cancer Trump is taking on the media, exposing defamation and WINNING BIG Experts warn: Centralized digital currencies could be used to control how people behave Prepper recipes: How to make delicious acorn pancakes Is America's "giant debt factory" Federal Reserve setting us up for an economic nightmare? Big Banks shift the burden of losses to taxpayers through the Federal Reserve in the form of BAILOUTS State Farm cancels thousands of home insurance policies in the Pacific Palisades region months before deadly fires Beyond consequence Global tensions, natural disasters and the looming shadow of world war - all predicted by Mike Adams and Steve Quayle three years ago Top 10 foods that BOOST DOPAMINE and help you stay focused, fit, positive and motivated Cancer treatments HARM patients: Radiotherapy can cause aggravated lung injury - study EPA advisor admits the agency is funneling billions to climate groups ahead of Trump’s return to White House EPA advisor admits the agency is funneling billions to climate groups ahead of Trump’s return to White House HYSSOP: What research reveals about the health benefits of this ancient holy herb New BRICS banking system will render Western sanctions on Russia USELESS Global leaders unite to clamp down on “misinformation” with UN-backed Cascais Declaration I Want My Bailout Money – new song released by Mike Adams Texas border officials discover unaccompanied 4-year-old girl smuggled from Central America Female GOP senators defend Pete Hegseth amid MSM smears House GOP demands investigation into FEMA’s ignoring of pro-Trump rural areas in desperate need of aid The Evolution of Health Awareness, Spiritual Awakening, and Decentralization: A Deep Dive with David Wolfe and Mike Adams Ukraine pushes for NATO membership as lawmaker calls for NUKES Essential home security tips: Protecting your property without electricity Prepper recipes: How to make delicious acorn pancakes Homeless crisis in America GETTING WORSE as government continues to spend hundreds of billions on foreign aid Incoming FCC chairman Brendan Carr prepping for battle against censors: “Censorship is about stopping ideas” Secret Service agents open fire on suspected carjackers near Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's residence in D.C. Acorns shown to have neuroprotective properties U.S. Navy destroyers successfully repel Houthi missile and drone attacks in Gulf of Aden Beyond consequence Red Cross issues warning to stop blood plasma donations from vaccinated people Scientists confirm: GENIUS brain function can be spontaneously unleashed in humans without any apparent cause DATA: England’s vaccinated population had close to one million deaths in 23 months; unvaccinated population had less than 61,000 deaths over the same period HYSSOP: What research reveals about the health benefits of this ancient holy herb Arizona residents drive entire Maricopa County Board of Supervisors out of meeting after serving them for TREASON Fully vaccinated about to see “tsunami” of illness and death, warns virologist Today I asked our AI language model “Neo” about which phytonutrients or phytochemicals can block the spike protein related to SARS-CoV-2 … Here is what it answered… BREAKING: 2025 NDAA authorizes mandatory military draft of WOMEN across America… as Pentagon pursues global NUCLEAR war with both Russia and China at the same time We are building the infrastructure of human freedom… Brighteon.AI is the next launch that will put life-altering LLM technology into your hands for free Michael Yon warns of a ZIONIST TAKEOVER in Trump’s second administration ENGINEERED FAMINE: Oregon starts SHUTTING DOWN small farms “to protect the people” NASA admits that climate change occurs because of changes in Earth’s solar orbit, and NOT because of SUVs and fossil fuels Ozempic and Wegovy weight loss drugs are injectable LIZARD VENOM PEPTIDES that may unleash a devastating wave of organ failure… side effects align with symptoms of SNAKE BITES These 13 countries just signed an agreement to engineer a global FAMINE by destroying food supply Careless Whisper: AI-powered transcription tool being used by hospitals found to invent chunks of text no one ever said BBC staffers accuse media outlet’s executives of instituting bias in Gaza coverage, claiming favorable treatment of Israel Two containers with completed ballots fall out of truck in Florida Casual restaurant chain TGI Fridays files for BANKRUPTCY See All Top Headlines... Most Popular Stories TED aligns with Monsanto, halting any talks about GMOs, 'food as medicine' or natural healing 10 other companies that use the same Subway yoga mat chemical in their buns Warning: Enrolling in Obamacare allows government to link your IP address with your name, social security number, bank accounts and web surfing habits High-dose vitamin C injections shown to annihilate cancer USDA to allow U.S. to be overrun with contaminated chicken from China Vaccine fraud exposed: Measles and mumps making a huge comeback because vaccines are designed to fail, say Merck virologists New USDA rule allows hidden feces, pus, bacteria and bleach in conventional poultry Battle for humanity nearly lost: global food supply deliberately engineered to end life, not nourish it Harvard research links fluoridated water to ADHD, mental disorders 10 outrageous (but true) facts about vaccines the CDC and the vaccine industry don't want you to know EBT card food stamp recipients ransack Wal-Mart stores, stealing carts full of food during federal computer glitch Cannabis kicks Lyme disease to the curb Recommended Resources is a free video website featuring thousands of videos on holistic health, nutrition, fitness, recipes, natural remedies and much more. CounterThink Cartoons are free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom. The Consumer Wellness Center is a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that help children and expectant mothers around the world. Food Investigations is a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients in the food supply. offers alternative health programs, documentaries and more. The Honest Food Guide is a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health benefits. is a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.