Cancer news, articles and information: (original) (raw)
Top seven fuels that feed the cancer 'fire' and mutate more cells12/2/2016 - Cancer is not a disease, but rather a disorder of the cells, where they mutate and multiply uncontrollably. That's why cancer is not contagious, except for HPV, because that's a virus, not a cell disorder. It doesn't matter whether you believe in "conspiracies" or not, because the fact is that American...Researchers find 'interactions' between cancer cells and their environment12/2/2016 - New research indicates that there are interactions between an animal cell and its surrounding environment within a fibrous network called the extracellular matrix, and that in turn plays a vital role in how cells function, including migration and growth. However, as Medical Xpress reports, scientists...Licorice contains powerful breast cancer-killing properties12/2/2016 - It seems as though people either love it or hate it, but one thing is for sure: licorice is a powerhouse of immune-boosting and cancer-fighting nutrition that, when used properly, has been shown to help minimize one's risk of developing "The Big C," and specifically cancer of the breast. Research...Common food additive linked to colon cancer and intestinal inflammation12/1/2016 - They're a staple ingredient in many processed foods, helping to maintain a food product's texture and consistency while extending its shelf life. But chemical emulsifiers like polysorbate 80 and carboxymethylcellulose appear to be major driving factors in what many experts now admit are escalating rates...Photoimmunotherapy: Treating cancer cells with light now proven to work11/27/2016 - A new, experimental, natural treatment modality for cancer is showing promise. Developed by Dr. Kerstin Stenson, MD, photoimmunotherapy (PIT) is a technique combining the immune system's ability to target cancer cells precisely with laser energy's abilities to destroy cancer cells. PIT works by delivering...Drinking alcohol may raise the risk of prostate cancer11/27/2016 - A new meta-analysis of 27 studies suggests that drinking alcohol may raise the risk of prostate cancer, and the more men drink, the higher their risk. The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that scientists in Canada and Australia found a weighty link between alcohol and prostate cancer, but the data...Customers as young as 10 damaged by 'Roundup' weed-killer now suing Monsanto11/22/2016 - A Los Angeles law firm is taking on biotech giant Monsanto on behalf of those who have developed illnesses after being exposed to the company's glyphosate-based herbicide, Roundup. Glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in history, has been linked to cancer and other serious illnesses. The law...If a store advertised 'Big sale on cancer-causing food' would you shop there?11/22/2016 - There are over 70,000 chemicals approved by the FDA for consumption, many of which have toxic effects on the body. When you unknowingly consume poisons in the food you eat, your body weakens and you invite cancer to attack. What if you did know all the foods, beverages, snacks and candies that caused...Smoking causes genetic mutations of the lungs11/21/2016 - New research has revealed the extent of the damage smoking causes to human DNA – in the lungs as well as other parts of the body. The study, published Nov. 4 in the journal Science, was conducted by researchers from several institutions who analyzed more than 5,000 tumors from both smokers...Inositol is a vital nutrient for your body that could prevent and heal cancer11/19/2016 - Increasingly, independent scientists are looking at ways that nutrition can help prevent and/or heal many diseases. Proper nutrition, as has long been established, is really the key to better health. That's why it is promising that researchers are examining the health benefits of inositol, a nutrient...Balance your body naturally with these alkaline foods11/19/2016 - The terms alkalinity and acidity will be familiar to everyone who has taken a high school chemistry class. Now this concept is being applied to the human diet, and it's shedding some light on the right foods to eat if you want to avoid health problems and keep your body in balance. As you might recall,...What causes cancer? The five vectors of chemical assault on your health11/18/2016 - Mark these words: There will never be a magic pill or miracle vaccine that cures cancer, ever. Why? Cancer is a mutation of cells – a disorder of cells caused by the cumulative effect of toxins entering the body, one way or another, and overwhelming your cleansing organs to the extent that your...Study shows low vitamin D levels linked to increased risk of bladder cancer11/16/2016 - Most of our health problems stem from simple deficiencies that go undetected, and the consensus of five studies is that bladder cancer is linked to low vitamin D levels. One of the basic necessities of life, sunlight, is key to the production of vitamin D within the skin. When vitamin D is produced,...Doctors come clean: These cancer drugs may cause fatal heart damage11/16/2016 - Doctors are now coming clean about a class of cancer drugs that can cause fatal heart damage. These cancer fighting drugs are different than immune system suppressants such as chemotherapy. These immune therapy drugs are designed to mobilize and engage the immune system, however, in rare cases, the...Aspartame linked to vision loss, cancer and other illnesses11/13/2016 - Aspartame – sold under the brand names NutraSweet, Sugar Twin and Equal – is one of the most popular artificial sweeteners available on the market. It is used as a low-calorie sugar substitute in more than 6,000 processed products worldwide, especially in diet or sugar-free foods and beverages. While...Childhood cancer cases in the UK have gone up by 40%11/4/2016 - Is modern life making people sick? While many people have theorized that the way we lead our lives today is nothing short of unnatural, recent research indicates that we may indeed be making ourselves sicker and more prone to disease as time marches on. Experts are even warning of an upcoming cancer...Artificial turf fields linked to cancer in young athletes11/3/2016 - If you visit a soccer field at a school, park or even professional stadium, you might think at first glance that it is covered with carefully mowed grass. But more than likely, you are looking at a synthetic turf field made with a controversial substance that has been accused of producing cancer in...Top 10 amazing, indigenous, all-natural cures from around the world11/1/2016 - Before World War II, very few Americans suffered from cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, arthritis, osteoporosis, food allergies, psoriasis, eczema, autism, Asperger's syndrome or even fibromyalgia. There were no processed foods, no genetically modified organisms, no...Compound found in onions has anti-ovarian cancer effects10/30/2016 - A chemical naturally occurring in onions may be able to suppress the proliferation of ovarian cancer cells, and perhaps even initiate cancer cell death, according to a study conducted by researchers from Kumamoto University in Japan, and published in the journal Scientific Reports. These particular...Surgeons admit that mammography is outdated and harmful to women10/28/2016 - Every year, millions of women flock to their doctors to get their annual mammograms, a breast cancer screening procedure that involves pressing a woman's breasts between two metal platforms to scope out tumors. But surgeons everywhere are starting to question the controversial practice, which studies...Who knew? Many wines are contaminated with cancer-causing herbicide glyphosate10/21/2016 - Over the past 40 years, glyphosate has been sprayed on vineyards and orchards to control weeds. However, any chemical used in a certified-organic wine may not have an adverse effect on human health or the environment, as defined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and per the National List of...There is a link between saturated fat and aggressive prostate cancer10/20/2016 - Men whose diets are high in saturated fat are more likely to develop aggressive prostate cancer than men whose diets contain less, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and published in the journal Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases. Prior...The Cancer Industry is too prosperous to allow a cure10/19/2016 - My Personal Introduction to Conventional Cancer Treatment Began in 1995 The surgeon pointed his pen at a large tumor on the CAT scan and began to explain the procedure for removing the colon cancer. He then paused for a moment and said to my wife, "This isn't your biggest problem." He then began to...The ketogenic diet fights cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's10/18/2016 - The ketogenic diet is a medical diet that is high in fat and low in carbohydrates, and is sometimes used in the treatment of epilepsy. According to emerging research, it may also hold potential for the treatment of a wide range of other chronic disorders, including cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. Strictly...What your stool says about you and your overall health10/18/2016 - Did you know that the shape and consistency of your stools can tell you a lot about your internal health? That's why in 1998, two researchers from the University of Bristol developed a "stool form scale" to categorize stools from 1 (constipation) to 7 (diarrhea) and all points between. Known as the...Find out who recovers from cancer and why10/14/2016 - The odds that an individual will develop some sort of cancer during his or her lifetime now stand at a frightening 1 out of 2.5. Cancer not only seems to be becoming more deadly - claiming 500,000 lives per year -- but it is striking its victims at progressively younger ages. As for conventional...Bitter melon can stop cancer cells from growing and spreading10/3/2016 - A popular Asian fruit that looks kind of like a cucumber with warts, bitter melon has a long history of use in traditional cooking, holding a prominent place in both Indian and Chinese cuisine. But recent research out of St. Louis University (SLU) shows that bitter melon serves as a whole lot more than...Cancer healing - A natural alternative9/29/2016 - By the end of 2016, the American Cancer Society estimates that cancer will have claimed over 595,000 lives: that's 1,630 people per day, in this year alone - making cancer second only to heart disease as the leading cause of death in the United States. In addition, over 1.6 million new cases of the...EPA and Monsanto covered up glyphosate-cancer connection for decades9/28/2016 - For at least 35 years Monsanto and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) knew about the cancer-causing abilities of glyphosate-containing herbicides. Nonetheless, they chose to cover it up, putting you, your family and millions of Americans at risk. Monsanto is the world's leading producer...Radiation therapy for cancer causes brain damage, disrupting taste and smell9/28/2016 - Doctors have known for some time that radiation treatment for cancers of the head and neck can often result in changes to a patient's sense of smell or taste, but they have attributed this effect mostly to temporary destruction of taste buds. But according to a study published in the journal Practical...UK study finds that half of mastectomy patients recieve unneccessary surgery9/26/2016 - A shocking study conducted via a national audit of UK healthcare showed that nearly 50 percent mastectomies for women due to early signs of cancer were entirely unnecessary. Presented to the European Breast Cancer Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, statistics illustrated that, out of more than 8,000...Why ginger is an effective cancer fighter9/22/2016 - Scientific research shows that ginger offers a variety of therapeutic properties. One of the herb's many uses includes its ability to alleviate symptoms of gastrointestinal distress, including seasickness. Previous studies show that ginger actually treats motion sickness better than some over-the-counter...Shocking new study shows chemo kills half of cancer patients, not cancer itself9/20/2016 - A new landmark study found that up to 50 percent of people who receive chemotherapy are killed by the treatment, not cancer itself. For the first time, researchers from Public Health England and Cancer Research U.K. examined the numbers of cancer patients who died within 30 days of starting chemotherapy. Chemotherapy...Doctors murdered after discovering cancer enzymes in vaccines9/19/2016 - A wave of mysterious deaths continues to plague practitioners in the field of holistic medicine, including chiropractors, herbalists and other alternative healers. Some of the deaths have been tied to research involving nagalase, an enzyme/protein made by cancer cells and viruses that cause immunodeficiency...Antioxidants in cranberries a natural and effective antibiotic9/18/2016 - One of only three commercially grown fruits native to the United States, cranberries offer a multitude of health benefits that can help ward off cancer, heart disease, diabetes and bacterial infections. It is unsurprising that cranberries have so many health benefits, considering the fact that the...Ionizing radiation, like X-rays, damage DNA and cause cancer9/16/2016 - Certain levels of radiation cause cancer – this is a well-established fact. However, what is less understood is how exactly radiation causes cancer to develop. New research published in the journal Nature Communications on September 12 sought to better understand this, and what they found is quite...Compounds in chili, ginger found to slash risk of lung cancer9/14/2016 - Eating a meal containing both chili peppers and ginger may help prevent cancer, according to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Researchers have long been divided over the cancer-fighting potential of capsaicin, the chemical that gives chili peppers their "burn."...Are we winning the war on cancer or just propping up a toxic industry?9/12/2016 - There has been a lot of talk about the "war on cancer." It's a frightening and deadly disease, and it's certainly something that most of us would like to see successfully conquered. However, not everyone seems to be in a hurry for a definitive cure to emerge. Unfortunately, the highly profitable cancer...Eating garlic daily reduces risk of lung, bowel cancer by 40 percent9/11/2016 - Popular culture might claim that garlic can keep vampires away, but a growing body of scientific evidence says that the herb can also help keep lung cancer and other types of cancers at bay. A study carried out at the Jiangsu Provincial Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in China looked at...Pumpkin seeds shown to kill cancer cells, fight diabetes9/9/2016 - As is typical for the season, the warm summer months seemed to have flown by in the blink of eye. But the upside is that now we get to enjoy fall, which means cooler weather, colorful landscapes and autumn's fun-filled festivities including Halloween and Thanksgiving Day. You've probably noticed...There are toxic chemicals hiding in your deodorant9/5/2016 - Reducing your exposure to toxins by avoiding certain foods is a great way to maintain good health. However, we often forget that what we put into our bodies is not limited to food intake. Many harmful chemicals can be absorbed through the skin, and even in minute amounts can have adverse effects on...Cancer patient thrown in jail for being too sick to pay debts9/2/2016 - A division of the municipal court in Sherwood, Arkansas, has been accused of using the judicial system to fund city expenses by arresting people for writing bad checks, and in some cases, for very small amounts. Included among those arrested is cancer patient Lee Robertson, 44, who was incarcerated...Many food dyes are petroleum-based (and known to cause cancer)9/1/2016 - Unnatural, brightly colored foodstuffs have become the norm in much of our society. Rainbow-colored fruit snacks, neon sports drinks and other such items are all familiar items that we reach for without so much as a second thought. You may know that these processed goodies are often high in sugar, and...NY Times admits obesity linked to many cancers8/31/2016 - A review of more than a thousand studies that was conducted by a working group of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization, has found that obesity is linked to at least 13 different types of cancer. An article published by The New York Times reveals quite...Root canals increase the risk of cancer, diabetes and diseases of the brain8/29/2016 - As it turns out, in addition to being incredibly unpleasant, root canals may actually pose a major health risk. Dr. Weston Price was one of the first researchers to notice a link between the dreadful dental procedure and illness, but today many doctors believe that root canals have the ability to negatively...Control your sugar intake; it's called 'the white death' for a reason8/29/2016 - Sugar is everywhere. In addition to naturally occurring in your favorite fruits and vegetables, sugar is also added to most commercially prepared and prepacked foods. Sugar's increasing prevalence in our world may be making our food sweeter, but it is also having a hugely negative impact on the health...Beware of cancer-causing ingredients in many sunscreens8/29/2016 - Although sunscreens are promoted as the best way to protect yourself against skin cancer, the FDA has admitted that it is "not aware of data demonstrating that sunscreen use alone helps prevent skin cancer." In fact, many of the toxic chemicals found in sunscreens have actually been shown to increase...Father with terminal brain cancer destroyed tumor by cutting carb intake8/28/2016 - One British man from Wirral, Merseyside, has defied conventional medicine and beaten his cancer. After being diagnosed with a Glioblastoma Multiform 4 brain tumor in July of 2015, Dave Bolton took matters into his own hands. The father-of-two and former police officer claims that ditching carbohydrates...Cancer patients who practice yoga experience far less pain and anxiety8/12/2016 - Many people who practice yoga report that it reduces stress and helps them gain a sense of inner calm. The ancient practice, which combines movement with breath, is being explored by researchers as a way to help cancer patients alleviate symptoms and boost their outlook and quality of life. A number...Transgenic soy treated with glyphosate causing lung cancer in Argentina8/12/2016 - Chronic disease and cancer have become the norm in developed nations such as the United States, and sadly, very few people can see how their chronic health problems are related to endocrine disrupting petroleum byproducts, agrochemicals, heavy metals and other toxins in the food and medicine supply. Hardly...New comprehensive study links booze to seven types of cancer8/9/2016 - It doesn't matter if alcohol is packaged as a can of beer, a bottle of wine or a shot of whiskey; it's essentially a fungus to the human body, encouraging chronic disease. It doesn't matter if a person consumes alcohol in moderation. With each sip, the body gets a dose of yeast and sugars that encourage...8 lifestyle practices that can help prevent cancer8/7/2016 - The first question people ask themselves when they find out they have cancer is, "How did I get it?" Yet 99 percent of those people will never figure out the answer to that question. Why? Because cancer is caused mainly by the cumulative consumption of toxins over time. If you keep consuming toxins,...Biological clock disruption in humans may lead to cancer, study finds8/3/2016 - Our body is designed to sleep at night and work during the day. A new study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) biologists shows that working night shifts or disrupting the body's internal clock may lead to cancer growth. Until now, nobody had a clue why disrupting the biological clock,...REVEALED: Vaccine ingredients cause tumors to grow7/25/2016 - As a parent, you only want what's best for your child. However, on multiple different fronts, parents are bombarded with the idea that vaccines play a crucial role in raising a healthy child. From pushy public schools to trusted pediatricians, the message is always the same: vaccines are the one and...Biotech industry kills another cancer patient in experimental drug study7/22/2016 - Despite the growing body of evidence proving that natural cancer treatments are more effective than those involving dangerous pharmaceuticals, the cancer industry continues killing patients in its reckless pursuit of profits – as evidenced by the latest death which occurred during clinical trials...Exercise recognized as one of the biggest influences for warding off cancer7/18/2016 - There has long been scientific consensus that an active lifestyle is one of the best ways to prevent cancer. But there has been debate as to how much exercise affects cancer risk directly, and to what extent the benefits seen in large studies simply come from the fact that people who are more active...Organic peaches proven to combat cancer, obesity and more7/14/2016 - Peaches offer a wide variety of health benefits. Providing relief for diseases like hypokalemia, cancer, obesity, cholesterol, blood stasis and neurodegenerative diseases, peaches are loaded with an abundance of essential nutrients and naturally occurring antioxidants. Also a rich provider of vitamin...Disabled female cancer patient left bruised and bloodied by the TSA7/13/2016 - When it comes to the Transportation Security Agency, it almost seems like the organization tries to inconvenience, embarrass, delay and now, even injure passengers, according to Reason magazine, which is libertarian in political philosophy. In what ought to be a firing and even prosecutorial offense,...Scientists discover 'transmissible cancers' spreading among shellfish7/5/2016 - A new study has found "transmissible cancers" among shellfish, disproving previous beliefs that such occurrences are rare in nature, and raising questions regarding the implications for humans. Cases of transmissible cancer had until recently only been observed in two mammal species, but researchers...Woman cures cancer by drinking five pounds of raw carrot juice daily7/3/2016 - A cancer diagnosis can be devastating, and the prospect of chemotherapy can be extremely off-putting to those who are concerned about its ravaging effects on the body and its questionable efficacy. Some people are taking their health into their own hands, and stories abound of people who have found...Light alcohol consumption tied to increased risk of breast cancer in women6/27/2016 - In 1987, a working group of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) – an agency of the World Health Organization (WHO) – listed cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus and liver as "causally related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages." After a review...Physically inactive women have 34 percent higher risk of ovarian cancer6/25/2016 - Ovarian cancer is the deadliest of all of the gynecological cancers. With the CDC reporting that it is the eighth most common cancer to strike women, and the fifth leading cancer-related cause of death in women, we should be doing all that we can to reduce our chances of getting it. The good news...Nine chronic diseases caused by pesticides6/24/2016 - By now, it is fairly common knowledge that pesticide exposure is associated with a disturbing number of life-changing illnesses. Yet, for some reason, pesticides continue to be used on a widespread basis, with people around the world feeling the effects of these harmful toxins. The wide reach and influence...The 8 most SURPRISING places you'll find GMOs6/24/2016 - Half of all Americans will get cancer in their lifetime, and only half of them will survive. That's at least one fourth of all Americans who will die from a preventable disease that virtually did not exist in America a century ago. Now here comes a big question: Why will the other half never get...World's longest living rats have 'extraordinary' resistance to cancer6/24/2016 - Japanese scientists may have just discovered the fountain of youth, but perhaps in the least-likely of places: rats. A collaborative team of researchers from Hokkaido and Keio Universities appears to be one step closer to understanding precisely how cancer develops, after identifying a unique anti-cancer...Eating nuts daily reduces prostate cancer death rates by 33 percent6/23/2016 - Men who have prostate cancer could significantly reduce their risk of death by regularly consuming nuts like peanuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts, a new study has revealed. Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer after skin cancer, and the second leading cause of...Top 10 cancer-causing food ingredients to avoid and why6/21/2016 - When our grandparents were young, the grocery stores must have looked very different. Back then, nobody was concerned about cancer, and the food was healthier and purer than what we find on the market today. In our ever-changing, modern world, it is a huge challenge to eat healthy foods all the time....Sugar can literally multiply the spread of cancer in your body6/12/2016 - In 2016, approximately 1,685,210 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the U.S., and more than 595,690 Americans will die from the disease, according to the National Cancer Institute. It is thought that the most common cancers to be diagnosed this year will be: Breast cancerLung and bronchus cancerProstate...See all 4037 cancer feature articles.Concept-related articles:HRT:HRT Drugs Found to Cause Abnormal Mammograms, Increased Breast Cancer RiskHormone Replacement Therapy Doubles Risk of Breast Cancer, Women Warned to Stop HRT DrugsHRT drugs shown to cause asthmaHRT Drugs Promote Ovarian CancerChoose healthy lifestyle, nutritious food over hormone replacement therapy for menopause symptomsHormones:Women Suffer Needlessly from Confusion about HormonesMenopause:Natural menopause treatment with herbs, food remedies and homeopathy relieves cause of symptomsSymptoms:Homeopathy for pets - safer and more effective than toxic drugsWomen:Mammograms cause breast cancer (and other cancer facts you probably never knew)Treatment:INVESTIGATION: Three days before Dr. Bradstreet was found dead in a river, U.S. govt. agents raided his research facility to seize a breakthrough cancer treatment called GcMAFTherapy:Killer cancer treatment: How toxic chemotherapy kills both cancer cells and cancer patientsSupplementation:Vitamin B supplementation can cut stroke risk by 21 percentHormone:Women Suffer Needlessly from Confusion about HormonesTruth:Consumer Alert: Hoodia Gordonii weight loss pills scam exposed by independent investigationArtificial:Whole Foods caught in GMO marketing deception, false advertising - here's the proofCortisol:Sick from stress -The cortisol connectionSleep:The Effects of Sleep Disorders and Daylight Savings Time WHO:Whole Foods caught in GMO marketing deception, false advertising - here's the proofRhythm:Drugs to Prevent Abnormal Heart Rhythms Actually Cause ThemHabits:"The Five Habits of Health Transformation": A simple guide to health for busy people