Internet news, articles and information: (original) (raw)

UK government caught running ISIS Twitter accounts1/7/2016 - Americans are rightfully concerned that jihadis from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) are already on U.S. soil, but apparently we're not the only Western nation with an ISIS problem. Britain, it seems, has one as well. As reported by the UK's Mirror, hackers have made the claim that several...Google chairman calls on tech industry to regulate internet speech12/17/2015 - Here we go again: Another Left-wing Marxist who wants to quash all political speech he and those of his ilk disagree with – because quashing speech is much easier than debating ideas and convincing others you are right. In a recent op-ed for The New York Times, Google CEO Eric Schmidt argued...Facebook has secretly been spying on your medical internet searches8/27/2015 - Academics and scientists researching privacy on the Internet have found it difficult to actually define the parameters of their research and, specifically, what exactly constitutes "privacy" and "privacy violations." As this this study notes, for example, the study of online privacy is a popular...US internet censorship mirrors China's5/5/2015 - Of the world's great powers, China, is perhaps the most restrictive when it comes to freedom of speech and expression. That said, it should come as little surprise, then, that the Communist Party leadership of China works overtime to monitor, control and censor what the Chinese people are allowed to...AT&T will now charge customers for opting out of internet surveillance4/29/2015 - In response to Google's rollout of its advanced "Fiber" network, which reportedly delivers internet browsing speeds of up to 1,000 megabits (1,000 Mbps), or 1 gigabit (1 Gb), per second, AT&T has announced the rollout out its "GigaPower" fiber optic service as part of U-verse that offers this same high-speed...FCC report reveals which ISPs are ripping you off on internet speed6/30/2014 - Occasionally, a government agency may deliver a somewhat helpful oversight service, at least in terms of consumerism. The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) provides oversight and reports on discrepancies among various ISP (internet service provider) advertised speeds compared to actual speeds...Lawmakers introduce bill to restore 'Net Neutrality' rules2/14/2014 - It is one of those pieces of legislation that should be unnecessary, but as it happens, it is being welcomed, especially by online publishers, bloggers and other producers of news and opinions that might be considered unruly by the ruling class. A group of Democratic lawmakers have introduced a bill...'Smart' home appliances vulnerable to malicious hackers1/23/2014 - The first ever cyber attack on "smart" home appliances (those connected to the internet) has been uncovered. An investigation launched by security firm Proofpoint finds that hackers had broken into household appliances, such as refrigerators, televisions and routers, between December 23, 2013, and January...Internet addiction now being treated in Pennsylvania hospital9/4/2013 - Definitely a first of its kind, a new Pennsylvania hospital is organizing an inpatient treatment program for people who suffer from severe Internet addiction. Opening September 9th, the 10 day rehab program will launch from the Behavioral Health Services at Bradford Regional Medical Center in Pennsylvania....Information Fatigue Syndrome (IFS): What it is and how it affects you7/3/2013 - These days, we're living in an increasingly connected, electronic world. Every day we use the internet, computers, cell phones, Blackberries, and Bluetooth devices. We read newspapers, watch TV and listen to internet radio (and even read ads on billboards as we drive down the freeway). While all our...Help stop the Internet tax mandate4/18/2013 - If it seems like you're constantly being hit in your pocketbook by taxes and tax increases, you're right. Tax revenues are at all-time highs, but it's not enough: The president, joined by an increasing number in Congress, are seeking even more taxes, this time in the form of a new Internet tax that...National internet tax mandate is in place to cripple the online marketplace4/3/2013 - The idea of a national internet tax mandate has been voted on in the United States Senate. Dubbed the "Marketplace Fairness Act," this piece of legislation, if implemented, would stifle entrepreneurs from the online marketplace, enrich large companies, and bloat state governments. This law would force...Private genetic data easily accessible via internet searches1/27/2013 - Using only publicly available online information, a team of researchers from the Whitehead Institute showed that it is possible to discern the identities of people who have submitted personal genetic information to scientific studies, even when that information is supposedly stored anonymously. The...Internet users are less fatalistic about cancer prevention1/2/2013 - People who get health information from the Internet are significantly more likely to feel like their choices can affect their risk of acquiring cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers from Cornell University, the University of Pennsylvania, and published in the Journal of Communication. A...How Syrian government shut down all internet traffic to the entire country12/7/2012 - Citizens of Syria were robbed of information from within the country and from the outside world recently as forces bent of continuing authoritarian rule there shut down the Internet. Other countries have done so before but, says TechNewsDaily, "the manner in which it did so may be unprecedented." Network...Global government now seeks total control over the internet11/28/2012 - What is arguably the very last bastion of totally free speech is once again under assault by the world's tyrants, as the United Nations is now eying regulation of the Internet - as though it was in need of being regulated. Why? It's an age-old story. Leaders of authoritarian regimes the world...Goodbye Internet freedom: ISPs to start LEGALLY spying on Internet traffic10/17/2012 - As we have documented well here at Natural News that personal privacy continues to be under assault in America, a country that defined and once enshrined the concept. The most recent assault is coming from the nation's largest telecom companies, who are preparing to introduce a long-anticipated "six...Support the Declaration of Internet Freedom7/7/2012 - An alliance of groups who advocate for freedom and privacy have joined to push U.S. lawmakers into acknowledging so-called digital rights of all Americans by signing a new Declaration of Internet Freedom. The declaration, which has been supported by groups like the American Civil Liberties Union,...FBI wants a wire-tap-friendly 'back door' to all internet providers5/18/2012 - In this Information Age, the government threats to privacy just continue to cascade, as now the FBI wants Internet companies to install "back doors" into their services to allow electronic eavesdropping of users. Specifically, the FBI wants the 1994 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act,...SOPA mutates into much worse CISPA, the latest threat to internet free speech4/21/2012 - Just because SOPA and PIPA, the infamous internet "kill switch" bills, are largely dead does not mean the threat to internet free speech has become any less serious. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), also known as H.R. 3523, is the latest mutation of these internet censorship...ACTA is worse than SOPA, here's what you need to know1/29/2012 - As a warrior for Internet freedom, you helped defeat the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA by supporting Web black outs by sites like Wikipedia and by contacting your lawmaker to voice your displeasure. So loud was your voice that even the president of the United States sided with you in opposing it. But...Hawaii police state? Government may track all website visits by residents1/26/2012 3:29:04 PM - It is becoming increasingly obvious, and highly embarrassing, that many members of the US Congress have absolutely no idea what the Constitution says, or how the justice system works. Rep. John Mizuno (D-Hawaii) recently introduced a bill that intends to keep a log of every website visited by every...At least 7,000 websites black out their homepages in protest of SOPA and PIPA internet censorship bills1/19/2012 - On January 18, 2012, thousands of websites from around the world came out in protest of two pieces of legislation that threaten to censor the internet as we know it. Google, WordPress,, Wikipedia, Tumblr, The Daily Paul, reddit, NaturalNews, and thousands of other websites censored portions...Obama administration favors new tax on the poor with Internet gambling opinion12/31/2011 - It's been a pretty typical modus operandi for President Obama: Tell any reporter or camera microphone within earshot that you are a champion of the poor, but then implement, support or adopt policies that hurt or punish them economically. There was that time in October, when the president took that...Congressional anti-piracy bill a Trojan horse to censor, kill the internet12/15/2011 - One of the many ways the nation's lawmakers slip freedom-seizing legislation through the gauntlet of public scrutiny is by hiding it within larger legislative bills with more favorable sounding goals and titles. And some members of Congress are currently trying to do just that by pushing through legislation...Responsible TV and Internet advertising needed to reduce childhood obesity4/14/2011 - Nearly one-forth of students are overweight or obese. Though junk food and fast food ads aren't completely to blame for childhood obesity, they do contribute to the overall problem. The Impact of Banning Junk Food Ads Aimed at Kids The Australian Medical Association has requested a ban on junk food...Congress once again trying to push unconstitutional internet sales taxes4/13/2011 - Republican Sen. Michael Enzi of Wyoming first tried it and failed in 2007, and now he and Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin from Illinois are together trying it again. The bipartisan duo plans to introduce new legislation shortly after Easter that will levy a sales tax on all internet purchases, even if the...Internet 'Kill Switch' bill threatens your access to health information2/17/2011 - Some members of the 112th U.S. Congress are seething with anticipation over a new billed they have crafted that would give the government the power to shut down the internet in the event of a "cyberterrorist" event. Created by Sens. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), and Tom Carper...FCC internet takeover faces potential roadblock12/23/2010 - Just days after the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decided to essentially take over the internet, FOX News is reporting that a procedural delay could bring any new FCC rules to a grinding halt. Several Congressmen plan to take advantage of the 60-day waiting period required before any...UN considers establishing global internet police force to regulate the web12/20/2010 - The internet truly is the last bastion of free speech that has yet to be taken over by corporate or political forces and censored, at least in the U.S. But the United Nations (UN) is now considering working towards establishing an international governing body to regulate internet content, which would...Net neutrality, the FCC, Wikileaks and the future of internet freedom12/7/2010 - Regardless of what you think about the Wikileaks release of state secrets, there's no debating the astonishing fact that the internet made these leaks possible. Without the internet, no single organization such as Wikileaks would have been able to so widely propagate secret government information and...US Government seizure of the internet has begun; DHS takes over 76 websites11/27/2010 - As part of a new expansion of government power over information, the Department of Homeland Security has begun seizing and shutting down internet websites (web domains) without due process or a proper trial. DHS simply seizes web domains that it wants to and posts an ominous "Department of Justice"...Facebook devolves into dark web of anonymous hate speech8/26/2010 - When broadcast television was first invented in the first half of the 20th century, it was quickly heralded as a technological breakthrough that would inspire, educate and uplift human civilization. Educational programs and useful knowledge could be cheaply and efficiently broadcast to people everywhere,...Google calls for end to internet censorship8/9/2010 - Testifying before a Congressional panel, Google's director of public policy, Alan Davidson, called for firm action to end censorship of the Internet. "The growing problem for Internet censorship is not isolated to one country or one region," Davidson said before the Congressional-Executive Commission...Too much internet use can lead to depression in young people8/6/2010 - A new report published in the journal Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine has revealed that young people who spend too much time on the internet are more likely to be depressed than those who use it moderately. "Pathological" internet use is linked to causing other problems as well such as...WHO to tax your internet usage to fund vaccines in third-world countries6/24/2010 - The United Nations' World Health Organization (WHO) is pushing hard to impose global consumer taxes to help fund its various programs, including a new proposal that would tax the internet in order to pay for vaccines and other pharmaceutical medicines for third-world countries. Yes, you read that right...Big Pharma greed: free drugs are being pushed on the Internet to hook consumers12/10/2009 - If you have a common condition like high cholesterol or asthma, you'll probably surf the Internet for info -- and odds are you'll be directed to a slick Big Pharma-sponsored Web homepage. It will appear to be oh-so-helpful. In fact, the drug company just can't wait to offer you free samples or a one-time...China Finally Stops Using Electroshock Therapy to "Treat" Internet Addicts11/25/2009 - The Health Ministry of China has issued an order banning the use of electroshock therapy for the treatment of Internet addiction, in response to a nationwide scandal that erupted after former patients of the Linyi Mental Health Hospital in Shandong province wrote in blogs and forums that they had been...Learning to use the internet could help elders avoid dementia10/31/2009 - University of California at Los Angles (UCLA) scientists have found a way adults who are middle-aged and older can enhance brain function and thinking ability in just one week. This amazingly powerful prescription doesn't involve a drug. Instead, it's simply a matter of learning to surf the Web. Research...Beware of swine flu internet scams, counterfeit medicines10/24/2009 - With the swine flu pandemic upon us, the FDA is warning people to beware of swine flu scams on the internet. NaturalNews is joining in the warnings today, urging people to beware of scams that cost big money but simply don't work to prevent H1N1 swine flu. For example, both the FDA and CDC are pushing...Excess Weight in Teen Girls Linked to Internet, Alcohol and Lack of Sleep12/9/2008 - Extensive Internet use, regular alcohol consumption and lack of sleep all significantly increase young women's chances of gaining excess weight, according to a study conducted by researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, and published in the Journal of Pediatrics. Researchers...FCC Ruling Against Comcast Is a Victory for Net Neutrality10/3/2008 - The FCC stood up and did its job recently. It's the first time that the FCC has gone to such lengths to assert users' right to an open Internet. In a landmark ruling against internet giant Comcast, approved by a bipartisan FCC majority, the FCC ordered that Comcast must stop blocking internet access...Comcast, Frontier, Time Warner Cable - The End of Unlimited Internet?9/11/2008 - Well no sooner was Comcast busted for blocking various internet connections in a recent ruling by the FCC, now they and other cable giants such as Time Warner and Frontier are looking to place usage limits on a monthly basis. Last week, Comcast which is the second largest internet provider in the...The Internet As You Know It Is Slated for Death by 20128/15/2008 - It's probably safe to say that many of you reading this article right now came upon the website while you were roaming around on the internet looking for empowering information to help get healthy or to protect the good health you have. Can you imagine what it would mean to you to lose...Newspapers continue shift towards Internet as print business fades9/26/2007 - U.S. newspaper publishers are shifting their focus away from print subscribers and toward the Internet as print advertising revenue continues to fall, according to presentations made at the annual Mid-Year Media Review, hosted by the Newspaper Association of America. "The Internet is no longer an...TV Networks using the internet to get around censors1/2/2007 - A Saturday Night Live sketch appearing on NBC -- with a certain word bleeped out of a song chorus 16 times -- has found its way onto the internet in uncensored form, not at the hands of a tech-savvy fan or a sneaky employee, but at the hands of the network itself. The sketch about boy bands, guest...Malaysia seeks to censor internet blogs that cause "disharmony"12/5/2006 - Bloggers in Malaysia may have much tougher online lives due to newly proposed Internet laws aimed at controlling them. The country of Malaysia may soon introduce certain laws in an attempt to control bloggers and prevent them from spreading "disharmony, chaos, seditious material and lies" on the...China claims no internet censorship whatsoever11/1/2006 - China has drawn criticism from free speech advocates after a government official recently claimed at a U.N. summit that China had no Internet censorship whatsoever. The official put some of the blame for site inaccessibility on an inferior internet infrastructure in China and the fact that millions...Email privacy now a top concern for 19 out of 20 internet users5/24/2005 - How important is email privacy to your business? A new email privacy survey conducted by Relemail reveals it may be far more important than you expected. The survey presents some startling statistics about how email subscribers view privacy. Let's take a closer look at these statistics and reveal what...Keep the Internet free1/17/2004 8:07:57 PM - Here's a must-read article on the coming U.N.-sactioned Internet power grab, and the reasons behind it. Essentially, countries that maintain control by keeping their population in the dark (China, Syria, North Korea, and so on) don't want the Internet to be free. If their citizens knew the truth,...See all 179 internet feature articles.Concept-related articles:Privacy:New app exposes HIPAA violations, allowing consumers to view privacy breaches by medical providersEmail privacy now a top concern for 19 out of 20 internet usersPersonal privacy under constant assault by governments, corporationsFAA is gearing up to spy on regular Americans: Agency admits drone operators have NO privacy obligationsSOPA takes new form: Say NO to ICANN proposal that threatens to eliminate online privacy rightsSpam:Interview with John Levine on the War on SPAMThe internet:Net neutrality, the FCC, Wikileaks and the future of internet freedomE-mail:Revolutionary Delivers Summaries of Top Health Books for FreeProducts:Interview with Alan Friedman from Good Cause Wellness about Antioxidants, Agave Nectar and Chia SeedsPower:Solar flare could unleash nuclear holocaust across planet Earth, forcing hundreds of nuclear power plants into total meltdownsRIAA:RIAA Declares Using Brain to Remember Songs is Criminal Copyright Infringement (satire)The RIAA:RIAA seeks to shut down entire internet by criminalizing all file sharing, according to attorneyWHO:Whole Foods caught in GMO marketing deception, false advertising - here's the proofIndustry:The FDA Exposed: An Interview With Dr. David Graham, the Vioxx WhistleblowerSong:Don't Touch my Junk - Here's why I wrote this song (Health Ranger)Warning:Bay Area group pushing for global warming warning labels on gas pumpsCopyright:Copyright trolls, image bullies exposed by ExtortionLetterInfo.comSettlement:[Naked Juice class action settlement announced: Here's how to claim 45fromPepsiCoevenwithoutproofofpurchase]( from PepsiCo even without proof of purchase](**Google**:[Review of Google Health - Technology Achievement or Privacy Disaster?](**Search engine**:Now open for public test drive: search engine filters out media propaganda and government disinfo Today's Top Stories on NaturalNews Today | Week Month Year PRISON is the PERFECT PLACE for LIBERALS: Equal treatment, free food, free healthcare, no cars, no fuel, and nobody has guns except the guards Vaccines in your beef? 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Big Banks shift the burden of losses to taxpayers through the Federal Reserve in the form of BAILOUTS State Farm cancels thousands of home insurance policies in the Pacific Palisades region months before deadly fires Beyond consequence Global tensions, natural disasters and the looming shadow of world war - all predicted by Mike Adams and Steve Quayle three years ago Top 10 foods that BOOST DOPAMINE and help you stay focused, fit, positive and motivated Cancer treatments HARM patients: Radiotherapy can cause aggravated lung injury - study EPA advisor admits the agency is funneling billions to climate groups ahead of Trump’s return to White House EPA advisor admits the agency is funneling billions to climate groups ahead of Trump’s return to White House HYSSOP: What research reveals about the health benefits of this ancient holy herb New BRICS banking system will render Western sanctions on Russia USELESS Global leaders unite to clamp down on “misinformation” with UN-backed Cascais Declaration I Want My Bailout Money – new song released by Mike Adams Texas border officials discover unaccompanied 4-year-old girl smuggled from Central America Female GOP senators defend Pete Hegseth amid MSM smears House GOP demands investigation into FEMA’s ignoring of pro-Trump rural areas in desperate need of aid The Evolution of Health Awareness, Spiritual Awakening, and Decentralization: A Deep Dive with David Wolfe and Mike Adams Ukraine pushes for NATO membership as lawmaker calls for NUKES Essential home security tips: Protecting your property without electricity Prepper recipes: How to make delicious acorn pancakes Homeless crisis in America GETTING WORSE as government continues to spend hundreds of billions on foreign aid Incoming FCC chairman Brendan Carr prepping for battle against censors: “Censorship is about stopping ideas” Secret Service agents open fire on suspected carjackers near Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's residence in D.C. Acorns shown to have neuroprotective properties U.S. Navy destroyers successfully repel Houthi missile and drone attacks in Gulf of Aden Beyond consequence Red Cross issues warning to stop blood plasma donations from vaccinated people Scientists confirm: GENIUS brain function can be spontaneously unleashed in humans without any apparent cause DATA: England’s vaccinated population had close to one million deaths in 23 months; unvaccinated population had less than 61,000 deaths over the same period HYSSOP: What research reveals about the health benefits of this ancient holy herb Arizona residents drive entire Maricopa County Board of Supervisors out of meeting after serving them for TREASON Fully vaccinated about to see “tsunami” of illness and death, warns virologist Today I asked our AI language model “Neo” about which phytonutrients or phytochemicals can block the spike protein related to SARS-CoV-2 … Here is what it answered… BREAKING: 2025 NDAA authorizes mandatory military draft of WOMEN across America… as Pentagon pursues global NUCLEAR war with both Russia and China at the same time We are building the infrastructure of human freedom… Brighteon.AI is the next launch that will put life-altering LLM technology into your hands for free Michael Yon warns of a ZIONIST TAKEOVER in Trump’s second administration ENGINEERED FAMINE: Oregon starts SHUTTING DOWN small farms “to protect the people” NASA admits that climate change occurs because of changes in Earth’s solar orbit, and NOT because of SUVs and fossil fuels Ozempic and Wegovy weight loss drugs are injectable LIZARD VENOM PEPTIDES that may unleash a devastating wave of organ failure… side effects align with symptoms of SNAKE BITES These 13 countries just signed an agreement to engineer a global FAMINE by destroying food supply Careless Whisper: AI-powered transcription tool being used by hospitals found to invent chunks of text no one ever said BBC staffers accuse media outlet’s executives of instituting bias in Gaza coverage, claiming favorable treatment of Israel Two containers with completed ballots fall out of truck in Florida Casual restaurant chain TGI Fridays files for BANKRUPTCY See All Top Headlines... Most Popular Stories TED aligns with Monsanto, halting any talks about GMOs, 'food as medicine' or natural healing 10 other companies that use the same Subway yoga mat chemical in their buns Warning: Enrolling in Obamacare allows government to link your IP address with your name, social security number, bank accounts and web surfing habits High-dose vitamin C injections shown to annihilate cancer USDA to allow U.S. to be overrun with contaminated chicken from China Vaccine fraud exposed: Measles and mumps making a huge comeback because vaccines are designed to fail, say Merck virologists New USDA rule allows hidden feces, pus, bacteria and bleach in conventional poultry Battle for humanity nearly lost: global food supply deliberately engineered to end life, not nourish it Harvard research links fluoridated water to ADHD, mental disorders 10 outrageous (but true) facts about vaccines the CDC and the vaccine industry don't want you to know EBT card food stamp recipients ransack Wal-Mart stores, stealing carts full of food during federal computer glitch Cannabis kicks Lyme disease to the curb Recommended Resources is a free video website featuring thousands of videos on holistic health, nutrition, fitness, recipes, natural remedies and much more. CounterThink Cartoons are free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom. The Consumer Wellness Center is a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that help children and expectant mothers around the world. Food Investigations is a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients in the food supply. offers alternative health programs, documentaries and more. The Honest Food Guide is a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health benefits. is a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.