Preface to the First Edition (original) (raw)

The history of the development of the 1958 Revised Edition of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria and Viruses has been given in the Foreword. Here it is fitting that there be acknowledgement of the generous assistance given by many individuals and organizations in the preparation and editing of this Code.

The task of developing a wholly satisfactory Bacteriological Code is not complete. New problems involving nomenclature of the bacteria will arise and will require solutions. There have as yet been no final recommendations and no conclusions as to what special Rules and Recommendations will be needed to make functional any proposals to be made by the International Subcommittee on Taxonomy of the Viruses relative to virus nomenclature. The increasing use of terminologies applicable to strains and groups of bacteria of infrasubspecific rank makes necessary careful study of the best methods for preventing confusion, even some degree of nomenclatural chaos, in the naming of taxa of lower rank than subspecies. The growing recognition of the value of the type concept in standardization of names may mean the incorporation into the Code of a definition of Type Culture Collections and their functions in stabilization of bacteriological nomenclature.

A reading of the Annotations of the several Rules and Recommendations of the Bacteriological Code reveals a variance in terminology (sometimes in basic concepts) in the three Biological Codes of Nomenclature (Botanical, Zoological and Bacteriological). These differences have come about through the peculiarly independent development and history of Botany and of Zoology. The organization which can facilitate any attempt to reconcile these interdisciplinary differences must represent biology as a whole and on an international basis. The International Union of Biological Sciences would seem to be the agency able in some effective manner to develop fruitful consultations among the nomenclatural commissions of the three disciplines.

The Editorial Board and the Judicial Commission are most grateful for the generous subventions that have made possible publication of this revised Bacteriological Code. Organizations particularly helpful have been the International Union of Biological Sciences, the Society of American Bacteriologists, and the Society for General Microbiology. The Iowa State College has likewise been most generous in its provision of office facilities.

The Editorial Board is grateful also for permission given by the Commissions concerned to quote from the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature and from the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature where it has been desirable to compare resemblances and differences between these Codes and the text of the revised International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria and Viruses. However, the final text of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature had not been adopted in final form at the time of publication of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria and Viruses (June, 1958). In consequence some quotations may not represent final action by the 1958 Zoological Congress. If there are here included unintentional misinterpretations, they will be corrected in later editions of the Bacteriological Code.

The manuscript for the Code in original draft form, including annotations and appendices, was submitted for editorial suggestions to all members of the Judicial Commission and to about thirty other bacteriologists experienced in nomenclature and taxonomy. The suggestions received were reviewed by the Judicial Commission. The Code represents a high degree of international cooperation. The Editorial Board wishes to express its real appreciation for the helpful cooperation received.

The Editorial Board

R. E. Buchanan, Chairman

T. Wlkén, Secretary (resigned 1 April 1957)

S. T. Cowan, Secretary

W. A. Clark, Secretary (appointed 8 October 1957)

June 1958