Computer simulation of flagellar movement. IV. Properties of an oscillatory two-state cross-bridge model - PubMed (original) (raw)

Computer simulation of flagellar movement. IV. Properties of an oscillatory two-state cross-bridge model

C J Brokaw. Biophys J. 1976 Sep.


A stochastic computational method is used to examine the properties of a simple two-state cross-bridge model, of a type which has been shown previously to self-oscillate without requiring any feedback control of the active process. The force transients obtained with this model show the major features observed with oscillatory insect fibrillar flight muscle. The effects of viscosity and cross-bridge detachment rate on the frequency of oscillation of the model resemble the effects of viscosity and ATP concentration on flagellar oscillation, and the relationship between turnover rate and frequency of oscillation is also consistent with observations on flagella. However, the amplitude of oscillation of the model does not show the degree of frequency-independence which is typical of flagella.

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