NDSS Symposium 2017 Accepted Papers - NDSS Symposium (original) (raw)

Indiscreet Logs: Diffie-Hellman Backdoors in TLS

Kristen Dorey, Nicholas Chang-Fong and Aleksander Essex

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On the Safety and Efficiency of Virtual Firewall Elasticity Control

Juan Deng, Hongda Li, Hongxin Hu, Kuang-Ching Wang, Gail-Joon Ahn, Siming Zhao and Wonkyu Han

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Fake Co-visitation Injection Attacks to Recommender Systems

Guolei Yang, Neil Zhenqiang Gong and Ying Cai

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KEH-Gait: Towards a Mobile Healthcare User Authentication System by Kinetic Energy Harvesting

Weitao Xu, Guohao Lan, Qi Lin, Sara Khalifa, Neil Bergmann, Mahbub Hassan and Wen Hu

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Dynamic Virtual Address Range Adjustment for Intra-Level Privilege Separation on ARM

Yeongpil Cho, Donghyun Kwon, Hayoon Yi and Yunheung Paek

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Automated Analysis of Privacy Requirements for Mobile Apps

Sebastian Zimmeck, Ziqi Wang, Lieyong Zou, Roger Iyengar, Bin Liu, Florian Schaub, Shomir Wilson, Norman Sadeh, Steven M. Bellovin and Joel Reidenberg

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SGX-Shield: Enabling Address Space Layout Randomization for SGX Programs

Jaebaek Seo, Byoungyoung Lee, Seongmin Kim, Ming-Wei Shih, Insik Shin, Dongsu Han and Taesoo Kim

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ContexIoT: Towards Providing Contextual Integrity to Appified IoT Platforms

Yunhan Jack Jia, Qi Alfred Chen, Shiqi Wang, Amir Rahmati, Earlence Fernandes, Z. Morley Mao and Atul Prakash

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Constant Round Maliciously Secure 2PC with Function-independent Preprocessing using LEGO

Jesper Buus Nielsen, Thomas Schneider and Roberto Trifiletti

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A Large-scale Analysis of the Mnemonic Password Advice

Johannes Kiesel, Benno Stein and Stefan Lucks

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TumbleBit: An Untrusted Bitcoin-Compatible Anonymous Payment Hub

Ethan Heilman, Leen Alshenibr, Foteini Baldimtsi, Alessandra Scafuro and Sharon Goldberg

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Fast Actively Secure OT Extension for Short Secrets

Arpita Patra, Pratik Sarkar and Ajith Suresh

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Show Me the Money! Finding Flawed Implementations of Third-party In-app Payment in Android Apps

Wenbo Yang, Juanru Li, Hui Liu, Qing Wang, Yueheng Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhang and Dawu Gu

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MARX: Uncovering Class Hierarchies in C++ Programs

Andre Pawlowski, Moritz Contag, Victor van der Veen, Chris Ouwehand, Thorsten Holz, Herbert Bos, Elias Athanasopoulos and Cristiano Giuffrida

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Pushing the Communication Barrier in Secure Computation using Lookup Tables

Ghada Dessouky, Farinaz Koushanfar, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Thomas Schneider, Shaza Zeitouni and Michael Zohner

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FBS-Radar: Uncovering Fake Base Stations at Scale in the Wild

Zhenhua Li, Weiwei Wang, Christo Wilson, Jian Chen, Chen Qian, Taeho Jung, Lan Zhang, Kebin Liu, Xiangyang Li and Yunhao Liu

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Enabling Reconstruction of Attacks on Users via Efficient Browsing Snapshots

Phani Vadrevu, Jienan Liu, Bo Li, Babak Rahbarinia, Kyu Hyung Lee and Roberto Perdisci

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A Call to ARMs: Understanding the Costs and Benefits of JIT Spraying Mitigations

Wilson Lian, Hovav Shacham and Stefan Savage

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Using Fully Homomorphic Encryption for Statistical Analysis of Categorical, Ordinal and Numerical Data

Wen-jie Lu, Shohei Kawasaki and Jun Sakuma

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Are We There Yet? On RPKI’s Deployment and Security

Yossi Gilad, Avichai Cohen, Amir Herzberg, Michael Schapira and Haya Shulman

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Cracking Android Pattern Lock in Five Attempts

Guixin Ye, Zhanyong Tang, Dingyi Fang, Xiaojiang Chen, Kwang In Kim, Ben Taylor and Zheng Wang

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Internet-scale Probing of CPS: Inference, Characterization and Orchestration Analysis

Claude Fachkha, Elias Bou-Harb, Anastasis Keliris, Nasir Memon and Mustaque Ahamad

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(Cross-)Browser Fingerprinting via OS and Hardware Level Features

Yinzhi Cao, Song Li and Erik Wijmans

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WireGuard: Next Generation Kernel Network Tunnel

Jason A. Donenfeld

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Dial One for Scam: A Large-Scale Analysis of Technical Support Scams

Najmeh Miramirkhani, Oleksii Starov and Nick Nikiforakis

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Measuring small subgroup attacks against Diffie-Hellman

Luke Valenta, David Adrian, Antonio Sanso, Shaanan Cohney, Joshua Fried, Marcella Hastings, J. Alex Halderman and Nadia Heninger

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SafeInit: Comprehensive and Practical Mitigation of Uninitialized Read Vulnerabilities

Alyssa Milburn, Herbert Bos and Cristiano Giuffrida

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ObliviSync: Practical Oblivious File Backup and Synchronization

Adam J. Aviv, Seung Geol Choi, Travis Mayberry and Daniel S. Roche

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T-SGX: Eradicating Controlled-Channel Attacks Against Enclave Programs

Ming-Wei Shih, Sangho Lee, Taesoo Kim and Marcus Peinado

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An Evil Copy: How the Loader Betrays You

Xinyang Ge, Mathias Payer and Trent Jaeger

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PSI: Precise Security Instrumentation for Enterprise Networks

Tianlong Yu, Seyed K. Fayaz, Michael Collins, Vyas Sekar and Srinivasan Seshan

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Catching Worms, Trojan Horses and PUPs: Unsupervised Detection of Silent Delivery Campaigns

Bum Jun Kwon, Virinchi Srinivas, Amol Deshpande and Tudor Dumitras

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Dachshund: Digging for and Securing (Non-)Blinded Constants in JIT Code

Giorgi Maisuradze, Michael Backes and Christian Rossow

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Ramblr: Making Reassembly Great Again

Ruoyu Wang, Yan Shoshitaishvili, Antonio Bianchi, Aravind Machiry, John Grosen, Paul Grosen, Christopher Kruegel and Giovanni Vigna

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BOOMERANG: Exploiting the Semantic Gap in Trusted Execution Environments

Aravind Machiry, Eric Gustafson, Chad Spensky, Christopher Salls, Nick Stephens, Ruoyu Wang, Antonio Bianchi, Yung Ryn Choe, Christopher Kruegel and Giovanni Vigna

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Dynamic Differential Location Privacy with Personalized Error Bounds

Lei Yu, Ling Liu and Calton Pu

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A Broad View of the Ecosystem of Socially Engineered Exploit Documents

Stevens Le Blond, Cedric Gilbert, Utkarsh Upadhyay, Manuel Gomez Rodriguez and David Choffnes

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Dark Hazard: Learning-based, Large-Scale Discovery of Hidden Sensitive Operations in Android Apps

Xiaorui Pan, Xueqiang Wang, Yue Duan, XiaoFeng Wang and Heng Yin

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ASLR on the Line: Practical Cache Attacks on the MMU

Ben Gras, Kaveh Razavi, Erik Bosman, Herbert Bos and Cristiano Giuffrida

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Stack Bounds Protection with Low Fat Pointers

Gregory J. Duck, Roland H.C. Yap and Lorenzo Cavallaro

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Towards Implicit Visual Memory-Based Authentication

Claude Castelluccia, Markus Duermuth, Maximilian Golla and Fatma Imamoglu

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Hello from the Other Side: SSH over Robust Cache Covert Channels in the Cloud

Clementine Maurice, Manuel Weber, Michael Schwarz, Lukas Giner, Daniel Gruss, Carlo Alberto Boano, Stefan Mangard and Kay Rœmer

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Avoiding The Man on the Wire: Improving Tor’s Security with Trust-Aware Path Selection

Aaron Johnson, Rob Jansen, Aaron D. Jaggard, Joan Feigenbaum and Paul Syverson

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The Effect of DNS on Tor’s Anonymity

Benjamin Greschbach, Tobias Pulls, Laura M. Roberts, Philipp Winter and Nick Feamster

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Hey, My Malware Knows Physics! Attacking PLCs with Physical Model Aware Rootkit

Luis Garcia, Ferdinand Brasser, Mehmet H. Cintuglu, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Osama Mohammed and Saman A. Zonouz

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Wi-Fly?: Detecting Privacy Invasion Attacks by Consumer Drones

Simon Birnbach, Richard Baker and Ivan Martinovic

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Dissecting Tor Bridges: a Security Evaluation of their Private and Public Infrastructures

Srdjan Matic, Carmela Troncoso and Juan Caballero

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HOP: Hardware makes Obfuscation Practical

Kartik Nayak, Christopher Fletcher, Ling Ren, Nishanth Chandran, Satya Lokam, Elaine Shi and Vipul Goyal

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MaMaDroid: Detecting Android Malware by Building Markov Chains of Behavioral Models

Enrico Mariconti, Lucky Onwuzurike, Panagiotis Andriotis, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Gordon Ross and Gianluca Stringhini

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TenantGuard: Scalable Runtime Verification of Cloud-Wide VM-Level Network Isolation

Yushun Wang, Taous Madi, Suryadipta Majumdar, Yosr Jarraya, Amir Alimohammadifar, Makan Pourzandi, Lingyu Wang and Mourad Debbabi

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Automated Synthesis of Semantic Malware Signatures using Maximum Satisfiability

Yu Feng, Osbert Bastani, Ruben Martins, Isil Dillig and Saswat Anand

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Unleashing Use-Before-Initialization Vulnerabilities in the Linux Kernel Using Targeted Stack Spraying

Kangjie Lu, Marie-Therese Walter, David Pfaff, Stefan Nuernberger, Wenke Lee and Michael Backes

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IO-DSSE: Scaling Dynamic Searchable Encryption to Millions of Indexes By Improving Locality

Ian Miers and Payman Mohassel

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VUzzer: Application-aware Evolutionary Fuzzing

Sanjay Rawat, Vivek Jain, Ashish Kumar, Lucian Cojocar, Cristiano Giuffrida and Herbert Bos

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Broken Hearted: How To Attack ECG Biometrics

Simon Eberz, Nicola Paoletti, Marc Roeschlin, Andrea Patane, Marta Kwiatkowska and Ivan Martinovic

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HisTorε: Differentially Private and Robust Statistics Collection for Tor

Akshaya Mani and Micah Sherr

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Thou Shalt Not Depend on Me: Analysing the Use of Outdated JavaScript Libraries on the Web

Tobias Lauinger, Abdelberi Chaabane, Sajjad Arshad, William Robertson, Christo Wilson and Engin Kirda

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P2P Mixing and Unlinkable Bitcoin Transactions

Tim Ruffing, Pedro Moreno-Sanchez and Aniket Kate

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PT-Rand: Practical Mitigation of Data-only Attacks against Page Tables

Lucas Davi, David Gens, Christopher Liebchen and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi

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SilentWhispers: Enforcing Security and Privacy in Decentralized Credit Networks

Giulio Malavolta, Pedro Moreno-Sanchez, Aniket Kate and Matteo Maffei

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Deconstructing Xen

Lei Shi, Yuming Wu, Yubin Xia, Nathan Dautenhahn, Haibo Chen, Binyu Zang, Haibing Guan and Jinming Li

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The Security Impact of HTTPS Interception

Zakir Durumeric, Zane Ma, Drew Springall, Richard Barnes, Nick Sullivan, Elie Bursztein, Michael Bailey, J. Alex Halderman and Vern Paxson

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DELTA: A Security Assessment Framework for Software-Defined Networks

Seungsoo Lee, Changhoon Yoon, Chanhee Lee, Seungwon Shin, Vinod Yegneswaran and Phillip Porras

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Obfuscation-Resilient Privacy Leak Detection for Mobile Apps Through Differential Analysis

Andrea Continella, Yanick Fratantonio, Martina Lindorfer, Alessandro Puccetti, Ali Zand, Christopher Kruegel and Giovanni Vigna

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A2C: Self Destructing Exploit Executions via Input Perturbation

Yonghwi Kwon, Brendan Saltaformaggio, I Luk Kim, Kyu Hyung Lee, Xiangyu Zhang and Dongyan Xu

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Address Oblivious Code Reuse: On the Effectiveness of Leakage Resilient Diversity

Robert Rudd, Richard Skowyra, David Bigelow, Veer Dedhia, Thomas Hobson, Stephen Crane, Christopher Liebchen, Per Larsen, Lucas Davi, Michael Franz, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Hamed Okhravi

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Panoply: Low-TCB Linux Applications With SGX Enclaves

Shweta Shinde, Dat Le Tien, Shruti Tople and Prateek Saxena

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WindowGuard: Systematic Protection of GUI Security in Android

Chuangang Ren, Peng Liu and Sencun Zhu

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