Planning, development and conservation – Newham Council (original) (raw)

Planning permission

View and comment on planning applications, search for planning decisions, appeals and enforcements.

Do you need planning permission?

Works you can carry out without planning permission

Planning permission applications

Application process and fees

Application decisions

Design review and pre-application advice

Pre-application advice service

Local Design Guidance

Planning enforcement

If you think that someone is building without the council's permission, report it and we will investigate.

Planning enforcement

Report unauthorised development

Planning Policy and Local plan

Planning Policy sets out principles, standards and guidance for the development of Newham over the next 15 years through the Local Plan, part of the Development Plan for the borough.

Planning policy and the Local Plan

Local Plan

Newham Local Plan Review

East London Joint Waste Plan

Article 4s and other guidance

Plan review & how to be involved

Evidence Base & Monitoring

Building control

Building control protects the health and safety of people in and around buildings by making sure that you follow the law during the building process. It’s different to planning permission.

What is building control?

Newham Building Control/Application types

Building control projects

What’s new in building control?

Application types and information

Choosing a builder

Demolition control

Dangerous structures and public safety

Building materials licence

Other planning information and policies

This section contains other planning issues, including local design guidance, our Brownfield register, neighbourhood planning.

Local design guidance

Tree Preservation Orders

Neighbourhood Planning

Brownfield Register

Self-build and Custom Build register

Additional planning controls: Article 4 Directions

Waste management for new developments

Street naming and numbering

Land charges and local searches

If you’re buying a property of piece of land, you will need to conduct a local land search, or your solicitor will. Find out more about the searches and why they are important, and how to request one.

Local land charges and searches

Request an official local authority search

Local land charges personal search

Conservation and heritage

We are proud of Newham’s heritage and have a number of conservation areas, listed, and locally listed buildings that are given particular protection for their architectural and historical interest. Find out about these here, along with detail of any additional permissions you may need to conduct building works.

Conservation areas in Newham

Trees in conservation areas

Tree management

Tree preservation

Listed and Locally Listed buildings

Assets of community value