Voters empowered by internet swap shop (original) (raw)

“EVERY time I vote Labour, I know I am voting for someone who is going to lose,” says Martin Allison, a teacher from Guildford, Surrey, where the Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties vie for power, but Labour has hardly any support. So in the UK’s general election on 5 May, he and his wife Christine will do something different – they will swap their votes on the internet.

“It’s an ingenious way of getting better value for your vote,” says Essex teacher Jason Buckley, who set up the anti-Conservative, one of several vote-swapping websites, before the 2001 general election. This online political matchmaking has its roots in the US. But ironically, while it has failed to make much of an impression there, it has already had an impact in British elections and could well do again next week.

“There used to be a feeling that tactical voting was sneaky or dishonest”

Martin Allison will not be doing anything illegal by trading his vote. He plans to vote for his second-choice party the Lib Dems, instead of Labour, his true preference, because he hopes that the Lib Dems will beat the Conservatives, his least favourite party. So far, that’s just standard tactical voting (also called strategic voting). The difference is that Martin has made a deal with a Lib Dem supporter in another constituency, who has promised to vote Labour in return. And that deal was struck online.

Vote-swapping sites are meant to answer the frustration created by the “first past the post” electoral system used in UK general elections and US presidential elections. Votes cast for a losing candidate have no further influence once the winner in a state or constituency is announced. “Many people are stuck in a position of not being able to cast a meaningful vote,” Rob Richie, director of the Center for Voting and Democracy in Washington DC, told New Scientist.

But it was only in the US presidential election of 2000 that the internet was first used to form tactical alliances. This was the brainchild of law professor Jamin Raskin of the American University in Washington DC, who was troubled when independent left-wing candidate Ralph Nader threatened to draw votes away from the Democrat Al Gore. Raskin wrote an article in the October 2000 issue of the online magazine Slate suggesting people swap votes on the net.

“California’s secretary of state shut the sites down, saying it was akin to illegal vote-selling”

Within days so-called “Nader trader” websites had sprung up, offering to pair Nader supporters in close Bush-Gore states with Gore supporters in landslide states. Everyone knew that Nader could not win, but trading meant that his supporters could register their ballot without posing a risk to Gore. “Vote swapping is a form of do-it-yourself proportional representation,” says Stephen Coleman, an expert on e-democracy at the Oxford Internet Institute. “It is a public strategy to outwit the voting system.”

But by 31 October, Bill Jones, who was then California’s secretary of state, obtained a court injunction to close the sites down. He likened vote-swapping to selling a vote, which is illegal.

Tactical voting and internet vote-swapping have had more impact in the UK, though. In the 2001 election, the Lib Dems captured Cheadle in Cheshire from the Conservatives with a majority of 33. Online vote trading had seen 47 Labour supporters in Cheadle agree to vote Lib Dem. Assuming they kept their bargain, these vote-traders turned the tide on the Conservatives. There was a similar result in South Dorset, where a Labour majority of 153 followed 185 internet vote-trade pledges.

So far 1000 vote-swappers have been matched through, compared with a total of 3000 in 2001, but Buckley expects a last-minute rush. And some big names are at risk. Three members of the Conservative shadow cabinet, for example, have majorities of less than 3200.

Whether vote-swapping is revived in the US, though, will depend on a legal challenge to the California judgement by the American Civil Liberties Union, based in New York. If successful, vote-swapping could be particularly important in primary elections, where there are almost always more than two candidates.

The rise of vote-swapping also has game theorists excited. “There used to be a feeling that there was something sneaky and dishonest about tactical voting,” says Andrew Colman, a psychologist at the University of Leicester, UK. “But from a game-theory perspective, it’s a very rational thing to do.” He points out that it is the equivalent of the political horse-trading that happens in parliaments the world over. “Vote-trading is the essence of democratic politics,” agrees Raskin.

One potential problem is how to trust your swap partner. But Michael Cornfield, a political scientist at George Washington University in Washington DC, says that if people pair up in advance, they can build trust by email or phone contact, or face-to-face meetings. He also points out that both voters are motivated to keep their promise because they don’t want to aid their least favourite party. “I am a firm believer,” he says. “Not only is vote-swapping legal and constitutional, it’s a good thing for democracy.”

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