Brooklyn Eagle from Brooklyn, New York (original) (raw)

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Brooklyn Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 17

January 13, 1942


Brooklyn Eaglei


Brooklyn, New York

Issue Date:

Tuesday, January 13, 1942



Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BROOKLYN EAGLE FINANCIAL TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1942 Bankers Discuss War Financing Here Today Aldrich and Rentschler Stress Necessity Of Careful Action to Prevent Inflation Direct bank financing fense bond financing of flationary dangers inherent victory program, heads cial banks asserted here Civilian Radio Output to End Industry Will Switch of armament industry and dewar expenditures can reduce the inin America's multi-billion-dollar of the nation's two largest commertoday. The recommendations were propounded at stockholder meetings by Winthrop W. Aldrich, chairman of the board of the Chase National Bank, and by Gordon S. Rentschler, chairman of the board of the National City Bank of New York. The banks are first and second respectively, in world ranking among private institutions.

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