Osceola Record from Osceola, Nebraska (original) (raw)

CALVARY LUTHERAN CROSSWORD FUZZLE Monday evening; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gonka ana Carolyn vis-itedlMr. and Mrs. Richard Eller and 3 i Lonny Czya, Jerry and Ronald and John Micek 'were Monday evening visitors with Mr.

and John Gonka. Howard Gleason of near Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morris cf Clarks: were dinner guests Sun day -in the Don Schipporeit home. Mrs.

Henry Schinooreit was an af ternooncaller. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wyman were honored on their wedding anniversary by a family supper at the Ted Wyman home near Osceola Sunday evening. Others present were Mr.

and Mrs. Jack Burgess and sons of Clarks, Mr. Monroe was a Saturday caller in the John Micek home. Mr. and i Mrs.

Edward Lisko and Marshall Thompson were Monday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bemt Mr. and Mrs. Don Eller of Columbus were Sunday visitors of Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Gonka and Carolyn. i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andersen of Omaha spent the weekend With Mr.

and Mrs. Claude Fletcher and family. 1 1 i Sundav Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bemt were entertained at' dinner in the and Mrs.

bus. Sunday, an4 Benda and family and Josephine Benda and Albert visited with Mr. and Mrs. Butch Eschler and Maxine near Rising City. Wednesday evening, Mr.

Mrs. Leland Bruckner and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Heng- gler and family, Mr. and Richard Gonka and Carolyn.

and Mrs. Stanley Kowanski, Phil Micek and Mrs. Walt Bemt and daughters pleasantly surprised Mr. and bus. Alfred Bemt-and Myron at a housewarming at their new home, to which they moved last week.

-Cards were enjoyed and lunch was served which was brought by the Friday evening Mrs.Josephine Benda accompanied. Mr. and Richard W. Eller to near Bell- wood where they attended a par-; ty at the. home of Mr.

and Fred Brase. John Gonka visited Sunday af-j temoon in the John Micek Mr. and Mrs. G. Nejear and daughter and Mr.

and Mrs. Bus-J ter Jensen and family all of near! Gresham visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Gonka. i Mr.

and Mrs C. Fletcher and amity, John Micek and Phil were Friday evening callers of. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lisko.

xo. Give Your Children i nggsa sissa JtpliUDI JntamM Tick St Ntiv of African of irny Tvrkieh-NdBMt DISTRICT 54 NEWS By Mrs. Lloyd Wamsley Spring arrived Saturday night but ordinary folks couldnt tell any change and some thought it might be the beginning of winter. The wind was really chilly, the little moisture we received in the week was graciously accepted after the bad wind of several days. We know spring is near, with -the measles, mumps, letie- chicken pox and even scarlet ver picking out some patients.

The doctor was. called to the Frank Carman home the past week and decided Frankie' and Terry had scarlet fever. lene had the measles the fore part of the week and Tandra Tschantre and Annette Wamsley have measles thto week. Mrs. Chas.

Brand, Mrs. Robert Tooker and Mrs. Lloyd Wamsley attended the WSCS at the home of Mrs. Harvey Burgess last Wednesday afternoon. Saturday I Mr.

and Mrs. George Tschantre, John Tschantre, Mrs. Nellie Larson and Glenn drove up from Omaha for a visit over Sunday in the Louis Tschantre home. Paul Mussak, music, director in the Silver Creek school and his department presented the sprix music festival at the school auditorium last Thursday evening. Several pupils from our midst took part.

Some were absent due to illness. A pleasant evening was reported. Mrs. Anna Strohbehn and the E. M.

Jacobsen family visited on Monday evening' in the Lloyd Wamslev home. I The Ed Davis family were supper guests in the Don Schipporeit home. Saturday evening visitors were the Richard Wyman family of Osceola and: the Dean Ostberg family of Polk. Mr. and Mrs.

Bill Wyman and Timmy attended a birthday supper in the Johnny Carlson home Friday evening, honoring Mrs. Bill Wyman and iMrs. Chris Gaedeke on their Betty Lou Willits spent Saturday and Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vem McCormick.

On Sunday afternoon, Mrs. McCormick and Betty Lou called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright Alice Ostrander of Columbus also was an afternoon visitor at the Wright home. Enough VITAGIH t- To aid normal growth.

mogenized VI-tamin Milk. Every quart contains a foil days requirement for an adult of child. BlGGESTi land Mrs. Bill Wyman and Timmy and Mr. and Mrs.

Roy Wyman and daughters, i Jack Brand was an afternoon and supper guest with his home folks Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wamsley were business callers in Columbus last Monday. I Mrs.

Robert Tooker and Mrs. Don Hayes were hostesses to the U-Sharit Club at Fairview Hall Friday i afternoon. I Mrs. I Vem McCormick, Carol Willits, Betty Lou and Danny called on Mrs. Stella Handle Central City Saturday.

Mancia and Tandra Tschantre were after school visitors in the Kielian home and Tandra also was an overnight guest there after the; music program. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Barker purchased the 80 acres of Nielsen land which was offered'for sale recently. Tire deal was dosed last week.

The Joe Imm family drove to Humphrey and Norfolk Sunday and made a call at the Frank Fusch home at Humphrey while on the trip. I The Bill Wyman family visited Monday evening at the Richard Wyman home near Osceola! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frlgpeli called at the Lloyd Wamsley and Floyd Frizzell home last Wednesday afternoon. 0.

H. S. NEWS i By Ruth Sigler Mrs. Jelden and several of the sophomore and junior girls in the home economics class, served the meal at the Polk County Teachers Association Banquet an Monday evening. trumpet trio played before the meaL I OHS This week, Mr.

Wulber announced the Girls and Boys Staters who were chosen by the Legion and Legion Auxiliary members to represent Osceola this year. They are Janelle Kuhnel and Thomas Husak. Their alternates are Anderson and Tom Hastings. Congratulations, kids! I OHS The annual FHA-FFA Fun Feed was held Tuesday evening for the members of the two organizations, their, sponsors, parents, teachers and school boivd members. Beverly Bush led the group singing following the pot luck meal.

Duane Lindblade- welcomed the group and the re-was given by Herman An-. The FFA officers con- I J. Johnson Paster Thursday, March 25 Sunday School teachers and officers will meet at 7:30 p. m. practice at 8:15.

Sunday Church School 10 a. m. Divine Worship 11. 'Pastor Kenneth Peterson I of Genoa will bring the message on our "Advance for Christ program. A Mission Play entitled! "Along An Indian presented by the Teen; Agers Sunday evening at 7:30.

Monday Choir 7:30. "Advance for Christ" tion training 8:15.. Tuesday, 8 p. Board of Ad ministration meets. Wednesday Lexiten 30.

Mens Chorus 8:15. Thursday, April 1st, Birthday Party 2:30 p. m. TCen Agers Fridayij April 2 Open meeting by the Dorcas 8 p.m. The Mission Covenant group Will give the program, i EVAN.

COVENANT CHURCH I fSlromsburg, Nebraska Cedi Johnson. Pastor 1 Saturday Confirmation! Class 10 a. m. I 1 i Sunday Sunday School at 10 a. m.

Wonhipat 11. Sermon by the pastot "The Words That I Speak. 4 The Covenant Hour on KJSK at 3 p. m. 1 Evening Service 7:30.

Sermon! "His Presence. I Monday Builders S. classes of the I Baptist and Covenant schools meet at 8:00 p. mJ Study Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer 7:30. choir, rehearsal 8:30.

Welcome to our friendly spiritual home! 3 THE METHODIST mURCH Homer P. Bollinger, Minister Thursday I Choir rehearsal at 8 p. m. j. home of M- O.

Johnson at 8 p. m. Mrs. Alex Mills will lead the devotions land Mrs. Emmons the program.

Friday- 1 The Vacation Church Teachers will at 8 a. m. to attend an institute in Madison. Circle Two 1. will -meet the home of Mrs! Ervin Grossnick-laus at 20 P4 m.

Mrs. Wm. McKeag will lead the devotions and Mrs. Leon Meprick, the program. Circle Three will meet jin the home of Mrs.

SFred Bond at p. m. Mrs. Earl Watts will lead file devotions! and Mrs. Wesley Koehler, the program.

I Saturday 9 a. m. Membership Training Class for 6th, i7th' and 8th! grade young people in the church base-s ment. i The membership training class for young people in, high school will be held p. in the church basement.

Sunday 10:00 a. m- Sunday SchooL 1 11:00 a. m. Worship Service 7 p.m. Methodist Mens! meeting (oyster -stw, singing, election of officer, movies), in the church basement.

I Methodist" Youth pri- Circle One j. will meet in the 7:30 Fellowship will; meet mary Wednesday The WSCS will be held -'In Columbus a. m. meeting at 9:30 DISTRICT 18 NEWS By Alta Lisko Mr. and Mrp, Adolph were Monday dinner guests with Mr.

and Mrs. Lew Seiz near Bell- wood. I Bernt John Gonka1 caller Monday On Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Edward LisKd and Phil Micek; called on Mr.

and Mrs. Richard W. Eller and family. i Mr. and Mrs.

Emil Kiibicck Omaha and David visited Friday ing with Mr and Mrs. Glatter and. family in Shelby Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kubicek were also callers in Glatter Sunday visitors with Mr.

and Mrs. Louis A. Schmidt and family were Mrs: A- D. Fellers and Art and Mr. and Mrs.

Bill Fyfe and family of Monroe. Mr. and 1 Mrs. Ernest Solomon of Central; City were Tuesday visitors with Marshall Thompson. jy John Lisko-of near St Marys was a Wednesday afternoon visitor in the Lisko home.

i JACKSON OLEANEBS LAUNDERERS ALTERING TAILORING iWe Give GREEN STAMPS Phone 3581 Oseeola Prompt and Efficient Service TRUCK IN 4 TIMES A WEEK The Osceola Record Polk County's Oldest Newspaper EDITORIAL PERRY N. SAPP Editor and Publisher Entered dt the Post Office at Osceola, Nabr Act of March 1872 I SUBSCRIPTION RATES Per Year (In Nebraska) L50 Per Year (Outside Nebrl) (LOO Card of Thanks I 1J0 ducted their opening and closing ceremonies and Daryl. Swanson gave the FFA Creed. Betty Jo Quick demonstrated about "An Emotional Omelette and several members of the organizations participated in I the skit, Wedding of Aggie Culture! and Homer Economics." Square 'dan-cine; for everyone was led by Mr. and Mrs.

Metcalf of The FHA and FFA members wish to thank everyone- who helped to make their Fun Feed a success. I I OHS I The state inspector visited the school on Wednesday. OHS The OHS students were proud jleam that Willard McKeag has: been awarded a on hundred dhlliar scholarship to the lhiver-sityj of Nebraska College of Agriculture. The scholarships are presented annually by the Union Pacific Railroad I to the Outstanding student in each county in the line: of vocational agriculture. I OHS Mr.

Dealey and several members of the Osceola Chapter of FFA attended the District 2 convention at the I Muncipal Audi torium in David City Saturday. The; highlight of the day was the appearance of Lieutenant Governor Charles' Warner, who assisted in judging the parliamentary procedure contest. Twenty East-Central Nebraska FFA chapters attended the convention! I Calvary Lutheran Church Synodical Conference I Wisconsin Synod OSCEOLA I I Block East of High School D. C. Pastor One Saturday 1:30 p.

mation Class. Sunday 10:15 a. nii Sunday School. Confir- 11; a. Divine Service.

Thursday, March 4 Mid-week Lenten services, 8 p. Yqu are cordially invited. We preach Christ and Him I ST. VINCENT CHURCH Father John H. Howe.

Pastor 4th Sunday in: Lent, March 28. Thursday Choir rehearsal at 7:30 m. -Saturday Lenten devbtiohs at 8 p. jin. Confessions follojw.

Sunday Masses 7:30 and 10:30 a. m. Monday High School students discussion club meeting in parish hall at 7 p. m. Name Society meeting in pariah hall at 8 1 p.

with Laurence Meis-ter and Gerhaxdt Lux as hosts. ST. ANDREWS CHURCH Father John H. Howe. Pastor 4th Sunday ini Lent, March 28.

Sunday Mass at 9 a. in. Confessions before mass. Public Card Party in parish hall at 8 p. with Mrs.

Eva Krqshai and Miss Mildred Hahn as co-chairman. THE LUTHERAN CHURCH Fourth Sunday in Lent. Sunday School and Bible Classes 10 a. i Morning Worship 11 a. m.

Luther College Student, guest speaker. Friday, March 26 at i 8 n. a meeting of the Board of Administration, Advance for Christ Comm Advance, for Visitors land Deacon Emerituses and their Ifamilles. i Sunday, March 28, a Lenten Vesper sponsored by the I Advance fori Christ. A film Salt of I the Earth will be shown.

This tells the story of evangelised and stewardship which deals realistically with the problem of making Christianity count in our modern world and dramatizing what lone man did he decided to go Gods way and do Gods: work. 1 April 1, Ladies. Aid and Missionary at 2:30 p. m. Hostesses: Mrs.

Martha Walgreen and 1UL Raymond Walgreen; Leader, Mrs. Harold Nelson. if ,1 i 1.i -v .1 il r- i 5 I i I I 1-: i i i 1U I sme warn worn The undersigned referee, appointed by the District Court of Polk County, Nebraska will sell the George Davidson farni consisting of approximately 80 acres ill the SE corner of Polk County and 40 acres across the road east in Bntler County, at Public Auction on Now, for Ithe first time, -you can buy Foxbilt SUPER pHICK Starter, ready-mixed, ready to useJ Its made with the famous Foxbilt Chictrate If! I 111 Pre-Mix so you KNOW its SUPER QUALITY. hick Starter; contains FIVE antibiotics, high levels 6f vitamins, base and trace minerals. top I quality balanced proteins.

These potent ingredients aye built around a base of ground WHOLE corn and oats, plus wheat grey aborts for Thiamin and Niacin. At 2 oclock p. m. at the South front door of the'Court House in Osceola, Polk County, Nebraska L- UCTlAi FRtSJi pOllHl hMoos locty POTENT Location: xj I Approximately 80 acres in the SE of 36-13-1, Polk County, Nebraska, and approximately, 40 acres I across the road East in the WNWK of 31-13-1, Bntler County, Nebraska. Yon' SAVE the big' aiM Improvements: House, bam, small buildings garage corn crib and granary and other in fair condition.

Dealer sfffl offers Fax-bttt Cklctrata Pro-Mix for those fo mix their owe Soper-Chick" Starter ostf Developer FOR SUPER RgSULTSl Terms: 15 percent on day of sale and balance on or 15th, 1954, after confirmation of sale tyr the Court. Abstract showing marketable title will i be furnished purchaser. Sale is subject to lease with Louis D. Davidson which expires March 1, 1955. Landlords share of 1954 grain will go to purchaser.

I dUng TRY "SUPER CHICK 1 Thof.Hofbaner, Jr. We Olvo H- qgQScaBP Year Foxbttt who woof i Med or ied i Crumbles Mill Osceola, Phone 2481 Pot PcErflCneir Green i i Robert Li Mills; Referee Osceola, Nebraska Harry I. Hylton, Lawyer Gresham, Nebraska I -L I. v- vi s-tu" niqi aiivma piugnmy iM'iui iMim T-r l-r- jm ic 1 1 1' fcvfU'j..