The Daily Freeman from Kingston, New York (original) (raw)

THE SUNDAY FKEEMAN, E1NUSTUN, N. MAY 13, LP TEvtN Freeman Football 6Coach of Frank Leaving Ellenville High Post ELLENVILLE Dave Frank, coordinator of athletics and varsity football coach at Ellenville High School, has resigned that post to take on similar duties at Keefe Vocational-Technical, a new school that will open doors this September. Frank, a graduate of Springfield University, where he obtained a Bachelor of Science degree, has been the head of the Ellenville athletic department since September, 1962. In 1965. Frank left Ellenville for a year to gain his Masters from the University of Bridgeport.

Frank's Blue Devils won the football championship of the Ulster County Athletic League this past season and he was named of the by The Daily Freema sports staff. really regret leaving this Frank said. has been so good to me. But. this is a great challenge and opportunity, one that I Keefe Vocational is located in Framingham.

Mass. and, according to Frank, is a new concept in duties will be quite similar to what I have been doing at Frank told The Freeman. we will be in the developing stage as this is the first year that the school will be opened. There will be no football at Keefe until 1974. However, we will be competing in all other areas of scholastic sport, including an outside chance at developing an ice hockey team.

We will also be developing the physical education program. school curriculum is based on career-occupational education involving preparation DAVE FRANK of students for jobs that require on the grounds is a skilled craftsmen; vocational ice hockey and teachers, draftsmen, engineers, iskating rink, therefore, I feel analysis, computer operators, that we may be able to develop architects, etc. a program for that. Of course. concept is now being facilities like this are needed widely developed in this area you consider that the 1 of New Frank said, initial school population will be 1 figure about 80 per cent a round 1.500 students.

1 of each graduating class will Professionally speaking, its a I attend either two-vear or tour- great opportunity, with a great I year colleges potential for success. And. I While enthusiam for generally speaking, it a nice I being a part of this new Place t0 work. I education concept is quite ap retrospect, I must say I parent, the description of the that I am going to miss this 1 atheltic facilities he will have area greatly. Everyone in I at his disposal is enough to Ellenville has supported our make even the most well- teams and the boys I have established collegiate athletic coached have to rank as the director green with envy.

nicest to be found anywhere. facilities are out-Superintendent of Schools he said. is Thomas Hayden has given me an Olympic sized swimming and the rest of the staff terrific pool, a large field house and support and I want to thank a separate atheltic field or area him for for each individual sport, i Asked what he felt his greatest accomplishment at Ellenville High had been, Frank responded: our teams aligned in the UCAL." He continued, 1 had to pick an emotional highlight, it would be winning the football championship last year and being named by The Freeman as of the really going to miss being with this football team, they're a great group of young men and sure they will do well. However, my wife Donna and our four daughters are looking forward to the move and all the challenges that go with Frank indicated that either assistant coach Peter Meoli or assistant coach Jack Slovak had the inside track on the varsity football position. decision will come concluded Frank, with the naming of a new coordinator of athletics for Bill Zeeli, Lazar Reunited East Stroudsburg Defeats Paltz Netnien When it comes to tennis op- hrnke his serve.

Thev were definitely a step minonis Krmu pait, now one the toP and uas a lot closer thandt 2-all, Zeeh heavy and could have turned for Ha ponents. New Paltz inriimioH F.verv and ran through the remainder cithpr ior USi coacn stated. NEW PALTZiCommunity College was a gooc match." said stayed even for the first four Ackerman took both sets by a succinctly put "They are one Bill Zeeh and Jerry Lazar New Paltz coach Bob Durkin, games, but with the score Ltd 6-4 count, but weie uor than at collegiate players in the East, the score indicated. Every and ran through believe even though our first and Dizzy fourth men had to miss the fool around. The Hawks pjays jn the No.

I slot for game was close, and there were of the match to win 6-2, 6-1. Would you took on East Stroudsburg State Stroudsburg, while Lazar holds lots of deuce I Jim Breech handed Lazar his singles match we here Friday afternoon and down the second position for Durkin also singled out Zeeh singles defeat winning downing Bob WiuiamSt 6-l. 6-0? Thev are just predictably fell 9 0, to complete New Paltz. They finally faced for particular praise. is as then number tnree He and BrPech then combined The Hawks their dual meet season at 5 4.

each other across the net in good a sportsman as he is a whipped bi. u. handle Barop gnd williams determine whether or not they But, the match was not without the first doubles match where competitor Zeeh met and The in the doubles, G-3, 6 2. will participate in any post its highlights. Zeeh and Bob Nunez toppled conquered Amos Hedrych in the was between fourth men Chuck Ed Burknolder completed the season tournaments.

The ECAC Among them was a reunion Lazar and Ken McGrady, 6-3, leadoff singles of the day. nf vpw pait7 singles sweep by and the NCAA regionals seem of former Ulster County 6 3. tHedrych w-on the serve and Paul Baton defeating John Kulikowski, 6-0. a little out of reach, hut Durkin 6-1. He teamed with Ackerman is hoping for an entry in the I Fields A Future Great NEW PALTZ New Paltz State College with a national high jump champion of its own? It's not quite the impossible dream one might suppose Take Ben Fields, for in stance.

Fields is a freshman out of Washingtonville in national college division com Orange County. who recently set a new all-time State University of New York Athletic Conference (SUNYAC) record with a leap of 6 feet, 8 inches. Six-eight will not of itself make Fields a threat in the petition of the NCAA. But, remember. Fields is only a freshman and after winning the SUNY title at Fredonia, just ticked the crossba 6-10.

to notch a 6-0, 6-2 to win the last NAIA tournament. Should New doubles over Kulikowski and Paltz elect to compete, Durkin Jack Ordway. will select four players, con- The win was East Strouds sisting of two singles com- 15th of the year against petitors and one doubles team 7 set by Jim Munz. another four losses, and as Durkin to compete. Hawk standout of recent vintage.

Fields also hit 44 feet, 934 inches to place second to Brock port's Charles Drummond in the triple jump. Robert Jack All Events to Jan Veltrie Yankowski and Swart Win SWBA Doubles Dale Yankowski and Swart fired a hefty 1302 gross to capture the doubles championship in the Saugerties Worn Bowling Association tourna- 165 handicap, with Juneifinishing 653 on 545 in the wood with 234 handicap and 108 handicap. was Hazel Second place went to Marlene gross. Silk and Jan Veltrie with 1279. Roberta Brill won the singles The 6 8 at Fredonia erased man was sixth the 120 high the old Hawk record of 6 feet hurdles.

6 8 performance was three inches higher that the 6-5 set by Robert Devins of Cort land State in 1969. only defeat in seven outings in the 1973 track sea son came during a triangular with Westfield and Fairfield of Connecticut. was a wet. miserable track coach Jo Donovan recalled, the winner did no better than 6-1. That should give you an idea.

Understandably, Donovan, also doubles as athletic Bartfield with 639 director at financially pressed 'State is enthusiastic about TRY OUR TU 4 Ply Nylon PREMIUM TIRES Priced as ond available in Whitewalls only JunejShe fired 407 in the wood to go Runnerup 1 vvho ment. Dale grossed 649 with 484 championship with 641 gross. Ashe Has the Critique For Match ith Smith Jan Veltrie put together a long range potential. i nine-game aggregate of 1532 for District 31 NAIA com- the net all-events title. She oetition is being bypassed this rolled 549 in the team event, said Donovan, 504 doubles and 479 singles.

hoping to raise enough The all events handicap cham 10 I pion is Nellie Higgins. College Division competi-; grossed 1870 on 548 team, 424 tion at Wabash, Indiana on Juno singles and 423 2. have the feeling Ben can do 6 10 and we 11 do evertyhing doubles, 475 Handicap. The results: 183 154 Ashe and Smith will each other at noon (CST) today before a national television audience with $50,000 J. Roc-tor (55) Heginr (32) 138 168 111 181 174 175 148 152 155 118 174 162 DALLAS (UP1) Arthur, So the two players have not Ashe has a quick critique for met this year and have met doiblek his World Championship Tennis infrequently during their ca-iD.

i56) 21 133 148 title match today against Stan reers even though Smith, arl Smith. attended the University of going to be like two Southern California and Ashe, silk (5()) double barreled shotguns firing 29. studied at UCLA. j.Veitm- at each other from 78 beaten me in a said Ashe. I personally of Ashe said of think Stan is the greatest Smith.

H. Bartel (64) player in the world right now. 1 last time was in think anybody will dispute finals at Stockholm in 1970. But) Gross only played him two or face three times since The perpetually calm Smith, now having reached the finals in what has been up to now the K- going to the winner and $20.000 richest tennis tournament in the to the loser. wxirld, is not yet sure whether The winner will succeed he feels a little more pressure Ken Rosewall, who this week than he usually does, raptured the WCT crown the guess 1 can answer that first two years of the tour question better just before nament.

match he said." The 64 WCT contract players marked difference here, were divided into two groups though, is that you reach the this year with Smith dominat- big match so much more ing his group (six victories in quickly. At Wimbledon or 640 1 possible to get him out Fields won the Orange Coun ty and Section 9 high jump: 653 titles at Washingtonville High and captured the Junior Metro politan Championship in his 214 142 167 673 senior year. 168 203 133 606 SIZE Price lor 2 Tax for 2 650x13 28.00 3.4 6 695x14 31.00 3.76 735x14 33.00 3.9/ 775x14 35.00 4.18 825x14 37.00 4.48 855x 14 39.00 4.86 46.00 5.78 735x15 33.00 4.02 775x15 35.00 4 815x15 37.00 4 54 845x15 39.00 4.84 46.00 5.60 600x12 28.00 2.90 56 0x13 28.00 2.90 600x13 28.00 3.22 560x15 30.00 3.48 615x15 31.CO 3.64 Gross 1279 609 653 1262 Blu 1230 151 211 147 162 126 136 1215 Brill 136 122 641 II. Barteld (64) 136 157 154 639 M. (32) 150 636 the V.

Tobiassen (49) 169 147 173 636 M. Bxrea (77) 132 124 140 627 11 tournaments) and Ashe Forest Hills you have a two N. Higgins (141) finishing second to Rosewall in week buildup and you play a lot 201 his group. of matches M.SiU ALL-EVENTS (Scratch) I) 8 Total Jan Veltrie 549 479 (Han LAWN-BOY SOLID-STATE IGNITION Reports indicate it has proven virtually free of starting problems. Add 2.00 Pair for Whitewalls Heavy Duty SHOCK ABSORBERS For Most Cars Reg.

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