The McCook Tribune from McCook, Nebraska (original) (raw)
The largest online newspaper archive
June 9, 1910
McCook, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Thursday, June 9, 1910
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
fu i A Iron Pure iron Is only a laboratory preparation Cast Iron the most generally useful variety contains about five per cent of Impurities and the curious thing Is that it owes its special value to the presence of these Pure Iron can be shaved with a pocket knife Impure iron can be made almost an bard an steal Good Printi Whitney Vlitvl gJ Swing of the Pendulum Many works of the highest literary excellence went begging among the publishers said the reminiscent person Yes answered the man who doesnt care for best sellers But the publishers appea to have learned their lesson Nowadays they seem willing to put almost anything into print McBRAYER Electrical Contractor House and Store Wiring a specialty Complete line of Fixtures Shades and Supplies of all kinds 2 1 0 Main Ave Office phone black 433 Res red 341 WiHBMiiBalMaKnEKaBBtnBEMBABBXMHMAAKBBSC3x39XI2 Alaska Refrigerators Phone 5o are sold in HcCook by Waite and Co STANSBERRY LUflBER CO Everything in At Live and Let Live Prices iS5XsJ Summer Coal Try our Pea Coil for summer use Its All Coal We carry a regular stock of coal and can meet all your needs Phone 169 Updike Grain Co 5sX5XsXSXSJ er McCOOK NEB i BRtwuwswt mWwk nwum i ng Is the art of putting into another mind what is in your own IT IS A SUBTLE METHOD OF SUGGESTION It Is a means of making a favorable Impression To have the best results It must be the best printing That we axe prepared to give you WALK RIGHT IN Middleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook Nebraska A BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnells drug store McCook Nebraska Walter Hosier WHITNEY HOSIER Draymen Prompt Services Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Phones 13 and Black 244 COAL We now handle the best grades of Colo and Penna coals in connection with our grain business Give us a trial order Phone 262 Real Easterday CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Congregational Preaching at 11 and 8 oclock Sunday school at 10 a Christian Endeavor 7 oclock Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at eight oclock The public is cordially invited to these services Rev Bayne Pastor Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11a and 730 ax Sunday school at 10 a Communion 1st Sundajs 11 a 3rd Sun days 4o a eacn raoutn All are welcome to these services Earle Rector Christian Sunday school at ten oclock Preaching 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings und evenings at 7 oclock Elder Hoiison Pastor Catholic Order of services Mass 730 a Mass and sermon 1030 a Evening service at S00 Sunday school 230 WM PATTON I Metiodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 645 Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 745 Bryant Howe Pastor Baptist Sunday school at ten oclock a Preaching at 11 a and 745 645 Prayer meeting and Bible study on Wednesday at 8 A most cordial invitation is 6a to all to worship with us Francis Iams Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Congregational Sunday School at 930 a Preaching at 1030 a and 730 by pastor Junior at 130 Senior at 700 Prayer meetings every Wednesday and Saturday evenings at 730 All Germans sordially invited to these services Rev Gdstav Henkelmann 505 3rd street West Christian Science 219 Main Avenue Services Sunday at 11 a mf and Wednesday at 8 Reading Room open all the time Science literature on sale Evangelical Lutheran Regular Ger man preaching services in church corner of and 6th street east ev ery Sunday morning at 1030 All Germans cordially invited REV GROTHEER Pastor Glad to Recommend Them Mr Weatley Kotomo Ind says After taking Foley Kidney Pills the severe backache left me my kidneys became stronger the se cretions natural and my bladder no longer pained me I am glad to recommend Foley Kidney Pills In a yellow package A McMillen Wanted Knicker There is room for a new Invention Bocker For Instance an alarm clock tP strike the psychological Z2C2ZSZ3Z X55S2 iKorlds Fair Directors to Erect Large Stone Pile TO COST OVER 8350090 Structure to Be Built With Exposition Surplus Will 3a Repository of Louisiana Purchase and Other Relics Statue of Thomas Jefferson to Be a Feature of the Building A formal tender to the city of SL Louis of a memorial building was made the other night at the St Louis Country club by officials of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition company The offer was made by President David It Francis speaking for the board of directors of whom about seventy live were present As guests of the worlds fair officials Mayor Kreismann and nearly all the city officials were present the occasion being the sixth anniversary of the opening of the worlds fair The plan of the building as outlined by Mr Frauds is that it shall cost from 350000 to 300000 and be located In SL Louis where De Baliviere avenue enters Forest park and facing Lindell avenue The dimensions are to be 330 by feet with an archway in the center over De Baliviere avenue Over this archway the plan contemplates a dome above which will rise a statue of Thomas Jefferson Mr Francis explained that the motive of the directors was to erect a building that should be a fitting commemoration of the worlds fair of SL Louis and of the part that Thomas Jefferson took in making the Louisiana purchase the event the worlds fair celebrated The work on the statue of Jefferson is now under way Carl Bitter chief of sculpture at the worlds fair having the commission Structure to Be of Stone The building is to be of stone and the space on either side of the dome crowned archway is to be used as a HHMlli DAVID FBAXClb repository of the records of the worlds fair and of historical data connected with St Louis and -the Louisiana purchase The city officials present were well pleased with the formal offer of the directors The offer will be referred to the board of public Improvements and then a recommendation of this board will be made to the municipal assembly and an ordinance framed for the acceptance of the building The memorial building is to be paid for out of a surplus that remains in the treasurer of the exposition This surplus Is partly due to a waiver on the part of the United States to a claim on a part of the receipts The surplus Is about the amount the contemplated building will cost The building will be approximately on the site of the main entrance to the worlds fair Pantheon For St Louis Immortals During the discussion of the building and Its uses one suggestion that found favor was that a part of it probably one wing be made into a pantheon to contain busts and pictures of men who have done something for St Louis At the election of officers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition company David Francis was chosen president Samuel SI Kennard SI Houser Cyrus Walbridge Charles Huttlg August Gehner and Pierre Chouteau vice presidents Walter Stevens secretary Franklin Ferriss general counsel Fred Gabel auditor and Edward Perry acting auditor Arterial Red Harvards Official Color The Harvard University corporation has decided that a single official crimson college color is necessary and has authorized a new shade for the faculty to wear The color chosen Is of an arterial red more purple and richer than the tint now used which becomes dull and brownish when contrasted with the new color The athletic Insignia flags college sweaters etc must be of the new color and the student body Is advised to adopt it on Its wearing apparel 35 AN ARCTIC CAMP Pearys Canvas Tents Which Were Absolutely Snow Proof A mans first night in a canvas tent in the arctic is likely to lie rather wakeful says Commander Peary in Hamptons The ice makes mysterious noises the Iojs hark and tkht outside the tiiit where they are tethered and as three Eskimos and one white man usually occupy a small tent and the oil stove is left burning all night the air notwithstanding the cold is not owrpure and sometimes the Kski tnos begin chanting to the spirits of their ancestors in the middle of the night Sometimes too the new mans nerves are tried by hearing wolves howl in the distance Tiie tents are specially made They are of lightweight canvas and the Hour of the tent is sewed directly Into it The Sly is sewed up a circular opening in it just large enough to admit a man and that opening tilted with a circular Hap which is closed by a drawstring making the tent absolutely snow proof An ordinary tent when the snow is Hying would be tilled in no time The tent is pyramidal with one polo in the center and the edges are usually held down by the sledge runners or by snowshoes used as tent pegs The men sleep on the floor in their clothes with a musk ox skin or a couple of deerskins wrapped around them The kitchen box for our sledge journeys is simply a wooden box containing two double burner oil stoves with four inch wicks The two cooking pots are the bottoms of Ove gallon coal oil tins fitted with covers When packed they are turned bottom side up over each stove and the hinged corer of the wooden box is closed On reaching camp whether tent or snow igloo the kitchen box is set down inside The top of the box is turned up and keeps the heat of the stove from melting the wall of the igloo or burning the tent The hinged front of the box is turned down and forms a table The two cooking pots are filled with pounded ice and put on the stove When the ice melts one pot is used for tea and the other may be used to warm beans or to boil meat if there is any Each man has a quart cup for tea and a hunting knife which serves many purposes lie does not carry a fork and one teaspoon is considered quite enough for a party of four Each man helps himself from the pot sticks in his knife and fishes out a piece of meat The theory of field work Is that there shall be two meals a day one in the morning and one at night As the days grow short the meals are taken before light and after dark leaving the period of light entirely for work Sometimes it is necessary to travel twenty four hours without stopping for food The Difference Slistah Walkah kin yo tell me de diff mice tween a cold in de head an a a chicken coop wit a hole in de rufe No Sam thats a hard one What is the difference between a cold in the head and a chicken coop with a hole in the roof De one am a case influenza an de uddah am a case out flew hens sub Ladies and gentlemen the vocal wonder Professor Wabble Izzeers will now sing the popular ballad entitled The Lips That Caress a Stogy Shall Never Touch Sliue Chicago Tribune The Cobra of India Among the true cobras of India the uaja is found all over India and Ceylon Burma the Andaman islands southern China and the Malay peninsula and archipelago It ascends the nimilayas to an altitude of S000 feet It extends also over Afghanistan and through Persia to the eastern shore of the Caspian It may attain a length of nearly seven and a half feet but it is usually not more than a little over five and a half feet long Najas vary much in color and markings but have generally the spectacle mark on the back of the neck which they always distend before making an attack Fish In Former Times Men of former ages unless they lived near the sea or a river had great difficulties in gratifying their taste for fish The great houses had their fish ponds or stews but sea fish such as cod bream sturgeon herring and sprats were salted and the excessive consumption of highly salted fish in the middle ages is said to have produced leprosy Fish was also baked in pies to enable it to be carried for great distances In a New Light Actor Playwright I have been told sir that the Corot you sold me is not genuine Art Dealer Who said so Actor Playwright The art critic of the Daily Whirl Art Dealer Do you believe what their dramatic critic says about your plays Actor Playwright I never thought of that What have you to show me today Smart Set Firmness When my wife makes up her mind said Sir Sleekton there is no use of arguing with her But every woman changes her opinion sometimes Yes And Henrietta is particularly resolute when she makes up her mind to change her opinion Washington Star Self love is at once the most delicate and the most vigorous of our defects Nothing wounds it but nothing kills it i52McUIZMK3Mjk NATIONAL EOT MOVEMENT Scope of Project Formulated by Highway Protective Society SIMILAR TO ENGLISH BODY One Aim of the Organization Is to Get City Boys Off the Streets Basic Idea Is to Further the Interests of Good Roads Many Lads Anxious to Become Scouts To save boys who have a tendency to fall into tho delinquent class the National Highway Protective society in New York has formulated a comprehensive plan to provide additional playgrounds for children and a boys scout organization similar to that which has proved so successful In England The support of Slayor Gay nor of New York city will be enlisted by the society and an appeal will be made to every patriotic person for contributions to the necessary fund to engineer the scheme The project had its inception about a month ago Colonel Edmoud Cornell secretary of the National nighway Protective society in outlining tho scope of the plan said that the basic idea of tho scouts organization is to further tin Interests of good roads from coast to coast i How he asks can an army move unless it has proper roads I At a recent meeting of representatives of childrens aid societies of New York city at which Colonel Cornell jiresHieu a ciiiiiiiiiuuo vl iivu was appointed to request Slayor Gaynors help in liaviug the city permit the use of its unused property and of school lots in summer as playgrounds The advisability of asking owners of cant lots to let them be used for ball games etc was discussed A Wing couuel for the New York Transportation company will take charge of this plan The need of quick action was emphasized by the report that the number of children killed in the streets was increasing with every month i But the principal object of the society is to put on foot the scout movement In every locality it Is argued there are many boys In summer who have nothing to do but play on the streets Slany would be glad to do something worth while It is purposed to take these boys ranging in years from twelve to seventeen and organize them into military companies Scope of Their Field Work The boys will spend the time outdoors mapping the roads constructing bridges and performing other field work An aeroplane department will furnish plenty of excitement and instruction in the fundamental principles of aviation In short the scope of work will encompass the latest scientific fields including wireless telegraphy Aside from an effort to build up character such as will mature into excellent citizenship material the boys will be taught to render the government a direct service it is believed by gradually acquiring much desired information that would prove valuable in time of war Primarily the scouts movement was conceived by General Baden Powell of England to instill and stimulate a militant national patriotism He evolved the idea of combining self sacrifice self discipline and national service with a dash of attractive amusement in educating boys The moral and social influence has been very marked in England it is claimed Chief among the basic elements of appeal in tho scout movement is the fact that it enables every boy to live in a degree a life of adventure and dis covery so dear to the puerile heart Colonel Peter Bomus TJ A retired has been chosen to head the scout movement In the United States His election as commander in chief seems to have been a happy choice for Colonel Bomus has an attractive per- that should appeal to the boys I Furthermore he has been an Indian fighter and has seen service in the Philippines Colonel Gifford Hurry of New York has been appointed treasurer of the organization Many Wish to Become Scouts An effort is now being made to en- list the right kind of men in every state in the Union to take charge of the movement in different localities A number of applications have already been received but the society is taking every precaution to secure the Le available state commanders If sutli cient funds are obtained in time the scouts will take the field this summer I Already the plan has met with an unexpected demonstration of enthusiasm The other day nearly a hundred ambitious youngsters charged upon the 1 offices of the National Highways asso ciatlon in New York cit in an effort to enlist They were informed that their applications were premature Men in the regular army and national guard have offered their assistance These volunteers are located as far away as Fort Riley in Kansas and Georgia No one of doubtful character age or physique will be admitted In the ganlzation As soon as these and similar preliminary matters have been posed of recruiting stations will be opened and the enrollment commenced There is no problem of increased cost of food if you ea more Quaker Oats An ideal food delicious appetizing strengthening Compared with other foods Quaker Oats costs almost nothing and yet it builds the best fcftfciAAt4 Lumber and Coal Thais All But wo can moot your every need in thf lines from our laruo and complete stocks in all grades BaraeU Lumber Phone 5 I if- mwwlliwmwifr Ttiirtrmrtnmimn Mike Waists DEALER IN POULTRY KKGSf Old Rubber Copper and Brass I I Highest Market Price Paid I Now location jnst across rrCrCir I street in Walsh builclintf XtllJ Hi IIII1UUJI II lWW CBW HMWnir r11KHMrW Dr Bruce OSTEOPATH 1 Telephone 55 AlcCook Neb Office oer Elecric Theatre on Yluin Ae ytVAjisliiiilttrfiiiitiiitviliiitt Dr Herbert Pratt RfOISTEKEU fBADLAriS DENTIST Oiiice 2129 Main Dru Store McCook Neb Telephones Oil cm HX Ridenc JSfcfu 131 Gatewood I L7il1101 Office Room 1 Masonic temple Phone 163 McCook Nebraska tfqiMiJMiitiMwAttArfT DR EARL 0 VAHUE DENTIST Office over McAdams Store Phone le Di A Colter DENTIST Room Postofkjce Pt ilpig Phone 378 McCOOK XELRASKt OVER 65 YEARS EXPERIENCE Jwl in 1 tJf Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Anyone ending a sketch and description ms qntcUly ascrt oi op nf free wuethcr ar invention is prci patentable fmraunla tions strictly jiil Jcfil KAiDBOOrt on iateoti sent free OIdet aceney for scurtcjrpatents Patents taken tbroueh iltmn Co receiTa ivtcial notice without charee lntbe eieiuiiie Jfinerican A handsomely llntrati rrcVr Innwt circulation of any ceititlc Jouruul Tern sti year four months Sold by all newsdealers MUNN Go3BBroadway NewYorl Branch Office CS SU Wasblncton.
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