Pacific War - a talk by Admiral Wilkinson, U.S. Navy (original) (raw)
Talk by Admiral Wilkinson of the United States Navy on progress in the Pacific war.
He says last winter he visited New Zealand on behalf of Admiral Halsey, and now speaks to New Zealand on behalf of him again.
He says in the past six months good progress has been made in the Pacific. "We have control of the Central Solomons and a strong foothold on the northern island, Bougainville."
He briefly mentions the various islands which have been taken from the Japanese: Mono, Vella Lavella, the Treasury Islands - held by a small but determined garrison of Japanese, on Bougainville jungle fighting continues.
After frequent encounters at sea and constant air fighting we now have command of air and sea. Teamwork on behalf of all the South Pacific forces has aided this.
He pays tribute to New Zealand's air, naval and land forces for the part they are playing.
On September 14, the 14th Brigade, under Brigadier Potter, landed on Vella Lavella. Troops under Maj-General Barrowclough encircled the island from two directions driving the enemy into a small peninsula. The island is now completely ours.
The 8th Brigade under Brigadier Row, landed on a beach at the head
of Blanche Harbour of the Treasury Islands at dawn on 27th of October.
They charged a beach at the head of the harbour. Despite a number of casualties a covering beach-head was formed for the landing of the following craft.
By the end of the day the 8th Brigade was firmly established ashore and all the ships unloaded and departed. Within the week the island was cleared of the enemy and Treasury is now a secure New Zealand base.
"This Christmas, New Zealand can be assured the yellow tide once threatening your shores has been driven back beyond all future danger. Its wave of invasion is now an undertow of defeat."