Accessing ChemIDplus Content from PubChem (original) (raw)
Accessing ChemIDplus Content from PubChem
ChemIDplus content is being migrated to PubChem. Follow the steps below to find the ChemIDPlus content in PubChem.
- Start a search in the PubChem search by entering a chemical name, molecular formula, CAS RN, SMILES, or InChI identifier.
- Select the “Best Match” compound
- ChemIDplus content is distributed in various sections and fields in PubChem. Use the accordion style menu to expand/collapse the sections. Use “Ctrl F” shortcut key to find the field name.
- IMPORTANT! How to find ChemIDplus-ONLY content
STEP 1: Scroll down to the LAST section “Information Sources”
STEP 2: Go to “Information Sources”, expand the “FILTER BY SOURCE” menu
STEP 3: Select ChemIDplus under the TOXNET sources.
Applying this filter will allow you to access ChemIDplus-only content in PubChem.
Last Reviewed: September 23, 2019