Custom report - Nomis - Official Census and Labour Market Statistics (original) (raw)
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official census and labour market statistics
Area reports
- Local Area Report (district/county and smaller areas)
- Local Authority Profile (district/county areas)
- Local Enterprise Partnerships Profile
- Regional and National Profile
- Combined Authority Profile
- 2010 Parliamentary Constituencies Profile
- 2011 Ward Profile
Topic reports
- Employment by occupation (SOC2020) by sex
- Occupation (SOC2020) by sex, employment status and full/part-time
- Temporary and permanent employees by sex and broad occupation (SOC2020)
- Employment by broad occupation (SOC2020) for part-time workers
- Broad occupation (SOC2020) by sex, employment status and full/part-time time-series
- Data Sources
- Annual Civil Service Employment Survey
- Annual Population Survey/Labour Force Survey
- Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings
- Business Register and Employment Survey
- Census
- Claimant Count
- DWP Benefits
- Housing
- Economic output and productivity
- Jobs Density
- Jobseekers Allowance
- Life Events
- Population Estimates/Projections
- Regional Accounts
- UK Business Counts
- Workforce Jobs
- Census
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