table| a | 5 || b | 7]
Comments are supported at the start of a line
[not //commented]
Id attribute Two distinct nodes can have the same display name with the id attribute.
[a] -- [b]
Directives #import: filename #arrowSize: 1 #bendSize: 0.3 #direction: down | right #gutter: 5 #edgeMargin: 0 #gravity: 1 #edges: hard | rounded #background: transparent #fill: #eee8d5; #fdf6e3 #fillArrows: false #font: Calibri #fontSize: 12 #leading: 1.35 #lineWidth: 3 #padding: 8 #spacing: 40 #stroke: #33322E #title: filename #zoom: 1 #acyclicer: greedy #ranker: network-simplex | tight-tree | longest-path
Custom classifier stylesA directive that starts with "." define a classifier style. The style is written as a space separated list of modifiers and key/value pairs. fill=#8f8 dashed
#.blob: visual=ellipse title=bold
[ GreenBox]
[ Blobby]
Modifiers dashed
Key/value pairs fill=(any css color)
stroke=(any css color)
align=center align=left
direction=right direction=down
visual=actor visual=class visual=database visual=ellipse visual=end visual=frame visual=hidden visual=input visual=none visual=note visual=package visual=pipe visual=receiver visual=rhomb visual=roundrect visual=sender visual=start visual=sync visual=table visual=transceiver
Style title and text body title=left,italic,bold body=center,italic,bold
Text modifiers bold center italic left underline
Welcome to nomnomlA tool for drawing UML diagrams based on a simple syntax.
Try and edit the code on the left and watch the diagram change. Any changes are saved to the browser's localStorage , so your diagram should be here the next time, (but no guarantees).
Created by Daniel Kallin and hosted on GitHub for your perusal.
InteractionThe canvas can be panned and zoomed by dragging and scrolling in the right hand third of the canvas.
The editor supports a subset of Sublime Text's keymappings .
Usage Car has an Engine[Car]->[Engine]
Car owns an arbitrary number of blemished[Car] +-> 0..* [RustPatch]
Car knows its Manufacturer and is the parent of Pickup[Car]o->[Manufacturer]
Car has some attributes[Car|speed: Number;valves: Valve[] ]
Engine has an operation[Engine||start()]
Engine has internal parts[Engine|
Engine depends on components[Engine] - [Tank]
[Tank] -->o [Big Fuel Tank]
Set font#font: Times
Text with serifs
Layout the diagram really tight#fontSize: 8
#spacing: 12
#padding: 3
[Lorem ipsum]-[dolor sit amet]
Apples | 17 ||
Oranges | 4711
Create your own fill=#8f8 dashed
[ GreenBox]
Divide into multiple files#.blob: fill=pink
#import: blobby_styles
[ Blobby]