Holiday Break Program: Summer/Autumn 2024/2025 Guidelines (original) (raw)

The department will advise applicants, via email, of the outcome of their application.

The NSW Government Grant Administration Guide (2022) mandates the publication of information about all grants awarded no later than 45 calendar days after the grant agreement takes effect. The publication of program evaluations is also required. This information is published on the NSW Government Grants and Funding Finder website.

Successful applicants will be required to enter into a funding agreement with the NSW Government. A sample funding agreement can be viewed at

Successful applicants will be required to provide all supporting documentation and approvals before the Department can enter into a funding agreement. This includes Insurance and Landowners Consent (if applicable).

The NSW Government makes no binding funding commitment to an Applicant until the funding agreement has been fully executed.

Funding agreements are considered executed once signed by the organisation and the Department has received a signed uploaded copy of the final funding agreement, with all required documentation accurate and current. The Department will advise upon Agreement approval, via email.

Successful applicants must not make financial commitments for funded activities prior to receiving a funding agreement.

Grants will be paid via milestone payments set out in the funding agreement. Timing and requirements will vary at NSW Government’s discretion. Applicants who have previously been awarded Holiday Break funding, may be required to provide acquittal evidence prior to the execution of new funding agreements.

Successful applicants are required to submit progress reports to the NSW Government as outlined in the funding agreement.

The NSW Government typically receives far more applications than it can support. Applicants are not guaranteed funding. Further, even if an application is successful, it may not be funded to the full amount requested. All projects must demonstrate they can commence and be completed within the period of the funding agreement.

Applicants must either hold all relevant insurances, including a minimum $20 million Public Liability Insurance or hold equivalent or better self-insurance to the satisfaction of the Department, or be willing to obtain relevant insurance coverage prior to executing a Funding agreement with the department.

Requests for variations or changes to the project will only be considered in limited circumstances.

All awarded grants will be GST exclusive. If the Applicant is registered for GST, this will be applied on top of the agreed grant value when payment is made. Grants are assessable income for taxation purposes, unless exempted by taxation law. It is recommended applicants seek independent professional advice about taxation obligations or seek assistance from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). The NSW Government does not provide advice on individual taxation circumstances.

Successful applicants will be required to pay back unspent funds or those funds which have not been spent in accordance with the funding agreement (unless otherwise agreed by the department).

Successful applicants may be required to participate in a program evaluation to determine the extent to which their projects have contributed to the objective of the Program. The evaluation may require Applicants to provide evidence of how projects have resulted in a measurable change to the lives of residents that is consistent with the objective of the Program.

Any information submitted by an applicant may be used for promotional material prepared by the NSW Government.

The NSW Government Grant Administration Guide (2022) mandates the publication of information about all grants awarded no later than 45 calendar days after the grant agreement takes effect. The publication of program evaluations is also required. This information is published on the NSW Government Grants and Funding Finder website. may choose to publicly announce funding for individual applications. It may also use information provided in the grant to develop case studies.

All recipients of NSW Government funding should acknowledge this financial support as per the Funding Acknowledgement Guidelines for Recipients of NSW Government Grants available at branding/sponsorship-and-funding-acknowledgment-guidelines.

The department reserves the right to undertake an audit of grant funding within a period 7 years from the signing of the funding agreement.

Applicants must advise the department of any changes to their legal status or of changes or delays to their project.