Syria Shells Israeli Bases In Occupied Golan Heights (original) (raw)

Syria Shells Israeli Bases In Occupied Golan Heights



Nov. 26, 1972

Syria Shells Israeli Bases In Occupied Golan Heights

Credit...The New York Times Archives

See the article in its original context from
November 26, 1972



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BEIRUT, Lebanon, Nov. 25— Syrian artillery shelled two Israeli positions in the Golan heights today, a military com muniqué broadcast by the Da mascus radio said.

The positions hit were Kafr Naffakh and El Quneitra across the cease‐fire lines in the heights, which Israel seized from Syria in the 1967 war.

The broadcast said the Sy rian action was in retaliation for Israeli shelling of Syrian positions earlier in the day.

[Jordanian sources in Bei rut said that Jordan had foiled an attempt to over throw King Hussein and pro claim a republic. Page 3.]

‘War of Attrition’

On Tuesday, Syrian and Is raeli forces engaged in large scale air, artillery and tank battles in what Syrian officials described as the beginning of a new “war of attrition.”

According to reports from Da mascus tonight, Syrian forces remained on alert, expecting Israeli air attacks tomorrow in retaliation for the shelling of Israeli posts today.

The reports said that Presi dent Hafez al‐Assad had asked the Soviet Union to consider a Syrian request for SAM‐3 anti‐ aircraft missiles.

Although the Soviet Union has agreed to provide Syria with MIG‐21 fighter planes and with additional SAM‐2 missiles, they were said to have been reluctant to set up the more ad vanced SAM‐3 missiles in Syria.

Syria is pressing for the SAM‐3's because they are effective against low‐flying air craft. The SAM‐2's are effec tive against planes at high al titudes.

The Israelis have been de pending heavily on their air force in their attacks on Syrian forces and commando bases on Syrian territory.

The Soviet Union apparently is reluctant to supply the SAM‐ 3's because Moscow does not want to get deeply involved in Syria, as it was in Egypt.

Setting up SAM‐3 sites in Syria would mean sending a large number of technicians, and Soviet pilots might have to fly over Syria to protect the sites.
