Washington Talk: Briefing; Quoting the A.N.C. (original) (raw)

U.S.|Washington Talk: Briefing; Quoting the A.N.C.




Dec. 29, 1987

Washington Talk: Briefing; Quoting the A.N.C.

Credit...The New York Times Archives

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December 29, 1987


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Sechaba, the official publication of the African National Congress, is banned in South Africa. As such, it may not be distributed or quoted by any South African publication. But South African cabinet ministers often quote banned publications or leaders of the guerrilla organization when they believe it helps them to press their case against the rebels. And an editorial from the October issue of Sechaba showed up in, of all places, a monthly bulletin published by the South African Embassy in Washington. The embassy said that the editorial showed that the A.N.C. was not interested in negotiations with the Pretoria Government.

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