Your Privacy Choices - The New York Times (original) (raw)

From this page, depending on where you live, you may have the ability to opt-out of certain kinds of data processing that involve third parties. In addition, if you are a California resident, you also have the ability to limit the use of your sensitive information in particular circumstances.

Read more about how we use your personal information in our Privacy Policy.

Opt out

By opting out here, we will not “share” or “sell” your information and you will be opted out of “targeted advertising” as defined under certain privacy laws. Please note that you won’t be able to change this preference. Your choice here is unrelated to the mechanisms by which you can opt out of emails from us, which are described in our Privacy Policy.

CA: Limit the use of your sensitive information

If you are a California resident, you also have the ability to limit the use of your sensitive information in particular circumstances. Use this Data Subject Request Form to learn more about this right and initiate your request.