Intellectual property statistics (original) (raw)
Patent-related indicators are available on the OECD Data Explorer.
The OECD gathers records on IP rights documents from several administrative sources encompassing patents, trademarks and design rights. While patent data mainly rely on the Worldwide Statistical Patent Database (PATSTAT) maintained by the EPO, trademarks and design registrations are gathered from different IP offices (IP Australia, JPO, OHIM, USPTO).
Several patent-related dataset are made available to researchers upon request (from a secure password-protected server). The datasets can be used as a complement to other existing patent data sets (e.g. PATSTAT).
- OECD Patent Quality Indicators Database (series of indicators capturing the technological and economic value of EPO and USPTO patents)
- OECD Triadic Patent Families Database (set of patents jointly filed at EPO, JPO and USPTO)
- OECD REGPAT Database (EPO and PCT patents by regions)
- OECD Citations Database (references to patent and non-patent literature cited in EPO, USPTO or PCT patents)
- OECD HAN database (harmonised patent applicants’ names)