Why a Vending Machine is Good for your Office - Oliver Cromwell (original) (raw)

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Vending machines are a convenient option for office environments as they enable employees to get snacks and drinks whenever they please without leaving their seats. Vending machines also increase employee productivity.

Vending machines may seem like the perfect place for unhealthy potato chips and sugary soda, but they can also offer healthier snacks like granola bars to encourage employee wellness.


Vending machines make an excellent addition to offices because they’re easily located nearby where people already work. Plus, their easy management via smartphone app makes restocking and monitoring sales effortless.

An office vending machine can save employees valuable time spent buying food and drink outside their workplace, giving them time to focus on work with full stomachs and clear minds.

Consider giving your employees an hour for lunch breaks; 20 to 30 minutes may be spent leaving the office and going out to find food at restaurants or convenience stores before returning back into work again. A vending machine could make this process more efficient so they can spend their remaining break relaxing and rejuvenating before going back into their jobs.

Healthier Options

Contrary to popular belief, vending machines do not always contain unhealthy snacks like potato chips and sugary sodas. With careful vending machine manufacturers on board, these vending machines can now provide healthy alternatives such as granola bars, nuts, and fresh fruit to employees trying to manage their health better. This could make all the difference for their wellbeing!

Vending machines can help increase employee satisfaction by decreasing time spent away from the office during lunch breaks. For instance, if your office only allows an hour for lunch breaks each day, this could take anywhere between 20 to 30 minutes for employees to go find food before returning back and getting back to work.

Your team’s break time should be used productively; with vending machines cutting down on that time and giving employees more of an opportunity to relax, eat, and recharge in order to be more effective throughout their day – this creates a win-win scenario that benefits both employees and your company!

Boosts Productivity

Your vending machines allow your employees to get snacks without leaving the office, saving them from interrupting their focus by having to get up and walk across the building or step outside for a smoke break – which can provide a significant productivity boost.

Making food and beverages readily accessible can also serve as a powerful morale-booster, showing your team you care for their wellbeing and providing additional incentive for them to work harder.

Employees also save time by not having to leave the office for snacks and beverages, leaving more time for work. This is especially useful for employees working under tight deadlines who must work through lunch or breaks in order to meet quotas; additionally it reduces absenteeism since staff don’t leave for breaks that could potentially lead to sick days being taken off work.


Vending machines provide employees with an efficient and straightforward means of accessing energy-boosting snacks or drinks without needing to leave the office. Vending machines help reduce stress by relieving employees of having to go off site to purchase lunch for themselves; thereby improving morale and productivity at work simultaneously.

Employee engagement increases when employees feel their employer cares about them and their wellbeing, so providing your team with a vending machine is an easy and cost-effective way to demonstrate this concern. Employees will be able to stop by during breaks to replenish and return to work faster without spending precious time away from the office buying lunch or snacks; with modern machines offering instant beverages such as tea and coffee they’ll even be able to combat any midday slump quickly and efficiently!



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