Status and aims of the DUMAND neutrino project: the ocean as a neutrino detector (Conference) (original) (raw)
OSTI.GOV Conference: Status and aims of the DUMAND neutrino project: the ocean as a neutrino detector
Conference ยท 01 Jul 1976
OSTI ID:7332526
The possibility of using the ocean as a neutrino detector is considered. Neutrino-produced interactions result in charged particles that generate Cherenkov radiation in the water, which can be detected by light-gathering equipment and photomultipliers. The properties of the ocean as seen from this standpoint are critically examined, and the advantages and disadvantages pointed out. Possible uses for such a neutrino detector include (1) the detection of neutrinos emitted in gravitational collapse of stars (supernova production), not only in our own galaxy, but in other galaxies up to perhaps twenty-million light-years away, (2) the extension of high-energy neutrino physics, as currently practiced up to 200 GeV at high-energy accelerators, to energies up to 50 times higher, using neutrinos generated in the atmosphere by cosmic rays, and (3) the possible detection of neutrinos produced by cosmic-ray interactions outside the earth's atmosphere. The technology for such an undertaking seems to be within reach.
Research Organization:
Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, Ill. (USA)
DOE Contract Number:
Report Number(s):
FERMILAB-Conf-76/59-EXP; CONF-760671-9; TRN: 77-001361
Resource Relation:
Conference: International neutrino conference, Aachen, F.R. Germany, 8 Jun 1976
Country of Publication:
United States