Chemotherapy Program - (original) (raw)


systemictherapyprogram_staffThe Systemic Therapy Program at The Ottawa Hospital provides treatments using anti-cancer drugs. These include chemotherapy, targeted agents and immune system boosters. Any side effects related to your treatment are also managed here. If referred to us, you will meet our dedicated oncology team at one of our three locations: The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre, The Medical Day Care Unit (MDCU) at the General Campus, or the Irving Greenberg Family Cancer Centre located on the grounds of The Queensway Carleton Hospital. Our goal is to support you, starting at your first meeting with your oncologist (doctor specializing in cancer care) and patient designated nurse, during chemotherapy treatments, and in arranging any follow- up care you may require.

Our Services:

The Systemic Therapy Program will provide you with highly specialized care. Services available to you through our program include:

Our Treatment Locations:

Treatments will be provided to you as close to home as possible, under the direction of your oncologist. You may receive treatment at one of the following locations:

Our Team:

systemictherapyprogram_staff_3The dedicated team of The Systemic Therapy Program includes:

Making an appointment:

A referral to the Systemic Therapy Program and an oncologist is required from your surgeon or family physician. If referred to us, you will be contacted by our booking office for an appointment.

**Please note: Educational materials and appointment locations will vary for hematology patients.

For Health-care Professionals:

Health-care providers can access a referral form by clicking on the following links:

Cancer Centre Referral form

Breast Cancer Referral Form

Completed referral forms can be faxed to New Patient Registration at The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre fax number: 613-247-3516

**Please note: Educational materials and appointment locations will vary for hematology patients. *link to hematology program page*

Last updated on: July 18th, 2017