Girlfriend Of Kyle Filipowski Accused Of 'Mormon Grooming.' | OutKick (original) (raw)

I know all eyes are on that trainwreck of a debate from last night, and rightfully so. Yikes. BUT, for those of you searching for an alternate route to travel today, let me introduce you to the wildest set of NBA Draft allegations this side of the Mississippi.

Strap in.

For those who missed it – and that's all of you, because who watched the NBA Draft? – Duke star Kyle Filipowski mysteriously slid (that's relative in the NBA Draft) to the second round of the draft. Remember him?

He's the one who was wrapped up in that silly court-storming drama earlier this year that led to the wokes trying to ban it, which was perfectly on-brand.

Anyway, he's a pretty legit player, and folks were somewhat surprised he slipped to the 32nd overall pick. Now, when players slide, there's usually a skeleton or eight in the ol' closet that tends to come out in the wake of said slide.

Bad Wonderlic. Didn't interview great. Family accuses girlfriend/fiancée of "mormon grooming" you out of high school and brainwashing you to the point of cutting them off with a goodbye email.

You know, stuff like that.

Wait, what? Oh, you're confused about that last part?! Well, don't take it from me, then. Listen to Kyle's brother, Daniel, AND mother, Becky!

The Kyle Filipowski family drama deserves your attention

My God. What a subplot, indeed! And now Kyle's playing for the UTAH JAZZ? What a fairytale ending!

Look, I have no clue if these claims are true. Who the hell knows? They were made by family, so that obviously helps (or hurts, depending on who's reading, I guess), but still. You have to take everything with a grain of salt in 2024, especially in the age of social media and AI and deep fakes.

What did that weird dude from Last Crusade tell Indy before sending him off to Venice to find Sean Connery?

Don't trust anyone.

All that being said, it's a wild story. Accusing 28-year-old Cailtin Hutchison (28, according to Kyle's mom in the above thread) of "mormon grooming" and "brainwashing" Kyle, who is now 20, at a younger age, with the sole purpose of getting a ring – and then SENDING A GOODBYE LETTER EMAIL TO THE FAMILY BECAUSE HE WAS CUTTING THEM OFF – is the wildest thing I've read in a while.

Now, again, I have no clue if any of it's true. I'm just here to report on the Twitter beef, because it grabbed my attention this morning.

After reading all of that, the next logical step, at least for me, was to head on over to Caitlin's Instagram page to see how things were going …

… and they were going EXACTLY how I imagined:

Let's take a quick trip around the comments section:

This gonna be a fire episode of Law & Order SVU.

Bro they’re staring bc she’s 30.

You’re sick, caitlin. Leave this young man alone.

You groomed this poor young man into a cult.

Groomed that poor boy when he was in high school and took him away from his family.

you was bro baby sitter.

Whew. I could go on and on. It's a bloodbath in there. Again, I'm not here to pick a side. I'm gonna need another shoe or two to drop first before I decide who to believe.

Obviously, it doesn't look great for Caitlin here right now, but we haven't heard from her, or Kyle Filipowski yet. Not sure we ever will, but it would be some nice context to have, you know?

That being said, that last post from Kyle – People will stare. Make it worth their while. – is … interesting. I'll just leave it at that.

OK, carry on with your Fridays.