Give through your pay | Oxfam Australia (original) (raw)
\ Donate \ Different ways to give \ Give through your pay
Wouldn’t it be nice to change lives just by going to work? With a Workplace giving program, you can.
Workplace giving is one of the simplest and most effective ways you can donate to Oxfam Australia and help people lift themselves out of poverty. You choose the amount of your salary you wish to donate and it will be deducted from your pay.
Last year, workplace givers donated $420,000 to Oxfam Australia, which continues to help us tackle the inequality that fuels poverty all over the world.
Why should you give through your pay?
- It’s easy — decide how much to give, and it’s automatically deducted with each pay cycle.
- If arranged with your employer, you could make your donations from your pre-tax salary (that is, a salary sacrifice arrangement). You would then pay tax on your salary as reduced by the amount of the donations.
- Alternatively, you could arrange with your employer to give from your after-tax pay, and your employer may adjust the amount of tax deducted from your salary each pay cycle to account for the donation. You will still need to report a deduction at tax time.
- You could also ask your employer to match your donation
- You’ll be part of a valuable community of regular donors. Regular donations allow Oxfam Australia to plan for the future so we can do even more with your donation.
- Your contribution can help people access clean water, send kids to school, empower women and save lives around the world.
Disclaimer: the information on this page is general in nature and you should always speak to your tax advisor about your individual circumstances. You should also speak to your employer about the specific terms of your employer’s workplace giving policy.
If you make a donation that is matched by your employer, this is what it could look like:
![A diagram showing how matched giving works: 10pretaxdonationfromyou∗+10 pre tax donation from you* + 10pretaxdonationfromyou∗+10 matched donation from your workplace = 20toOxfam∗Checkwhetheryourworkplacegivingprogramallowsdonationstobemadefromyourpre−taxsalary](−content/uploads/2024/04/MATCHEDGIVING.jpg"Adiagramshowinghowmatchedgivingworks:20 to Oxfam Check whether your workplace giving program allows donations to be made from your pre-tax salary]( "A diagram showing how matched giving works:20toOxfam∗Checkwhetheryourworkplacegivingprogramallowsdonationstobemadefromyourpre−taxsalary](−content/uploads/2024/04/MATCHEDGIVING.jpg"Adiagramshowinghowmatchedgivingworks:10 pre tax donation from you + $10 matched donation from your workplace
$20 to Oxfam*Check whether your workplace giving program allows donations to be made from your pre-tax salary")
What Australian workplace givers agree:
- 85% of employees feel it’s important to give back to the community through their workplace (Australian Charities Fund Research, 2014).
- 92% of workplace givers described themselves as very pleased to donate (Good2Give research, 2015).
- 79% are very passionate about the work of their charities (Good2Give research, 2015).
- 94% want giving to be easy and they feel workplace giving is quick and easy (Good2Give research, 2015).
How do you sign up?
Let your employer know that you want to give regular donations to Oxfam Australia. If we’re not already one of your organisation’s charities of choice, please nominate us. We’re happy to send all the information they need.
Spread the word and get your workmates involved so together we can reach even more people in need and help them create a better future.
Interested in finding out more? Contact us on for more information.