Real life stories section (original) (raw)

In this section you will find real life stories from people affected by pancreatic cancer.

Whether you want to read other people’s stories or tell your own, sharing experiences of pancreatic cancer could help.

These stories provide examples of how people are diagnosed, the treatment they have and how they take care of themselves. The stories are not recommendations about treatment or care. Talk to your medical team about your treatment options.

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Sharing your experience can help others understand what it’s like to have pancreatic cancer or care for someone with pancreatic cancer.

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Latest real life stories

Georgia & Leon

Georgia’s husband Leon was 51 when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He sadly died two years after first noticing symptoms. Georgia talks about...
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Emma and Martyn

Emma’s Dad, Martyn, was the light in every room. Loving, kind, a karaoke connoisseur, with a laugh you could hear for miles. He was diagnosed with pan...
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Alice began to feel unwell while on holiday in July 2023. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and has since had chemotherapy and surgery. Alice i...
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Georgia & Leon

Georgia’s husband Leon was 51 when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He sadly died two years after first noticing symptoms. Georgia talks about...
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Emma and Martyn

Emma’s Dad, Martyn, was the light in every room. Loving, kind, a karaoke connoisseur, with a laugh you could hear for miles. He was diagnosed with pan...
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Alice began to feel unwell while on holiday in July 2023. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and has since had chemotherapy and surgery. Alice i...
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