8 Things We Learned From Elementary Creator Rob Doherty's Twitter Q&A (original) (raw)

Elementary Creator Rob Doherty took to Twitter to answer fan questions. Enjoy his most insightful comments about the show.

QUESTION: Love that John Noble is playing Sherlock's father! How soon into the season will we see them together? #AskElementary

Very soon. But as you may recall from season one… dad is a “serial absentee." https://t.co/BTlkresTRW

— Elementary Writers (@ELEMENTARYStaff) August 6, 2015

QUESTION: This season, can Clyde be the center of a "very special episode" (romance, kidnapping, etc.)? #AskElementary

Craig Sweeny keeps trying to lure him to Limitless. But Clyde is all ours. https://t.co/yx4fdMg4b2

— Elementary Writers (@ELEMENTARYStaff) August 6, 2015

QUESTION: How is Marcus doing? Is he really fully recovered from his injuries and trauma from S2? #AskElementary

He’s made of stern stuff. He’s changed his hair a little in Season 4, but I don’t think that’s related to the trauma https://t.co/Yqiidprz4D

— Elementary Writers (@ELEMENTARYStaff) August 6, 2015

QUESTION: If you have any character from any CBS show crossover to Elementary for 1 ep, who would it be? #AskElementary

Wish we could cross over with 48 Hrs. Personal fave. https://t.co/D5eY7KfUXy

— Elementary Writers (@ELEMENTARYStaff) August 6, 2015

QUESTION: @ELEMENTARYStaff Is Clyde portrayed by the same tortoise every time? If so, who does he (the reptilian actor) belong to? #AskElementary

two real tortoises, one robot https://t.co/DubKSsjJVc

— Elementary Writers (@ELEMENTARYStaff) August 6, 2015

QUESTION: Any advice for hopeful authors/writers? #AskElementary

Read scripts. All the time. You pick up so much through osmosis. https://t.co/tXL43CK17Q

— Elementary Writers (@ELEMENTARYStaff) August 6, 2015

QUESTION: Will we see Joan struggle bc someone very close to her relapsed again? (That is Liam, not past sober clients.) #AskElementary

Probably not this season. Sherlock’s relapse casts too large a shadow. https://t.co/BRSZVIp6T1

— Elementary Writers (@ELEMENTARYStaff) August 6, 2015

QUESTION: Rob, do you think to make a MFA in screewriitng is a good ideia to become a showrunner? #AskElementary

Hm. Probably not? Watching a lot of TV in your youth helps. Avoid dating. And the outdoors. https://t.co/AjYJJevtR5

— Elementary Writers (@ELEMENTARYStaff) August 7, 2015