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l:· .•
BERLINWhilst our knowledge of the forms which the castration complex
may assume in women has become more and more comprehensive, 2
our insight into the nature of the complex as a whole has made no
corresponding advance. The very abundance of the material collected
· which is now familiai- to us brings to our minds more strongly than
ever the remarkable character of the whole phenomenon, so that the
phenomenon in itself becomes a problem. A survey of the forms
assumed by the castration complex in women that have hitherto
been observed and of the inferences tacitly drawn from them shows
that, so far, the prevailing conception is based on a certain funda
mental notion which may be. briefly formulated as follows (I quote
in part verbatim from Abraham's work on the subject) : Many females,
both children and adults, suffer either temporarily or permanently
from the fact of their sex. The manifestations in the mental life of
women which spring from the objection to being a woman are trace
able to their coveting a penis when they were little girls. The unwel
come idea of being fundamentally lacking in this respect gives rise
to passive castration phantasies, while active phantasies spring
from a revengeful attitude against the favoured male.
In this formulation we have it assumed as an axiomatic fact that
females feel at a disadvantage in this respect of their genital organs,
without this being regarded as constituting a problem in itself
possibly because to masculine narcissism this has seemed too self
evident to n�ed explanation. Nevertheless, the conclusion so far
�aper delivered at the Seventh International Psycho-Analytical
Congress, Berlin, Sept. 1922.
1 Cf. in particular Abraham, • Manifes.tations of the Female Castration
drawn from the investigations-amounting as it does to an assertion
that one-half of the human race is discontented with the sex assigned
to it and can overcome this discontent only in favourable circum
stances-is decidedly unsatisfying, not only to feminine narcissism
but also to biological science. The question arises, therefore : Is it
really the case that the forms of the castration complex met with in
women, pregnant with consequences as they are, not only for the
development of neurosis but also for the character-formation and
destiny of women who for all practical purposes are normal, are based
solely on a dissatisfaction with the fact of womanhood-a dissatis
faction due to her coveting a penis ? Or is this possibly but a pretext
(at any rate, for the most part) put forward by other forces, the
dynamic power of which we know already from our study of the
formation of neurosis ?
I think that this problem can be attacked from several sides.
Here I merely wish to put forward from the purely ontogenetic stand
point, in the hope that they may col).tribute to a solution, certain
considerations which have gradually forced themselves upon me in
the course of a practice extending over many years, amongst patients
the great majority of w]:iom were women and in whom on the whole
the castration complex was very marked.
According to the prevailing conception the castration �omplex fo.
females is entirely centred in the ' penis-envy ' complex ; in fact the
term ' masculinity-complex ' is used as practically synonymous. The
first question which then presents itself is : How is it that we can
observe this penis-envy occurring as an almost invarial5le typical
phenomenon, even when the subject has not a masculine way of life,
where there is no favoured brother to make envy of this sort com
prehensible an<;! where no • accidental disasters ' 3 in the woman's
experience have caused the masculine r6le to seem the more desirable ?
The inipoftant point here seems to be the fact of raising the
question; once it has been put answers suggest themselves almost
spontaneously from the material with which we are sufficiently fami
liar. For supposing we take as our starting-point the form in which
'penis-envy' probably most frequently directly manifests itself,
namely, in the desire to urinate like a man, a 'Critical sifting of the
material soon shows that this desire is made up of three component
1 Cf. Freud, '. Tahu der Virginitat ', Sammlung kleiner Schriften, Vierte
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