Mastering | Digital Learning Platforms | Pearson UK (original) (raw)

Active learning for future scientists and engineers

Immersive experiences

Curiosity is at the heart of STEM learner thinking. Tap into that curiosity to nurture empowered, proficient science and engineering students.

Conceived by physicists and employed across the globe, Mastering® is a flexible, customisable platform that engages students as they learn best; active learning, tutorials, feedback and analytics build competence and confidence.

Turn world-class content into world-class experiences. Harness the power of Mastering to realise students’ full potential.

Ignite student potential

Help students reach their academic goals with Mastering.

Own your course

Lighten your teaching load and customise courses with ease. Use time-saving tools to create, import and manage assignments, automatically calculate, grade and track results and copy courses.

Deliver top content

Great content helps students think and reason. Mastering combines world-class content, by top thought leaders, with tools supporting concept mastery.

Empower learners

To experience is to learn; by creating multiple opportunities to participate, engage, practice, and receive personalised feedback, Mastering supports learning that lasts.

Inspire success

To experience is to learn. Watch as learners embrace complex scientific challenges through authentic engagement opportunities and real-time analytics.

AI bot icon sitting on a dark background

Introducing an AI-Powered Study Tool in Mastering

We're all about pushing boundaries and redefining the study experience. That's why we've combined cutting-edge AI technology with trusted Pearson content to create a study tool like no other. With an easy-to-use chat experience and personalised support, our AI-powered Study Tool turns students' mistakes into learning opportunities, whenever and wherever they need it!

Explore the AI Study Tool

Supporting attainment and progression

With 100% of students confirming that Mastering had impacted ‘a lot’ on learning, the evidence is compelling.

Read Catherine’s story

“You can start small setting just a few problems for the students and building up... Assign some credit and make it the best learning experience for the students. Don’t have the online platform and homework as an aside, it has to be central to the course.”

- Dr Catherine Dobson, Senior Lecturer, University of Hull

“I just wanted to let you know how helpful the Mastering Biology is! It makes me study better... And it is a perfect combination between pictures, videos and text. It's genius!”

– Student, University of Essex

Let’s connect

You can count on your Pearson representative to help you find best-in-class solutions to ensure you’re achieving all your classroom goals. Connect with us to request a product demo, receive sample materials for your courses, and more.