Service Master Terms of Use (original) (raw)

Service Master Terms of Use

This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Japanese language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and this English translation, the original Japanese version shall prevail.

Article 1. Introduction

  1. These pixiv Master Terms of Use (referred to as these “Terms of Use” or, to distinguish them from individual terms of use, these “Master Terms of Use”) apply to all conduct in cases where Users use the services (the services are collectively referred to as the “Services,” and individual services are referred to as “Individual Services”) provided by pixiv Inc. (the “Company”). Users shall agree to these Terms of Use and use the Services in accordance with these Terms of Use.
  2. Terms and conditions for use of the Services are set forth in these Terms of Use as well as terms of use, guidelines, and other agreements relating to Individual Services. These individual terms of use, rules, and so on (“Individual Terms of Use etc.”) apply as a constituent part of the agreement pursuant to these Terms of Use. In cases where these Terms of Use do not apply pursuant to Individual Terms of Use etc., only the relevant Individual Terms of Use etc. apply.

Article 2. Individual Agreements etc.

  1. Table 1 indicates whether Individual Terms of Use etc. relating to Individual Services exist and whether those Individual Terms of Use apply.
  2. In the case of discrepancy between the provisions of Individual Terms of Use etc. and these Terms of Use, unless otherwise provided, the Individual Terms of Use etc. shall take precedence over these Terms of Use.
  3. In the case of discrepancy between individual terms of use and the corresponding guidelines, unless otherwise provided, the guidelines shall take precedence over the individual terms of use.
  4. Of the various guidelines, “the pixiv Trademark Guidelines” shall apply to all Users. Further, in addition to the guidelines indicated in Table 1, other guidelines have been established in relation to Individual Services, and guidelines associated with Individual Services apply preferentially.
    Table 1


## pixivFANBOX
* pixivFANBOX Terms of Use
* pixivFANBOX Guidelines
* FANBOX PRINT Terms of Use for Content Providers
* FANBOX PRINT Content Guidelines

* BOOTH Terms of Use
* Storage Service Terms of Use
* BOOTH Guidelines

## pixivision
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## sensei
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  1. In the case of certain services, there are specific terms and restrictions that are applicable in specific circumstances. In the event of any conflict between these specific terms and restrictions and the provisions of both these Terms of Use and any Individual Terms of Use etc., unless otherwise provided, the specific terms and restrictions shall take precedence over the provisions of both these Terms of Use and any Individual Terms of Use etc.

Article 3. Definitions

The terms used in these Terms of Use are defined as set forth below.

  1. “User” means a person who uses the Services.
  2. “Account” means any one of multiple types of authority of utilization of the Services issued by the Company to a User who registers accounts pursuant to the procedures specified in Article 7 or other provisions. Users are required to acquire necessary accounts according to the Individual Services that User wishes to use.
  3. “Registered Email Address” means email address information provided by User to the Company for the purpose of receiving the Services.
  4. “ID” means a text string used for identification of an individual by making reference to the Registered Email Address and Password when using the Services. One ID is issued for each account.
  5. “Password” means a text string used for identification of an individual by making reference to a Registered Email Address when using the Services.
  6. “Posted Information” means all data and information transmitted, distributed, posted, uploaded, registered, or edited (“Posted etc.” or “Post etc.”) by User when using the Services including images, text, translation, and information relating to displayed items.

Article 4. Revision of these Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc.

  1. The Company may, at its discretion, revise these Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc. at any time.
  2. Except when otherwise specified by the Company, revised versions of these Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc. shall take effect when indicated on the Services.
  3. In the case where User uses the Services after the revised versions of these Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc. come into effect, User shall be deemed to have consented to all of the revised versions of these Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc.

Article 5. Handling of Personal Information

The Company shall properly handle personal information in accordance with its Privacy Policy.

Article 6. Confidentiality of Communications

  1. The Company shall maintain the secrecy of communications of User communications in accordance with Article 4 of the Telecommunications Business Act (Act No. 86 of 1984).
  2. In the cases set forth in the following items, the Company shall not bear the duty to protect the secrecy of communications specified in the preceding paragraph to the extent indicated in each item:
    1. In cases where compulsory disposition or a court order is issued pursuant to the Code of Criminal Procedure (Act No. 131 of 1948) or the Act on Wiretapping for Criminal Investigation (Act No. 137 of 1999), to the extent of such compulsory disposition or court order;
    2. In cases where compulsory disposition is issued pursuant to laws and regulations, to the extent of such disposition or court order;
    3. In cases where the Company determines that the requirements for a demand for disclosure pursuant to Article 4 of the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Identification Information of the Senders (Act No. 137 of 2001) are satisfied, to the extent of that demand; and
    4. In cases where the Company determines that disclosure is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of a third party, to the extent necessary to protect the life, body, or property of the third party.

Article 7. Account Registration

  1. The Services may include content that can be used only by Users with registered accounts.
  2. Persons who wish to register an account may, after agreeing to these Terms of Use, apply for account registration by the method designated by the Company. The information that must be input when performing such registration is referred to as “Registered Information.”
  3. When performing the application specified in Paragraph 2, User shall provide to the Company User’s own true, accurate, and current information as Registered Information.
  4. When registering User's country or region of residence, User shall register User's own true, accurate, and current information.
  5. Registration of a person who applies for account registration (“Registration Applicant”) shall be complete when the Company approves the registration.
  6. In any of the following cases, the Company may, at its discretion, reject the registration application of a Registration Applicant without disclosing the reason.
    1. In cases where the Registration Applicant requested registration not using the method specified in Paragraph 2;
    2. In cases where an application is made by providing fraudulent, false, or misleading information;
    3. In cases where the Registration Applicant breached contractual duties in relation to any services provided by the Company or in transactions with other Users in the past; further, in cases where the Company determines that there is a likelihood of such breach in the future;
    4. In cases where the Registration Applicant violated these Terms of Use;
    5. In cases where the Registration Applicant engaged in prohibited conduct specified in Article 15 in the past or the Company determines that there is a likelihood of Registration Applicant engaging in such prohibited conduct in the future;
    6. In cases where the Registration Applicant is a minor, adult ward, person under curatorship, or person under assistance and the Registration Applicant’s legal representative, guardian, curator, or assistant does not consent;
    7. In cases where the Registration Applicant is an anti-social force, was formerly an anti-social force, uses anti-social forces, or its main investors or officers and employees are constituent members of anti-social forces; or
    8. In other cases where the Company determines that the application is inappropriate.
  7. In cases where the Company does not approve an application for account registration, the Company shall not bear a duty to disclose the reason for not approving the application to the applicant and shall not bear any liability whatsoever with regard to damage incurred by the applicant as a result of the non-approval.
  8. In cases falling under any of the following items in relation to a User who registered an account, the Company may cancel or temporarily suspend the User’s membership, cancel rights associated with the User’s membership, or refuse use of the Services in the future.
    1. In cases where the Company determines that the User fell under or falls under any of the grounds specified in each item of Paragraph 5;
    2. In cases of violation of laws and regulations or these Terms of Use;
    3. In cases where the User is determined to have engaged in prohibited conduct specified in Article 15 in the past or is likely to engage in such prohibited conduct in the future;
    4. In cases of improper conduct;
    5. In cases where problems with other Users or third parties exceed certain levels established by the Company, regardless of willful misconduct or negligence;
    6. In cases where complaints received from other Users or third parties exceed certain levels established by the Company, regardless of willful misconduct or negligence;
    7. In cases where the User does not login at least a certain number of times within a certain period specified by the Company;
    8. In the case where the Company determines that continued provision of the Services is unfeasible based on reasonable grounds; or
    9. In cases where the Company otherwise determines that there are substantial impediments to the execution of business operations.

Article 8. pixiv Premium

  1. Account types are free accounts and “pixiv Premium” fee-based accounts (“pixiv Premium”). The Services contain content and functions that can be used only by Users who register for pixiv Premium. The Company may at its discretion change at any time the content that can be used by Users registered for pixiv Premium.
  2. Only Users who have a means of payment specified by the Company can register for pixiv Premium. Users who registered for pixiv Premium shall pay the use fees for each use period specified by the Company by the method specified by the Company.
  3. The use period of a User who registered for pixiv Premium shall automatically be renewed unless the User cancels by the method specified by the Company. However, in some x made by annual interest of 14.6% to the Company. In such cases, the transfer fee and other such fees are responsible to the User.
  4. The cancellation of pixiv Premium is possible by specific procedures provided by the Company. When cancellation is done during period of use, the service is available in the duration until period of use, and pixiv Premium will end at the time of the expiration of use period. However, in some payment method, when cancellation is done during the use period, the remaining period of use is invalid and the pixiv Premium will end. Please refer for details in the registration procedures of each payment methods.
  5. Even in the case where a User who registered for pixiv Premium cancels during a use period, use fees already paid to the Company by the User registered for pixiv Premium shall not be refunded.
  6. When payment for pixiv Premium is delayed from the payment deadline due to the User, the User is responsible for paying late payment interest of the amount calculated through the duration of the day after the deadline until the day before payment is made by annual interest of 14.6% to the Company. In such cases, the transfer fee and other such fees are responsible to the User.
  7. In cases of previous Paragraph, when the credit card or bank account etc. provided by the User as payment method is unavailable, or when the User is determined by the Company to have caused act contradicting the Master Terms of Service, the Company has the right to suspend use of all services regarding pixiv Premium provided by the Company without any notification to the User.
  8. In cases of previous Paragraph, the usage fee of the suspended account includes the fee for the month that suspension act has taken.
  9. When User cannot use the service included in pixiv Premium due to the gross negligence of the Company, the Company, only when the unavailability continued for more than 24 hours after the User noticed the unavailability, shall be responsible for paying the compensation for the actual damages incurred by the User with a month amount of service fee of the plan contracted by the User multiplied by the period of time (in months, rounded up) the service was unavailable to the user (fraction of yen omitted) as an upper limit.
  10. In regards to the payment method of usage fee of pixiv Premium, whether or not the responsibility is on the User or not, if cases of exceeding amount of payment from the demand and the like arises, the Company may provide compensation support.

Article 9. Change of Registered Information

  1. If a change occurs to Registered Information, User shall promptly notify the Company of the relevant changed information by the method specified by the Company.
  2. If a User incurs any disadvantage as a result of failure to provide notice, the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever.

Article 10. Control etc. of Registered Email Address, ID, and Password

  1. User shall register as User’s Registered Email Address a useable email address that is under User’s control, and in the case where a Registered Email Address is no longer under User’s control, User must change the Registered Email Address to a different useable email address under User’s control.
  2. User shall endeavor to prevent improper use of User’s Registered Email Addresses, Passwords, and IDs (“Registered Email Address etc.”) and shall bear all responsibility for control of the Registered Email Address etc.
  3. The Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever for damage and the like incurred as a result of use of User’s Registered Email Address etc. by a third party. Conduct performed using a Registered Email Address etc. shall be deemed the conduct of the User who holds that Registered Email Address etc. even in the case where such use was made by a third party without the User’s consent or otherwise improperly, and User consents to bear responsibility for such conduct. Further, the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever for damage arising as a result of such conduct, regardless of User’s willful misconduct or negligence.
  4. In the case where a Registered Email Address etc. or other such information is divulged to a third party or there is a likelihood of such divulgence, User shall promptly notify the Company; provided, however, that while the Company can suspend or terminate use of the Services by the relevant Registered Email Address etc., the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever for damage resulting from such divulgence of information.
  5. User may not make any claims whatsoever to the Company for investigation regarding temporary suspension of use of the Services, damages incurred, lost profits, and so on arising from theft, loss, or improper use by a third party of User’s Registered Email Address etc.
  6. Registration of a usable phone number under the control of User may be necessary for some Individual Services. In this case, this article shall also apply to that phone number.

Article 11. Account Possession

  1. In principle, each User may have one account of each type. In cases where it is necessary for activities using the Services such as distinguishing between art works or names, User is allowed to have multiple accounts to the extent not otherwise in violation of these Terms of Use.
  2. Users may not under any circumstances transfer or loan an account to a third party.

Article 12. Use Environment

  1. User shall maintain all hardware, software, and so on necessary for use of the Services at User’s own expense and under User’s own responsibility.
  2. Users shall take measures according to their own use environments for the prevention of infection with computer viruses, unauthorized access, leaks of information, and the like.
  3. The Company shall not have any involvement in or bear any responsibility whatsoever for User’s use environments. User shall bear all liability and damage arising from the hardware, communications lines, software, and so on used by User and all liability and damage caused by errors in the use of the Services by User, and the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever, regardless of User’s willful misconduct or negligence.
  4. Users may in some instances acquire software for use of the Services via application distribution services provided by third parties (“Distribution Services”). In such case, the Company makes no warranties regarding the performance, details, or continuity of Distribution Services. The Company shall not bear any liability even in the case where User is unable to acquire such software because of suspension or discontinuation of all or part of such Distribution Services due to defects or other reasons.

Article 13. User Responsibilities

  1. User shall use the Services under its own responsibility and shall bear all responsibility for actions taken when using the Services and their results.
  2. Transactions by User with other Users conducted by using the Services are direct transactions between the Users, and the Company is not a party to any agreement.
  3. All types of work, communications, performance of legal duties, resolution of problems, and so on in conjunction with the transactions between Users specified in the preceding paragraph shall be performed by the Users who are parties to the transaction.
  4. User shall bear all responsibility relating to Posted the Information that User Posts etc. by using the Services. The Company shall not bear any responsibility whatsoever regarding Posted Information that is Posted etc. by User using the Services.
  5. In the case where the Company or a third party incurs damage as a result of violation of these Terms of Use by User, User shall be liable to pay compensation to the Company for all such damage.
  6. In the case where dispute arises between the User and a third party relating to the service, the User is responsible for resolution of this conflict, and the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever. User must pay compensation for damage and resolve the matter under its own responsibility and at its own expense (including attorneys' fees and all expenses related to the dispute etc.). However, situations where the Company is responsible due to the intention or gross negligence shall be excluded.

Article 14. Prohibited Conduct

When using the Services, User must not engage in the conduct set forth in the following items.

  1. Conduct that infringes or is likely to infringe on the copyrights, design rights or other Intellectual Property Rights (defined in Article 22, Paragraph 1) of the Company or third parties;
  2. Reproducing Posted Information Posted etc. to the Services or a related services without the consent of the copyright holder (author);
  3. Engaging in activities that have a commercial or business objective, use that has a profit-making objective, or use in preparation for such profit-making objectives, regardless of the means, by using, diverting, reselling, reproducing, transmitting, translating, adapting, modifying, and so on the Services or a portion of the Services (the content, information, functions, system, programs, etc.) or other secondary use or reproduction of the Services;
  4. Conduct that the Company determines to unreasonably prejudice the interests of the User who Posted etc. the Posted Information to the Services or a related services by using the results of data analysis (including the conduct of learning to develop artificial intelligence.The same shall apply hereafter) of Posted Information Posted etc. to the Services or related services. However, this does not apply if the User has obtained the permission of the User who Posted etc. the Posted Information for this data analysis;
  5. Conduct that the Company determines to unreasonably prejudice the interests of a third party (Including, but not limited to, the conduct of repeatedly and continuously posting etc. Posted Information that resembles the work, portrait, or voice of a specific third party using the results of data analysis, and the conduct of distributing or selling models or tools that aid or abet such posting etc.);
  6. Conduct that infringes or is likely to infringe on the property, privacy, or rights to likeness of the Company or third parties;
  7. Engaging in inappropriate discrimination against or malicious slander of the Company or a third party, abetting inappropriate discrimination against a third party, or harming the honor or reputation of a third party;
  8. Conduct in violation of the Act on Regulation of Stalking Conduct, making large numbers of telephone calls or telephone calls over an extended period of time or excessive and repeated inquiries of the same nature, transmitting large numbers of messages using a messaging function, or making demands regarding which there is no duty or which are baseless;
  9. Impersonation of another person;
  10. Conduct that is linked to or likely to be linked to fraud or other criminal behavior;
  11. Engaging in any of the following conduct in relation to the Posted Information data that constitutes constitutes obscenity, obscenity, child pornography, or child abuse in violation of laws, regulations, or other criteria established by the Company (referred to as “Improper Data”):
  12. Issuing, posting, editing, or displaying Improper Data;
  13. Selling media that contains Improper Data; and
  14. Posting or displaying advertisements that allude to the transmission, display, or sale of media that contains Improper Data;
  15. Conduct that is likely to glamorize, provoke, or abet suicide, self-injurious behavior, substance abuse, and so on;
  16. Posting etc. Posted Information data that contains any of the following:
  17. Information that maliciously slanders Posted Information that has been Posted etc.;
  18. Information that can be used to identify an individual (including cases where an individual can be identified by collating such information with other Posted Information that has been Posted etc.) such as the name, address, workplace, or telephone number of the contributor or third party (including employees of the Company)
  19. Information whose veracity is difficult to confirm and false information; and
  20. Other information that the Company determines to be inappropriate;
  21. Impersonating an operator, another user, or any other third party, or any conduct that the Company determines is likely to be misinterpreted as such;
  22. Exchanging one’s use rights to the Services for cash, goods, or other economic benefit by any method other than the method specified by the Company;
  23. Acquiring multiple accounts of the same type (excluding cases specifically permitted under Article 11);
  24. Posting Posted Information for the purpose of commercial advertising, publicity, or inducement (except in cases specifically permitted by the Company), Posted Information that contains affiliate links, Posted Information that contains inducements to other parties such as MLM or “pay to surf,” Posted Information that induces traffic to adult sites, one-click fraud sites, sites intended to distribute viruses or other malicious computer programs, or other sites determined by the Company to be inappropriate (including simply posting links to such sites), or other Posted Information that the Company determines to be inappropriate;
  25. Inappropriately delaying responses to or ignoring communications from the Company or other Users who are conducting transactions between Users;
  26. Despite receiving any reward from a company, etc., acts that fall under the guise of a third party, such as advertising (“stealth marketing”), or acts using the Service in stealth marketing, etc;
  27. Using expression linked to discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, age, belief, and so on;
  28. Conduct that imposes excessive loads on the Service servers, hinders operation of the Services or network systems, or is likely to have such results;
  29. Improperly rewriting or deleting data stored on the Company’s facilities;
  30. Transmitting or posting viruses or other harmful computer programs;
  31. Conduct that the Company determines violates laws and regulations, public order, these Terms of Use, or Individual Terms of Use etc. or infringes on the rights of another person;
  32. Posting or editing expression that extols or incites extremist ideas or antisocial behavior;
  33. Posting or editing expression that extols or incites discrimination on the basis of race, belief, occupation, sex, religion, and so on;
  34. Posting or editing expression that extols or incites cult-like religious activity or extreme political activity;
  35. Using the Services to display, sell, purchase, register, or engage in other transactions involving the products set forth below:
  36. Stimulants, narcotics, psychotropic agents, marijuana, opium, poisons, toxic substances, and other prohibited goods;
  37. Marijuana seeds and products related to legal drugs (unregulated drugs);
  38. Firearms, swords, weapons, explosives, chemical weapons;
  39. Products that contain images or other data that violate laws, ordinances, public policy, other criteria established by the Company; See specific criteria below;
    1. BOOTH
    2. pixivFANBOX
    3. pixiv Requests Feature
  40. Products that contain uncorrected representations of exposed sexual organs or explicit images of sexual intercourse;
  41. Used undergarments, uniforms, etc.;
  42. Prostitution and child prostitution;
  43. Products relating to gambling, lotteries, etc.;
  44. Products relating to unlimited chain investment schemes and multi-level marketing;
  45. Tobacco;
  46. Counterfeit currency, public documents (including driver’s licenses and passports), memberships, documents, electromagnetic recordings, and other such products;
  47. Bank accounts and the like;
  48. Gift cards, prepaid cards, revenue stamps, postage stamps, multiple use tickets, other securities, and coupons;
  49. Counterfeit brand products, imitation products, and pirated versions (illegal copies, etc.);
  50. Game copying devices, Pandora Batteries, and other devices that facilitate illegal copies and related products;
  51. Products obtained through theft, robbery, fraud, blackmail, embezzlement, misappropriation, or other crimes;
  52. Air guns, stun guns, pepper spray, swords whose possession is prohibited by laws and regulations; bugging devices, ultra-compact cameras, infrared cameras, and other products likely to be used for crimes;
  53. Products that infringe on patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights, copyrights,
  54. Products regarding which the displaying party does not have sales rights and so on such as products for which the displaying party did not participate in the creation (not including cases where copyrights and other rights were assigned by the creator);
  55. Provision of services not involving a material creation and products likely to entail the provision of such services;
  56. Softwares that contain security threats such as computer viruses.
  57. Physical function examination kits, medical devices (medical supplies), pharmaceutical products, and pharmaceutical products the sale of which is prohibited in Japan;
  58. Human remains and parts of human remains;
  59. Animals, parts of animals, insects, and other organisms;
  60. Personal information, trade secrets, and other information not generally released to the public;
  61. Products for which a license or qualification required for sale is not held or satisfied;
  62. Other products whose trading violates laws and regulations (the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions, the Firearm and Sword Control Law, laws regulating narcotics, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, and other relevant laws and regulations);
  63. Products intended to convert credit card credit limits to cash;
  64. Products for which the service provision period is lengthy;
  65. Products whose sale requires permits and approvals, registration, notice, and so on; and
  66. Other products outside the scope of the Company’s prohibitions and terms of use that the Company determines to be inappropriate; and
  67. In situations where a User uses the Service to provide Products, license or service to other Users, the act that brings disadvantages to other Users of the Service, such as demanding different charges depending on the payment method.
  68. Other conduct that the Company determines to be inappropriate.

Article 15. Responses to Violation etc. and Cancellation of Registration

  1. In cases where it is determined by the Company that User has violated these Terms of Use or the Company otherwise determines that it is necessary, the Company may, at its discretion and without prior notice, take the following measures against the relevant User; provided, however, that the Company shall not be obligated to take these measures or to disclose the reasons for taking these measures.
    1. Demand that the User cease the conduct in violation of or suspected of being in violation of these Terms of Use and not repeat such conduct, as well as achieve these objectives by seeking a court injunction;
    2. Conduct consultations to resolve claims, demands, and so on with another person (including out-of-court dispute resolution proceedings);
    3. Demand deletion or revision of Posted Information;
    4. Delete all or some Posted Information, modify the scope of public disclosure, or make Posted Information inaccessible;
    5. Suspend use by the User;
    6. Compel the User to withdraw;
    7. Reject a membership application; and
    8. Prohibit the use of certain means of payment, or restrict the use of certain means of payment by pre-approval or other means.
  2. Users may not make any objection regarding the Company’s measures specified in the preceding paragraph.
  3. Users shall release the Company from liability in cases where the Company takes the measures specified in each item of Paragraph 1 in relation to outcomes caused by those measures.
  4. User acknowledges in advance that the Company may take the measures specified in Paragraph 1 at its discretion and without prior notice.
  5. In the case where User falls under any of the following items, the Company may, at its discretion and without prior notice, suspend use of the Services, compulsorily cancel User’s registration, and thereafter reject use of the Services by User.
    1. In the case where it is revealed that User submitted a membership application not in accordance with the method specified in Article 7, Paragraph 2;
    2. In the case where User violates these Terms of Use or Individual Terms of Use etc.;
    3. In the case where it is revealed that User falls under any item of Article 7, Paragraph 5;
    4. In the case where User suspends payments or becomes insolvent or a petition is filed for the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, commencement of civil rehabilitation proceedings, commencement of corporate reorganization proceedings, commencement or special liquidation, or commencement of other comparable proceedings (this item is applicable to Users who use fee-based services);
    5. In the case where no response is made to an inquiry or other communication from the Company requesting a response for 30 or more days;
    6. In the case where multiple claims or inquiries regarding User are received by the Company from other Users or third parties;
    7. In the case where the Company determines that User is not appropriate as a User; or
    8. In other cases determined by the Company to be inappropriate.
  6. In the case where a User falls under any items of the preceding paragraph and the Company temporarily suspends use of the Services by the relevant User or cancels the User’s registration, all obligations owed by User to the Company shall be accelerated, and User must immediately repay all obligations owed to the Company.

Article 16. Cancellation of Registration

  1. User shall follow the procedure provided by the Company to request for deleting the account when requesting for cancellation, and follow the methods provided by the Company to delete the account.
  2. In the case where User’s registration (in cases where User is registered under separate qualifications for an Individual Service, including such registration) is cancelled, all rights of User to use the Services shall be extinguished, and the Company may delete all Registered Information and Posted Information of User.
  3. The Company shall not bear a duty to restore the Registered Information or the posted content of the relevant User for any reason.

Article 17. Authority to Delete Posted Information

In the following cases, regardless of whether Posted Information is unlawful or violates these Terms of Use, the Company may delete all or some related Posted Information or take measures such as modifying the scope of public access; provided, however, that the Company shall not bear a duty to take these measures or to disclose the reasons for taking such measures.

  1. In cases where a public agency or specialist (a national or regional public body, a reliability-confirmed body specified in the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Identification Information of the Senders, Internet hotline, attorney, etc.) indicates or expresses an opinion that Posted Information is unlawful, contrary to public morals, or infringes on the rights of another person;
  2. In cases where a third party makes a claim of rights regarding Posted Information;
  3. In cases where the Company determines that Posted Information that has been Posted, etc. infringes on the copyrights of a third party;
  4. In cases where the Service experience problems due to the coding of letters in the Posted Information, or the Company determined the likeliness to be so.
  5. In cases where the volume of information registered by User exceeds the volume designated by the Company; or
  6. In other cases where the Company determines that it is necessary to delete the relevant information in accordance with laws and regulations or social norms.

Article 18. Procedures in Cases of Copyright Infringement

  1. In cases where there is an infringement of the copyrights to User’s own work on the Service, such User may provide notice to the Company by a method designated by the Company of the items designated by the Company.
  2. In cases where notice is made pursuant to the order of a court, public prosecutor’s office, or administrative organization, the Company shall respond in compliance with such order.
  3. Disputes relating to the infringement specified in Paragraph 1 shall be resolved among the parties at their own costs and responsibilities.In the case where the Company incurs damage as a result of such problems, the party/parties to whom such problems are attributable shall (if they are multiple parties, jointly and severally) pay compensation for such damage.
  4. This article shall apply mutatis mutandis to infringement of rights other than copyrights.

Article 19. Use Fees

Except in the case of pixiv Premium and when specified otherwise in each service's individual Terms of Use etc., the use of the Services (excluding internet connection fees, shipping charges, etc. required when using the Services) shall be free of charge.

Article 19-2. Payment Procedures

  1. Payment methods shall be provided when payments are made from Users to the Company, or when payments are made between Users on this Service, according to pixiv Premium or individual Terms of Use.
  2. Different payment methods may be specified for each Service, and Users shall select the payment method they wish to use from the ones available.
  3. If the User selects payment by credit card among the payment methods available as mentioned in the preceding point, the User shall use Stripe, Inc. through our Company to transmit the User's credit card information.

Article 20. Warranties and Duties Relating to Posted Information

  1. When Posting etc. Posted Information using the Services, User warrants to the Company that the relevant Posted Information does not infringe on the rights of third parties.
  2. In the case where any dispute arises with a third party on the grounds that Posted Information Posted etc. by User infringes on the third party’s rights, User shall resolve the matter at its own expense and under its own responsibility and shall not cause any damage whatsoever to the Company.
  3. User shall, under its own responsibility, manage and store all data including images and text produced by User. User shall maintain appropriate backups of images, text, and other data uploaded to the Services, and the Company makes no warranties whatsoever regarding the preservation and so on of images, text, and other data.

Article 21. Ownership and Licensing of Intellectual Property Rights

  1. Know-how, copyrights, design rights, trademarks, patent rights, utility model rights, rights under the Unfair Competition Prevention Law Act (including rights to receive design registrations, rights arising from trademark applications, rights to receive patents, and rights to receive utility model rights; referred to as “Intellectual Property Rights”; corresponding rights in foreign countries and comparable rights that arise as a result of future amendment and so on of laws and regulations are included in Intellectual Property Rights) relating to the Services and to all text, images, videos, music, logos, services, programs, and other information ancillary to the Services as well as all other rights belong to the Company or the third parties who licensed to the Company the use, application, or implementation of those rights.
  2. Intellectual Property Rights and all other rights to Posted Information Posted etc. by using the Services belong to the User who created the relevant Posted Information; provided, however, that, if prescribed explicitly, the User hereby transfers the Intellectual Property Right to the Company.
  3. User authorizes the Company to use information which user posted in the following ways:
    1. The Company and third parties licensed by the Company shall provide the User's posted information free of charge within the necessary range for smooth provision, use promotion, advertisement / advertisement, construction, improvement and maintenance of the Company's system. Non-exclusive, permanent use, use (including modification of the necessary limit in light of the purpose of use) and implementation.For example, the Company post user's posted information on pixiv official SNS account such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, website operated by our company, or materials created by our company for the purpose of promoting and introducing this service・ It can be reprinted.
    2. The Company may provide a function that allows user to view posted information on pixiv and individual services, and our affiliated services. Post information may be processed according to the display format provided by the service. The Company will provide a means for users who have posted the information to check how the posted information is displayed in the service, and a contact point for inquiries about it.
  4. User shall not exercise author’s moral rights against the Company and third parties licensed by the Company in relation to the use, application or implementation etc. within the extent prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
  5. When the Company uses Posted Information in the format specified in Paragraph 3, the Company is entitled to omit display of some information or names and so on (including display of nicknames and other modified names).

Article 21-2. Use of Posted Information on pixiv Encyclopedia

  1. On “pixiv Encyclopedia”, users may use the article body or the text in the comments sections of the Posted Information of other Users in accordance with the following conditions. Within the extent necessary for such use, when User posted the Posted Information, such User shall be deemed to give licenses the Company to sublicense other User to use such Posted Information:
    1. Use of an excerpt of information in whole or in part is desirable, and in cases of unavoidable modification of information, a statement to that effect shall be made;
    2. Use shall be for non-commercial purposes; and
    3. The scope of use shall be limited to the web, and use in any other media is not permitted.
  2. In relation to the use of other Users’ Posted Information on “pixiv Encyclopedia”, User shall acknowledge that such Posted Information has been posted at such Users’ responsibilities and that the Company shall not make any express or implied warranties regarding the veracity etc. of their contents.

Article 21-3. Original work and translation in the translation function

In the Service, in order to deliver the work to more users, a function has been set to solicit a translation from the user for the title, caption (description) or the text of the work in some of the posted information. The process up to the reflection of the translation and the attribution of the rights of the translation submitted by applying for the offer are as follows.

  1. work submission user:
    1. A work submission user is a user who submits a work on the Service.
    2. When submitting or editing a work on the Service, the work submission user sets whether or not to request a translation for each work.
    3. The user who submits the work can choose whether to approve the translation provided by the translation user (defined in the next section). In addition, the work submission user can choose whether to publish only the approved translation or to publish the provided translation once and approve it later.
    4. If the Work Contributor determines that the translation is malicious, the Work Contributor may block the Translator who posted the translation and return the translation of the Work to the content immediately prior to the translation by the Translator.
    5. Upon approval of the translation by the work submission user, the copyright of the translation (including Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) is transferred from the translation user to the work submission user free of charge.
  2. Translation user:
    1. A translation user is a user who provides a translation on the Service. No special qualifications required.
    2. If a translation is solicited for a work posted on the Service, the translation user can provide a translation to the translation solicitation part of the work. However, if the translation user is blocked by the user who submits the work, no translations can be provided to the work of the user who submits the work unless the block is removed.
    3. The copyright of the translation approved by the Work Contributor shall be transferred to the Work Contributor free of charge at the time of the approval. When a translation user submits a translation, at the time of the submission, the translation user consents to the transfer of the copyright in respect of the translation submitted by the translation user to the user who submitted the work and to the non-exercise of moral rights.
    4. When a translation is approved, the user name of the translation user who posted the translation before the translation is approved is listed as a translation contributor. However, this does not apply to translation users who are blocked by the user who submitted the work.

Article 22. Translation of Tags

Within the functions of some of the Services, User may propose translations of tags attached to Posted Information into Roman letters or other languages (“Tag Translations”) for the purpose of facilitating the use of search functions within the Services by individuals who use various languages. In such cases, User shall comply with the conditions set forth in the following items. Users shall propose Tag Translations after agreeing to the following items.

  1. Proposed Tag Translations shall be used anonymously on the Services. The names of Users who make proposals shall not be displayed.
  2. Proposed Tag Translations may be used and modified without charge and non-exclusively to the extent necessary for the effective provision of the Services and related services, facilitation of use, advertising and publicity, and development, improvement, and maintenance of the Company’s systems. See (help) for examples of suggested translations .
  3. Proposed Tag Translations are provided to third parties as “anonymous translation data not including personal information” to enhance the quality of translations.

Article 22-2. Automatic Translation Function

  1. In the Services, users are permitted to use the function by which terms, sentences or posted information on the Service will be translated automatically (“Automatic Translation Function”) in certain cases designated by the Company. The languages to be translated shall be designated by the Company on the Services.
  2. The Company offers the Automatic Translation Function on the Services in order to display translations for users’ convenience and reference. The Company makes no warranties whatsoever regarding the accuracy, validity, or suitability for particular purpose, in relation to the Automatic Translation Function.
  3. In cases where users make an inquiry to the Company about translations by the Automatic Translation Function, the Company shall not bear a duty to reply or answer to such inquiry.
  4. The Company shall bear no liability whatsoever in regard to, and shall be in no way obligated to respond to, any problems arising between Users or between Users and third parties in connection with the Automatic Translation Function, except where explicitly specified otherwise.
  5. Users shall refer to and use the translations made by Automatic Translation Function under their own responsibility upon the prior consent of themselves to Paragraph 3 and 4 in this Article 22-2.

Article 23. Monitoring Operations

  1. The Company and third parties entrusted by the Company shall have the right, at the Company’s sole discretion, to monitor whether User is using the Services in accordance with these Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc. and to confirm that User is not engaged in any conduct in violation of these Terms of Use or other inappropriate conduct unless such monitoring or confirmation violates such User’s secrecy of communications.
  2. The Company shall have the right to mechanically filter messages sent and received on pixiv Message, to maintain appropriate operation of the Service by suspending the message feature of the User who sent messages including inappropriate wordings.

Article 24. Disclaimers

  1. The Company will not participate in User communications and transactions, etc. Even in the event of a dispute between Users or between a User and a third party, the matter shall be resolved between the relevant Users or the User and third party, and the Company will not bear any responsibility whatsoever.
  2. In cases where the Company determines that it is necessary, the Company may, at its discretion and without the provision of notice to Users, modify, suspend, discontinue, or terminate the Services (including SDK and the like distributed by the Services, hereinafter in this Article 25 the same shall apply.) or delete or modify the particulars of the Services. In this case, the Company will not bear any liability to pay compensation or indemnification for any direct or indirect damage, losses, or other expenses (whether foreseeable or unforeseeable) incurred as a result of such modification, etc. of the Services.
  3. Even if provision of the Services is delayed, interrupted, etc. as a result of any of the reasons set forth below or other reasons, the Company will not bear any liability whatsoever for the resulting damage incurred by Users or other persons, except when specifically provided in these Terms of Use or Individual Terms of Use etc.
    1. Implementation of periodic or emergency maintenance to the Services’s equipment, etc.;
    2. Unavailability of the Services because of disaster, power outage, or the like;
    3. Unavailability of the Services because of earthquake, explosion, flooding, tsunami, or other natural disaster;
    4. Unavailability of the Services because of war, riot, civil disorder, disturbance, labor dispute, or the like;
    5. Breakdown, upkeep, maintenance or the like of equipment and systems used by the Company;
    6. Decrease of display speeds or other failures due to excessive accesses or other unforeseeable factors;
    7. Occurrence of a security problem that cannot be prevented by the usual techniques such as preventing viewing use , known-free software and anti-virus measures
    8. In other cases where the Company determines that temporary suspension of the Services is necessary for operational or technical reasons.
  4. The Company makes no warranties whatsoever regarding the accuracy, timeliness, usefulness, reliability, or suitability for particular purpose of the Services, the absence of any actual or legal defects, or the absence of any infringement on the rights of third parties. The Company will not bear any duties whatsoever to provide the Services free of such defects etc. Further, the Company makes no warranties including warranties regarding the status of provision of the Services, accessibility, or status of use.
  5. In cases where User uses the Services or information learned from the Services, User must comply with laws and regulations in the country or region of use, and the Company will not bear any liability whatsoever regarding violations of laws and regulations by User.
  6. The Company shall provide to Users a simple and high-quality payment environment and information on User needs, but the Company makes no warranties regarding the absence of problems and so on in payment transactions. Further, the Company will not bear any duties to make permanent updates or improvements to or correct problems etc. in the Services.
  7. The Company will not bear any duty to manage or store Posted Information Posted etc. by Users.
  8. The Company will not bear any liability whatsoever regarding the lawfulness, accuracy, and so on of Posted Information Posted etc. by Users. The Company will also not bear any liability whatsoever regarding the compliance of Posted Information Posted etc. by User with the internal rules and the like of the corporations, organizations, and so on with which the relevant User is affiliated.
  9. In the cases set forth below, the Company is entitled to access, store, or disclose to third parties (referred to in this paragraph as “Access etc.”) the details of the relevant Posted Information unless such Access etc. violates such User’s secrecy of communications. The Company will not bear any liability whatsoever with regard to any resulting damage incurred by Users.
    1. If the Company sends an email or text message to the Registered Email Address of the User who Posted etc. the Posted Information requesting consent to Access etc. and the circumstances set forth in the any of the following items occurs;
      1. If User consents to Access etc.;
      2. If an email or text message response from User is not received by the Company’s email servers within seven days from when the Company sent an email or text message requesting consent to Access etc.; provided, however, that this shall not include instances resulting from emergency or other unavoidable circumstances;
    2. In cases where Access etc. is necessary to identify and resolve technical problems with the Services;
    3. In cases where a proper inquiry is received from a court, the police, or other public agency pursuant to laws and regulations;
    4. In cases where a User engaged in conduct in violation or suspected of being in violation of these Terms of Use, and the Company determines that it is necessary to confirm the particulars of Posted Information;
    5. In cases where there is an imminent risk to the life, body, or property of a person and the Company determines that there is an urgent need for Access etc.; or
    6. In other cases where Access etc. is necessary for proper operation of the Services or related services.
  10. In cases where the Company determines that ther
  11. Notwithstanding the Company’s disclaimer set forth in Paragraphs 1 to 10 and the other provisions of these Terms of Use (referred to as the “Disclaimers”), in the case where the agreement between the Company and User relating to the Services (including these Terms of Use) constitutes a consumer contract specified in the Consumer Contract Act, the Disclaimers shall not apply and the following items shall apply:
  12. the Company will not bear any liability whatsoever for damage incurred by User because of the Company’s nonperformance of obligations due to the Company’s negligence (excluding gross negligence) or unlawful conduct by the Company and that has occurred due to special circumstances (including cases where the Company or User foresaw or could have foreseen the occurrence of damage).
  13. the Company will compensate for actual damage incurred by User arisen normally and directly because of the Company’s nonperformance of obligations due to the Company’s negligence (excluding gross negligence) or unlawful conduct by the Company; provided, however that for User who incurred such damages in relation to fee-based services the amount of such compensation shall not exceed the total amount of payment for use fees etc. that is actually received by the Company from the damaged User within the period of 1 month prior to happening of the cause of such damages, or for Uses who incurred such damages in relation to free services the amount shall not exceed 1,000 JPY.
  14. Other than the cases fell in the preceding paragraph, in cases where the Company, by any chance, bears liability to User in relation to use of the Services by User pursuant to the preceding paragraph, except in the case of the Company’s willful misconduct or gross negligence, the Company shall pay compensation for actual damage incurred by User to the extent of ordinary and direct damage, and in the case of fee-based services, up to the aggregate amount of use fees paid to the Company by User during the one-year period before User has made a claim for such compensation for damage.

Article 25. Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces

  1. User represents and warrants that it is currently not a member of an organized crime group, a person cease to be a member of an organized crime group within the past five years, a quasi-member of an organized crime group, a constituent member of a company affiliated with an organized crime group, a corporate extortionist (sokaiya), a social campaign advocate racketeer (shakai-undo-to-hyobo-goro), a crime group with special intelligence, or any other person comparable to the foregoing (“Anti-Social Forces etc.”) and that it does not cooperate with and is not involved in the maintenance, management, or operation of any Anti-Social Forces etc. such as by the provision of funds or otherwise does not have any interaction with or involvement in any Anti-Social Forces etc.
  2. User represents and warrants that it shall not directly or through the use of third parties engage in the conduct set forth in the following items with regard to other Users and the Company.
    1. Use of violent or threatening expression or behavior;
    2. Unjust demands that exceed legal responsibility;
    3. Conduct damaging the reputation or obstructing the business of other parties by spreading rumors, or using fraudulent means or force;
    4. Other conduct comparable to the preceding items.

Article 26. Links to External Sites

  1. With regard to external sites linked from content or advertising in the Services, the Company does not make any express or implied warranties regarding the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, merchantability, or fitness for particular purpose with regard to information displayed on those external sites, and even in the case where User or a third party incurs damage or detriment as a result of using such external sites, the Company will not bear any liability whatsoever. Each User is requested to access external sites based on its own determinations and under its own responsibility.
  2. The presence of links to external sites from information provided on the System does not signify the existence of any commercial relationship between the Company and the relevant external site.

Article 27. Notices and Communications

  1. In cases where it is necessary to provide notice to or communicate with the User, the Company shall mail documents, post on a website, or use email or. In cases where User determines that communication with the Company is necessary, User shall communicate with the Company by using methods designated by the Company. In cases where the Company provides notice to or communicates with User by posting on a website, such notice or communication shall take effect after the passage of 48 hours from its posting, and in the case where the Company uses other means, the notice or communication shall take effect when sent by the Company to User.
  2. Except in cases where the Company determines that it is particularly necessary, the Company shall not accept communications by telephone or in person.
  3. Except when pursuant to laws, regulations, statutes, and the like in Japan, the Company shall not disclose or divulge to third parties other than User any personal information of User learned in relation to provision of the Services and shall not use such personal information in excess of the scope necessary for provision of the Services.
  4. Except in the cases specified in the following paragraph, the Company shall not disclose email communication histories to third parties.
  5. The Company may disclose the subject matter of an inquiry without obtaining User’s agreement in the case of investigation, seizure, or the like in the form of compulsory disposition pursuant to an order issued by a judge, in the case of an inquiry (Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 197, Paragraph 2) from a public agency with investigative authority pursuant to statute, and in other cases where provision is required pursuant to laws and regulations.

Article 27-2 Handling of Fan Letters etc.

  1. The Company shall not act as an intermediary for any mail sent to users, including fan letters (“Fan Letter(s) etc.”). Please send fan Letters etc. directly to the target user. If Fan Letter etc. reaches the Company, the Company will dispose of the Fan Letter etc. and will not return it to the sender of the Fan Letter etc. (“Sender”).
  2. As a general rule, Fan Letters etc. received by the Company will be destroyed without being opened. However, in cases where it is difficult to dispose of Fan Letters etc. in an unopened package, we may have no choice but to open the package and dispose of them.
  3. The Company shall not be liable to the User, the Sender, or any third party for any damage incurred by the User, the sender, or any third party as a result of the Company's actions as set forth in the preceding two paragraphs.

Article 28. Effectiveness of these Terms of Use

  1. Even if a portion of these Terms of Use or Individual Terms of Use etc. is determined to be void pursuant to laws and regulations, the other provisions of these Terms of Use or Individual Terms of Use etc. shall remain valid.
  2. Even in the case where a portion of these Terms of Use or Individual Terms of Use etc. is determined to be void or is cancelled in relation to a particular User, these Terms of Use or Individual Terms of Use etc. shall remain valid in relation to other Users.

Article 29. Assignment of Business, etc.

  1. In the case where the Company assigns the business relating to the Services to a third party or in the case where the Company undergoes a corporate division, merger, or other organizational restructuring (“Business Assignment etc.”), the Company is entitled to assign to the relevant third party its status under agreements between User and the Company (including these Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc.) and information provided by User to the Company in the course of using the Services.
  2. In the case of the preceding paragraph, User consents in advance to a Business Assignment etc.
  3. The Company is entitled to assign to third parties its claims against Users, and the relevant User approves the provision of its personal information to such third parties for such purpose.

Article 30. Governing Law and Court of Competent Jurisdiction

  1. These Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc. shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
  2. If litigation between User and the Company becomes necessary, the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance.

Article 31. Language

The Japanese versions of these Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc. shall be the official version. In the event of any discrepancy between the Japanese versions and any versions in another language, the Japanese versions shall take precedence.

Supplementary Provisions


Guidelines on registered trademark

pixiv Inc. (hereafter referred to as “the Company”) places great value on the works (illustrations, manga, and novels) posted to pixiv’s platform ( and the communication among fans that is born from sharing these works.

These Guidelines are designed to answer common questions about how to use pixiv’s trademarks appropriately, in compliance with the law, and to prevent confusion among users that may give rise to inappropriate or unlawful behavior.

If you discover use of pixiv’s registered trademarks in a way that is not specifically outlined in these Guidelines, please contact use via the inquiry form.

Basic requirements for using pixiv’s registered trademarks

  1. The company name pixiv (in Japanese, ピクシブ), as well as the pixiv logo (hereafter referred to as “pixiv trademarks”) are registered trademarks of pixiv Inc.(in Japanese, ピクシブ株式会社).
  2. pixiv trademarks shall not be used or edited by third parties without explicit permission. This clause also applies to the partial deletion, editing, adaptation, or abbreviation of pixiv trademark-related brand names such as pixivplayer, LookPixiv, Pixapps, etc.
  3. pixiv’s website ( and related services provided by pixiv shall not be used fallaciously or in a defamatory manner.
  4. These Guidelines may be subject to change without notice at the discretion of the Company.

Regarding the use of pixiv’s logos and icons

pixiv’s logos and icons may only be used in accordance with the usage methods set forth in these Guidelines. Any and all uses outside of those set forth in these Guidelines are strictly prohibited.



Use of logos to match background colors

Depending on the background, the logo may not stand out well to viewers. Please use the logo appropriate to your background. On light backgrounds, please use the blue-colored logo; on dark backgrounds, please use the white-colored logo.

Prohibited actions

  1. Except in cases where color options are restricted, such as black and white printing, pixiv logos and icons may not be edited. Edits such as adding other words or phrases, combining with other images, cutting out a portion of the logo, or distorting the aspect ratio of the logo are prohibited. Examples of prohibited actions:
  2. Use of pixiv trademarks to insinuate falsely that pixiv is supporting or promoting your activities, or to falsely insinuate other relationships, is prohibited.
  3. Use of pixiv trademarks on sites or services that violate laws or regulations is prohibited.
  4. Use of pixiv trademarks as part of other product names, service names, trademarks, logos, and/or company names is prohibited.
  5. Please do not use designs created by the Company or Company-operated services.
  6. Creation of original buttons, marks, logos, and/or icons using pixiv logos and icons is prohibited.

If you have specific questions or concerns about proper use of pixiv trademarks, please contact us via the inquiry form.

When promoting your own pixiv account (pixiv ID)

Please use the company name “pixiv” or “ピクシブ” when promoting your account.

You may also use pixiv logos and/or icons.

When introducing pixiv in publications, at events, on web services, etc.

  1. Use the correct company/service names “pixiv” and/or “ピクシブ”.
    * “pixiv” must be spelled in all lowercase letters.
  2. The Company prohibits the publication of inaccurate content or statements regarding the Company and its services.
  3. The Company prohibits the false insinuation of relationships that do not exist between the Company/Company services and other parties, including insinuations that the Company is working in partnership with, supporting, or promoting a third party when this is not the case.
  4. The Company prohibits statements and/or expressions that give the false impression that they are official announcements from the Company itself, when in fact they are not.
  5. The Company prohibits the printing / reproduction of works without express permission from the creator of the work.

When using pixiv trademarks for the purpose of providing goods and/or services

In principle, pixiv does not allow use of its trademarks for the purpose of providing goods and/or services.

If you would like to use pixiv trademarks, please contact us with a detailed proposal via the inquiry form.

Examples of cases where trademark use is allowed:

  1. pixiv trademarks may be used for direct links to pixiv services.
  2. pixiv trademarks or other images may be used on your service if you are referring to a direct reciprocal relationship between your service and pixiv (for example, the “pixiv” company name may be used if you are making direct reference to pixiv itself, such as a work posted on pixiv, etc.)

When using pixiv trademarks in apps or on other services

Developers who are developing apps or services that use pixiv’s services to improve their user experience are asked to abide by the following conditions.

  1. The developer bears all responsibility for the products they develop. No responsibility shall be borne by the Company.
  2. All copyrights to information posted to pixiv services, including images and other information, shall be retained by the original creator/user.
  3. At the discretion of the Company, pixiv and pixiv services may update, alter, or discontinue features or content without prior notice.
  4. Use of crawlers or other programs to aggregate works, or use of other software that puts a heavy burden on Company servers is prohibited. In addition, even if such activity is not strictly prohibited by the Company, the Company may nonetheless file cease-and-desist requests against such activity, at its own discretion.
  5. In principle, the Company allows the use of pixiv trademarks for explanatory statements such as “This application was developed using pixiv’s platform”, etc. In this case, please also clearly state, “This application was not created or distributed by pixiv”. In addition, please do not use names or titles that could mislead users into believing that the application in question is an official pixiv service.


pixiv Points Terms of Use

This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Japanese language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and this English translation, the original Japanese version shall prevail.

Article 1. Scope of Application of These Terms of Use

The “pixiv Point Terms of Service” (hereinafter “pixiv Point Terms”) applies to the provision of point system services using pixiv points provided by the Company (hereinafter “pixiv Point Service”). , Pixiv Point Terms are individual terms of pixiv Master Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "Master Terms of Use") that apply to all services provided by the Company, and for matters not specified in the pixiv Point Terms, Except in cases where the pixiv Point Terms of Use stipulates exemption, in addition to the "Master Terms of Use", various regulations such as guidelines established by the Company on the pixiv Point Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") is applied.

pixiv points can only be used by users. In addition, the user of the account issued by us without registering the email address and password cannot acquire or use points.

Article 2. Agreement

The pixiv Point Service is provided in cases where User agrees to the content of these pixiv Point Terms. If User does not agree to these pixiv Point Terms, User shall not be provided with the pixiv Point Service.

Article 3. Details of the Service

The pixiv Point Service enables acquisition of pixiv points and provision of functions for managing User’s history of changes in pixiv point balances and does not include the provision of services on which pixiv points can be used. Users can use pixiv points only on some services provided by the Company (“pixiv Point Usable Services”), and the use of the pixiv Point Usable Services shall be governed by the respective individual terms of use.

Article 4. Information Relating to pixiv Points

When User agrees to the content of the pixiv Point Terms and provision of pixiv Point Services starts, information relating to User’s pixiv points shall be created as information ancillary to information relating to the account on which User logged in. The created pixiv point information shall be handled as a part of the information constituting User’s account information.

Article 5. Use of pixiv Points

In cases where User uses pixiv points, pixiv points shall be used in accordance with the instructions displayed on the pixiv Point Usable Services.

Article 6. Acquisition of pixiv Points

Users can acquire the number of pixiv points specified separately by purchasing pixiv points or other conduct specified by pixiv Inc. It is not possible to cancel the purchase or acquisition of pixiv points.

Article 7. Expiration Date of pixiv Points

  1. The expiration date of pixiv points acquired for value shall be less than six months from the day of acquisition or the number of days specified separately by the Company prior to granting. The expiration date of pixiv points acquired for free shall be less than six months from the day of acquisition or the number of days specified separately by the Company prior to granting.
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, we may, at our discretion, change the expiration date of pixiv points by setting a change application start date. In this case, pixiv points issued after the applicable change start date will be applied to the validity period after the change

Article 8. Cancellation and Voiding of pixiv Points

  1. In cases where the Company determines that a User who holds pixiv points falls under any of the following items, the Company may cancel the points that the User holds in part or in whole without the provision of prior notice.
    1. In cases where User qualifications are lost as a result of withdrawal or the like by User;
    2. n cases where User engaged in improper conduct when engaging in behavior subject to the grant of pixiv points or when exchanging pixiv points such as improperly acquiring pixiv points without engaging in the behavior subject to the grant of pixiv points constituting unlawful conduct (including conduct that appears to be unlawful conduct); or
    3. Other cases where the Company determines that cancellation of pixiv points is appropriate.
  2. pixiv points whose expiration date specified in Article 7 has passed shall become void without warning.

Article 9. pixiv Point Use Account

Information relating to User’s pixiv points can be used only from the account used by User for logging in when agreeing to the pixiv Point Terms, and information relating to pixiv points cannot be transferred to or assumed by other accounts. In cases where account information is deleted for any reason, the pixiv points associated with the deleted account information shall become void and the information shall also be deleted.

Article 10. Management of pixiv Points

  1. Users shall manage pixiv points along with account management under User’s responsibility, and except when specified by law, for any reason, use of pixiv points on pixiv Point Usable Services cannot be canceled and no measures such as reissuance of pixiv points cannot be taken.
  2. Refunds for purchased pixiv points cannot be made for any reason, and even in cases where User’s pixiv points are canceled because of improper use by a third party other than User, the pixiv points cannot be reissued.

Article 11. Scope of Use of pixiv Points

Users cannot use pixiv points and account information including information relating to pixiv points for any purpose other than use on pixiv Point Usable Services. Users cannot convert pixiv points to cash or transfer them to a third party, whether directly or indirectly. Further, User may not use pixiv points and account information including information relating to pixiv points for User’s own benefit or the benefit of a third party for any purpose not approved by the Company.

Article 12. Disclaimers

pixiv Point Service account information may in some instances be used as the account for multiple services including the pixiv Point Service. As a measure incidental to the relevant account information, information relating to pixiv points may be deleted or there may be cases where it is not possible to provide the pixiv Point Service. User acknowledges this, and even in cases where impacts relating to the pixiv Point Usable Services occur, User shall not make any claims, file litigation, demand compensatory damages, or take other legal action against the Company in relation to such impacts.

Supplementary provision


Notation on fund settlement law

Published by

pixiv Inc.

Prepayment method

pixiv Points

Payment limit

No upper limits on payment.

Expiration date

Points acquired on the iOS/Android app do not have an expiration date.

* However, points acquired on the web expire six months from the acquisition date, and the expiration dates for free pixiv Points acquired through campaigns, etc. differ depending on the campaign.

Contact address and inquiry form

JPR Sendagaya Building 6F, 4-23-5 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0051 (Japan)

Please contact us via the Inquiry form.

Usage restrictions

Use is allowed on services provided by pixiv Inc.

However, in some cases, use of pixiv Points may be restricted depending on how the points were acquired.

(pixiv Points purchased on the iOS/Android app are only redeemable within the app where they were purchased.)

Points of note and terms of use:

In principle, pixiv Points are non-refundable.

For details, please check the pixiv Services Master Terms of Use and the pixiv Points Terms of Use.

However, if pixiv discontinues pixiv Points, pixiv Points may be refunded through a payment service.

In this case, points will only be refundable to accounts with Japanese domestic financial institutions.

Check your balance

Please use the pixiv Points page.

Measures to protect users of third-party payment services (*1)

1. Method for preserving User assets

  1. Regarding the rights stipulated in the Payment Services Act, Article 14, Item 1 and Article 31, Item 1
    The Company shall, as stipulated in the Payment Services Act, Article 14, Item 1, make security deposits for issuance to the official depository nearest to its principal business office. The amount of the deposits shall be, as required by the Payment Services Act, not less than half the amount of the unused balance on the base date (March 31st and September 30th of each year). (Therefore, the Company does not guarantee the full amount of prepaid payment instruments made by Users.) In the rare case that the Company should enter bankruptcy or similar, as stipulated in the Payment Services Act, Article 31, Item 1, the aforementioned security deposits shall be refunded to Users of the Company’s Services (hereafter referred to as “Users”) in preference over other creditors, as holders of prepaid payment instruments.
  2. The Company shall deposit security deposits to the official depository nearest to its principal business office according to the terms set forth separately in the contract of issuance of security deposits or the security deposit trust contract. 2. Policy on compensation and countermeasures related to damages stemming from fraudulent transactions
  3. Compensation policy on prepaid payment instruments issued by the Company
    Regarding prepaid payment instruments held by Users, the Company shall not bear responsibility even if the prepaid payment instruments were used fraudulently by a third party against the User’s will, causing damage to the User (hereafter referred to as “Fraudulent Transactions”).
  4. Compensation policy and inquiries related to third-party payment services
    The Company shall not bear any responsibility regarding damages incurred from Fraudulent Transactions through third-party payment services (Google Play, App Store, etc.) linked to prepaid payment instruments issued by the Company. Users must contact each third-party payment service for inquiries regarding compensation. However, the Company does not guarantee that each third-party payment service will provide compensation.
  5. Policy on handling Fraudulent Transactions
    If a Fraudulent Transaction occurs, or is deemed to be in danger of occurring, the Company shall take into account the situation, the amount of the damages, and the possibility for multiple offenses, and if the Company deems it necessary to disclose the Fraudulent Transactions publicly, it will disclose such information as is necessary. When such a disclosure is made, Users shall be responsible for taking appropriate countermeasures.

(*1) Under the Payment Services Act, only pixiv Points purchased through the iOS/Android app are applicable for “protection measures for Users under the Payment Services Act”.

Notation on specified commercial transaction


pixiv Inc.

Representative Director

Yasuhiro Niwa


JPR Sendagaya Building 6F, 4-23-5 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0051 (Japan)


Inquiry form

E-mail address:

Telephone: 03-6804-3458


Displayed on each page

Payment type


Payment methods

How to unsubscribe

You can unsubscribe at any time during the subscription period.

With credit cards, SoftBank bundle pay, GooglePlay, and iTunes Store payment, if you unsubscribe up to one day before the same date of the month following the date of your subscription’s monthly anniversary (or by the penultimate date of the next month, if your monthly subscription anniversary falls on the last day of the month), you will not be billed for any service fees from the following month onward.
(For example: If you subscribed on November 17th, but you unsubscribe by December 16th, or if you subscribed on August 31st but September doesn’t have a 31st, so you unsubscribe by the penultimate day of September, which is September 29th.)

For docomo and au carrier pay, if you unsubscribe by the end of the month, you will not be billed for any service fees for the following month.

For credit card payment or carrier pay, please use this procedure to unsubscribe.

For in-app payments through services such as Google Play, please unsubscribe via the procedures detailed in each app store.
No refunds will be provided if you unsubscribe within the period of your subscription.

Restrictions for Healthy Expression in Specific Countries and Regions

In using the Services, Users must comply with the various laws and regulations applicable in their country or region. Actions that violate the laws and regulations of any country are not permitted when using the Services. The actions listed below are examples of prohibited activities; however, these are not the only actions that the Company may deem prohibited. Additionally, these restrictions may be modified at the discretion of the Company in response to changes in society or the environment, or to amendments in laws and regulations.

United States

  1. post any content that depicts or involves the exploitation of any person under 18 years of age (or older in any other location in which 18 is not the minimum age of majority), whether real or simulated (included AI-generated).
  2. post any content that appears to depict or involve a minor engaged in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse.
  3. post any content depicting non-consensual sexual activity (including “deepfake” images), revenge porn, blackmail, intimidation, snuff, torture, death, violence, incest, racial slurs, or hate speech, (either orally or via the written word).
  4. post any content that is obscene, illegal, unlawful, fraudulent, defamatory, libelous, abusive, lewd, invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, violate any law, or is otherwise inappropriate.
  5. post any content that appeals to the prurient interest, is patently offensive in light of community standards where you are located or where such content may be accessed or distributed, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value, or otherwise violates any applicable obscenity laws, rules or regulations.

United Kingdom

  1. post any content that depicts or involves the exploitation of any person under 18 years of age (or older in any other location in which 18 is not the minimum age of majority), whether real or simulated (included AI-generated).
  2. post any content that appears to depict or involve a minor engaged in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse.
  3. post any content depicting non-consensual sexual activity (including “deepfake” images), revenge porn, blackmail, intimidation, snuff, torture, death, violence, incest, racial slurs, or hate speech, (either orally or via the written word).
  4. post any content that is obscene, illegal, unlawful, fraudulent, defamatory, libelous, abusive, lewd, invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, violate any law, or is otherwise inappropriate.
  5. post any content that appeals to the prurient interest, is patently offensive in light of community standards where you are located or where such content may be accessed or distributed, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value, or otherwise violates any applicable obscenity laws, rules or regulations.

Supplementary Provisions

Individual Terms of Use


This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Japanese language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and this English translation, the original Japanese version shall prevail.


  1. These Individual Terms of Use apply to all conduct in cases where User uses the “pixiv” service provided by the Company.
  2. These Individual Terms of Use set forth conditions for use of the pixiv. User agrees to, and shall use the pixiv in accordance with, these Individual Terms of Use.
  3. These Individual Terms of Use include the “Requests Feature Individual Terms of Service”.
  4. These Individual Terms of Use are the individual terms of pixiv service Master Terms of Use ("Master Terms of Use"), which are applied for all services throughout pixiv Inc.'s services, and cases unspecified in these Individual Terms of Use, unless specified to exclude in these Individual Terms of Use, shall follow Master Terms of Use and other relating guidelines ("Terms etc.") set by the Company.
  5. By using the pixiv, User shall be deemed to have agreed to the entire content of these Individual Terms of Use.
  6. Unless User agrees to these Individual Terms of Use and the "Restrictions for Healthy Expression in Specific Countries and Regions," User may not use the pixiv.

Requests Feature Individual Terms of Service

Article 1: Introduction

  1. These Requests Feature Individual Terms of Service (“Individual Terms”) apply to all acts when Users use the “Requests” feature (“Individual Feature”) on the “pixiv” services provided by the Company.
  2. These Individual Terms set forth the conditions of use of the Individual Feature. Users shall consent to these Individual Terms before using the Individual Feature in accordance herewith.
  3. By using the Individual Feature, Users will be deemed to have consented to all particulars set forth herein.

Article 2: Definitions

The terms used herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in their respective items below. Moreover, any defined terms herein other than those set forth in the following items shall have the definitions ascribed to them in the Master Terms of Use, unless specifically noted otherwise.

  1. “Site” means the website entitled “pixiv” (PC site –, which is operated by the Company.
  2. “Individual Feature” (“pixiv Requests Feature”) means a feature in which Users may use by the following procedures specified on the Site.
    1. Creators may make “Plans” set forth in the item (3) of this Article 2 and receive the requests from “Fans” set forth in the item (5) of this Article 2 for the creation of content in accordance with the Plans (“Requests”);
    2. Fans may send the Requests to Creators for the creation of content in accordance with the Plans produced by such Creators; and
    3. After the acceptance of the Request, the Creators create the content in accordance with the conditions based on the Plans and the Request and provide the same to the relevant Fans in exchange for compensation.
  3. “Plan” means conditions applicable when Creators receive creation requests such as “create illustration” or “create novel” using the pixiv Requests Feature, and includes the following information.
    1. Type of work (illustration, novel, etc.);
    2. Reference Price (defined in Article 4, Paragraph 1); and
    3. Specific genres available, etc.
  4. “Creator” means any User that uses the pixiv Requests Feature to create a Plan that is open for Requests.
  5. “Fan” means any User that uses the pixiv Requests Feature to send a Request to a Creator or engage in Co-requesting.
  6. “Request Acceptance” or “Accept a Request” means a Creator’s acceptance of a Request from a Fan.
  7. “Cancel” means retraction by a Fan of the transmission of a Request before the relevant Creator Accepts such Request.
  8. “Request Reward” means content created by a Creator in accordance with a sales contract or the other agreement formed between such Creator and a Fan with respect to a Plan (“Request Agreement”).
  9. “Co-requesting” means entry into a Request Agreement in regard to a Plan subject to an already-formed Request Agreement, by a User other than the Fan of such already-formed agreement.
  10. “Sale Proceeds” means money serving as consideration for a Request Reward, which is to be paid to a Creator by a Fan under a Request Agreement.

Article 3: Creation of Plans

When creating Plans, Creators shall specify the matters indicated below by Company-prescribed method. Creators will be obligated to create Plans with content in conformity with these Individual Terms and the pixiv Guidelines, and if the Company determines that any breach whatsoever has occurred, the Company will be entitled to take any action it deems necessary, including termination of relevant Plans. Except where explicitly specified otherwise, the Company will bear no liability whatsoever for any damage suffered by a Creator in connection with such action.

  1. Creation of Multiple Plans
  2. Price settings for creation of multiple Plans and for each Plan; and
  3. Particulars of Request Rewards to be provided to Fans in accordance with each Plan.

Article 4: Setting of Sale Proceeds

  1. Creators will be entitled to set reference prices for the Sale Proceeds for Request Rewards (“Reference Prices”). Creators shall be entitled to determine Reference Prices as they see fit, within a price range designated by the Company.
  2. Fans (excluding Co-requesting Fans) shall be entitled to set Sale Prices as they see fit within the price range designated by the Company, and the price set by a Fan (“Set Price”) shall be the Sale Proceeds of the relevant Request Agreement formed in accordance with Article 5.
  3. The Set Price as stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be the Sale Proceeds for any Users Co-requesting on a given Request Agreement.

Article 5: Formation of Request Agreements

  1. Fans will be entitled to transmit Requests to Creators by Company-prescribed method. When transmitting Requests, Fans will be obligated to pay Creators an advance for compensation payment arising when the relevant Request Agreements have been formed pursuant to such Requests subject to the condition that the advance will be refunded if the Request Agreements have not been formed, and the Company will confirm that such Fans have capacity to make payments equivalent to the Sale Proceeds by collecting a credit using a prescribed payment settlement method.
  2. When a Creator has Accepted a Request from a Fan by Company-prescribed method as specified in the preceding paragraph, a Request Agreement shall be formed as a two-party agreement between the Creator and the Fan stipulating that the Creator will provide the relevant Request Reward within the extent of the Plan set by such Creator, and that the Fan will pay the Sale Proceeds as consideration for such provision. The Company receives the Sale Proceeds paid by Fans to Creators on behalf of Creators and the payment obligation for the Sale Proceeds of the Fans under Request Agreement shall extinguish upon receipt of the Sale Proceeds from the Fans by the Company or the third party specified by the Company in accordance with Article 8, Paragraph 1. Creators will be entitled to determine the content of Request Rewards at their discretion, as long as such determinations are within the extent of the Plans set by such Creators in applicable Request Agreements.
  3. Fans other than the Fans that are parties of completed Request Agreements can also make Requests in respect of the Plans of such completed Request Agreements, by Co-requesting. When the relevant Creator has Accepted such new Requests, Request Agreements shall be formed individually between the Creator and each Fan that has made such a Request; provided, however, that Co-requesting will be possible only if all of the following conditions are satisfied.
    1. The total Sale Proceeds for the completed Request Agreement are no more than one million yen; and
    2. Co-requesting on the completed Request Agreement will not result in the total of the Sale Proceeds for the completed Request Agreement and all Sale Proceeds increases due to such Co-requesting rising over one million yen.
  4. Request Agreements are agreements executed between Fans and Creators, and the Company will not be a party to Request Agreements or be liable therefor; provided, however, that the Company will have the right, as the entity providing the venue for execution of Request Agreements, to take appropriate measures vis a vis Fans or Creators in relation to Request Agreements, within the extent explicitly specified herein.

Article 6: Performance of Request Agreements, Permissibility of Cooling Off, etc.

  1. If a Request Agreement has been formed, the relevant Fan will not be entitled to demand refunds of any Sale Proceeds already paid, except where explicitly specified otherwise. Sale Proceeds are not eligible for cooling off and cannot be refunded pursuant thereto.
    • *Cooling off is a system enabling unconditional withdrawal of agreement applications or termination of agreements, for a certain period after application for or execution of an agreement. However, online sales are outside the scope of such systems, and cooling off systems thus cannot be used for Request Agreements as in Paragraph 1 of this article.
  2. A Fan will not be entitled to Cancel or refund any already-paid Sale Proceeds for reason of the particulars of the Request Reward provided by a Creator; provided, however, that if the Creator has not provided the Request Reward in accordance with the relevant Plan, or if there is noncompliance with the agreement in formal terms (e.g., if there is an error in the file format provided by the Creator, if the Fan cannot download the Reward), the Fan shall be entitled to contact the Company about such matter using the “Inquiry Form” on the Site. If the Company has considered such communication from the Fan and determined that the Fan’s claims are reasonable, the Company will be entitled, but not obligated, to instruct the Creator to make corrections, refund the Sale Proceeds, or take other such action. In such case, the Fan and the Creator shall act in accordance with the Company’s instructions, and except where explicitly specified otherwise, the Company will bear no liability for any damage etc. arising due to any decision or action by the Company.
  3. Creators shall comply with the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions, and other related laws and regulations. In addition, where required under the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions, subject Creators shall make appropriate notations on the Site as required under the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions.
    • To determine whether a notation under the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions is required, please refer to the “Guidelines related to ‘Sellers’ in Internet Auctions” on the website of the Consumer Affairs Agency, and other such resources.
  4. Creators shall have fully performed their obligations to provide Request Rewards when they provide such Request Rewards to Fans in accordance with Request Agreements. The acceptance of new Co-requesting shall also terminate at such time. Payment to Creators of Sale Proceeds that the Company has received from Fans on behalf of Creators shall be as specified in Article 8.

Article 7: Deletion or Termination of Requests

  1. A Fan will be entitled to rescind the transmission of Requests by Company-prescribed procedures if the relevant Creator has not yet Accepted such Request.
  2. A Request will be retracted automatically if seven days have passed from the date of transmission of such Request without the relevant Creator Accepting such Request. All Sale Proceeds advances received by the Company will be refunded to the relevant Fan.
  3. If, after the formation of a Request Agreement, 60 days have passed from the date of transmission of a Request without the relevant Creator providing the Request Reward to the Fan, such Request Agreement will be deemed terminated, and all Sale Proceeds received by the Company will be refunded to such Fan.
  4. The following items shall apply in the case where a Creator account has been deleted.
    1. If account deletion occurred before the formation of a Request Agreement (before Request Acceptance), the Plan set by the relevant Creator will be deemed to have been retracted, and will be deleted.
    2. If account deletion occurred after the formation of a Request Agreement (after Request Acceptance) but before full provision of the Request Reward, all Sale Proceeds paid shall be refunded to the relevant Fan.
  5. The following items shall apply in the case where a Fan account has been deleted.
    1. If account deletion occurred before the formation of a Request Agreement (before Request Acceptance), the Fan will be deemed to have retracted the relevant Request.
    2. If account deletion occurred after the formation of a Request Agreement (after Request Acceptance) but before full provision of the Request Reward, the Fan is deemed to have waived the right to receive the Request Reward under such Request Agreement. No Sale Proceeds will be refunded to the Fan in such case.
  6. The Company will be entitled to terminate Request Agreements before full provision of the relevant Request Rewards if it determines that a prohibited act as set forth in Article 13 has been committed. All Sale Proceeds received by the Company in connection with such Request Agreements will be refunded to the Fans of such Request Agreements.

Article 8: Payment of Sale Proceeds to Creators

  1. Creators shall grant in advance to the Company the legal right to receive the Sale Proceeds paid by Fans to Creators on behalf of Creators and the authority to grant such proxy receipt authority to a third party specified by the Company.
  2. When the total balance of Sale Proceeds is 5,000 yen or greater, such balance shall be automatically paid to the relevant Creator on a monthly basis in accordance with this article (“Automatic Payment”). When the total balance of Sale Proceeds is less than 5,000 yen, the Creator will be entitled to demand payment of such Sale Proceeds by making a request for remittance of Sale Proceeds (“Remittance Request”) .
  3. When paying Sale Proceeds as specified in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall subtract the Platform Fee (defined in Item (1) below) from the relevant Creator’s Sale Proceeds (the amount thereby calculated is hereinafter the “Received Amount”), subtract from the Received Amount a Remittance Fee (defined in Item (2) below), and pay the Creator the resulting amount, in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 7, by remittance to a remittance destination determined in accordance with this article; provided that unless otherwise specified, the remittance will be transferred to the transfer account registered by the Creator as of the 19th of that month.
    • *In situations where the Received Amount is high, the remittance destination shall be determined by the first business day of the month of when the remittance will be done. The details regarding transfer accounts and transfer fees are listed in the following Help section: (
    1. The Platform Fee shall be an amount equivalent to 10% of the Sale Proceeds (including consumption tax equivalent, and rounding off fractions to the nearest whole number).
  4. The amount remitted for a single Remittance Request shall not exceed 1,000,000 yen.
  5. If, in the case where a Sale Proceeds balance is less than 5,000 yen, the relevant Creator has not made a Remittance Request by the last day of the month preceding the month marking the passage of 180 days from the Request transmission date (if there is Co-requesting, then the date of transmission of the original Request), the Company shall pay such balance to a transfer account designated in advance by such Creator. Cases of flawed account information etc. shall be handled in accordance with the terms of Article 9.
  6. No interest shall accrue for the period from receipt of Sale Proceeds by the Company or a third party designated by the Company until payment by the Company to the relevant Creator.
  7. When the setting for the Automatic Payment is valid, or when a Creator has made a Remittance Request, the Company shall remit the Received Amount as of the last day of the preceding month within five business days of the 20th of the month immediately following the month in which the balance of the Received Amount subject to the Automatic Payment existed or in which the Remittance Request was made (“Remittance Period”);
  8. Received Amounts shall include consumption tax equivalents for the prices of any Request Rewards sold.
  9. When a payment date falls on a non-work day of the Company or a relevant financial institution, the Company shall make remittance within five business days of the business day immediately following such payment date.
  10. When due to a Company system failure or other such cause there has been overpayment to a Creator of an amount for remittance, the Creator will be obligated to immediately return the amount of such overpayment to the Company regardless of reason.
  11. In the case where doubts have arisen as to Creator’s rights etc. related to a Request Reward, or where it is determined that a problem arising between a Creator and a Fan as a result of an inquiry from a User or the like has not been resolved after a certain period, the Company shall be entitled, at its discretion, to halt any remittance of Received Amounts over which such Creator holds rights; Creators shall consent to the foregoing.
  12. When a Creator has resigned membership and there are Received Amounts still unpaid to such Creator, the Company shall subtract the Remittance Fee from the total of such Received Amounts, and thereupon shall remit the Received Amounts to an account designated by the Creator within five business days of the 20th of the month immediately following the month containing the date of membership resignation, or the 20th of the month immediately following such immediately following month; provided, however, that if the unpaid Received Amount is less than the Remittance Fee, the Company shall make no payment to the Creator.

Article 9: Flaws or Errors in Remittance Account Information

  1. In the case where a Creator has made a Remittance Request but the Company has been unable to complete the remittance due to a flaw or error in the remittance account information designated by such Creator, the Company shall be entitled to demand the amount of the reverse transaction fee of such remittance from the Creator. In such case, the Company shall contact the Creator indicating the flaw or error in remittance account information and urging another request for payment.
  2. When the Company has made remittance to a remittance account designated by a Creator pursuant to a Remittance Request by such Creator, the Company will be entitled to deem such payment a payment to the Creator. In such case, the Company will bear no liability in regard to the accuracy of the relevant remittance account information.
  3. When remittance cannot be made by the remittance date specified in Article 8, Paragraph 7 due to a flaw etc. in remittance destination information, the Company shall attempt to remit the Sale Proceeds of the relevant Remittance Request within five business days of the 20th of each month, starting from the month immediately following the month in which the remittance date falls; provided, however, that in the case where the 19th of the month immediately following the month in which a remittance procedure implementation date falls is more than 180 days from the transmission date of the relevant Request, the Company shall not carry out remittance on or after such remittance implementation date, and shall instead act in accordance with the following paragraph.
  4. In the case where remittance cannot be made due to a flaw etc. in remittance destination information and the 19th of the month immediately following the month containing the date such remittance failed to be implemented is more than 180 days from the transmission date of the relevant Request, the relevant Creator will be deemed to have waived the right to receive the amount of such remittance as of the date such remittance failed to be implemented.

Article 10: Responsibilities of Creators

  1. When the Company has indicated that a Request Reward falls under registration-prohibited information as in the pixiv Guidelines or that a Request Reward is not in conformity with a Request Agreement, the relevant Creator shall, under its own responsibility and cost burden, exchange, repair, delete, alter the scope of public accessibility of, or take other appropriate measures in respect of, the Request Reward.
  2. Creators shall, under their own responsibility and cost burden, manage and retain any posted information constituting the particulars of Plans established by such Creators.

Article 11: Responsibilities of Fans

  1. Fans are not entitled to instruct Creators to redo the creation of Request Rewards, modify or add to the contents of Request Rewards or do any other similar action (Collectively, "Retake") in any methods. Fans are entitled to communicate their desires to Creators only at the time when they transmit their Requests. Otherwise, Fans must not communicate their individual desires on Retake to Creators by using Requests Feature or any other communication tools such as pixiv message feature. Furthermore, Creators shall not bear responsibility to check or correspond to such desires in relation to Request Rewards at the time other than the time of the transmission of such Request Rewards.
  2. Fans are not entitled to have interactions with Creators, in connection with or through use of the Requests Feature, if such interactions are not directly related to the content of Request Rewards of which said Fans have requested creation from such Creators on the Requests Feature.
  3. Fans shall, under their own responsibility and cost burden, manage and retain the posted information for Requests they have transmitted.
  4. Fans shall personally preserve Request Rewards received from Creators, by backing up such Request Rewards as appropriate or by other such method. The Company is not responsible for providing data storage or the like for Request Rewards, and in no way guarantees that data storage or the like will be performed for Request Rewards.

Article 12: Responsibilities of the Company

  1. The Company will bear no liability whatsoever in regard to the conformity with Request Agreements of Request Reward types, quality or quantity, or in regard to the conformity with Request Agreements of rights related to Request Rewards, including the legality of Request Reward ownership, retention, use or the like.
  2. Users shall agree in advance that Request Agreements and Co-requesting agreements will be two-party agreements between Creators and Fans, and shall confirm and agree in advance that the Company will bear no liability whatsoever in regard to the particulars of Request Rewards provided under such agreements.

Article 13: Prohibitions Related to pixiv Requests Feature

  1. Users shall not breach these Individual Terms when using the pixiv Requests Feature.
  2. When using the pixiv Requests Feature, Users shall not register Request Rewards that fall under or may fall under the conduct prohibited under the items of Article 14 of these Individual Terms, or Request Rewards falling under the following.
    1. Request Rewards containing information related to FX, stock, virtual currency, crypto asset, or other commercial-use information related to finance, and tools or Request Rewards associated therewith.
  3. Users shall not make public posts falling under any of the following.
    1. Violent or atrocious material which will cause strong disgust or distress;
    2. Material extolling or promoting extremist views or antisocial acts;
    3. Material extolling or promoting discrimination on the basis of race, creed, occupation, sex, religion, or the like;
    4. Material extolling or promoting religious cult activity or overbearing political activity;
    5. Material in respect of which a third party has claimed rights infringement or the like and the Company, upon examination, has determined that such third party’s claim cannot be considered unreasonable;
    6. Material that an official body or expert (e.g., the national government, a local government, a reliability verification organization as set forth in a guideline on the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Right to Demand Disclosure of the Identification Information of the Senders, an internet hotline, or an attorney) has indicated or opined to be illegal, in violation of public order and morality, an infringement of another person’s rights, or the like;
    7. Material that infringes a third party’s rights or falls under Paragraph 1 of this article, and that is deemed, even after consideration of freedom of expression, to be inappropriate for provision on the pixiv Requests Feature; or
    8. Material that, other than as in the foregoing, breaches the Master Terms of Use, these Individual Terms, or other guidelines.
  4. When a User has breached even one of the preceding three paragraphs, the Company may revoke such User’s membership, annul the registration of such User’s account, suspend use by such User, terminate Request Agreements with such User prior to completion, halt the acceptance of Co-requesting by such User, terminate, render non-public, or alter the scope of public accessibility of such User’s Requests or uploaded work data in whole or in part, or take other similar action in respect of such User; provided, however, that the Company will not be obligated to take any such action or disclose the reason any such action was taken.

Article 14: Ownership and Licensing of Intellectual Property Rights Related to Request Rewards etc.

  1. All copyrights and other rights to Request Reward information registered using the pixiv Requests Feature will belong to the Creator that created or registered such Request Reward. Fans will be entitled to use Request Rewards only for personal amusement and for posting to their own social media accounts with a credit attribution for the relevant Creators.
  2. The Company shall be entitled to use or alter Request Reward information registered by Creators to the extent necessary for the smooth provision of the pixiv Requests Feature and the construction, improvement and maintenance of Company systems.
  3. When using Request Reward information in the form specified in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall be entitled to omit some information or a name attribution.

Article 15: Handling of Problems

  1. The Company shall bear no liability whatsoever in regard to, and shall be in no way obligated to respond to, any problems arising between Users or between Users and third parties in connection with the pixiv Requests Feature, except where explicitly specified otherwise; provided, however, that the Company may conduct contact point operations, such as communicating the particulars of a counterparty’s claim, for Users or third parties if the Company deems such action necessary for the operation of the pixiv Requests Feature, that in such cases, the relevant User(s) shall respond in good faith as instructed by the Company and that the Company will be in no way obligated to conduct such contact point operations.
  2. When a third party (including Users for the purposes of this paragraph) has claimed infringement of copyrights or other such rights against the Company in respect of a Request Reward, the Company shall communicate with the User that published the relevant content and shall be entitled to render such content non-public at its discretion.

Article 16: Monitoring of the Requests Feature by the Company

The Company and third parties entrusted by the Company which agreed with the Company to have confidentiality obligation regarding protection of information of Users and operate at the minimum standard required to do the monitoring set forth in this Article are entitled to monitor the Posted Information concerning the pixiv Requests Feature and Request Rewards on the Site by using automatic filtering in order to do the investigations necessary for provision of the pixiv Requests Feature to Users in accordance with these Individual Terms including the following investigations: the investigation on whether any Posted Information has been posted or transmitted on the Site in violation of these Individual Terms, whether any Request Reward has been provided in violation of these Individual Terms or whether Creators and Fans comply with laws and regulations. When a breach on any of these Individual Terms is confirmed by the Company through the monitoring, the Company may take any of the actions prescribed in the paragraph 4 of the Article 13 such as termination of Request Agreements. The information obtained by the Company or such third parties shall be used for one year on and after the time of transmission of each Request relevant to the information.
Please be advised that the enquiries on the information obtained for the purpose above shall be sent to the contact below.

Supplemental Provisions



This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Japanese language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and this English translation, the original Japanese version shall prevail.

Article 1. Introduction

  1. These Individual Terms of Use apply to all conduct in cases where User uses the “pixivFANBOX” service (“Individual Service”) provided by the Company.
  2. These Individual Terms of Use set forth conditions for use of the Individual Service. User agrees to, and shall use the Individual Serve in accordance with, these Individual Terms of Use.
  3. These Individual Terms of Use are the individual terms of pixiv service Master Terms of Use ("Master Terms of Use"), which are applied for all services throughout pixiv Inc.'s services, and cases unspecified in these Individual Terms of Use, unless specified to exclude in the Individual Terms of Use, shall follow Master Terms of Use and other relating guidelines ("Terms etc.") set by the Company.
  4. By using the Individual Service, User shall be deemed to have agreed to the entire content of these Individual Terms of Use.
  5. Unless User agrees to these Individual Terms of Use, User may not use the Individual Services.

Article 2. Definitions

The terms used in these Individual Terms of Use shall have the meanings set forth in the following items. Unless otherwise provided, terms used in these Individual Terms of Use other than those defined below shall have the meanings specified in the pixiv Master Terms of Use.

  1. “Site” means the website known as “pixivFANBOX” ( and operated by the Company.
  2. “Individual Service” means all services provided on the Site.
  3. “User” means a user who registered an account with the Company and uses the Site.
  4. “Creator” means a User who completed creator registration for the Individual Service in accordance with the prescribed procedures.
  5. “Supporter” means a User who supports Creators through the Individual Service in accordance with the prescribed procedures.
  6. “Support Money” means money serving as consideration for an access to Supporter-exclusive Posted Content published by a Creator receiving Privileges and other payments, which is to be paid to the Creator by a Fan under a Support Agreement stipulated in Article 9.
  7. “Support Money, etc.” is the general term for money to be paid by the Company to Creators based on campaigns implemented by the Company or any other circumstances and the Support Money paid to the Company.
  8. “Posted Data” means profiles created, edited, and posted on the Site by User, comments transmitted using the comment function, and all other data posted or transmitted by User using certain functions on the Site (excluding Posted Content).
  9. “Content” means text, voice data, music, images, videos and other information.
  10. “Posted Content” means Content posted by a Creator on the Site or a related site.
  11. “Amount Receivable” means the amount of money remaining after subtracting the fees set forth below from the support money, etc. that has not yet been received by the Creator. The Company shall receive payment of the following fees from the Creators by deducting them from the Support Money, etc..
  12. Platform fees: An amount corresponding to 10% of the Support Monies, etc. (including payment fee and amounts equivalent to consumption taxes; rounded to the nearest whole number)
  13. “Regular Transfer” means a function that allows Creators to make a request for the total amount of Amount Receivable as of the 20th of the current month every month by setting up the function in the method prescribed by the Company.
  14. “Instant Transfer” means a function that allows Creators to make a request for an arbitrary amount of money specified by the Creator within the range of Amount Receivable at the time of the request by applying in the method prescribed by the Company.

Article 3. Scope of Application of these Terms of Use

  1. The conditions for use of the Individual Service are set forth in these Individual Terms of Use or other terms of use and the like on the Site. Such other terms of use and the like constitute a part of these Individual Terms of Use, regardless of designation.
  2. In the case of a discrepancy between these Individual Terms of Use and other terms of use and the like, such other terms of use and the like shall apply preferentially.
  3. Any matters not specified in these Individual Terms of Use or other terms of use and the like shall be governed by the pixiv Master Terms of Use.

Article 4. Creator Registration

  1. Any persons who wish to use the Individual Service as Creators agree to the content of these Individual Terms of Use and apply for registration by the method prescribed by the Company.
  2. A person who applied for registration (“Registration Applicant”) shall become a Creator when the Company approves the registration application.
  3. In the case where a Registration Applicant falls under any of the following, the Company may, at its discretion, reject the Registration Applicant’s registration application without disclosing the reason.
    1. In cases where the Registration Applicant applied for registration not using the method prescribed by the Company;
    2. In cases where the Registration Applicant was the subject of compulsory withdrawal in the past on the grounds of violation of the pixiv Master Terms of Use, these Individual Terms of Use, other terms of use and the like, or the terms of use and the like of other services operated by the Company;
    3. In cases where it is determined that the registration information provided to the Company is false in whole or in part; or
    4. In other cases where the Company determines that the application is inappropriate.

Article 5. Cancellation of Creator Registration

  1. In the case where a Creator wishes to cancel his or her registration, the User shall submit notice of cancellation of the Creator registration to the Company by the method prescribed by the Company.
  2. In the case where a Creator engages in the conduct set forth in any of the following items, the Company may, at its discretion, cancel the Creator registration, compel the Creator to withdraw also as a User, and refuse use of the Individual Service and related services.
    1. In cases where it is determined that the registration application was not performed using the method prescribed by the Company;
    2. In cases where the Company determines that the Creator violated or is suspected of violating the pixiv Master Terms of Use, these Individual Terms of Use, or other terms of use and the like;
    3. In case the Company determines that it is impossible to grasp the Creator's activities in the Individual Service; or
    4. In cases where the Company determines that registration is inappropriate

Article 6. Creation of Support Plans

  1. Creators may create support plans using the method prescribed by the Company.
  2. When a Creator creates a support plan, the Creator shall do so to the extent and by the method prescribed by the Company, and the following matters shall be specified.
    1. Creation of multiple support plans and setting monthly fees for each support plan;
    2. Details of the Supporter-exclusive Posted Content to be provided to Supporters according to a support plan; and
    3. Details of other privileges that Supporters can enjoy (“Privileges”).

Article 7. Posting

  1. After setting the scope of disclosure using the method prescribed by the Company, Creators can publish posts on a Creator page at their discretion.
  2. When using the Individual Services, Creators shall not publish Posted Data or Posted Contents that fall under any of the following, or direct Users to external online storage services or other external web services, etc. for the purpose of publishing such Posted Data or Posted Contents. If the Company determines that a post falls under any one of the following, the Company is entitled to request that the registered Creator revise the post or make the post private in whole or in part, and depending on the circumstances, the Company may cancel the Creator registration of the relevant Creator.
    1. Obscene or excessively deviant sexual expression;
    2. Violent or cruel expression that causes strong feelings of disgust or discomfort;
    3. Expression that glorifies or promotes extreme ideas or anti-social behavior;
    4. Expression that glorifies or promotes discrimination on the basis of race, belief, occupation, sex, religion, and so on;
    5. Expression that glorifies or promotes cult-like religious behavior or extreme political behavior;
    6. In the case where a third party makes a claim of infringement of rights or other assertion, and following investigation by the Company, a determination is made that the third party’s claim is not baseless;
    7. A post regarding which a public agency or an expert (a national or regional public body, a credibility confirmation organization specified in the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Identification Information of the Senders, Internet hotline, attorney, etc.) indicates or expresses an opinion that the content is unlawful, contrary to public morals, or infringes on the rights of another person;
    8. Expression that infringes on the rights of a third person or falls under Article 18 (Prohibitions) and is determined to be inappropriate for provision on the Individual Service even when taking into consideration the freedom of expression;
    9. Content defined by the Company as "AI-generated content" in the Individual Service. Please also refer to the following for the determination of applicability; or
      1. pixivFANBOX Guidelines
      2. What is "AI-generated content"?
    10. Further to the above, expression that violates the pixiv Master Terms of Use, these Individual Terms of Use, or other guidelines.

Article 8. Monitoring of the Site by the Company

The Company and third parties entrusted by the Company are entitled to monitor all areas of the Site for the purpose of investigating whether Posted Content has been posted to or transmitted on the Site in violation of these Individual Terms of Use, whether Supporter-exclusive Posted Content or Privileges are provided in violation of these Individual Terms of Use, and whether registered Creators are in compliance with laws and regulations.

Article 9. Support by Supporters

  1. Users may support Creators under a particular plan by the method prescribed by the Company.
  2. In the case where User applies for a particular support plan, a two-party sales contract or the other agreement (“Support Agreement”) shall be formed between the User and the Creator who created the relevant plan. The principal content of such agreement shall be the provision of access to Supporter-exclusive Posted Content and Privileges by the Creator to the relevant User and the payment of support money by the User as consideration for such provision.
  3. Users may access Supporter-exclusive Posted Content published by the Creator and receive Privileges as long as the User is a Supporter.
  4. User confirms and agrees that the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever regarding the particulars of Supporter-exclusive Posted Content and Privileges.

Article 10. Performance of Duties under Support Agreements, Availability of a Cooling-Off Period, etc.

  1. Supporters may not demand refund of support monies that were previously paid. Support amounts are not subject to a cooling-off period, and therefore, refunds under a cooling-off period cannot be made.
  2. Supporters cannot cancel or obtain a refund of support monies previously paid on grounds relating to the particulars of the Supporter-exclusive Posted Content or Privileges, but in the case where Supporter-exclusive Posted Content or Privileges are not provided in accordance with the relevant plan and in cases where such Supporter-exclusive Posted Content or Privileges contain defects as to form (incorrect file format, inability to download, etc.), Supporters may contact the Company using the Contact Form on the Site.
  3. Creator shall comply with the Act for the Prevention of Unreasonable Premiums and Misrepresentation concerning Products and Services, the Specified Commercial Transactions Act, and other relevant laws and regulations and shall properly perform labeling on the Site required under the Specified Commercial Transactions Act.

Article 11. Term, Renewal, and Cancellation of Support Agreements

  1. The term of Support Agreements shall be from the day of provision of support by User to the relevant Creator until the last day of the month in which that day occurs. In subsequent months, Support Agreements shall automatically be renewed on a monthly basis from the first day to the last day of each month.
  2. In the case where a Creator or Supporter wishes to cancel automatic renewal of a Support Agreement, such person shall cancel automatic renewal using the procedures prescribed by the Company by the following month.
  3. Even in the case where automatic renewal of a Support Agreement is canceled, Supporters may not demand daily pro rata refund of support monies paid pursuant to the Support Agreement for the month in which the day of cancellation of automatic renewal falls.
  4. In the case where a registered User makes late payment of support monies (including cases where payment procedures are not performed as a result of a credit card error or the like), the relevant User shall automatically be deemed to have canceled automatic renewal.

Article 12. Cancellation of Particular Support Plans

  1. Notwithstanding the preceding article, a Creator may delete the particular support plans by using the procedures prescribed by the Company and cancel the Support Agreements of Supporters for such support plans.
  2. When a Creator cancels a plan, no duties for the Creator to provide new Supporter-exclusive Posted Content and Privileges shall arise and no duties for Supporters to pay support monies shall arise with regard to the relevant plan as of the month (from the first day to the last day) following the day of cancellation of the plan.

Article 13. Termination of Support Agreements with Supporters for Other Reasons

  1. Notwithstanding the preceding two articles, in the case where the Company cancels the Creator registration of a particular Creator, all Support Agreements between the relevant registered Creator and Supporters shall terminate.
  2. In the case of the preceding paragraph, support monies shall not be calculated on a daily pro rata basis, and Supporters may not demand refund of the support monies for the current month.
  3. Even in the case where a Support Agreement terminates pursuant to this article, the Company shall be released from liability to the extent of measures pursuant to these Individual Terms of Use, and in such case, User may not make any demands whatsoever for compensatory damages to the Company.
  4. In the case where the Company cancels the Creator registration of a particular Creator, the Company may delete the Creator pages and posts of the relevant Creator.

Article 14. Payment

  1. Creators shall grant in advance to the Company the legal right to receive support monies paid by Supporters to Creators in fulfillment of the payment obligation under Support Agreement on behalf of Creators and the authority to grant such proxy receipt authority to a third party designated by the Company.
  2. Supporters shall pay support monies (including amounts equivalent to consumption taxes) for the month in which the day that support commenced occurs and thereafter shall pay each month’s support monies at the beginning of each month by the method specified by the Company.
  3. Even in the case where a Support Agreement is canceled or terminated for any other reason during a month, no daily pro rata calculation of support monies shall be performed.
  4. In cases where a credit card is used, support monies shall comply with the contract terms and conditions or terms of use of the relevant credit card company. A credit card held in the name of the Supporter must be used.
  5. The Company shall have the authority to collect support monies paid by Supporters to Creators and to outsource such collection services to third parties specified by the Company. The duty to pay support monies of Supporters under Support Agreement shall extinguish upon receipt of support monies from a Supporter by the Company or the third party specified by the Company.

Article 15. Direct Deposit Request

  1. Creators shall pay Platform fees (Article 2.11.a) to the Company when a Support Agreement is concluded.​​The Creators shall agree in advance to pay the fees to the Company by the method that the Company will deduct the fees from the Support Money, etc..
  2. Creators may request payment of Support Monies by setting up Regular Transfer or applying for an Instant Transfer by the method prescribed by the Company.
  3. In such case of setting up Regular Transfer, the Company shall pay the remaining balance of Amount Receivable as of the 20th of the current month minus the assorted fees specified below by remittance to the transfer account specified in advance by the Creator within 5 business days from the 20th of each month.The details regarding transfer accounts and transfer fees are listed in the following Help section: ( ).
  4. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Company may transfer all or part of Amount Receivable in the following month if the amount of the Amount Receivable is high.
  5. In cases where the Company is unable to complete a remittance because the remittance account information registered by a Creator is incomplete or incorrect, or the amount of Amount Receivable is less than 5,000 yen, the remittance shall be carried over to the following and subsequent months, with the same procedure to be performed in subsequent months.
  6. In case of Instant Transfer, the Company shall pay the remaining balance of an arbitrary amount of money specified by the Creator within the range of the Amount Receivable at the time of the request by applying minus the assorted fees specified in the Paragraph 3 by remittance to the transfer account specified in advance by the Creator within 5 business days from the date of application.
  7. The maximum amount that can be applied for at one time in an Instant Transfer application is 1,000,000 yen.
  8. No interest shall accrue during the period from when the Company or the third party specified by the Company receives Support Monies until the Company makes payment to the Creator.
  9. In cases where doubt concerning the rights and so on to a Supporter-exclusive Posted Content published by a Creator or a Privilege arise and in cases where the Company determines that a problem arising between the Creator and a User on the basis of inquiries and the like from the User cannot be resolved within a certain period, the Company may suspend remittance to the relevant Creator, and Creators agree to this.
  10. In cases where a remittance is not completed because of incorrect remittance account information or the like, the Company will deem that the Creator has exempted the Company from the obligation to pay the relevant Amount Receivable after the lapse of six months from the day on which the Creator earned the Support Money, etc..
  11. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the case that the Creator has not made a request for payment in the method prescribed by the Company by the time six months have elapsed from the time of March 31, 2021 ("Reference Date") for the Amount Receivable that existed at the time of Reference Date and for which no transfer has been made, the Company will deem that the Creator has exempted the Company from the obligation to pay the relevant Amount Receivable.
  12. In the case where a payment date is a business holiday of the Company or financial institutions, payment shall be made within five business days from the following business day.

Article 16. Insufficient or Incorrect Direct Deposit Account Information

  1. In the case where a Creator makes a Direct Deposit Request but the Company is unable to make the direct deposit because of insufficient or incorrect direct deposit bank account information provided by the Creator, the Company may handle the relevant payment request as void. In this case, the Company shall notify the registered Creator regarding the insufficient or incorrect direct deposit account information and encourage the Creator to reapply for payment.
  2. In the case where a Creator makes a Direct Deposit Request but the Company makes a remittance to a third party due to insufficient or incorrect direct deposit bank account information, the Company may deem that the payment was made to the relevant Creator and shall be released from liability regarding claims from the Creator.

Article 17. Reaction to Problems

  1. Except in cases specified in these Individual Terms of Use, the Company shall not bear any responsibility or any duties relating to problems that occur between Users or between a User and a third party in relation to the Individual Service.
    However, in the case where the Company determines that it is necessary for operation of the Individual Service, the Company may serve as a liaison to convey the particulars of the other party’s claim to User or a third party. In this case, User shall respond in good faith in accordance with the Company’s instruction; provided, however, that the Company shall not be obligated to perform any such liaison services.
  2. In the case where the Company receives a claim from a third party (for the purpose of this paragraph, including User) of infringement of copyrights or other rights in relation to Posted Content, the Company shall notify the User who posted the relevant Content and may make the relevant Posted Content private on the basis of its own determination.

Article 18. Prohibitions

When using the Individual Service, User may not engage in any conduct prohibited by or in violation of the pixiv Master Terms of Use, these Individual Terms of Use, or other terms of use or guidelines. In the case where User engages in prohibited conduct or commits a violation, User may be subject to compulsory withdrawal, suspension of use, deletion of posted work data in whole or in part, modification of the scope of disclosure, or other measures deemed necessary by the Company; provided, however, that the Company shall not bear a duty to take these measures and shall not bear a duty to disclose the reasons for measures it has taken.

Supplementary provision:


FANBOX PRINT Terms of Use for Content Providers

Article 1. Introduction

  1. pixiv Inc. (hereafter referred to as “the Company”) offers a service called “FANBOX PRINT” (hereafter referred to as “the Service,” defined in the next article) that allows customers to purchase and print their favorite content on the multi-function printer and copy machines at Lawson, Family Mart, and Ministop in Japan (excluding some stores). This is a one-of-a-kind service that was made possible thanks to the cooperation between Content Providers (defined in the next article) and the Company.
  2. Any person who wishes to become a Content Provider shall fully understand the FANBOX PRINT Terms of Use for Content Providers (hereafter referred to as “Individual Terms of Use”) before registering as a Content Provider.
  3. These Individual Terms of Use define the relationship between the Company and Content Providers. If a person applies to become a Content Provider, it will be assumed that they have consented to all of these Individual Terms of Use.
  4. In the case that a definition is not specified in these Individual Terms of Use, the pixiv Service Master Terms of Use (hereafter referred to as the "Service Master Terms of Use") and other provisions including guidelines and the like (“Other Provisions”) established by the Company for this Service shall apply.

Article 2. Definitions

The terms used in these Individual Terms of Use shall have the meanings set forth in the following items. Unless otherwise provided, terms used in these Individual Terms of Use other than those defined below shall have the meanings specified in the pixiv Master Terms of Use.

  1. “This Service” refers to “FANBOX PRINT,” a service provided by the Company in partnership with Sharp Marketing Japan Corporation which allows customers to buy Print Products (defined in the next section) from multi-function printer and copy machines at convenience stores.
  2. “Print Products” refers to the products that the Company sells using this Service through multi-function printer and copy machines at convenience stores.
  3. "Content" refers to any data related to the image, including the image data registered with the service in the form of text, images, symbols, etc. provided by Content Providers, as well as metadata such as Content Provider names, and work titles. This also includes content printed using this Service, content that constitutes Print Products, and product information pages.
  4. "Content Provider" is a person whose application to use the service has been approved by the Company’s Content Provider Review process.

Article 3. Content Provider Registration

  1. Persons intending to register as a Content Provider must first agree to the Service Master Terms of Use and pixivFANBOX’s Individual Terms of Use provided by the Company. After that, they can apply for account registration by the method designated by the Company, or log in to their existing account and register as a pixivFANBOX creator.
  2. Minors need the consent of a parent or a legal guardian to register an account, use the Service, and register as a Content Provider. Users of the Company’s services, including this and other services, (hereafter referred to as "Users") will be considered as having already obtained the consent stipulated in this section. If the Company deems it necessary, the Content Provider will have to provide information (including the contact information of the legal guardian) to confirm whether or not the legal guardian has consented to the use of this service.

Article 4. Content Provider Application and Review

  1. Only persons who have a certain track record as a creator for the services provided by the Company or on other social media can register as a Content Provider for this Service.
  2. Persons who intend to register as a Content Provider must apply using the method designated by the Company.
  3. Persons who intend to register as a Content Provider must provide the Company with true, accurate, and up-to-date information about themselves when applying to register as a Content Provider. If they are a corporation, they are required to register the information of the corporation representative. For any queries, please contact the Company through the FANBOX PRINT inquiry form.
  4. The Company may reject applications lacking all the necessary documents to register as a Content Provider.
  5. Applications will be reviewed based on the Company’s standards and the Company will decide whether or not to accept the application. Please note that review criteria will not be disclosed.
  6. Content Providers shall not object to the review results.
  7. The Company will provide a management page to successfully registered Content Providers (hereafter referred to as the "Management Page") that will allow Content Providers to register and manage their content.

Article 5. Changes in Registered Information

  1. If there is a change in the information that must be reported to the Company (hereafter referred to as an "Update in Registered Information"), the Content Provider must immediately notify the changes using the procedures and methods designated by the Company.
  2. Content Providers are responsible for managing and revising the information registered with the Company to make sure it is always accurate. The Company will deem that there have been no changes in the circumstance that there is no Update in Registered Information from the Content Provider, regardless of whether there is a change. Even if a change is reported, transactions and other procedures performed before the information is updated may still contain the old information.
  3. All communication regarding this Service is made based on the information registered with the Company. The Company shall not be responsible for any inconvenience caused to the Content Provider due to delays in reporting any Update in Registered Information mentioned in point 1 of this Article.

Article 6. Content

Content Registration and Review

  1. The Company will conduct a content review according to the procedures designated by the Company for each content that is registered by Content Providers to the Service (hereafter referred to as "Content Review").
  2. The Company will review the content submitted by Content Providers according to the FANBOX PRINT Content Guidelines, and will notify the Content Providers of the results of the Content Review.
  3. The Content Review will be completed within 4 business days (for details on business days, click here) from the date of registration. The Content Provider must be aware that the start date and the time required for the Content Review are only estimates, and that there may be delays.
  4. If the Company deems the Content is appropriate after the Content Review, the content will be registered on the Service.
  5. Content Providers shall not object to the Content Review results.
  6. When the Content is registered on the Service via the process described in Section 4, it will be deemed that the Content Provider has granted the Company a sublicense and non-exclusive right to use the Content. The Company shall pay the Content Provider royalties for their Content in accordance with Article 8 of these Individual Terms of Use (“Article 8. Royalties and Payment”). In addition, the Content Provider needs to inform the Company before providing the same Content to a third party with a service that competes with this Service (this includes those who are planning to or may in the future provide a competing service).

Prohibited Content

  1. Content Providers shall agree that the content listed below (hereafter collectively referred to as "Prohibited Content") will not be registered even if an application is made according to the process outlined in “Content Registration and Review” above. n
    1. Content prohibited by the FANBOX PRINT Content Guidelines
    2. Content prohibited in Article 14 of the Service Master Terms of Use
    3. Other Content prohibited by various regulations
    4. Other Content that the Company may deem inappropriate
  2. If the Company determines that the Content and Print Products are inappropriate or violate the Individual Terms of Use, the Company may delete the Content or suspend sales of the Print Products.
  3. If a transaction has already been made with a purchaser for a Print Product that falls under one of the categories listed above, the Company may cancel the transaction at its discretion. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage caused to the Content Provider as a result of measures taken according to this Article, unless the damage is caused by the Company's negligence.

Sales Suspension of Print Products

  1. As a general rule, the Company will not suspend sales of Print Products until the end of the sales period specified in Article 7, Section 2.
  2. Content Providers shall agree that if any of the following hold true, the Company may completely or partially suspend or terminate the sale of the Print Products without obtaining the prior consent of the Content Provider, regardless of what is stipulated in paragraph 1, above.
    1. If the author, copyright holder, publisher, or any other rightful claimant of a Print Product wishes to terminate sales.
    2. If the Company determines that it has become difficult to sell the Print Products due to problematic circumstances.
    3. If, after the sale of the Print Products, it is found that it violates the prohibitions of the Individual Terms, applicable guidelines, or Terms of Use.
    4. If the Company has any other reason to believe that it is necessary to suspend or terminate the sale of the Print Products.
  3. If the Content Provider wishes the Company to suspend the sale of the Print Products due to unavoidable circumstances, the Content Provider shall apply to the Company for the suspension of sales using the method designated by the Company on this website. The steps for the procedure are as follows:
    • Please click here and fill in the pixiv User ID (number) and e-mail address. Enter "Application for suspension of sales of FANBOX PRINT Products" in the "Subject" and the following information in "Details".
      • The Print Number or the URL with which the Company can identify the Content to be suspended.
      • Reason for suspension of sales
  4. Once the Company receives an application to suspend sales of Print Products as described in the above section, the Company will assess the information and discontinue sales of the Print Products within a reasonable period of time. However, the Content Provider shall agree that depending on the application, sales may not be suspended.
  1. Content Providers shall agree that the Company may use the Content for advertising and promotional purposes for the services the Company provides without first obtaining consent from the Content Provider.
  2. The Company may modify the Content at its own discretion when updating the Service with the intent of optimizing how the Content looks and works on the Service.
  3. Copyright and all other rights related to the Content belong to the Content Provider who creates and registers the Content. The Company may use and modify the Content information registered by Content Provider to the extent necessary for the smooth operation of the Service, the development, improvement, and maintenance of the Company's system, and other advertising and promotional activities for the Service. The Company may omit a part of the information or the Content Provider’s name when the Content and Print Products are used in format designated by the Company.

Content Liability

  1. The Content Provider shall bear all responsibility for the Content they have registered. The Content Provider must guarantee to the Company that the Content does not infringe on the rights of any third party (including copyright and all other rights).
  2. If the Content Provider violates the aforementioned section and if this causes damage to the Company, the Content Provider shall be responsible for compensating for the damage caused to the Company.
  3. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage caused to the Content Provider due to the sale of Print Products, unless the damage is clearly caused by willful misconduct or negligence by the Company.

Article 7. Sale of Print Products

  1. Content Providers can set a date after the scheduled completion date of the Content Review to begin the sale of the Print Products (hereafter referred to as the "Sales Start Date") on the Management Page.
    By setting the Sales Start Date, the Company shall assume that the Content Provider has given their approval to the Company to sell the approved Content (hereafter referred to as "Sales Approval"). Please note that once the Sales Start Date has been set, it cannot be changed.
  2. As a general rule, once the Sales Start Date has been set for a Print Product, it will be available for purchase by customers for 30 days from the Sales Start Date defined in the preceding section. However, this does not apply if a separate agreement is made with the Company.
    Due to Content Review delays, the actual Sales Start Date may be later than the date specified in the previous section. Even if it is delayed, the sales period will be approximately 30 days counting from the Sales Start Date specified in the previous paragraph. The Company shall not be liable for any damages arising from delays in Content Review or the Sales Start Date unless the damage is clearly caused by willful misconduct or negligence by the Company.
  3. Content Providers can give Sales Approval to the Company for up to 5 Print Products at a time. Information about the types and prices of available Print Products is available here. Print Products with different sizes between L and 2L will be counted as 1. Print Products with different types of paper such as A4 plain paper and A4 glossy paper will also be counted as 1.
  4. If a Content Provider wishes to list a Print Product for which the sales period has ended for sale again (hereafter referred to as "Restock"), it is possible to set a new Sales Start Date and give the Company the corresponding Sales Approval using the designated method from the registration screen for the relevant Content. Print Products that have already passed the Content Review can be Restocked without going through Content Review again, and can be Restocked without limit.
  5. The Company may choose to terminate the sale of Print Products without prior notice in the following cases. Unless otherwise stipulated in the Service Master Terms of Use or these Individual Terms of Use, the Company shall not be responsible for compensating Content Providers for damages caused by the termination of sales of Print Products based on this section.
    1. When the author, copyright holder, publisher, or other rights holder of a Print Product wishes to terminate sales.
    2. If it is found that there are any violations of the Terms and Conditions (not limited to the Service Master Terms of Use and Individual Terms) or guidelines agreed upon between the Content Provider and the Company, such as the FANBOX PRINT Content Guidelines.
    3. If the Company deems it difficult to keep selling said Print Products.

Article 8. Royalties and Payments


  1. The Company will compensate Content Providers for the Print Products sold with a monetary amount (hereafter referred to as "Royalties") calculated using the Company's designated method depending on the number of Print Products sold by the Company through this service.
  2. "Sold by the Company" means Print Products sold through orders placed on this Service, and printed by pressing the purchase button on the multi-function printer and copy machine installed at a convenience store. Note that a purchase is counted only when the user actually presses the purchase button on the machine.
  3. Royalties will be the sum of each purchase from 0:00 on the first day of the month to 11:59 pm on the last day of the month. Content Providers can check the relevant Royalties and Payment Amount (as defined in Section 1 of the following Item) on the Management Page after the 4th business day of the following month.


  1. The Company shall deposit the amount (hereafter referred to as “Payment Amount”) after deducting withholding tax (applicable to all individual recipients, whether within or outside Japan, or when the recipient is a corporate entity outside Japan) and a transfer fee determined by the Company from the current month's Royalties to the account specified in advance by the Content Provider within 5 business days from the 20th of the second following month. For more information on transfer fees and tax deductions, please click here. If the payment date falls on a holiday for the Company or the financial institution, payment will be made within 5 business days from the next business day.
  2. If the Payment Amount is very large, the Company may transfer all or part of the Payment Amount in the following month.
  3. If the Payment Amount is less than 5000 JPY (hereafter referred to as the "Minimum Payment Amount"), the transfer will be carried over to the next month or later, and the same shall apply thereafter. Regardless of the Payment Amount, the Company shall settle the payment for the current fiscal year by transferring the amount held on the last day of June of each year within 5 business days from the said date. Click here for more details.
  4. If the transfer account information is incorrect, any service fees charged as a result of additional transfer attempts will be the responsibility of the Content Provider.
  5. If an extra amount is paid to the Content Provider due to a malfunction in the Company system or for any other reason, the Content Provider is obligated to immediately return the extra amount to the Company regardless of the reason.
  6. If the Content Provider is an individual in Japan and receives a total Payment of 50,000 JPY or more from the Company in 1 year, the Content Provider shall provide the Company with their My Number information using the Company's designated method by the end of December of each year. However, this does not apply in the case the Company already has the Content Provider's My Number information or if the Content Provider refuses to share their My Number with the Company.

Inaccuracies or Mistakes in Transfer Account Information

  1. If the Payment Amount cannot be transferred due to incomplete or incorrect registered transfer account information (hereafter referred to as "Transfer Account Information") set by the Content Provider, the Payment Amount will be transferred the following month. The same will be carried forward thereafter.
  2. If a payment is not successful due to an error in the Transfer Account Information, the Content Provider will not be allowed to register new Content or Restock Print Products.
  3. If a payment cannot be made due to incorrect Transfer Account Information even after 6 months have passed from the date of the payment, the Company shall assume that the Content Provider has exempted the Company from any obligation to transfer the Payment Amount.
  4. If the Company makes a payment to a third party due to incomplete or incorrect Transfer Account Information, the Company may treat that payment as a payment to the Content Provider and shall be exempted from any claims made by the Content Provider.

Waiving Payments

The Company may deem that the Content Provider has waived the right to receive their Payment Amount if any of the following points are applicable.

  1. If there is any conduct that violates the Individual Terms of Use or Service Master Terms of Use.
  2. If the Content Provider wishes to waive the amount.
  3. If the Company is unable to contact the Content Provider through the Content Provider's registered information for more than 6 months.

Article 9. Content Provider Responsibilities

Prohibited Conduct

  1. Content Providers must not do anything that violates the Service Master Terms of Use, Individual Terms of Use, Other Terms, and given guidelines.
  2. If a Content Provider violates the Service Master Terms of Use, Individual Terms of Use, Other Terms, or Guidelines, the company may cancel their registration as a Content Provider, suspend their account, or take other actions deemed necessary by the Company. However, the Company is not obligated to take these measures, nor is it obligated to disclose the reasons for taking these measures.
  3. In addition, if a Content Provider causes damage to the Company through fraudulent or illegal acts, the Company may claim compensation for damages from the Content Provider.
  4. If a Content Provider causes damage to another Content Provider or a third party, the Content Provider shall be responsible for resolving the matter at their own expense and shall not cause any damage to the Company.

Prohibited Transfer of Rights and Obligations

During the sales period of Print Products, the Content Provider shall not transfer the rights and obligations associated with this agreement to a third party, offer it as collateral, or dispose of it without the prior written consent of the Company.

Article 10. Disclaimers and Company Responsibilities

Handling of Personal Information

The Company will appropriately handle personal information obtained from Content Providers according to the Company's Privacy Policy.


  1. The Company shall not be liable for any suspension, termination, or change in the Service provided by the Company, cancelation of the Content Provider's account, deletion or disappearance of the Content, or any other damage sustained by the Content Provider in connection with the Service, except for if the damage is caused by willful misconduct or negligence by the Company.
  2. Extent of the Company’s Responsibility
    Even if the Company is liable for damages to the Content Provider, the Company's liability is limited to actual, direct, and ordinary damages caused to the Content Provider due to an event of default or illegal offense by the Company. This excludes cases caused by willful misconduct or negligence by the Company.

Article 11. Notifications and Communications

  1. If the Company needs to notify or contact a Content Provider, the Company will do so by post, e-mail, or via messages on this Service or related services. In the case that the Company notifies or contacts the Content Provider by posting a message on this Service or related services, it will be valid from the time the message is posted. In case any other mode of communication is used, it will be valid from the time the message is sent.
  2. If the Content Provider needs to contact the Company, they shall do so using e-mail or the inquiry form for the Service.
  3. The Company will not accept any contact via telephone or in person, unless it is deemed necessary.
  4. The Company shall not disclose e-mail communication history to any third party except in the cases mentioned in the following section.
  5. If a judge issues a compulsory search and seizure warrant, if an inquiry is made by a public institution with legal authority (Article 197, Section 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure), or if the Company is forced to provide information based on other laws and regulations, the Company may disclose the information requested without first obtaining the Content Provider's consent.

Article 12. Problem-Handling

  1. Except for what is mentioned in the Individual Terms of Use, the Company assumes no responsibility or obligation to respond to any trouble that occurs between Content Providers and third parties in connection with the Service.
    However, if the Company deems it necessary for the operation of the Service, the Company may act as a bridge to convey complaints to the Content Provider or a third party. In this case, the Content Provider shall respond in good faith as requested by the Company. However, the Company is not obligated to act as a bridge between the two parties.
  2. If the Company receives a claim of infringement of copyright or other rights from a third party (including Content Providers in this section) regarding the Content or Print Products, the Company reserves the right to contact the Content Provider who registered Content or Print Products, and suspend the sale of the Print Products at the Company discretion.

Article 13. Suspension or Cancellation of the Service

The Company may change all or part of the Service, or discontinue or permanently cancel the Service at any time without notifying the Content Provider.

Article 14. Account Cancelation

Cancelation of Content Provider Registration

  1. If a Content Provider wishes to cancel their registration, they may do so by submitting an application according to the method designated by the Company. For information on how to cancel the registration, please click here.
  2. However, regardless of the previous section, it is not possible to cancel a Content Provider's FANBOX account, newly created accounts, or other accounts that have been previously registered with the Company (hereafter collectively referred to as "Accounts") as stipulated in Article 3, Section 1 in the following cases.
    1. If the sales period for Print Products specified in Article 7, Section 2 has not ended: If the Content Provider wishes to cancel their account during the sales period of their Print Product due to unavoidable circumstances, the Content Provider shall apply for cancelation using the method designated by the Company based on the preceding section.
    2. If there is a pending Payment: If there are any pending Payments, the Content Provider shall apply to receive the Payment Amount using the method designated by the Company (refer to here). The Company shall transfer the Payment Amount to the account specified by the Content Provider within 5 business days from the 20th day of the second month following the month in which the Content Provider applied for registration cancelation.
  3. Even after the Content Provider applies for cancelation, the Company may suspend the registration cancelation procedure for a reasonable period of time necessary for the smooth operation of this Service.
  4. When the Company receives an application to cancel registration by a Content Provider, the Company will examine the content and cancel the Content Provider's registration within a reasonable period of time. However, depending on the application, the Content Provider's registration may not be canceled.
  5. If the Content Provider has balance money (including pending Payment Amount) in their account when the Company approves the application to cancel an account registration, the Company will deem that the Content Provider has abandoned all the money, and the amount will be discarded before canceling the account registration unless there are special circumstances that make it clear that the Content Provider did not intend to abandon the money.

Cancelation of Content Provider Registration/Compulsory Withdrawal

  1. In the case where a Content Provider (in the case of a business, its representative, officer, person with substantial management rights, employee, agent, or intermediary) falls under any of the following, the Company may, at its discretion, cancel the registration, delete the Content or the account, and take other measures that the Company deems necessary without notifying the Content Provider in advance.
    1. If the Content Provider makes an application that doesn't follow the method prescribed by the Company.
    2. If all or part of the information in the application provided to the Company is false or is suspected to be false.
    3. If the Content Provider has been forced to withdraw or has received multiple violation warnings in the past due to violation of the Service Master Terms of Use, pixivFANBOX Individual Terms of Use, these Individual Terms of Use, other Terms of Use, or Terms of Use of other services operated by the Company.
    4. If the Content Provider is found to be associated with organized crime groups, organized crime group members, associate members of organized crime groups, companies affiliated with organized crime groups, groups engaging in criminal activities under the pretext of conducting social campaigns or political campaigns, crime groups specialized in intellectual crimes, or to have close relationships with these groups (including through the provision of funds and other benefits) (hereafter referred to as "Anti-Social Forces").
    5. If the Content Provider tries to damage the credibility of the Company by spreading rumors, using deceit, force, or other illegal means.
    6. If the Content Provider has not used this Service for a certain period of time, or if the Company determines that the Content Provider will no longer be using the service.
    7. In addition to what is stipulated in subsections ‘a’ to ‘f’, if the Company loses trust in the Content Provider, if the Company reasonably determines that providing this Service to the Content Provider is inappropriate; additionally, if there is anything else the Company deems suitably inappropriate to merit such measures.
  2. If the Company cancels the Content Provider's registration, the Company may delete all of their Content.

Article 15. Compensation

  1. If the Company is liable to pay the Content Provider because of this Service, the Company shall be obliged to pay a compensation of up to 10,000 JPY or the sales amount for the Print Products, whichever is lower.
  2. Content Providers shall be held responsible for compensating for the damages caused to the Company due to the Content registered by them. However, this does not apply if the Content Provider was not aware of the nature or error despite not being negligent, or if the Company was aware of this.

Supplementary Provisions

These Individual Terms of Use shall take effect on September 4th, 2024.

“pixiv COMIC” Terms of Use

This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Japanese language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and this English translation, the original Japanese version shall prevail.

Article 1. Introduction

  1. These Individual Terms of Use apply to all conduct in cases where User uses the “pixiv COMIC” service (“Individual Service”) provided by the Company.
  2. These Individual Terms of Use set forth conditions for use of the Individual Service. User agrees to, and shall use the Individual Service in accordance with, these Individual Terms of Use.
  3. By using the Individual Service, User shall be deemed to have agreed to the entire content of these Individual Terms of Use.
  4. Unless User agrees to these Individual Terms of Use, User may not use the Individual Services.
  5. These Individual Terms of Use are the individual terms of pixiv service Master Terms of Use ("Master Terms of Use"), which are applied for all services throughout pixiv Inc.'s services, and cases unspecified in these Individual Terms of Use, unless specified to exclude in the Individual Terms of Use, shall follow Master Terms of Use and other relating guidelines ("Terms etc.") set by the Company.

Article 2. Platform

  1. “Platform(s)” is a general terms for the following applications or websites in these Individual Terms of Use;
    1. iOS Application,
    2. Android Application, or
    3. Browser Version.
  2. “Application(s)”, which is a general term for the applications for iOS and Android in these Individual Terms of Use, means the application softwares of the Individual Service for smartphone or tablets.
  3. “Browser Version”means the website of the Individual Service which operates on web browser.

Article 3. Provision of Services

The Company grants to User a non-exclusive right to use the Individual Service in accordance with these Individual Terms of Use and the terms of use set forth in the Individual Service. Even in cases where terms such as “purchase,” “sale,” and the like are displayed on the Individual Service page, Intellectual Property Rights and ownership relating to the content will not transfer to User, and User is granted only a use right.

Article 4. Content

  1. “Content” means manga works and their electronic book files that can be purchased and read on the Individual Service, including posted works.In addition, in these Individual Terms of Use, "subscription" means purchasing the right to view content provided for a fee with Coins (defined in the next article).
  2. Content may be read via a viewer using an application or browser version. Users shall comply with the unit of reading, the range of reading, the use fees, use periods, payment methods, and other terms of use specified with regard to Content.
  3. Content that is read for a fee may be used only from the account from which the purchase was made. Users may not assign or transfer Content use rights to third parties.
  4. Some content may have restrictions on how long it can be viewed. In this case, the Company may terminate or restrict the provision of the content without prior notice. We are not obliged to notify users that the browsing period has expired.
  5. Some Content may be purchasable and readable only using a browser and cannot be purchased or read through an application. Further, some Content may be purchased and readable through an application and cannot be purchased or read using a browser.
  6. Users may not use Content in excess of the use format intended by the Individual Service (including reproduction, transmission, reprinting, modification, and other similar conduct).
  7. Some Content may not be purchasable or readable depending on the region of use or the account use conditions.
  8. In the following cases, the Company may terminate or restrict the provision of specific content without prior notice , regardless of whether there are access period restrictions. Except where specified otherwise in the Master Terms of Use or these Individual Terms, the Company shall owe no liability for any damage suffered by Users in consequence of such termination or restriction of content provision under the provisions of this paragraph.
    1. When the author, copyright holder, publishing company, or other rights holder of the content wishes to terminate or restrict provision;
    2. When an agreement between the Company and the author, copyright holder, publishing company, or other rights holder allowing Users to purchase or read the content has terminated; and
    3. When the Company otherwise determines that a circumstance has arisen which will make it difficult to provide the content to Users.

Article 5. Coins

  1. “Coins” means a prepaid payment instrument exclusive to the Individual Service used for purchasing the Content that is fee-based (“Fee-based Content”).
  2. “Bonus Coins” means a payment instrument exclusive to the Individual Service granted to Users free of charge by the Company (excluding “Coins”set forth in the previous paragraph1 granted free of charge by the Company at the occasions of campaigns or the like), which Users may use to purchase Fee-based Content.
  3. Coins are granted to Users through purchases through the Individual Service, campaigns, and by other means specified by the Company. Coin purchase units, methods of payment, use periods, and other conditions of grant are specified by the Company and indicated on the Individual Service.
  4. Each of Coins has the following validity period. The Coins will be expired on the date when the validity period has expired:
    1. Coins for iOS Application or Android Application: indefinite period,
    2. Coins for Browser Version: 180 days on and after each date when Users get each Coin, or
    3. Bonus Coins: 180 days on and after the last date when Users get Bonus Coin. This shall also apply to Bonus Coins which users hold before such date and are valid at the date.
  5. Coins and Bonus Coins may be exchanged only for the rights to purchase Fee-based Content specified by the Company. Coins or Bonus Coins may not be exchanged for any other rights (except the rights above), cash, goods, or other economic benefits. The number of Coins necessary for exchange for Content and other conditions of use of Coins including Bonus Coins shall be determined by the Company and indicated on the Individual Service. In cases where Coins or Bonus Coins are used to purchase Content, such use may not be canceled.
  6. No refunds of Coins shall be made for any reason; provided, however, that this shall not apply in the case where the Company discontinues the Individual Service and other cases where refund is required by laws and regulations. In such a case, the method of refund of Coins shall be specified by the Company in accordance with laws and regulations and indicated on the Individual Service.
  7. Coins and Bonus Coins may be used only from the account etc. used to purchase or get the Coins. Assignment or transfer of Coins to other accounts etc. is not permitted.
  8. Coins may be transferred on the same Platform verified from the same account; provided, however, that Coins puchased or gotten on different Platform are different types of Coins even though these Coins have the same name, and different types of Coins cannot be accepted or combined in any case.
  9. If the user's account or applications etc. is deleted (including the case User withdraws from the Individual Serivce),if the user's PC, smartphone or other instrument in which the Application or Browser Version is installed is lost, or if the user's ID or email address used for login to the Individual Service is lost, Coin or Bonus Coins will no longer be usable. In this case, the Company shall not be liable unless otherwise provided in Master Terms of Use or these Individual Terms of Use.
  10. If the user is deemed to have engaged in an act that is prohibited by the terms of use stipulated by the Company, the Company will be entitled to delete the account of the user without advance notice to the User When accounts have been deleted (including cases where a user's account or user’s membership has been canceled in accordance with Article 7 of the Master Terms of Use, Article 15 of the Master Terms of Use, or other provisions, or where a user has deleted its own account in accordance with Article 16 of the Master Terms of Use), unused Coins and unused Bonus Coins shall cease to exist.

Article 6. Discount Items

  1. “Discount Items” means a discount ticket exclusively for the Individual Service, which can be used when subscribing to Content that is Fee-based Content.
  2. The Discount Items provided by the Company in the Individual Service fall under the following two categories:
    1. Coupons; and
    2. Promotion codes.
  3. The terms of use for Discount Items will be separately stipulated by the Company for each Discount Item, and Users may use Discount Items only in accordance with the stipulated terms of use.
  4. There are cases where Discount Items, even if they have the same name, will have different compatible Application; terms of use shall be established and applied for each Application, and Users may use Discount Items only in accordance with the stipulated terms of use.
  5. Users may not cancel the use of a Discount Item after such Discount Item has been used.
  6. Users shall under no circumstances assign, sell, or loan Discount Items that they have obtained to third parties.
  7. A coupon may be used only from the account or application etc. used to obtain the coupon. Assignment or transfer to other accounts etc. is not permitted.
  8. Coupons may be transferred to a different device verified using the same account; provided, however, that it may not be possible to use a coupon on a device to which it has been transferred depending on the conditions relating to compatible Application attached to such coupon, and Users are therefore asked to confirm the conditions relating to compatible Application attached to coupons prior to transferring them between devices and to make transfers between devices at their own responsibility. The Company will not be liable for coupons becoming unusable in conjunction with transfers between devices.
  9. Discount Items cannot be exchanged for cash under any circumstances.
  10. After the Company grants a Discount Item to a User, if there are grounds for the Company to determine that cancelling such grant is appropriate, the Company can cancel Discount Items it has already granted.
  11. When the Company verifies an account that has used a Discount Item in the manner prescribed by the Company, it will deem that the Discount Item was used by the User who holds such account. Even in cases that use by such an account is unauthorized use by third parties, the Company will not refund used Discount Items or be liable for any damage suffered by the User.

Supplementary Provisions


pixiv COMIC Indies (Openβ Version) Individual Terms of Service

This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Japanese language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and this English translation, the original Japanese version shall prevail.

Article 1: Introduction

  1. The pixiv COMIC Indies Individual Terms of Service (“Terms”) apply to all acts when Users use the “pixiv COMIC Indies” service provided by the Company (“Individual Service”).
  2. These Terms set forth the conditions of use of the Individual Service. Users shall consent to these Terms and use the Individual Service in accordance herewith.
  3. By using the Individual Service, Users will be deemed to have consented to the entire content of these Terms.
  4. Users will not be entitled to use the Individual Service unless they have consented to these Individual Terms.
  5. These Individual Terms are individual terms of the pixiv Inc. Service Master Terms of Use (“Master Terms of Use”) which apply to all services provided by the Company, and any matters not provided for in these Individual Terms shall follow the Master Terms of Use and any guidelines or other related provisions stipulated by the Company on the Individual Service, except in cases specified herein as outside the scope of such application.

Article 2: Definitions

The terms used herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in their respective items below. Moreover, any defined terms herein other than those set forth in the following items shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Master Terms of Use unless specifically noted otherwise.

  1. “Main Service” means the “pixiv” service operated by the Company.
  2. “Individual Service” means the “pixiv COMIC Indies” service operated by the Company.
  3. “Posting User” means any User that has created a pixiv account and linked a posted work of theirs to the Individual Service.
  4. “Publishing Company” means a corporation that has executed a user agreement related to the Individual Service with the Company.
  5. “Editor” means an employee of a Publishing Company or an individual to whom a Publishing Company has outsourced services.
  6. “Editor Account” means an account that is granted by the Company to a Publishing Company and that awards the right to use the Individual Service.
  7. “Linkage” means the act of a User linking a posted work to the Individual Service.
  8. “Debut” means a User entrusting a Publishing Company with the publication (including digital publication) of a Debut Work, and, on such basis, having said work published in a medium operated by the Publishing Company or a third party and on a service provided by the Company.
  9. “Debut Work” means a manga work produced by a User for the purpose of a Debut.
  10. “Scouting” means a Publishing Company making an offer to a Posting User, on the Individual Service, which entails production of a Debut Work and release, publication, sale, and/or other promotion of the same in a Debut Medium.

Article 3: Linking Accounts

  1. When a User has linked accounts between the Main Service and the Individual Service, other Users will be able to confirm the following items of Posted Information.
    1. ID, nickname, bio text, profile image
  2. When a User has linked accounts between the Main Service and the Individual Service, Users with Editor Accounts will be able to confirm the following items of Posted Information in addition to the information of the preceding paragraph.
    1. Posting User’s number of followers on the Main Service
  3. When an account link between the Main Service and the Individual Service is removed, the information of the preceding two paragraphs will be deleted from the Individual Service.

Article 4: Linking Works

  1. When a User has created a Linkage for a posted work by Company-prescribed method, the following items of Posted Information will be shared with the Individual Service for each posted work.
    1. Work ID, work images, title, captions, tags, and work’s number of comments, number of bookmarks, and number of likes
  2. When a User has removed a link on the Individual Service for a posted work, the information of the preceding paragraph will be deleted form the Individual Service.
  3. Users will be entitled to create and remove Linkages for each of their posted works.
  4. Users shall make the following representations and warranties regarding the posted works for which they create Linkages.
    1. That the works are the original work of such Users and are not adaptations etc. of copyrighted work of third parties; and
    2. That the works do not infringe copyrights or other rights of third parties.

Article 5: Scouting

  1. Editors will be entitled to Scout Posting Users. When a User has accepted the particulars presented by an Editor having fully understood the same, such User shall complete separate procedures to accept the Scouting.
  2. Posting Users that are minors must obtain the consent of a guardian before accepting Scouting.
  3. When a Posting User has accepted Scouting and consented to the “pixiv COMIC Indies Debut Support Program Terms of Service”, the Editor that did the Scouting and the Company will be notified.

Article 6: Debut Support Program

When a Posting User has consented to the pixiv COMIC Indies Debut Support Program Terms of Service after accepting Scouting, such Posting User will be entitled to receive the pixiv COMIC Indies Debut Support Program during the period from their acceptance of the Scouting until their Debut.

Article 7: Prohibitions Related to Individual Service

  1. Users shall not breach these Terms when using the Individual Service.
  2. When using the Individual Service, Users shall not create Linkages for Posted Information falling under any of the following items.
    1. Material whose Linkage will or could fall under any of the acts prohibited in the items of Article 14 of the Master Terms of Use;
    2. Material that is an adaptation etc. of copyrighted work of a third party or is otherwise not the original work of the relevant User;
    3. Information containing forex, stock, cryptocurrency, or other commoditized financial information;
    4. Material with content inappropriate for minors under 18, including, without limitation, the following:
      1. Genital penetration or intercourse, or content evoking imagery of direct or indirect sex acts;
      2. Depictions of sex acts or masturbation;
      3. Nudity or exposed private parts;
      4. Highly indecent material having, for example, content emphasizing the private parts even if those parts are clothed;
      5. Content which implies states of sexual arousal through facial expressions, imitative sounds, sweating, or other such imagery; and
      6. Depictions of acts of excretion or of excrement.
    5. Extremely violent imagery, or material that is intensely dangerous or shocking even if fancifully or imitatively represented, including, without limitation, the following:
      1. Mutilated bodies, exposed brains or internal organs; and
      2. Suicide, homicide, sex crimes, and other antisocial content.
    6. Material that breaches these Terms, the Master Terms of Use, or other guidelines; and
    7. Material that the Company otherwise deems inappropriate.
  3. Users shall not post to social media, tell their friends about, or otherwise disclose or divulge to third parties, any information related to Publishing Companies or Editors that is learned by such Users through their use of the Individual Service (including, without limitation, the fact that they have been Scouted by an Editor, the information registered on Editor Accounts, and information exchanged with Publishing Companies or Editors).
  4. If the Company determines that a User has breached any one of the preceding three paragraphs, the Company may, without advance notice, remove links between the Individual Service and Main Service for such User’s account, revoke such User’s membership, deregister such User’s account, suspend such User’s access to services, delete, render non-public, or alter the scope of public accessibility of the data of such User’s posted works in whole or in part, or take other similar action in respect of such User, in accordance with Article 7 or Article 15 of the Master Terms of Use or other such provisions; provided, however, that the Company will not be obligated to take any such action or disclose the reason any such action was taken.

Article 8: Ownership and Licensing of Intellectual Property Rights

  1. All copyrights and other rights to posted works linked to the Individual Service will belong to the Users that created and/or registered such posted works.
  2. The Company shall be entitled to use and/or alter the posted works linked to the Individual Service and the information associated with such posted works, to the extent necessary for the smooth provision of the Individual Service and the construction, improvement, and maintenance of Company systems.
  3. When using posted works or the information associated therewith in the form specified in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall be entitled to omit some information or a name attribution, or to translate the same and display the translation.

Article 9: Disclaimers

  1. The Company provides a Scouting venue for Publishing Companies but does not guarantee that all Users will receive Debuts.
  2. The Company does not concern itself with and in no way guarantees the humanness of Editors, the Scouting conditions of individual Publishing Companies, or other such matters.
  3. The Company shall not involve itself in any negotiations, interactions, communication, or the like conducted between Publishing Companies and Users regarding Scouting or the provision of any other services outside the Company’s services, and shall not indemnify against any costs or damage incurred by Users in connection with use of the Individual Service (including, without limitation, damage due to any accident, unlawful activity, dispute, default of obligation, cancellation of agreement, or the like which occurs in conjunction with the provision of services via the Individual Service), except where attributable to the Company.
  4. In cases where links from Company websites to other websites or links from third parties to Company websites are in place, the Company will bear no liability for any reason whatsoever in regard to websites other than its own websites or the information obtained therefrom.
  5. The Company will bear no liability for any reason whatsoever in regard to the information displayed on social media when functions for linkage with social media on the Individual Service are used.

Article 10: Handling of Problems

  1. The Company shall bear no liability whatsoever in regard to, and shall be in no way obligated to respond to, any problems arising between Users or between Users and Publishing Companies or other third parties in connection with the Individual Service, except where explicitly specified otherwise; provided, however, that the Company may provide contact point services, such as communicating the particulars of a counterparty’s claim to Users or third parties if the Company deems such action necessary for the operation of the Individual Service, that in such cases, the relevant User(s) shall respond in good faith as instructed by the Company, and that the Company is not obligated to provide such contact point services.
  2. When a third party (including Users for the purposes of this paragraph) has claimed infringement of copyrights or other such rights against the Company in respect of Posted Information linked to the Individual Service, the Company shall contact the User that posted such Posted Information and shall be entitled to render such Posted Information non-public at its discretion.

pixiv COMIC Indies Debut Support Program Terms of Service

This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Japanese language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and this English translation, the original Japanese version shall prevail.

Article 1: Introduction

  1. The pixiv COMIC Indies Debut Support Program Terms of Service apply to all acts when Users use the “pixiv COMIC Indies” and “pixiv COMIC Indies Debut Support Program (defined below)” services operated by pixiv Inc. (“Company”).
  2. These Terms set forth the conditions of use of the Program. Users shall consent to these Terms and use the Program in accordance with the conditions specified herein.
  3. The Company will deem Users to have read the entirety of these Terms and consented to the particulars hereof when such Users apply for the Program.
  4. When a Program Application is completed, a user agreement for the Program (“Agreement”) will be formed with the Company; provided, however, that the effective date of such Agreement shall be the date Scouting is accepted between the Publishing Company that did the Scouting and the User Scouted by such Publishing Company. These Terms shall form a part of such Agreements.

Article 2: Definitions

  1. “Main Service” means the “pixiv” service operated by the Company.
  2. “Individual Service” means the “pixiv COMIC Indies” service operated by the Company.
  3. “Program” means the “pixiv COMIC Indies Debut Support Program” sponsorship system by which the Company supports the production of works leading up to Debuts.
  4. “Terms” means these pixiv COMIC Indies Debut Support Program Terms of Service.
  5. “Indies Terms” means the pixiv COMIC Indies (Openβ Version) Individual Terms of Service.
  6. “Participating User” means a User participating in the Program.
  7. “Supported User” means a Participating User that has accepted Scouting and consented to these Terms.
  8. “Debut” means a Participating User entrusting a Publishing Company with the publication (including digital publication) of a Debut Work, and, on such basis, having said work published in a medium operated by the Publishing Company or a third party and on a service provided by the Company.
  9. “Debut Work” means a manga work produced by a Participating User for the purpose of a Debut.
  10. “Pre-Release Materials” means any of the following materials produced prior to the completion of a Debut Work, if approved by the Editor responsible for the relevant Supported User.
  11. NAME (of one issue)
  12. Character design/development materials (main characters, full-body standing pose drawings)
  13. Main graphics
  14. “Scouting” means a Publishing Company making an offer to a User, on the Individual Service, which entails production of a Debut Work and release, publication, sale, and/or other promotion of the same in a Debut Medium.
  15. “Debut Medium” means the medium in which a Debut Work is first commercially released, including “pixiv COMIC” and media operated by Publishing Companies or third parties.
  16. “Publishing Company” means a corporation that has executed a user agreement related to the Individual Service with the Company.
  17. “Editor” means an employee of a Publishing Company or an individual to whom a Publishing Company has outsourced services.
  18. “Support Period” means the period during which advertising/promotion costs can be requested under the Program, i.e., 12 months starting from the date the relevant Supported User consents to these Terms.

Article 3: Payment of Advertising/Promotion Costs

  1. Participating Users will be entitled to request advertising/promotion costs from the Company via their Editors. Such requests may be made during the Support Period, up to a maximum of three times and at most once per month, for each instance of Scouting.
  2. When making requests under the preceding paragraph, Participating Users shall provide the Company with any Pre-Release Materials or other information etc. designated by the Company.
  3. To support Debuts by Participating Users, the Company will, in response to requests under Paragraph 1, conduct a Company-prescribed review and, on the basis of such review, pay the relevant Participating Users 100,000 yen (including tax) in advertising/promotion costs per request, by remittance to bank accounts designated by such Participating Users. Remittance fees shall be borne by the Company, and payments of advertising/promotion costs shall have the 15th of the month as the closing date and be made by the end of the immediately following month.
  4. The Company will not pay advertising/promotion costs in the following cases:
    1. If the Participating User has breached these Terms;
    2. If the Company-prescribed review is not passed successfully;
    3. If the request is the fourth or more for the same instance of Scouting (including cases where the Works are different);
    4. If the request is made after the Support Period;
    5. If the request is made after the termination of the relevant Agreement;
    6. If the account designated by the Participating User for remittance is not in said Participating User’s name;
    7. If the account designated by the Participating User for remittance is with a non-Japanese bank;
    8. If the request is made after the Debut Work is published in a Debut Medium; and
    9. If the Company has notified the relevant Participating User of the termination of payment of advertising/promotion costs.

Article 4: Company’s Rights

Participating Users shall authorize the Company to do the following:

  1. Publish Debut Works in media operated by the Company (publication timetable and method to be determined separately); and
  2. Use Debut Works, Participating User author names, and work titles to produce and distribute advertisements and promotional materials for the Company, for services provided by the Company including the Individual Service, and/or for the Program.

Article 5: User Obligations

Participating Users shall make utmost effort to begin production of Debut Works within one month of accepting Scouting.

Article 6: Ownership of Works Produced

  1. The copyrights to Debut Works and Pre-Release Materials produced by Participating Users shall belong to such Participating Users.
  2. The Company will not concern itself with any assignment of rights over Debut Works or any other contractual conditions appertaining between Participating Users and Publishing Companies. Participating Users shall enter into and perform agreements with Publishing Companies under their own cost burden and responsibility.
  3. Participating Users shall not exercise moral rights of author either directly or through third parties against the Company or its designated third parties.

Article 7: Prohibitions

  1. When using the Program, Participating Users shall not engage in conduct falling under any of the following items.
    1. Delinquent, disruptive, or otherwise bad behavior;
    2. Conduct injurious to the Company, services provided by the Company, or the image of Publishing Companies;
    3. Conduct in breach of these Terms, the Master Terms of Use, the Indies Terms, or other such guidelines;
    4. Conduct that the Company determines will make it difficult to continue Agreements; and
    5. Other conduct that the Company deems inappropriate.
  2. If the Company determines any of the items of the preceding paragraph to be applicable to a Participating User, the Company shall be entitled to terminate such User’s involvement in the Program, revoke such User’s membership, deregister such User’s account, suspend such User’s access to services, delete, render non-public, alter the scope of public accessibility of, or otherwise restrict the data of such User’s posted works in whole or in part, or take any other appropriate action in respect of such User; provided, however, that the Company will not be obligated to take any such action or disclose the reason any such action was taken.

Article 8: Cancellation/Termination

  1. Participating Users will be entitled to cancel Agreements by informing the Company of their intent to cancel, via Publishing Companies, no later than one month prior to the deadline for payment of advertising/promotion costs.
  2. Upon cancelling Agreements, Participating Users shall not be required to return to the Company any advertising/promotion costs they have already received.
  3. The Company will be entitled to cancel Agreements by notifying Participating Users by Company-prescribed method no later than one month prior to the end of intake of requests for advertising/promotion costs as specified in Article 3, Paragraph 1. When Agreements are terminated because of cancellation or other reason, Article 3, Article 4, Article 6, this paragraph of this article, and Article 9 shall remain in full effect.

Article 9: Disclaimers

  1. Participating Users shall participate in the Program under their own cost burden and responsibility. The Company will not be liable for any expenses that are incurred by Participating Users when participating in the Program.
  2. The Company will owe no liability in regard to any disputes arising between Participating Users and Publishing Companies or other third parties on the Program regardless of cause.
  3. In some cases, the Program may be temporarily suspended without advance notice if the Company deems such action necessary for system maintenance or the like.
  4. The Company will not be liable for any damage suffered by Participating Users in connection with the Program (including, without limitation, that due to interruption or cancellation of the Program).
  5. The Company’s disclaimers under these Terms shall not apply in cases where the direct cause of the damage in question is the result of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the Company’s part.
  6. In the case where the Company is held liable for damage notwithstanding the provisions of these Terms, the maximum amount of such liability shall be 1,000 yen.

Article 10: Inquiries

  1. Please use this link for any opinions or questions regarding the Program.
  2. When making an inquiry, please be sure to fill out “E-mail address”, “pixiv ID”, and “Details”. Subject should be “pixiv COMIC Indies Debut Support Program”. We do not accept inquiries by phone.

“BOOTH” Individual Terms of Use

This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Japanese language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and this English translation, the original Japanese version shall prevail.

Article 1. Introduction

  1. These Individual Terms of Use apply to all conduct in cases where User uses the “BOOTH” service (“Individual Service”) provided by the Company.
  2. These Individual Terms of Use set forth conditions for use of the Individual Service. User agrees to, and shall use the Individual Service in accordance with, these Individual Terms of Use.
  3. By using the Individual Service, User shall be deemed to have agreed to all provisions of these Individual Terms of Use.
  4. Unless User agrees to these Individual Terms of Use, User may not use the Individual Services.
  5. These Individual Terms of Use are the individual terms of pixiv service Master Terms of Use ("Master Terms of Use"), which are applied for all services throughout pixiv Inc.'s services, and cases unspecified in these Individual Terms of Use, unless specified to exclude in the Individual Terms of Use, shall follow Master Terms of Use and other relating guidelines ("Terms etc.") set by the Company.

Article 2. Definitions

The terms used in these Individual Terms of Use shall have the meanings set forth in the following items. Unless otherwise provided in these Individual Terms of Use, terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed to them in the pixiv Master Terms of Use.

  1. “Shop” means a page created by User using User’s own email address and Password through the use of the Individual Service.
  2. “Shop Owner” means the User who created the Shop using the prescribed procedures on the Individual Service.
  3. “Registered Email Address” means email address information provided by User to the Company for the purpose of receiving provision of the Individual Service.
  4. “Password” means a text string identifying an individual by reference to a Registered Email Address when using the Individual Service.
  5. “Product” means items listed by the Shop Owner on a Shop for sale. “Posted Information” specified in the pixiv Master Terms of Use includes information relating to Products.
  6. “Informational Commodity”means information sold on the Internet, which is called to be know-how etc. that enables to archive a high income by engaging a side business or investment etc.

Article 3. Account Registration, etc.

Procedures for the deletion of User registration shall comply with the pixiv Master Terms of Use; provided, however, that in the case where purchase procedures using the Individual Service are pending at the time when User performed the withdrawal procedures and in cases where there is an unpaid Balance, User may not withdraw. Accordingly, User may perform the withdrawal procedures after final determination of successful completion or failure of procedures for a series of purchases in accordance with these Individual Terms of Use.

Article 4. Use of the Individual Service and User Responsibilities

  1. User shall bear all responsibility regarding Products that User registered using the Individual Service. The Company shall not bear any responsibility whatsoever regarding Products registered by User.
  2. In the case where a User purchases a Product from a Shop Owner, a two-party sales contract or the other agreement (“Product Agreement”) shall be formed between the User and the Shop Owner who registered the Product. The principal content of such agreement shall be the provision of the Product by the Shop Owner to the relevant User and the payment of the charges by the User as consideration for such Product.
  3. In the case where User receives notice from the Company or another User or an indication from the Company that Product data constitutes prohibited registration information or that there are defects in Product data, User shall, under its own responsibility and at its own expense, take appropriate measures such as collection, replacement, or repair of the Product.
  4. In the case where changes occur to information relating to a Product, User shall promptly revise the registered information using the prescribed procedures. The Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever in the case where User incurs disadvantage as a result of the failure to revise registered information.
  5. User may not, in relation to the Individual Service or through the use of the Individual Service, engage in trading of Products not directly related to the particulars of Products posted on the Individual Service.
  6. User shall, under its own responsibility, manage and store all data relating to the Shop opened by User.
  7. User shall preserve data uploaded to the Individual Service by making backups from time to time or by other such measures. The Company does not make any warranties concerning the preservation of data.

Article 5. Shop Owner Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Shop Owners understand these Individual Terms of Use and shall endeavor to perform and comply with them.
  2. When operating their own Shops using the Individual Service, Shop Owners must register information identifying the business operators.
  3. When operating their own Shops using the Individual Service, Shop Owners shall comply with the Specified Commercial Transactions Act, Installment Sales Act, Act for the Prevention of Unreasonable Premiums and Misrepresentation concerning Products and Services, Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, and other relevant laws and regulations.
  4. Shop Owners warrant to the Company that Product and other information does not infringe on the rights of third parties. In the case where any dispute arises with a third party on the grounds that a Product or the like registered by a Shop Owner infringes on the rights of the third party, the relevant Shop Owner shall, under its own responsibility and at its own expense, resolve the matter and shall not cause any damage to the Company.
  5. In cases where a Shop Owner receives order information from a User, the Shop Owner shall without delay commence processing of the order.
  6. If a material defect such as a change or flaw in an ordered Product is discovered when selling such ordered Product, the Shop Owner must promptly provide notice of that fact to the User who made such order.
  7. Shop Owners shall bear a duty to maintain the quality of Products and services that they sell, and if there is a possibility of a deterioration of quality, must promptly delete the registered products.
  8. In the case where a purchase is cancelled because of defects or the like in a Product sold by a Shop Owner to a User and a request for refund of the purchase price is made to the Shop Owner, the Shop Owner shall promptly comply with the refund request and shall bear a duty to refund the purchase price to the User.
  9. Shop Owners shall make every effort to maintain service quality and image and shall not engage in conduct that impairs such quality and image.
  10. In the case where a Shop Owner sells or provides Products or services to Users from a Shop operated by the Shop Owner, the Shop Owner shall, under its own responsibility, sell the Product or service and collect the charges therefor and shall bear responsibility for the overall content of the Shop Owner.
  11. A Shop Owner shall bear all liability for accidents and damage occurring as a result of the Shop Owner’s lack of care regarding the Shop operated by the Shop Owner, and the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever.
  12. Regardless of whether a Shop Owner is an enterprise that handles personal information under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, a Shop Owner must comply with the duties of an entity that handles personal information pursuant to that Act.
  13. In the case where a Shop Owner causes damage to a User of the Individual Service or a third party through the use of the Individual Service, the Shop Owner shall resolve that matter under its own responsibility and at its own expense and shall not cause any damage to the Company.
  14. In the case where a Shop Owner engages in conduct in violation of these Individual Terms of Use or improper or unlawful conduct, the Company is entitled to demand compensation for damage from the Shop Owner.
  15. In the case where a Shop Owner sells digital content such as music, video, or images (“Downloadable Products”) through the use of the Individual Service, the Shop Owner shall, under its own responsibility and at its own expense, take measures to protect the intellectual property rights relating to such Downloadable Products to prevent unlawful copying and distribution such as employing encryption. The Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever in relation to the distribution or use of Downloadable Products sold by the Shop Owner.
  16. A Shop Owner shall, under its own responsibility and at its own expense, provide appropriate explanations and support about how to download Downloadable Products and so on.
  17. In the case where a Shop Owner receives a claim from a User or in the case where a dispute with a User arises in relation to a quality defect, flaw, damage during transportation, insufficient quantity, incorrect product relating to a Product or service sold to the User or any other matter relating to a sold Product or service, the Shop Owner shall resolve the claim without delay. If the Shop Owner receives a request from the Company for modification of a Product or service or improvement of sales methods, transportation methods, of the like as a result of such a claim or dispute, the Shop Owner must promptly make the requested improvements.
  18. In the case where a Shop Owner receives a request from a User for return of a Product or service in relation to a claim or dispute specified in the preceding paragraph, the Shop Owner shall promptly take appropriate measures according to the request.

Article 6. Products Prohibited from Registration

When using the Individual Service, User may not register Products whose registration is prohibited by the item below or any item of Article 14 of the pixiv Master Terms of Use.

Article 7. Prohibited Conduct

  1. When using the Individual Service, in addition to the matters specified in each item of Article 14 of the pixiv Master Terms of Use, User may not engage in the conduct set forth in the following items. In the case where User engages in such conduct, regardless of whether such conduct was caused by User’s willful misconduct or negligence, the Company may take measures disadvantageous to the User who engaged in such conduct including compulsory withdrawal, suspension of use, deletion of Shop data in whole or in part, or modification of the scope of disclosure.
    1. Registering items that are identical or similar to the trademarks, domains, and so on of the Company or third parties or registering subdomains that pose a risk of confusion with third parties;
    2. Registering or selling products in whose creation the Shop Owner did not participate;
    3. Engaging in or soliciting direct transactions not conducted via the Individual Service or complying with such solicitations;
    4. Shipping Products that are clearly different from the Product information posted on the Individual Service;
    5. Failing to ship Products after formation of a transaction without good cause; and
    6. Inappropriately delaying responses to or ignoring communications from the Company or from other Users engaged in transactions between Users.
  2. In the case where User violates any item of the preceding paragraph and causes damage to the Company, another User, or a third party by willful misconduct or negligence, User shall pay compensation for such damage under its own responsibility and at its own expense.

Article 8. Method of Payment of Use Fees for the Individual Service

  1. Use of the Individual Service including membership registration, Shop registration, Product registration, and viewing the Individual Service shall be free of charge, but some features shall be fee-based, and use fees and the like shall be paid. All amounts for transactions between Users and use fees for the Individual Service shall include consumption taxes.
  2. The Company may modify fees without obtaining User’s approval, and User consents to this in advance. Further, the revised fee structure shall apply as of the time of renewal of agreements.
  3. User shall pay use fees and the like with a valid credit card or bank account managed by User or other settlement method information specified by the Company as the means of payment.
  4. In cases where the means of payment is a credit card, use fees and the like shall be withdrawn from the account specified by User on the transfer date specified in the member agreement of the relevant credit card company.
  5. In cases where fee-based services that generate monthly use fees and other periodic use fees are used and User pays such use fees after the payment due date, delay penalties shall be paid to the Company in the amount calculated at the rate of 14.6% per annum for the number of days from the day after the payment due date until the day before the actual payment date. Remittance fees and other fees necessary for such payment shall be borne by User.
  6. In cases where fee-based services that generate monthly use fees and other periodic use fees are used and User pays such use fees after the payment due date, the Company may, without the provision of notice to the relevant User, suspend use of all fee-based services provided to the User.
  7. In cases where fee-based services that generate monthly use fees and other periodic use fees are used and use of the registered credit card, bank account, or other payment method registered as the means of payment for those fee-based services is suspended, the Company may, without the provision of notice to the User, suspend use of all fee-based services provided to the User.
  8. In cases where a User engages in conduct determined by the Company to be in violation of these terms of use, the Company may, without the provision of notice to the User, suspend use of all fee-based services provided to the User.
  9. In the cases specified in Paragraphs 6, 7, and 8 of this article, use fees and the like until the month in which use is suspended shall be charged.

Article 9. Product Prices

Shop Owners may freely determine the prices of listed Products as free or within the range of at least 100 yen and no more than 1 million yen.

Article 10. Payment of Sales Revenues to Shop Owners

  1. Shop Owners shall grant in advance to the Company the legal right to receive the Sale Proceeds for Products purchased by Users from Shop Owners on the Individual Service on behalf of Creators and the authority to grant such proxy receipt authority to a third party specified by the Company.
  2. The Company shall calculate the amount of a Shop Owner’s sales revenues minus transaction fees (specified in Paragraph 5 of this article, referred as “Balance”) and pay the amount equal to the total Balance minus remittance fees (specified in Paragraph 6 of this article) by period specified in Paragraph 4 of this article to the payee determined by the following sentences. The remittance account shall be the account registered by Shop Owner as of the 19th day of the month in which the Company performs the remittance.
    ※In situations where the Balance amount is high, the remittance account shall be determined by the first business day of the month of when remittance will be done.
  3. In cases where there has not been a remittance request for half a year and the Balance is less than 5,000 yen, remittance of the relevant Balance shall be carried over to the remittance day within five business days from the 20th day of the month half a year past the last remittance request.
  4. In cases where a Shop Owner requests remittance in accordance with the method specified by the Company, the Company shall remit the Balance as of the end of the preceding month within five business days from the 20th day of the month following the month in which the request was made.
  5. Transaction price will be the amount multiplied by the rate in items specified below with the settlement price (total amount of Product price, BOOST fee, postage fee, and FACTORY margin) or the amount specified below (f). In addition, BOOST fee is included in the subject of transaction fees.
    1. Credit card payment: the transaction fees per payment transaction shall be 3.6% of the aggregate of the sales proceeds and delivery charges of the Products sold
    2. PayPal payment: the transaction fees per payment transaction shall be 3.6% of the aggregate of the settlement price regarding sales proceeds and delivery charges of the Products sold.
    3. Bank payment: the transaction fees per payment shall be 3.6% of total settlement price.
    4. Convenience store payment: the transaction fees per payment shall be 3.6% of total settlement price.
    5. Rakuten Pay payment: the transaction fees per payment shall be 3.6% of total settlement price.
    6. Storage shipping fee: additional fee of 26 yen per delivered Products with the transaction price.
  6. Remittance fees shall be determined on the basis of the total Balance. The details regarding transfer accounts and transfer fees are listed in the following Help section: ( )
  7. Remittance Amounts shall include amounts corresponding to consumption tax on the sales proceeds of the Products sold.
  8. In cases where the Company is unable to complete a remittance because the remittance account information registered by a Shop Owner is incomplete or incorrect, the remittance shall be carried over to the following and subsequent months, with the same procedure to be performed in subsequent months.
  9. In cases where a remittance is not completed because of incorrect remittance account information or the like, the Company shall consider the Shop Owner to have released the Company from its duty to pay the relevant Balance after the lapse of six months from the day on which the remittance could not be completed.
  10. In the case where a payment date is a business holiday of the Company or financial institutions, payment shall be made within five business days from the following business day.
  11. In the case where an amount in excess of the amount to be paid to a Shop Owner is paid as a result of problems with the Company’s systems or other reasons, the Shop Owner shall bear a duty to immediately refund the amount corresponding to the excess payment to the Company, regardless of the reason.
  12. In cases where doubt concerning the rights and so on to a Product sold by a Shop Owner arise and in cases where the Company determines that a problem arising between a Shop Owner and a User on the basis of inquiries and the like from the User cannot be resolved within a certain period, the Company may suspend remittance to the relevant Shop Owner of the Balance, and Shop Owners agree to this.
  13. In the case where a Shop Owner withdraws and there is an unpaid Balance, after deducting remittance fees from the total Balance, the Company shall remit the Balance within five business days from the 20th day of the month following the month of withdrawal; provided, however, that if the unpaid Balance is less than the remittance fees, the Company shall not make payment to the Shop Owner.
  14. The payment obligation for the Products of the User under Product Agreement shall extinguish upon receipt of the Product payment from the User by the Company or the third party specified by the Company.

Article 11. Prohibition of Assignment of Use Rights

Shop Owners may not, without the Company’s approval, assign their rights as Users of the Individual Service to third parties, allow the use of those rights by third parties, engage in similar conduct, create a pledge on those rights, or otherwise offer those rights as security.

Article 12. Disclaimers

The Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever in relation to direct exchanges of information between Users or between Users and third parties via the Individual Service and other conduct performed ancillary to such exchanges.

Article 13. Intellectual Property Rights

ALL rights such as copyrights of information registered on the Individual Service belongs to the creator and User of registered Products. User grants to the Company a gratis and perpetual license to use and modify informations of Products and such registered by the User in order to provide service, system construction, improvement, and maintenance. In cases when Company uses the registered Product etc. information with procedure listed in the previous sentence, part of the information or name display can be omitted.

Article 14. No Warranties, etc.

  1. The Company does not confirm, does not bear any duty to confirm, and makes no warranties whatsoever regarding the content, quality, accuracy, lawfulness (hereafter, including non-infringement of intellectual property rights or the rights of third parties), utility, reliability, or otherwise of service, Product, or any other information provided by Users via the Individual Service.
  2. The Company makes no warranties whatsoever and shall not bear any liability whatsoever regarding the content, quality, accuracy, lawfulness, utility, reliability, or otherwise of content or any other information provided by the Company through the Individual Service.
  3. In addition to the preceding paragraphs, the Company makes no warranties whatsoever regarding the content, quality, or level of services, stable provision of services, or results in conjunction with use of services. Even in cases where User or third parties incurred direct or indirect damage as a result of inaccurate, inappropriate, or unclear content, expression, conduct, or the like in the provision of the Individual Service, the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever for damage, regardless of whether such damage was caused by the Company’s willful misconduct or negligence.

Article 15. Cancellation by the Company of Purchase of Products

In cases where the Company determines a purchase agreement of Product between Users falls under any of the following items, the Company may cancel such purchase agreement fully or partly. User hereby acknowledges in advance the Company’s cancellation right. Furthermore, the Company shall have no responsibility to explain the grounds for such cancellation in detail.

  1. In the case where a purchase of Products violates any of these Individual Terms of Use or terms prescribed by settlement companies;
  2. In the case where a User does not pay the purchase price by its due date;
  3. In the case where the Company determines clearly that a Shop Owner and a User has agreed on the cancellation of their purchase agreement (including the case where the Company may clearly confirm the agreement of the cancellation between a Shop Owner and a User by the message function in BOOTH or the enquiry form);
  4. In the case where, despite the demand by the Company to a Shop Owner to send a Product, the Shop Owner has not sent the Product or the Product has not been stored in the storage designated by the Company within 7 days on and after the date when the date of the demand;
  5. In the case where, within 150 days on and after the date of payment of a purchase price for a Product by a User, a Shop Owner has not sent the Product or the Product has not been stored in the storage designated by the Company;
  6. In the case where there is a double order because of troubles of systems etc.;
  7. In the case where the purpose of a purchase of a Product is or is suspected to be illegal conversion into cash (including the case where a Shop Owner purchased Products from its own Shops);
  8. In the case where a User reports to the Company or settlement companies that the User’s credit cards or other settlement instruments were used by other person(s);
  9. In the case where a settlement company request the Company to investigate the alleged fraud on a purchase of a Product, and the Product has not been sent at the time of such request or the Company determines that the purpose of such purchase is illegal conversion into cash or other illegal use of credit cards; or
  10. In addition to above items, in the case where the Company reasonably deems a purchase of a Product as illegal.

Article 16. Refunds etc.

  1. In the case of the cancellation by the Company pursuant to any of item 3 through item 8 of the Article 15, upon demand from the User who paid the purchase price of such Product(s), the Company may refund such purchase price by the procedure designated by the Company (please note that depending on the period of such refund, the purchase price shall be returned by credit card companies or it shall be transferred by the Company to the bank account of such User(s)). In the case of refunds based on Article 15, Items 3 through 5,the fees for/related to such refund shall be borne by Users or Owner; provided, however, that, in the case of Article 15 Item 3, such fees shall be borne by the party/parties (Users, Shop Owner, or the both) to which the cancellation of purchase agreement is (reasonably deemed by the Company to be) attributable, and, in the case of Article 15 Item 4 or Item5, such fees shall be borne by the Shop Owner. Notwithstanding the above, the Company may subduct JPY300 per a refund as the fees from the amount of such refund and will not refund if the amount of such refund is no more than the amount of such fees. Furthermore, the Company is entitled to refund the amounts for several purchases at once at the Company’s discretion, but the Company shall not be obliged to refund such amounts at once.
  2. In the case of the damage, loss, defect or missing of a Product attributable to the carrier entrusted by the Company, the Company shall compensate the Users who are the parties of the purchase agreement of such Product for such damage etc. pursuant to the following items.
    1. The Company shall compensate the Shop Owner who sold such Product for the actual prejudice up to the amount of the purchase price of such Product; and
    2. The Company shall compensate the User who bought such Product for the actual prejudice up to the amount of the purchase price of such Product.
  3. In the case where the transfer of the amount for refunds or compensations set forth in the paragraph 1 or 2 of this Article 16 is not successful because of the imperfection or the misregistration etc.(“Imperfection etc.”) of the account of a User who is entitled to get such refund or compensation, the Company may carry over (“Carry-over”) the amount after the next month and the same shall apply afterwards. In such case, the Company shall have no responsibility to pay the delinquency charges for such amount.
  4. In the case where the transfer of the refund is not successful because of Imperfection or the Company determines that it is difficult to transfer the amount because the Carry-over continues for sequential 6 months, the Company shall deem that Users who are entitled to request the refund has released the Company’s obligation to refund to such Users. The Company shall not have any responsibility pertaining to such delay or impossibility of performance of such transfer unless otherwise prescribed explicitly in the Master Terms of Use or these Individual Terms of Use.



Supplementary Provisions


BOOTH Storage Service Terms of Use

This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Japanese language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and this English translation, the original Japanese version shall prevail.

Article 1. Introduction

  1. pixiv (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) provides a warehouse service for the storage and shipping of merchandise (hereinafter referred to as “the Storage Service”). This service is provided by BOOTH (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”), which is operated and managed by the Company. Users may entrust the storage and shipment of their merchandise to the Company via the Service, and the Storage Service Terms of Use (hereinafter, “Terms of Use”) apply to all transactions between users and the Service regarding the Storage Service.
  2. These individual Terms of Use set forth the conditions for use of the Storage Service. Users who utilize the Storage Service must agree to and abide by these individual Terms of Use when using the Storage Service.
  3. By using the Storage Service, Users accept responsibility for having read and understood all the clauses in the Terms of Use.
  4. Users are not allowed to use the Storage Service unless they have agreed to these Terms of Use. These Terms of Use fall under the Service Master Terms of Use that apply across all pixiv-operated services, and any items not specifically stipulated in these Terms of Use shall be governed by the Service Master Terms of Use, other individual Terms of Use set forth by pixiv Inc., Guidelines, and rules provided by the Help center of pixiv Inc., unless specifically stipulated.
  5. Any terms not specifically defined in these individual Terms of Use shall be defined by the definitions stipulated in the Service Master Terms of Use or other individual Terms of Use pertaining to the Storage Service.

Article 2. Storage Service

The Storage Service the Company provides refers to the following.

  1. Merchandise storage service
  2. Shipping service for stored merchandise
  3. Various other supplemental services related to the previous two items

Article 3. How to apply for the Storage Service

  1. If a User wishes to apply for the Storage Service, the User should apply by following the procedures and methods stipulated by the Company.
  2. A usage contract (hereinafter, “the Contract”) shall be concluded between the Company and the User based on the stipulations in this Terms of Use document. The Contract shall take effect once the Company has approved the content of the application from the User.

Article 4. Changes or updates to Application Content

  1. When the User applies to use the Storage Service as stipulated in Item 1 of the previous Article, if there are any changes to the content reported in the application (hereinafter, “the Application Content”), the User must use its the Company’s stipulated procedures and methods to report the changes immediately.
  2. The User bears responsibility for always maintaining the accuracy of the information that the User has registered with the Company by revising or updating the information as needed. Whether or not changes have been made to the actual Application Content, if no changes have been enacted, the Company may continue to handle the Application Content as if no changes have been made. Even if a notice of changes has been sent, transactions and procedures that took place before the change may depend on information that was registered prior to the change.
  3. The Company shall issue notifications and communications related to the Storage Service according to the Application Content registered with the Company, and the Company shall bear no responsibility for any inconvenience caused to Users due to delayed changes in the Application Content as set forth in Item 1 of this Article.

Article 5. Application for storage of merchandise

  1. A User may apply to store merchandise using the Storage Service by filling out and sending the relevant information and items via the procedures and methods set forth by the Company in these Terms of Use. The relevant information is set forth in the next clause of these Terms of Use, and the User shall send the information to the Company via a Merchandise Storage Application (hereinafter, “Merchandise Storage Application”). Merchandise stored by the Company as stipulated in this Article shall hereinafter be referred to as “Stored Merchandise”.
    1. Item name(s) and number of units
    2. If items require special handling and storage, the User shall include the relevant information and warnings
    3. Other information necessary for the storage of items
  2. After a User completes the application procedure detailed in the previous Item of this Article, the User shall mail the items to be stored to the Company immediately, with the Merchandise Storage Application attached to the parcel. Shipping fees for shipping the items to the Storage Service shall be borne by the User. The maximum number of items that can be stored (Maximum Item Number) is set forth later in this document. The Company shall determine specifications regarding what type category the items belong to, and the size of the items.
    ■Stored Merchandise Maximum Item Number by Size■
  3. If the User is applying to store items for the first time, the minimum number of items to be stored shall be set at 30 items, but if the User is applying for storage of additional items, items can be added individually (starting from one (1) item).

Article 6. Storage service usage fees

Fees for using the Storage Service are stipulated below.

  1. Storage fees
    Storage fees for stored items shall be billed according to the stipulations in Article 7 and Article 9 of this document.
  2. Shipping fees
    Fees for the shipping of stored merchandise shall be calculated based on the stipulations regarding the number of items set forth in Article 10, and shall be billed when the items are shipped.

Article 7. Storage fees and payment for ordinary Stored Merchandise

  1. The storage fees (hereinafter, “Ordinary Storage Fees”) for ordinary Stored Merchandise (as set forth in Article 5 Item 3, Stored Merchandise Maximum Item Number by Size) shall be 1000 JPY per month (tax excluded). Users shall pay Ordinary Storage Fees via a separately stipulated pre-payment system provided by the Company called BOOTH Storage Tickets (hereinafter, “Storage Tickets”). Therefore, Users who wish to store items must purchase Storage Tickets in advance.
  2. Users may purchase tickets starting at one (1) ticket for 1000 JPY (tax excluded). Storage Tickets are non-refundable.
  3. Users can purchase multiple Storage Tickets in advance.
  4. On the first day of the month following the month when the data on the Stored Merchandise was registered in the Company’s system, the Company will bill the User for Ordinary Storage Fees. If the User has already purchased Storage Tickets as set forth in Items 1-3 of this Article, the Storage Tickets will be used up automatically, and billing for Ordinary Storage Fees will be completed.
  5. If the User has not purchased Storage Tickets before the Ordinary Storage Fees are billed, the User is required to purchase Storage Tickets before the 15th of the month in which the Company issued the User a notification requesting that the User purchase Storage Tickets. If the User purchases the required number of Storage Tickets within this timeframe, the Ordinary Storage Fees will be considered paid.
  6. If the User does not purchase the required number of Storage Tickets within the time frame stipulated in the previous Item, at the Company’s discretion, the Company may return the Stored Merchandise to the User, regardless of whether the User has canceled their Contract with the Company, or may dispose of the merchandise and cancel the storage of the Stored Merchandise. In this case, all fees related to the return or disposal of the Stored Merchandise shall be borne by the User.
  7. Regardless of the stipulations set for in Item 1 and Item 5 of this Article, if the sales rate* of the Stored Merchandise exceeds 20% within the same month (hereinafter, “Storage Period”), the User will not be billed for Ordinary Storage Fees for that month and will not be required to pay Ordinary Storage Fees for that month.
    *Sales rate = number of stored items sold within the Storage Period ÷ the number of stored items in stock on the first day of the relevant Storage Period + the number of stored items entrusted to the Storage Service during the Storage Period

Article 8. Storage Ticket expiration dates

  1. There is no expiration date for Storage Tickets.
  2. Storage Tickets (as set forth in the previous Article) shall be rendered null and void if the User deletes their shop registration.

Article 9. Additional storage fees and payment

  1. If the number of items exceeds the Ordinary Storage number set forth in Article 7, the Company may bill the User for additional storage fees (hereinafter, “Additional Storage Fees”).
  2. If the User is billed for Additional Storage Fees as stipulated in the previous Item of this Article, the User must pay the fees before the deadline stipulated by the Company.

Article 10. Shipping fees and payment

The shipping fees stipulated in the Contract shall be calculated based on the shipping rates below and the Storage Service shipping and handling fees, and the User shall be responsible for paying the shipping fees via a method stipulated by the Company.

  1. Shipping fees
    Fees incurred when the User ships items to the Company to be stored by the Storage Service are set forth in a separate document on the Company’s individual service page (
  2. Storage service shipping fees
    The fee incurred when items are shipped from the Storage Service is 26 JPY per order (tax included).

Article 11. Revision of the Storage Service usage fees

  1. The Company may revise Storage Service usage fees without the prior consent of Users.
  2. If the Company revises its fee structure as stipulated in the previous Item of this Article, the Company shall issue notifications to Users by email or communicate with Users based on the contact methods stipulated in the Article 31, and shall make it clear to Users in advance that the Storage Service usage fee structure is being revised, and provide the numerical details of the new fee structure.
  3. If a User wishes to continue using the Storage Service after the change in fee structure goes into effect (in accordance with the notification issued by the Company to the User as stipulated in the previous Item of this Article), the User is considered to have consented to the new fee structure without objection.

Article 12. Fees and burden of responsibility

  1. The Company may bill Users for the following fees related to the usage of the Storage Service provided by the Company.
    1. Special handling fees
      • Handling fees incurred when Stored Merchandise is shipped
      • Pick and pack fees incurred when Stored Merchandise is shipped or otherwise returned to the User
      • Customs clearance fees incurred when Stored Merchandise is shipped through customs
      • Disposal fees incurred when Stored Merchandise is disposed of
    2. Reshipment fees
      • If Storage Merchandise is shipped based on the shipping stipulations in Article 13, then the shipped items are returned and reshipped, the reshipment fee includes all actual expenses incurred by reshipment (including but not limited to the actual cost of shipping the relevant items).
    3. Reimbursable fees
      • Shipping fees incurred if items are shipped to the Company under a pay-on-delivery shipping scheme, shipping costs for the return of defective items and the shipment of replacement items, and all other fees which the Company pays on behalf of the User.
    4. Shipping and handling fees
      • Shipping and handling fees incurred if the User requests that Stored Merchandise be returned to the User (hereinafter, “Return to User”). These fees include but are not limited to the cost of shipping the relevant Stored Merchandise.
    5. Return fees
      • Fees incurred when Stored Merchandise is returned to the User due to cancellation or expiration of the Contract. These fees include but are not limited to the cost of shipping the relevant Stored Merchandise back to the User.
    6. Other fees
      • Any other fees which in addition to those stipulated in Item 5, Number 5 of this Article are to be borne by the User according to the stipulations of this Contract.
  2. The User shall pay all fees stipulated above promptly after the Company has sent the User an invoice.

Article 13. Shipping Stored Merchandise

  1. The Company shall ship Stored Merchandise on behalf of the User, as directed by the User, to the address specified by the User (addresses within Japan only).
  2. If the User entrusts the Company to ship Stored Merchandise on the User’s behalf, the User is considered to have given prior consent to the shipping company freight forwarding contract stipulated by the Company.
  3. If for whatever reason, the items being shipped are broken, damaged, or lost in transit, the User shall not contact the shipping company directly, but rather shall follow the procedures set forth by the Company to make inquiries or other communications.
  4. The obligations borne by the Company regarding shipping are limited to shipping the Stored Merchandise to the address specified by the User. If, as a result of shipping the Stored Merchandise to the address specified by the User, the address was incorrect, the address information was incorrect, or the recipient was absent and could not take delivery of the parcel, the Company shall bear no responsibility if the Stored Merchandise was not delivered to the User or to the address specified by the User.
  5. If, as stipulated in the previous Item, the Stored Merchandise is not delivered to the specified address, and is therefore returned to the Company, if the User requests that the items be re-shipped, additional reshipment fees specified by the company shall be borne by the User.
  6. If Stored Merchandise is returned to the Company, but the Company receives no request for reshipment from the User within three months of the date that the Stored Merchandise was redelivered to the Company, the User shall forfeit ownership rights to the Stored Merchandise, and the Company shall be empowered to dispose of the Stored Merchandise as it sees fit. Any disposal fees incurred shall be borne by the User.

Article 14. Rejection of Stored Merchandise

  1. Users are not permitted to apply to store any merchandise (as detailed in Article 5) that falls under any of the following categories (hereinafter, “Prohibited Merchandise”).
    1. Any items for which the size per item is larger than the following: height + width + length = 160 cm
    2. Cash, securities, bank books, postage stamps, revenue stamps, deeds/certificates, vital documents, official name seals, credit cards, or cash cards
    3. Precious metals, works of art, antiques, gems/fine jewelry, handicrafts, furs, kimonos or other rare/valuable items
    4. Precision devices/electronics, glassware, ceramics/pottery, Buddhist altar items, or other fragile/breakable items
    5. Magnets or other items that could damage other merchandise stored in the Storage Service
    6. Kerosene, gasoline, compressed gas canisters, matches, lighters, paints, oils, batteries or other flammable items
    7. Agricultural chemicals, hazardous chemicals, gunpowder/explosives, poisons, chemical reagents, radioactive items, or other hazardous/poisonous goods
    8. Animals (living or dead, including taxidermy or embalmed embryos) and/or plants (including seeds, seedlings)
    9. Food and/or beverages
    10. Liquids or other items that could cause damage if broken
    11. Items that give off bad odors or have the potential to give off bad odors
    12. Garbage
    13. Items whose possession is prohibited by law
    14. Items which violate public order and morals
    15. Other items which the Company deems inappropriate for storage
  2. The Company shall reject all applications to store items falling under the items in the list below.
    1. Any items stipulated as prohibited items in the list above
    2. Items for which the user has not filled out an application (as detailed in Article 5), or items for which the application is incomplete
    3. Dangerous items, items that are easily damaged or may easily disintegrate, items that have not been properly packaged, and items not declared by the previous list as prohibited, but the Company nonetheless deems inappropriate for storage
    4. Items which the Storage Service lacks the capacity/facilities to store
    5. Items which require special circumstances for storage
    6. Items for which storage is prohibited by law, items that violate the standards of common decency, or items which could potentially fall into either of these categories
    7. Other items which the Company deems ineligible for any reason
  3. After the Company receives an application for Stored Merchandise, as detailed in Article 5, if it is discovered that the items to be stored are prohibited items under the list in Item 1, the Company may either return the items to the User, or dispose of them, regardless of any complaints or objections from the User. Any return shipping fees or disposal fees shall be borne by the User.

Article 15. Compensation

  1. If the User entrusts the Company to bear responsibility for the Stored Merchandise on the User’s behalf, the Stored Merchandise shall be insured by the Company for an amount of 10,000 JPY or the actual retail value of the items, whichever is lower (hereinafter, “Compensation”). By signing a contract with the Company, Users are deemed to have given consent to this clause.
  2. Regardless of the previous item, the Company may provide an amount of Compensation that has been determined to be appropriate, through discussion with the User.

Article 16. Content inspection on Stored Merchandise at the time of Load-in to the Storage Service

  1. The Company accepts Stored Merchandise for load-in into the Storage Service (hereinafter, “Load-in”). At the time of Load-in, the Company reserves the right to inspect the actual content of the Stored Merchandise to ensure that it matches the items listed on the application form, including product names, number of items, and whether the merchandise adheres to the rules for storage and handling at the Storage Service.
  2. If the results of an inspection as detailed in the previous Item reveal that the product names, number of items, etc. do not match those listed on the application form, or that some of the items included in the parcel were not listed correctly on the application form, the Company may refuse Load-in for these items. In this case, the Company shall ask the User to conduct the proper procedures for Load-in (if the items are returned to the User, the User must write a new application for Load-in), or the Company may return the Stored Merchandise to the User at the User’s expense.
  3. If the inspection stipulated in Item 1 reveals that the parcel includes Prohibited Merchandise as defined by Article 14, the Company may return the items to the User, at the User’s expense.
  4. This Article does not obligate the company to conduct inspections on all items. It also indemnifies the Company against all objections from Users regarding the results of inspections.

Article 17. Merchandise storage

  1. If the Company deems that the Stored Merchandise has already been packaged properly, the Company will affix the relevant Stored Merchandise management label to the packaging. If the Company deems that the Stored Merchandise has not been packaged properly, the Company will package the Stored Merchandise and affix the relevant management labels. By signing the Contract, the User waives the right to issue objections regarding this packaging system.
  2. The Company shall store the Stored Merchandise according to its own system, and shall not bear any further responsibilities for the items, including if the items are destroyed or damaged, except in cases where the Company is at fault for the destruction/damage.
  3. The Company shall not bear any responsibility for Stored Merchandise getting dusty during storage, or for Stored Merchandise deteriorating in quality or exhibiting natural wear and tear as a result of being stored.
  4. If no Stored Merchandise from a given lot has been shipped for a continuous six-month period, the Company may take measures as necessary, including returning the items to the address registered by the User when signing the Contract for the Service, or disposing of the items directly.

Article 18. Subcontracting

The Company may subcontract all or part of Storage Service management to a third-party warehouse contractor, at the Company’s own responsibility and expense.

Article 19. Stored Merchandise content inspection following Load-in

  1. During the storage period, if the Company has doubts about whether the product names and number of items for Stored Merchandise in the Storage Service matches the information entered on the Merchandise Storage Application, or whether the nature of the items conforms to the rules for storage and/or handling, the Company may conduct an inspection of the contents of the Stored Merchandise at any time.
  2. If the Company deems or believes after visually inspecting the exterior of the Stored Merchandise that there is an anomaly with the merchandise, the Company may conduct an inspection of the contents of the Stored Merchandise.
  3. If the Company conducts an inspection as detailed in Item 1 and Item 2 in this Article, but finds no discrepancies between the information on the Stored Merchandise Application and the actual content of the merchandise sent to the Storage Service, the Company shall bear responsibility by offering compensation for any damage to the items.
  4. If the Company conducts an inspection as detailed in Item 1 and Item 2 in this Article, and finds discrepancies between the information on the Stored Merchandise Application and the actual content of the merchandise sent to the Storage Service, the cost of the inspection shall be borne by the User.

Article 20. Changes in storage methods

If any of the following conditions apply, the Company may change the location where the Stored Merchandise is stored, change the storage facility, transship the Stored Merchandise, load the Stored Merchandise with other freight, or make other changes to the storage method. The Company is not obligated to compensate the User, even if the change in storage method causes damage to the Stored Merchandise; in the case of (3), the Company will notify Users before the change occurs.

  1. When the Contract expires
  2. If the Storage Fees (including Ordinary Storage Fees and Additional Storage Fees) or payment of other fees required by the Contract is delayed
  3. If the storage facilities close, are renovated, or for other similar circumstances

Article 21. Return or disposal of inappropriate Stored Merchandise

  1. Under the following circumstances, the Company may notify the User that the Stored Merchandise must be removed from the Storage Service.
    1. The Company deems that the Stored Merchandise has deteriorated or otherwise changed in quality in such a way as to no longer be fit for storage
    2. The Company deems that the Stored Merchandise may cause damage to the Storage Service or other items stored in the Storage Service
  2. If the User does not take appropriate measures to remove the Stored Merchandise from the Storage Service by the deadline set for by the Company, the Company may take measures such as returning the Stored Merchandise to the User, disposing of the Stored Merchandise, or other measures.
  3. All costs of the measures in the previous Item shall be borne by the User.
  4. If the Company takes measures as specified in Item 2 of this Article, the Company shall notify the User without delay.

Article 22. Procedure for removal of Stored Merchandise

  1. If the User would like the Company to return the Stored Merchandise via postal mail, the User should submit an application for removal of items through the Storage Service via the methods and procedures stipulated by the Company.
  2. If the Company receives a removal application as detailed in the previous Item, the company shall conduct the removal procedures and return the Stored Merchandise to the User without delay.

Article 23. Refusal of removal application

  1. The Company is not obligated to conduct removal procedures until payment of all fees and costs specified in Article 6 (Storage service usage fees), Article 7 (Storage fees and payment for ordinary Stored Merchandise), Article 9 (Additional storage fees and payment), Article 10 (Shipping fees and payment), and Article 12 (Fees and burden of responsibility) has been received.
  2. The company shall not be liable to compensate the User for any damages incurred if a removal application is not filed according to the stipulations in the previous Item.

Article 24. Contract expiration procedures

  1. If the Contract is terminated due to closure of the Storage Service or for any other reason due to the Contract itself, the Company shall return all Stored Merchandise to the User’s registered address.
  2. If the Stored Merchandise is returned to the User as stipulated in the previous Item, or if the Stored Merchandise is returned to the User due to closure of the Storage Service, the costs of returning the items shall be borne by the Company, but in all other cases, the costs of returning items shall be borne by the User.
  3. If ored Merchandise as stipulated in Item 1 of this Article, but the Stored Merchandise items are returned to the Company, the Company will assume that the User has forfeited their ownership rights over the Stored Merchandise, and the Company will assume the right to dispose of the items at its own discretion.

Article 25. Contract termination

  1. If the User falls under any of the categories listed below, the User will lose their profit for the period, and the Company may terminate the Contract immediately.
    1. The User has violated the Service Master Terms of Use, other Individual Terms of Use set forth by the Company, or violated the Guidelines, Help center rules, or other Company rules. Even one violation is grounds for termination of the Contract.
    2. Damages are inflicted on the Company or a third party that are attributable to the User or to deterioration of the User’s Stored Merchandise, or the Company deems that the probability of such damages occurring is high.
    3. If the User is held liable for unpaid bills or has their bank account suspended.
    4. If the User is subject to foreclosure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, or other similar legal enforcement measures, or is subject to corporate reorganization, bankruptcy, or petition for civil rehabilitation, or if the User has made such a declaration themself.
    5. If inheritance proceedings are commenced with respect to User.
    6. If the facts of the User’s application are proven to be fraudulent.
    7. If the User or close associates of the User are found to be members of a crime organization, or are associated with groups that have been found to regularly conduct or assist in organized crime activities, or have been proven to engage in transactions with such parties.
    8. If the User does not pay the fees and costs specified in Article 6 (Storage service usage fees), Article 7 (Storage fees and payment for ordinary Stored Merchandise), Article 9 (Additional storage fees and payment), Article 10 (Shipping fees and payment), and Article 12 (Fees and burden of responsibility) by the date on the notification issued by the Company.
    9. f the User refuses to submit to an inspection of their Stored Merchandise, to be conducted as stipulated in Article 16.
  2. If the Company or a third party suffers damages due to any of the factors listed in the previous Item, the User shall pay compensation for the damages.
  3. If the Contract is terminated for any of the reasons listed in this Article, the Company is empowered to either send the Stored Merchandise back to the User directly, or dispose of it. All costs related to returning or disposing of the Stored Merchandise shall be borne by the User.

Article 26. Storage service closure

The Company may terminate the Storage Service at any time, thereby dissolving the Contract. In this case, the Company shall notify the User at least three months in advance of the date when the User’s Storage Services are scheduled to close.

Article 27. Disclaimers

  1. The Company shall not be liable for compensating any damages caused by the circumstances listed below.
    1. Natural deterioration of the quality of Stored Merchandise, or damage caused by improper packaging
    2. Insect damage
    3. Damage due to wars, attacks, rebellions, burglary, workers’ strikes, or go-slow strikes
    4. Damage due to earthquakes, tsunami, storm surges, flooding, or serious storms
    5. Requisition or quarantine
    6. Any kind of damage other than those specified in the list above that could not be prevented or avoided due to disasters, accidents, or orders, measures, and/or protective actions issued by a higher authority
  2. The Company shall not bear any responsibility for such damage, except in cases where the Company has specified in the terms of this Storage Service that the Company will be held liable, or in cases where damage was caused to the User by willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Company.

Article 28. Offsetting

If the User must cover costs incurred by the User on the Company (including but not limited to the obligation to pay usage fees for the Storage Service, or the obligation to pay compensation for damages) due to reasons other than the end of the contract period or the loss of profits for that period, whether or not the Company and the User have come to a separate agreement, the Company can offset these payment obligations by using an equivalent amount from any credit the Company owes to the User.

Article 29. Compensation for damages

  1. If the Company bears any liability toward the User as a result of providing the Storage Service, within the scope of the Company’s liability, the Company shall offer compensation to the User of 10,000 JPY or the actual retail price of the items, whichever amount is lower.
  2. If the User causes damages to the Company through qualities, deterioration or defects in the Stored Merchandise, the User must bear responsibility through compensation. However, if the User was legitimately unaware of the qualities or defects in the items (excluding cases of negligence), or if the Company was aware but did not inform the User, the User shall be exempt from the obligation to pay compensation.

Article 30. Extinguishment of liability

  1. If the Stored Merchandise is partially lost or damaged while being returned to the User, the User must inform the Company of the loss or damage within one week of receiving the returned items. If the User does not notify the Company within this timeframe, the Company’s liability for the lost or damaged goods shall be extinguished after the deadline passes.
  2. The previous Item shall not apply in cases where the Company already knew that the Stored Merchandise was partially lost or damaged while being returned to the User.

Article 31. Notifications and communications

  1. When the Company deems it necessary to issue notifications or communications to the User, the Company may contact the User in writing via postal mail, notifications on the websites of the Storage Service or other related individual services, email, etc. Such notifications or communications from the Company to the User shall be considered valid after 48 hours if the notifications were posted on the websites of the Storage Service or other related individual services, but if the notifications or communications were sent via another method, they are considered valid immediately upon sending.
  2. If the User deems it necessary to contact the Company, the User shall contact the Company via electronic methods such as email or the inquiry forms provided on the Service website.
  3. The Company will not accept contact via telephone or direct visit except under exceptional circumstances, as determined by the Company.
  4. The Company shall not disclose to a third party any personal information collected from the User, nor use such personal information for any purpose other than as required for the operation of the Storage Service, except in cases required by Japanese laws, ordinances, and other legal regulations.
  5. The Company shall not disclose any email records to third parties, except in legally required cases, as detailed in the following Item.
  6. If the Company is required to provide such information due to being subject to search and seizure for compulsory disposal based on a warrant issued by a judge, and subject to inquiries from public institutions with legal authority to make inquiries (Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 197, Item 2), or legally required to provide such information under the scope of other laws, the Company may disclose such information as part of a legal inquiry without the consent of the User.

Supplementary Provisions


“pixivFACTORY” Terms of Use

This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Japanese language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and this English translation, the original Japanese version shall prevail.

pixivFACTORY seeks to remain a manufacturing partner that provides manufacturing services for goods that makes manufacturing more fun. We prepared these Individual Terms of Use with the hope that users will use our services with common sense so that we can provide services that users and holders of copyrights to original works can use with peace of mind and so that we can provide stable services.

Article 1. Introduction

  1. These Individual Terms of Use apply to all conduct in cases where User uses the pixivFACTORY service (“Individual Service”) provided by the Company.
  2. These Individual Terms of Use set forth conditions for use of the Individual Service. User agrees to, and shall use the Individual Service in accordance with, these Individual Terms of Use.
  3. By using the Individual Service, User shall be deemed to have agreed to the entire content of these Individual Terms of Use.
  4. Unless User agrees to these Individual Terms of Use, User may not use the Individual Services.
  5. These Individual Terms of Use are terms of use under the pixiv service Master Terms of Use (“Master Terms of Use”) applicable to all services provided by the Company. The Master Terms of Use, various rules including guidelines and help centers created individually for the effective operation of the Individual Service, and various rules including guidelines and help centers relating to the Individual Service (collectively referred to as “Terms etc.”) shall apply along with these Individual Terms of Use to any matters not specified in these Individual Terms of Use, except in cases where exempt from application by these Individual Terms of Use.
  6. In the event of any discrepancy between these Individual Terms of Use and Terms etc., the Terms etc. shall apply preferentially over these Individual Terms of Use.

Article 2. Definitions

The terms used in these Individual Terms of Use shall have the meanings set forth in the following items. Terms not defined in these Individual Terms of Use shall have the meanings specified in the Master Terms of Use.

  1. “Product” means a good for which User can outsource manufacturing by using the Individual Service.
  2. “Product Materials” means goods that serve as the materials of a Product when User outsources the manufacture of a Product.
  3. “Design etc.” means a design, text, and/or the like that is added or applied to Product Materials.
  4. “Related Services” means the services referred to as “BOOTH” ( operated by the Company and EC shop operation services and the like provided in conjunction with the Individual Service.

Article 3. Use of the Individual Service

  1. When using the Individual Service to outsource the manufacture of Products, User shall log in to an account registered with the Company in advance.
  2. When User outsourced the manufacture of Products by performing the procedures designated by the Company, the Company shall manufacture the Products by adding or applying the Design etc. selected and/or produced by User to the Product Materials selected by User.
  3. When manufacturing Products, there are instances where Products to which modifications were made or other action was taken unavoidably are delivered. Modifications and the like made pursuant to this paragraph are not eligible for return or replacement specified in Article 6.
  4. When using the Individual Service, the copyrights to the Designs etc. used by User belong to User, but User authorizes the Company to engage in the use and so on set forth below.
    1. Gratis, non-exclusive, and perpetual use, exploitation (including modification to the extent necessary in light of the purposes of use), and implementation, etc. of User’s Designs etc. by the Company and third parties approved by the Company to the extent necessary for the effective provision of the Services and the Individual Service, promotion of use, advertising and publicity, and development, improvement, and maintenance of the Company’s systems. For example, the Company may post or repost User’s Designs etc. and Products manufactured using those Designs etc. on social media, such as Twitter and Instagram, websites operated by the Company, or materials and the like created by the Company for the purpose of publicizing and introducing the Services and the Individual Service.
    2. The Company provides functions that enable viewing of Designs etc. on the Services, the Individual Service, and services with which the Company collaborates. In this case, a Design etc. may be processed according to the display format provided on the relevant service.
  5. User shall not exercise the moral rights of an author against the Company with regard to Designs etc. and Products created using the Individual Service.

Article 4. Suspension of Manufacture of Products

  1. If User violates any provision of the Master Terms of Use, these Individual Terms of Use, or Terms etc., if a Design etc. infringes on the rights of a third party, or if the Company determines that there is a likelihood of such a violation or infringement, the Company may refuse to manufacture the relevant Product. The Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever for any damage incurred by User as a result.
  2. If after the Company manufactures a Product, User violates any provision of the Master Terms of Use, these Individual Terms of Use, or Terms etc., if a Design etc. infringes on the rights of a third party, or if the Company determines that there is a likelihood of such a violation or infringement, the Company may cancel the contract relating to manufacture of the relevant Product and dispose of the manufactured Product. In this case, User shall pay to the Company an amount equivalent to the manufacturing outsourcing as a penalty. Further, the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever for any damage incurred by User as a result.
  3. If after the Company ships a Product to User, the Company discovers that User violated any provision of the Master Terms of Use, these Individual Terms of Use, or Terms etc. or that a Design etc. infringed on the rights of a third party and the Company incurs damage as a result, the Company may demand compensation for such damage from User.

Article 5. Shipment of Products

  1. The Company shall endeavor to deliver Products manufactured pursuant to Article 3 to the address designated by User (limited to addresses in Japan) by the scheduled delivery date for which the Company provided notice.
  2. After the Company ships Products to the address designated by User, the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever even in cases where the relevant Products are not received by User or do not arrive at User’s designated address as a result of mistaken addressee, incorrect address, or inability to accept the Products due to absence, and so on.
  3. In the case where Products do not arrive at User’s designated address and are returned to the Company, if User requests re-delivery, User shall bear the delivery expenses specified separately by the Company.
  4. If User does not request re-delivery within 30 days after Products are returned to the Company, User shall be deemed to have abandoned ownership rights to the relevant Products, and the Company may dispose of the Products. If the Company incurs expenses when disposing of the Products, the Company may bill User for those expenses.

Article 6. Cancellation of Orders and Return or Replacement of Products

Since Products manufactured through the Individual Service are build-to-order products, cancellation of orders and return or replacement of Products at User’s convenience are not permitted. The Company takes all possible measures to ensure the quality control of Products, and in cases where the Company determines that a completed Product is clearly different from the particulars of User’s order, the Company shall replace the Product with a correct product and bear the shipping expense or refund the fees at the Company’s discretion. Such User shall submit a request to that effect in the manner designated by the Company; provided, however, that requests for Product replacement are not permitted in the following cases.

  1. After the lapse of one week from arrival of the Product at the address designated by User;
  2. If even some of the Products are used through distribution or otherwise;
  3. If the Products are damaged or scratched for reasons not attributable to the Company;
  4. If the Company determines that the quality of the Products is within a certain permissible range; or
  5. If service Products are damaged or scratched during shipping.

Article 7. Liability for Noncompliance with Contract

If within one month after arrival of the Product, User discovers that the Product do not conform to the purposes of the contract such as defective quality due to negligence on the part of the Company and User provides notice to the Company to that effect within that period, the Company shall, at its option, replace the Product with good Product or reduce the product charges proportionally according to the degree of noncompliance.

Article 8. Manufacturing Outsourcing Fees

  1. The manufacturing outsourcing fees for Products shall be as stated on the Individual Service. User shall pay the fees to the Company.
  2. In principle, manufacturing outsourcing fees shall be paid in advance. The Company shall manufacture the Products after confirming the receipt of payment from User; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases approved by the Company.

Article 9. Sale of Products on Related Services

  1. User may, by the method designated separately by the Company, register and sell on Related Services Products whose manufacture was outsourced to the Company using the Individual Service by linking with related services. When using Related Services, User shall comply with the terms of use of those related services.
  2. In cases where User has a claim against the Company, the Company may at any time set off such claim against claims that the Company has against User.

Article 10. Assumption of Risk

If Products are lost or damaged before arrival of the Product by User for reasons not attributable to User or the Company, the Company shall bear all risk associated with such loss of or damage to the Product.

Article 11. Prohibited Conduct

When using the Individual Service, User may not engage in any conduct prohibited by or in violation of the Master Terms of Use, these Individual Terms of Use, or Terms etc. If User engages in prohibited conduct or commits a violation, the Company may take measures adverse to User including compulsory expulsion, suspension of use, deletion of all or some Design etc. data, or modification of the scope of public disclosure; provided, however, that the Company is not obligated to take these measures and is not obligated to disclose the reasons for taking these measures.

Article 12. Measures against Violators

If the Company determines that User violated or likely violated the Master Terms of Use, these Individual Terms of Use, or Terms etc., the Company may cancel contracts with User relating to manufacturing outsourcing and may enjoin the violation by User. In cases where this article applies, Article 15, Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 3 and Article 16, Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3 of the Master Terms of Use shall apply. The provisions of this article shall not preclude a demand by the Company to User for compensatory damages.

Article 13. Disclaimers

  1. Since Products manufactured by the Individual Service are build-to-order products, the Company may modify the initial scheduled delivery date due to the nature of the Products, the number of orders, problems during the Product manufacturing process, or similar issues. In this case, except in the case of intentional misconduct or gross negligence by the Company, the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever.
  2. In addition to the preceding paragraph, except in cases where clearly stated in these Individual Terms of Use, the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever; provided, however, that this shall not apply in the case of intentional misconduct or gross negligence by the Company.

Special Provisions for Use of pixivFACTORY Palette

Article 14. Definitions Relating to pixivFACTORY Palette

The meanings of terms used in the Special Provisions for Use of pixivFACTORY Palette (these “Special Provisions”) are as set forth in the following items. In cases where not specified in these Special Provisions, terms shall have the meanings defined in the Master Terms of Use and Article 2 of these Individual Terms of Use.

  1. “pixivFACTORY Palette” means functions that enable User to outsource the manufacture of Products to the Company using Collection Materials provided by Collection Material Providers on the Individual Service. When using pixivFACTORY Palette, it is necessary to login in advance.
  2. “Collection Materials” means design images that can be selected on pixivFACTORY Palette. Collection Materials belong to Collection.
  3. “Collection” means a group that organizes Collection Materials and a group unit.
  4. “Collection Material Provider” means a person (individual or entity) who has licensed the use of Collection Materials to the Company and the Individual Service.

Article 15. Special Provisions on Use of Collection Materials

  1. When outsourcing the manufacture of Products, User may use Collection Materials as Designs, etc.
  2. The period of permissible use may be set for each Collection. In cases where a permissible use period is set, the Collection cannot be used after that period.
  3. The Company may, at its discretion, change the permissible use period of a Collection at any time (including setting a use period for a Collection that originally did not have a set use period), and User agrees to this.

Article 16. Special Provisions on Manufacture of Products Using Collection Materials

  1. User may create Designs etc. using Collection Materials that are registered on pixivFACTORY Palette at the time that User uses the Individual Service.
  2. When using pixivFACTORY Palette, the Product Materials that can be manufactured may be specified for each Collection. Such Product Materials that can be manufactured shall be as described as the Product Materials that can be manufactured on pixivFACTORY Palette when User creates a Design etc. using pixivFACTORY Palette.
  3. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, please note that it may not be possible to manufacture Products depending on the size of the Collection Materials used or the size of the design layout.
  4. Depending on the Collection, the Company may make modifications or take other action that it determines to be necessary in order to manufacture the Products. Modifications and the like made pursuant to this paragraph are not eligible for the Product return or replacement specified in Article 6.
  5. When User creates a Design etc., multiple Collection Materials may be combined only within specific Collections. Designs etc. may not be created by selecting multiple collections.
  6. User may not manufacture Products using a combination of Collection Materials and Designs etc. uploaded by User.
  7. User may not create Products and the like by making substantial modifications to Collection Materials. If the manufacture of Products using Designs, etc. that have been substantially modified from the Collection Materials posted on the service is outsourced, the Company may cancel the relevant manufacturing outsourcing.

Article 17. Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights and Licensing

  1. Intellectual property rights to Collection Materials and accompanying text and the like belong to the Collection Material Provider or the third party that licensed the Collection Materials to the Collection Material Provider, regardless of the creation of Designs etc. by User.
  2. Intellectual property rights to Designs etc. created by User using pixivFACTORY Palette belong to User, except for those portions for which intellectual property rights belonging to others already exist.
  3. User grants to the Company the license described below for the use(including related actions) of Designs etc. created by User using Collection Materials.
    1. Gratis, non-exclusive, and perpetual use, exploitation (including modification to the extent necessary in light of the purposes of use), and implementation, etc. of User’s Designs etc. by the Company and third parties approved by the Company to the extent necessary for the effective provision of the Services and the Individual Service, promotion of use, advertising and publicity, and development, improvement, and maintenance of the Company’s systems. For example, the Company may post or repost User’s Designs etc. and Products manufactured using those Designs etc. on social media, such as Twitter and Instagram, websites operated by the Company, or materials and the like created by the Company for the purpose of publicizing and introducing the Services and the Individual Service.
    2. The Company provides functions that enable viewing of Designs etc. on the Services, the Individual Service, and services with which the Company collaborates. In this case, a Design etc. may be processed according to the display format provided on the relevant service.
  4. User shall not exercise the moral rights of an author against the Company with regard to Designs etc. and Products created using pixivFACTORY Palette.
  5. When using Designs etc. in the format specified in Paragraph 3, the Company may omit some information or display of names and the like (including display of pseudonyms such as pen names).

Article 18. Prohibitions when Using pixivFACTORY Palette

  1. User may not use Collection Materials for any purpose other than the creation of Designs etc. or manufacture of Products using Collection Materials.
  2. User may not sell Products using Collection Materials to third parties. Article 9 does not apply to Products using Collection Materials.
  3. User may transmit Designs etc. created pursuant to this article to third parties such as on social media.
  4. User may not make any expressions that are detrimental to the image of Collection Material Providers and may not use the Individual Service for the purpose of harming the reputations of Collection Material Providers or defaming Collection Material Providers.
  5. User may reproduce and transmit to the public Collection Materials only in the cases specified in Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 3 of this article, and with the exception of the cases specified in this article, may not engage in conduct that infringes on the rights of Collection Material Providers.
  6. User may not register intellectual property rights concerning designs and Products that include Collection Materials and other data designated by the Company.
  7. User may not engage in conduct contrary to the warnings and prohibitions described on the Individual Service.
  8. In addition to the preceding paragraphs, User may not engage in any conduct deemed by the Company to be inappropriate.

Supplementary Provisions


pixiv Live Feature Guidelines

This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Japanese language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and this English translation, the original Japanese version shall prevail.

The Company establishes the following guidelines regarding operation and use of the pixiv Live Feature (“Individual Service”).

1. Rules

These guidelines are guidelines established independently by the Company and are subject to change in conjunction with societal or environmental changes at the Company’s discretion In addition, these guidelines are the individual terms of pixiv service Master Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as “Master Terms of Use”) that applies to all services provided by the Company, and are subject to these guidelines. For items not specified, in addition to the “Master Terms of Use”, if the guidelines stipulate that applications are excluded, such as guidelines established by the Company for individual services (hereinafter referred to as “rules”) Various regulations apply.

2. Addition of Age Restrictions and Suspension of Distribution

The Individual Service management team shall make determinations regarding thumbnails, distributed content, titles, explanations and the like, and shall check for the addition of age restrictions, modification of the scope of disclosure, and distribution subject to suspension. In cases where subject distributions are found, age restrictions may be added, the scope of disclosure may be modified, or distribution may become the subject of compulsory suspension, and when bad-faith conduct including the prohibited conduct set forth below is found, the pixiv Sketch account and pixiv account may be deleted. Please note that the Company is unable to disclose the reasons for such action, even if an inquiry is made.

3. Prohibited Conduct and Content Prohibited from Distribution

The conduct and distribution of the content set forth below are prohibited. In cases where the Company determines that conduct or content falls under the prohibited conduct or content, distribution of that content may be subject to compulsory suspension and the pixiv account may be suspended or deleted.

  1. Conduct that infringes on the rights of other users, the Company, or third parties
    1. Posting member IDs, image IDs, and so on from the Individual Service or other sites and engaging in defamation;
    2. Engaging in defamation, threats, or conduct that causes economic or emotional harm or disadvantage;
    3. Posting the personal information of oneself or a third party;
    4. Distribution or posting of comments for the purpose of gathering or exchanging the personal information of third parties;
    5. Divulging or asking for the personal information of third parties;
      * Personal information includes telephone number, address, email address, Mynumber, and so on.
    6. Engaging in conduct that infringes on the rights to likeness or copyrights of other persons; and
    7. Posting text, images, voice recordings, and videos for which one does not hold the rights.
  2. Conduct in violation of social ethics or laws
    1. Extremely provoking and repugnant violent scenes and excessively brutal and violent content;
    2. Content that excessively advocates extreme ideas;
    3. Content that glorifies anti-social conduct or excessively promotes such conduct;
    4. Content that inappropriately discriminates on the basis of race, creed, vocation, sex, religion, and so on;
    5. Content that expresses cult-like religious behavior or extreme political behavior; and
    6. Conduct that promotes homicide, abuse, self-injury, or suicide.
  3. Commercial use
    1. Soliciting pyramid schemes, network business, and the like; and
    2. Transmitting information for the purpose of commercial advertising or publicity.
      *Not including publicity and the like for goods or books produced by the posting User.
  4. Sexualized depictions contrary to laws and regulations
    1. Depicting or exposing sexual organs;
    2. Depicting or exposing conjoined parts and the like using other objects in a manner associated with sex;
    3. Making sexualized depictions in an unnecessarily distorted manner; and
    4. Sexualized depictions that clearly have children as the subject matter.
      *This shall not apply in cases where concealment processing (such as pixelation) is applied to the extent permitted by social norms, but distribution of sexualized depictions prior to concealment is prohibited.
  5. Harassment
    1. Abusive or violent statements directed towards distributors or viewers;
    2. Conduct that impedes distribution or viewing; and
    3. Spam-like conduct that involves repeated posting of a number of comments.
  6. Conduct for the purpose of meeting or dating others or ;
    1. Distribution or posting of comments for the purpose of prostitution or sexual services;
    2. Links to adult sites, dating sites, and the like; and
    3. Other actions for the purpose of obscene conduct.
  7. Other prohibited acts
    1. Collection of information using crawlers and other such programs;
    2. Conduct that imposes excessive burdens on servers;
    3. Impersonation of operators or other users;
    4. Distribution completely unrelated to works; and
    5. Other conduct that the operator determines to be inappropriate.
      *The prohibited acts are subject to change without prior notice.

4. Distribution to Specified Age Groups

It is required that age restrictions be checked in relation to distribution of which viewing by persons under the age of 15 years and persons under the age of 18 years on the Individual Service would be inappropriate. Please be sure to set the appropriate age restrictions when commencing distribution of the following content.

  1. R-18: Distributions that contain depictions inappropriate for persons under the age of 18 years, including but not limited to the following items:
    1. Depictions of penetration of the sexual organs or intercourse and depictions that evoke sexual conduct, whether directly or indirectly;
    2. Portrayals of sex acts or masturbation;
    3. Images of nudity or exposed genitals;
    4. Depictions of persons who are clothed but that are highly salacious due to emphasis of the genitals and the like;
    5. In addition to the R-15 criteria, depictions that infer a sexually aroused state through facial expression, imitative sounds, perspiration, or other depictions; and
    6. Portrayals of excretory behavior and excreta.
  2. Excessively violent depictions, conceptual and simulated depictions of highly risky or provocative conduct, including but not limited to the following items:
    1. Depictions of injured bodies or exposed brain or organs;
    2. Anti-social depictions including suicide, homicide, and sexual criminal conduct;
  3. R-15: Distributions that contain depictions inappropriate for persons under the age of 15 years, including but not limited to the following items:
    Content relating to sex and obscene depictions
    1. Exposure of undergarments (including see-through clothing and exposure through stockings, tights, and the like);
    2. Clothing that is excessively revealing;
    3. Depictions of persons who are clothed but that are highly salacious due to emphasis of the breasts or buttocks and the like;
    4. Items with sexual associations such as condoms, sex toys, and restraints.
  4. Portrayals of violent scenes or scenes that evoke fear, including but not limited to the following items:
    1. Fighting that involves bloodshed; and
    2. Bodily restraint.

5. Concealment Processing (Pixelation)

  1. In general, concealment processing shall not be based on the technical properties of the image, but is premised on obscuring details based on visual determination.
  2. Concealment is to be performed on the same dimension level in such a manner that it is not technically possible to return the image to its original condition.
  3. The scope is to be enclosed by an outline.
  4. Even in cases where processing is performed, if the details are clearly visible due to transparency, this shall not constitute concealment.
  5. In the case of pixelation, the relevant portions of the image shall be obscured, taking the following into consideration.
    In the case of a mosaic at least four-pixels square where the length of the entire image is at least 400 pixels, the mosaic shall cover, in the necessary areas, a surface area of approximately 1/100 of the lengthwise dimension of the entire image.
  6. In the case of overpainting, it is assumed that concealment processing will be performed on the entirety of the necessary area, but this shall not apply in cases where the necessary areas are obscured as a result of partial processing.
  7. In cases of use of white concealer or other concealment using a design or pattern, it is assumed that concealment processing will be performed on the entirety of the necessary area, but this shall not apply in cases where the necessary areas are obscured as a result of partial processing.

6. Examples of Areas that Require Concealment Processing (Pixelation)

  1. Sexual organs or areas related to sexual organs;
  2. Areas of sexual intercourse or penetration;
  3. Areas of anal intercourse or penetration;
  4. Areas that depict cutting, laceration, and the like in unnecessary detail and excessively.

*Distribution of parts before concealment processing or with incomplete concealment processing is prohibited. Please commence distribution or switch images at the time that concealment processing is completed.

7. Supplementary Provisions


Rules on the Receipt of Rewards

These rules on the receipt of rewards (these “Common Rules”) set forth the terms of use of the program relating to the receipt of rewards (“Program”) on the Individual Service provided by the Company and apply to all matters relating to use of the Program by Users.
Rewards are monetary incentive provided by the Company to creators according to evaluations of content posted on the services provided by the Company. Users can receive rewards by agreeing to these Common Rules and participating in the Program.

Article 1. Common Rules

  1. These Common Rules are individual rules of pixiv service Master Terms of Use ("Master Terms of Use") that apply to all services by the Company, and in the case of any matters not specified in these Common Rules, except when these Common Rules exclude application, Master Terms of Use and other provisions including guidelines and the like (“Other Provisions”) established by the Company in relation to the Program shall apply.
  2. Calculation, acquisition, and exchange of rewards shall be as set forth in Article 4.
  3. Users must agree to these Common Rules before using the Program.

Article 2. Purpose of the Program

The Program is intended to encourage communication between creators and their fans and to support creative activities.

Article 3. Conditions for Use of the Program

Use of the Program requires satisfaction of the prescribed conditions. Details regarding those conditions shall be explained on the Individual Service page, and User shall confirm the particulars of such explanations prior to using the Program.

Article 4. Rewards

  1. When the Program is used, rewards shall be accumulated at the Company’s discretion based on the popularity of and reactions to content. When a certain number of rewards are accumulated, they can be converted to pixiv Points or cash.
    1. Calculation of rewards.
      After joining the Program, calculation of rewards shall commence on the day that content is provided. Further, rewards shall be calculated on a monthly basis.
    2. Acquisition of rewards.
      Users may acquire rewards by the method specified by the Company after joining the Program and lapse of a certain period. (In cases where the Live Feature is used and content is provided by multiple persons, only the owner can acquire rewards. In cases of distribution by multiple persons, the owner is the manager.)
    3. Exchange of rewards.
      1. In cases where accumulated rewards are acquired by bank remittance, the amount calculated in accordance with Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the Program shall be obtained. In cases where cumulative rewards are acquired as pixiv points, points shall be acquired according to the specified conversion rates for each service.
      2. Only individual Users can acquire rewards in cash. Corporations and organizations can acquire rewards only as pixiv points. Remittance accounts are limited to bank accounts in Japan. In cases where rewards are acquired in cash, User shall bear the remittance fees, and the amount shall be remitted after deducting the remittance fees.
    4. Reward expiration dates.
      The reward expiration dates shall be 90 days from the day of acquisition. In cases where a period of 90 days lapses without converting acquired rewards to pixiv points or vouchers and the like, the relevant rewards shall become void.
  2. In addition to the above, details concerning rewards shall be explained on service pages and help pages, and the User shall confirm the particulars of such explanations prior to using the Program.

Article 5. User Responsibilities

Users shall confirm the following matters prior to using the Program.

  1. That content is provided in accordance with the pixiv Master Terms of Use and the Live Feature guidelines.
  2. In cases where User is a minor, User must use the Program after a legal representative (person with parental rights or the like) confirms these Common Rules and consents to use of the Program. Minor Users who use the Program shall be deemed to be doing so after obtaining the above consent of a legal representative.

Article 6. Prohibitions

  1. In cases where the Company determines that User conduct constitutes prohibited conduct specified in Article 14 of Master Terms of Use, the Company may suspend the grant of rewards, deprive User of acquired rewards, delete User’s account, or take other measures.
  2. User agrees that in the case of violation of the preceding article, User shall lose eligibility to receive rewards (including pixiv points and cash). Further, User warrants that in cases where problems arise with third parties as a result of or in relation to User’s participation in the Program or use of the Program, User shall resolve the matter under User’s responsibility and shall hold the Company harmless.

Article 7. Modification and Termination of the Program

  1. The Company may, at its discretion, modify the details of or terminate provision of the Program. In the case where the Company terminates the provision of the Individual Service, the Company shall in principle provide notice or make an announcement to the User on the Program website in advance.
  2. The Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever in relation to damage incurred by User as a result of modification or termination pursuant to the preceding paragraph.

Supplementary Provisions


Rules on the Shoutout Feature Associated with the Live Feature

Article 1. Introduction

  1. These Terms of Use (these “Shoutout Terms”) apply to all conduct in cases where User uses the Cheers Feature associated with the Live Feature operated by pixiv Inc. (“Company”) in the service operated by the Company and known as “pixiv” or the service operated by the Company and known as “pixiv Sketch”.
  2. These Common Rules are individual rules of the pixiv Master Terms of Use applicable to all services provided by the Company. Except in cases where application of these Common Terms of Use is excluded, the pixiv Master Terms of Use and other provisions including guidelines and the like (“Other Provisions”) established by the Company for the Individual Service shall apply to use of the Cheers Feature.
  3. Common Rules that forth the conditions for use of the Feature. Users must use the Feature in accordance with these Common Rules after agreeing to these Common Rules.
  4. By using the Feature, User shall be deemed to have agreed to these Common Rules in their entirety.

Article 2. Definitions

The definitions of terms used in these Common Rules shall be as set forth in the following items.

  1. “Individual Service” means “pixiv” and “pixiv Sketch.”
  2. “Shoutout Feature” (“Feature”) means the fee-based feature that enables Users to send reactions to live streaming content on the Individual Service.
  3. “Emoji” means a pictorial symbol purchased by a User using pixiv points as the means of advance payment provided by the Company in order to express a reaction using the Live Feature. By using the Feature, a User can express a reaction by “sending Emoji” or “transmitting Emoji.” In response to this, the User to which the reaction was expressed using the Feature can “accept Emoji” or “receive Emoji.”
  4. “Live Feature” means a feature that enables Users to transmit video images in real time via the Individual Service. “Related Service” means a service provided on a related website other than the Individual Service using the pixiv member function operated by the Company.
  5. “User” means, for the purpose of these Common Rules, a person who is registered to use the Individual Service and Related Services.
  6. “Feature-Using User” means a User who uses the Feature.
  7. “Stream” and “Streaming” means the act of a User distributing video images in real time on the Individual Service.

Article 3. Scope of these Shoutout Terms

  1. These Shoutout Terms and other terms of use and the like set forth the terms of use of the Feature on the Individual Service. Such other terms of use constitute a part of these Shoutout Terms, regardless of designation.
  2. In the case of a discrepancy between these Shoutout Terms and other terms of use and the like, such other terms of use shall apply preferentially.

Article 4. Revision of these Common Rules

  1. The Company may, at its discretion, revise these Shoutout Terms at any time as it deems appropriate.
  2. Except when the Company provides otherwise, the revised Shoutout Terms shall take effect when displayed on the Individual Service.
  3. In the case where User uses the Individual Service and the Feature after revisions to these Shoutout Terms have come into effect, User shall be deemed to have agreed to the revised Shoutout Terms in their entirety.

Article 5. Handling of the Feature

  1. The Live Feature on the Individual Service shall be shared with other Users during times of creative activity and can be used to Stream the creation process of illustrations, cartoons, and the like.
  2. The Feature is one means for Users to express reactions to Streamed content provided by a User who is Streaming live. The Feature is fee-based and differs from other types of reactions. The Feature can be used by purchasing Emoji from the Company.
  3. Users who use the Feature can send Emoji by paying the total necessary amount of pixiv points according to the number and type of Emoji.
  4. Purchased Emoji cannot be returned or refunded. Further, Emoji that have been transmitted cannot be canceled.

Article 6. Responsibility of Feature-Using User

  1. Feature-Using Users shall use the Feature under their own responsibility and bear all liability for all conduct performed when using the Feature and the results of that conduct.
  2. Feature-Using Users shall bear all liability in relation to Emoji transmitted and received by Feature-Using Users through use of the Feature. The Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever in relation to Emoji transmitted and received by Feature-Using Users using the Feature.

Article 7. Prohibited Conduct

When using the Feature and Individual Service, Feature-Using Users may not engage in any of the conduct specified in Article 15 of the pixiv Master Terms of Use or in the following items. In the case where a User engages in prohibited conduct, the User may be subject to compulsory withdrawal, suspension of use, deletion of account, modification of the scope of disclosure, inability to use the Feature or other disadvantageous measures; provided, however, that the Company shall not bear a duty to take any of these measures and shall not bear a duty to disclose the reasons for measures it has taken.

  1. Expression that is linked to discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, age, belief, or the like including (but not limited to) by using combinations of multiple Emoji or consecutively using the same Emoji;
  2. Conduct that imposes burdens beyond the normal scope on the Feature’s or Individual Service’s servers, conduct that impedes operation of the Feature or Individual Service or network systems, or other comparable conduct;
  3. Conduct in violation of laws and regulations, public order, these Common Rules, or other terms of use and the like or that the Company determines infringes on the rights of others;
  4. Using multiple accounts to purchase Emoji and transmit them to oneself; and
  5. Other conduct that the Company determines to be inappropriate.

Article 8. Modification of the Feature

  1. The Company may supplement, modify, suspend, or terminate the Feature at its discretion and at any time without the provision of prior notice.
  2. The Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever in relation to supplementation, modification, suspension, or termination of the Feature.

Article 9. Emoji Fees

Fees for the Emoji are set on the screen that opens by clicking each Emoji on the "Shoutout " screen of the live function.

Supplementary provision


“VRoid Studio” Terms of Use

This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Japanese language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and this English translation, the original Japanese version shall prevail.

Article 1: Introduction

  1. These Individual Terms of Use apply to all acts involving use of “VRoid Studio” (“Software”) and related websites, software, applications, products, documents and all other merchandise and services (“Individual Services”) provided by the Company to Users in connection therewith.
  2. These Individual Terms of Use set forth the conditions of use of the Individual Services. Users shall consent to these Individual Terms of Use and use the Individual Services in accordance herewith.
  3. These Individual Terms of Use is the individual Terms of Use of pixiv services' Master Terms of Use ("Master Terms of Use") provided by the Company. In cases of unspecified matter in the Individual Terms of Use, unless specified to exclude application of the term in the Individual Terms of Use, the Master Terms of Use or other suggested guidelines or terms and conditions by individual services ("Terms and Conditions") shall be applied.
  4. Users will be deemed to have consented to all of the particulars set forth in the pixiv Master Terms of Use, these Individual Terms of Use and related guidelines (Collectively “Terms etc.”) at the point in time that they click on the download button provided on this site.
  5. Users cannot use the Individual Services unless they consent to these Terms etc.

Article 2: Definitions

  1. “Software” means all computer programs and data included in the 3D model generation software “VRoid Studio”.
  2. “Site” means the website entitled “VRoid (” operated by the Company.
  3. "Client PC" means the computer or tablet on which the software is installed.
  4. “User” means individuals and corporations that have agreed to the Terms etc. and installed Software on Client PCs.
  5. “Output Item” means items outputted of data related to avatars, items, and other 3D models created using the Software with agreement to these Individual Terms of Use.
  6. “Provided Content” means content provided by the Company on VRoid Studio, including provided meshes such as model bodies (shapes of 3D models), and provided textures (images used for outer appearance of 3D models).
  7. “Associated Services” means associated websites other than the Site (VRoid Hub –; VRoid Market – which are operated by the Company and utilize the “pixiv” membership functions.

Article 3: Usage Rights and Fees

  1. Users are entitled to install and use Software on Client PCs that they personally own.
  2. The Individual Services are free of charge.

Article 4: Duplication

  1. Users are entitled to produce duplicates of Software generally only for backup purposes for such User itself.
  2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, only with separate prior written consent of the Company, Users may duplicate the Software for the purpose of distribution the duplicates of the Software to unspecified others.
  3. Unless otherwise specified, Users shall not produce duplicates of the Software for any purposes or in any manners other than specified in preceding two paragraphs.

Article 5: Prohibited Acts

Users may not engage in the acts indicated in any of the following items when using Software. In cases where a User has engaged in an act falling under any of the following or act that may cause such act (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Prohibited Act”), regardless of whether the act arose through willful misconduct or negligence, the Company shall be entitled to deem said act as a violation, and may rescind the usage rights of, or may delete, alter or adopt other disadvantageous measures or other measures deemed necessary by the Company in respect of all or some Software-related data against, the User who committed the Prohibited Act.

  1. Acts that the Company judges to violate laws/regulations, public order and morality, or these Individual Terms of Use or other conditions of use etc., or to infringe the rights of others;
  2. Duplicating Individual Services or Software for the purposes of selling the same to third parties;
  3. Distributing or otherwise providing Individual Services or Software to third parties without Company approval, regardless of whether done for a fee or without charge;
  4. Reverse engineering, decompiling, reverse assembling or otherwise analyzing Individual Services or Software in whole or in part;
  5. Modifying or eliminating Individual Services or Software in whole or in part;
  6. Engaging in use of Individual Services or Software for purposes other than the creation of Output Item, unless in any of the following cases.
    • Use of Software at an educational institution by teaching staff or student for educational purposes
    • Use of Software with purpose of sharing production process of the Output Item or usage of Individual Services or Software to the public
    • Use of Software to confirm the normal mechanical operation of illustrating tablets, PC, and the like on sale with the Software (For promotional purpose of the mechanical products).
    • Any other situations specifically permitted by the Company.
  7. Transferring, lending or licensing Software to third parties.
  8. Using Provided Content, or 3D models or Output Items containing Provided Content, to create applications that can generate or output avatars, items, or other 3D models consisting of deformed or combined meshes and textures.
  9. Acts that are prohibited in Article 14 of pixiv Master Terms of Use or related guidelines.

Article 6: Upgrades and Suspension of Provision etc.

  1. The Company may modify or improve Individual Services without advance notification.
  2. Unless notified or Individual Terms of Use being modified by the Company, the use of modified or improved Individual Services shall be free of charge.
  3. The Company is entitled to alter the contents of or the method of provision of Individual Service; or, temporarily suspend or discontinue the provision of Individual Services Software at any time without notice to Users if the Company judges such action necessary.

Article 7: No-Guarantees

  1. The Company makes no guarantees regarding the following items. The Company is not obligated to eliminate defects etc. relating such items in providing Individual Services to Users.
    1. the quality, functionality, or suitability for use, of Software;
    2. a perpetual duty to update, improve, or repair deficiencies in Software;
    3. that there will not be factual or legal defects (including flaws in regard to safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, suitability for a particular purpose, security or the like; errors or bugs; and rights infringements) in Individual Services or Software. The Company is not obligated to eliminate such defects in providing Services to Users and that there will not be technical inaccuracies, typographical errors or misprints, or that deficiencies and failures will not occur, with respect to Individual Services or Software;
    4. the state of provision, accessibility, or state of use, of Individual Services;
    5. the legality, accuracy or the like of works created by Users and the suitability of works created by Users in relation to the internal rules etc. of the corporations, groups or the like to which such Users belong; or
    6. that content associated with Individual Services will not contain computer viruses or the like.
  2. The fact that an external site is linked from information provided in Individual Services shall not imply the existence of any commercial relationship whatsoever between the Company and such external site. Further, external sites linked from Individual Services are not managed or operated by the Company, and the Company shall bear no liability in regard to the lawfulness, morality, reliability or accuracy of the content of such sites or in regard to site changes, updates or the like.
  3. Users, when using Individual Services or information that has come to their knowledge through Individual Services, must comply with the laws and regulations of the countries and/or regions in which they engage in such use, and the Company shall bear no liability in regard to such Users’ violations of laws or regulations.

Article 8: Disclaimers

  1. The Company will make utmost effort to ensure that Individual Services are beneficial to all Users, but the Company’s liability to Users shall be limited to managing Individual Services, through reasonable efforts, to ensure that Users can use Services without any trouble.
  2. The Company shall be exempt from providing compensation or indemnification to Users for any damage, loss or other expenses suffered in conjunction with the following items and shall bear no liability to Users regardless of whether the relevant damage etc. was direct or indirect and regardless of whether the relevant damage etc. could have been foreseen:
    1. the use of Individual Services or Software, or inability to use Individual Services or Software (including improved/modified Software; hereinafter the same);
    2. In cases where the Company has terminated the Site or Software, any addition to or modification, discontinuation or termination of Software;
    3. the devices, communication lines and software etc. used by Users;
    4. mistakes occurring in the course of Users’ use of Individual Services;
    5. any defect, temporary suspension, partial deletion, modification or termination in/of the content of Individual Services;
    6. any disputes etc. between Users or between Users and other third parties that arise as a result of use of Individual Services; or
    7. the items prescribed in Article 7 regarding which the Company makes no guarantees.
  3. The Company will bear no liability for any disputes or other issues that arise in conjunction with communications, activities or transactions between Users and/or other third parties. In the event that a dispute has arisen between Users, said dispute shall be resolved between the relevant Users, and the Company will have no involvement whatsoever. When in cases that resulted in damage of the Company due to a dispute, all expense including legal expense etc. shall be paid by the person concerned by joint and several obligation.
  4. The paragraph 11 of Article 24 of pixiv Master Terms of Use shall apply to Individual Services and these Individual Terms.

Article 9: Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights

  1. All Intellectual Property Rights and other rights to Software, information associated therewith, websites, products, programs, applications, logos, documents and other merchandise etc. will belong to the Company.
  2. All Intellectual Property Rights and other rights to avatars, items, and other 3D models created using Software will belong to the Users that created such models; provided, however, that when such a model includes copyrighted works or other intellectual property etc. of the Company or third parties, such copyrighted works or other intellectual property etc. will belong to the Company or such third parties.
  3. When a model of the preceding paragraph contains copyrighted works or other intellectual property etc. for which rights are assigned to someone other than the User that created such model (including Provided Content, Software, and all other data provided by the Company), the User shall appropriately follow the licenses and other conditions of use imposed on use of such copyrighted works, and the Company will not be held liable for any adversity suffered as a result of any breach of such licenses etc.

Article 10: Scope of Use of Output Items

  1. Users will be licensed to use Output Items for any purpose, as long as they do not breach the license conditions specified for any Provided Content used in 3D models created using Software.
  2. Users will be licensed to set licenses freely for VRM data constituting Output Items, as long as they do not breach the license conditions for Provided Content used in 3D models created using the Software.
  3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, when an Output Item includes copyrighted works or other intellectual property etc. for which rights are assigned to someone other than the User that created the relevant 3D model, the User shall appropriately follow the licenses etc. of such copyrighted works etc., and the Company will not be held liable for any adversity suffered of Users as a result of any breach of such licenses etc.

Article 11: License Conditions and Restrictions on Provided Content

  1. The Company will grant Users a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to use, duplicate, archive, modify, and display Provided Content, subject to restrictions common to all licenses, for (1) any purpose and (2) any use, except where different license conditions are specified and displayed for individual items of Provided Content.
  2. Where the Company has specified and displayed license conditions for individual items of Provided Content, Users will use such Provided Content in accordance therewith.
  3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, Users are not licensed to use Provided Content, or 3D models or Output Items containing Provided Content, to create applications having functions that allow avatars, items, or other 3D models to be created by deforming meshes or combining meshes or textures. When a User wishes to create an application containing such a function, they must receive a separate license from the Company; provided, however, that this does not apply when the User is creating the application for personal use.

Article 12: Open-Source Software

Notwithstanding the provisions of these Terms, open-source software set forth separately will be licensed to Users in accordance with the respective licensing terms applicable to such software.

Article 13: Revocation of Usage Rights

  1. If a User breaches these Individual Terms of Use, the Company is entitled to revoke such User’s right to use Software.
  2. In cases where the Company has revoked the right to use Software, the relevant User shall promptly cease use of Software and promptly delete Software and all duplicates thereof.

Supplementary Provisions


“VRoid Hub” Terms of Use

This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Japanese language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and this English translation, the original Japanese version shall prevail.

Article 1: Introduction

  1. These Individual Terms of Use apply to all conduct in cases where User uses the “VRoid Hub” service (“Individual Service”) provided by the Company.
  2. Users shall agree to these Individual Terms of Use and use the Individual Service in accordance with these Individual Terms of Use.
  3. By using the Individual Service, User shall be deemed to have agreed to the entire content of these Individual Terms of Use.
  4. These Individual Terms of Use is an individual term of pixiv Master Terms of Use, and those cases unspecified in the Individual Terms of Use, unless specified to exclude in the Individual Terms of Use, will follow Master Terms of Use and other relating guidelines regulated by the Company.

Article 2: Definitions

The terms used in these Individual Terms of Use shall have the meanings set forth in the following items. Terms not defined in these Individual Terms of Use shall have the meanings specified in the pixiv Master Terms of Use.

  1. “Site” means the website entitled “VRoid Hub” operated by the Company.
  2. “Individual Service” means all services provided on the Site.
    The Individual Service are a content posting (includes URLs) platform on which it is possible to upload 3D model data, images, videos, and the like (“Creations”) of 3D characters (e.g. humanoid avatars, etc.) that can be used as avatars common across assorted VR/AR platforms or across assorted 3D content.
  3. "VR/AR platforms" mean the website or service (including 3D contents) which the contractor uploads and operates.
  4. “Registered Works” mean Creations that, in accordance with these Individual Terms of Use, have been Registered as Characters on the Site by 3D Model Data Registrants.
  5. “Registered Work Information” means data (including Registered Works), images, text, and all other information that is inputted to the Services and Associated Services when a Creation file created by a 3D Model Data Registrant is Registered as a Character.
  6. “Character Registration” means the act of a User uploading Registered Work Information to the Site and associated sites.
  7. “3D Model Data Registrant” means a User who has uploaded Registered Work Information to the Site and associated sites.
  8. “Conditions of Use” means the conditions of use for a Registered Work, which are set in accordance with Article 3, Paragraph 1(1) when the relevant User uploads Registered Work Information to the Site and performs Character Registration of such information as a “Registered Work”.
  9. “SDK” means a “software development kit” provided by the Company to other VR/AR platforms for the use, in other assorted VR/AR platforms, 3D media content or the like, of files, images, text and other work information etc. related to the Registered Works that 3D Model Registrants have Registered as Characters on the Site.

Article 3: Method of Character Registration and Conditions of Use of Registered Works

  1. Character Registration
    1. When User carries out Character Registration of Creations on the Site, said User shall, on the basis of the range of authorization indicated below, determines: whether to allow the downloading of the Registered Works that have been Registered as Characters and the use of such works in assorted VR/AR platforms and 3D media content etc. that are affiliated with the Site; whether to allow commercial use by individuals or corporations; whether to allow use in violent scenes; and other Conditions of Use of the Registered Works.
      It should be noted that when Creations that User intends to Register as Characters contain copyrighted materials or the like that are subject to third-party rights, the conditions of use etc. stipulated by such third parties must also be followed.
      • Whether to allow downloading by User
      • Use of 3D model data of Registered Works via SDK
      • Whether to allow use as avatars (including modifications of character of Registered Works in conjunction with use as avatars)
      • Whether to allow use in violent scenes
      • Whether to allow use in sexual scenes
      • Whether to allow commercial use by corporations
      • Whether to allow commercial use by individuals
        * Allow for-profit activity by individuals. Such for-profit activity shall include gifting etc. through video distribution using Registered Works.
        * Allow only nonprofit activity by individuals. Here, commercial and nonprofit activity includes the distribution of self-produced video games, manga and merchandise, and other fan production (dōjin) activities, but does not encompass cases in which such distribution etc., as evaluated on the basis of its mode, scope, price settings or other similar factors, is intended mainly for the acquisition of profit.
      • Whether to allow modifications
      • Whether to allow redistribution
      • Whether to require credit attribution
    2. In cases where Creations that are generally distributed, sold or otherwise made available outside the Services are used when performing Character Registration on the Site, the relevant User shall be responsible for verifying and complying with the conditions of use etc. stipulated for such Creations; provided, however, that Character Registration, downloading and use as a Registered Work via SDK cannot be allowed in cases where Creations contain 3D model data of which redistribution, modification and the like are not permitted, or where there is otherwise a conflict between conditions of use outside the Services and the Conditions of Use set forth in Paragraph 1(1) of this article. In cases where a dispute etc. has arisen with a third party because a Creation distributed under conditions of use that conflict with the Conditions of Use set forth in Paragraph 1(1) of this article has been Registered as a Character on the Services (including disputes etc. arising as a result of use in VR/AR platforms, 3D content or the like), such dispute etc. shall be resolved under the responsibility and at the expense of the relevant 3D Model Data Registrant.
    3. The Conditions of Use of Registered Works that are Registered as Characters on the Site can be amended at any time by the relevant 3D Model Data Registrant, without notice to the User(s) using such Registered Works.
    4. With respect to Registered Works for which downloading or use in VR/AR platforms or 3D content via SDK is permitted, there may be cases where multiple individuals or corporations use the same Registered Work at the same time. Further, when multiple individuals or corporations use a Registered Work, there may be cases where characters having different personalities, individuality or the like are created in each platform or 3D content.
  2. Use of Registered Works
    1. When Registered Works are downloaded or used in VR/AR platforms, 3D content or the like, such Registered Works can be used only within the scope of the Conditions of Use set forth in the preceding paragraph.
    2. The Conditions of Use of Registered Works will be differentiated in the following two cases.
      • In regard to Conditions of Use for a Registered Work that is downloaded from the Site, the Conditions of Use stipulated at the time of such downloading will apply. In the case where the Conditions of Use etc. of such Registered Work have been amended, the updated Conditions of Use will not apply to Registered Works downloaded prior to such amendment.
        When such a Registered Work is newly downloaded, the Conditions of Use stipulated at such time will apply.
      • With respect to the Conditions of Use on occasions of use in VR/AR platforms, 3D content or the like other than the Individual Service via SDK, the most recent Conditions of Use will apply in all cases; provided, however, that in some cases it may take time for Conditions of Use to become applicable to Registered Works that are currently in use in VR/AR platforms, 3D content or the like via SDK.
    3. On occasions of use in VR/AR platforms, 3D content or the like, the personality and individuality of the relevant character shall be respected, the quality thereof shall be maintained, and the image thereof shall be maintained and enhanced.

Restrictions of Use of Registered Works, Example 1:

Restrictions of Use of Registered Works, Example 2:

Restrictions of Use of Registered Works, Example 3:

Restrictions of Use of Registered Works, Example 4:

Restrictions of Use of Registered Works, Example 5:

  1. “3D Model Creator” means an individual or corporation that has created 3D model data and has registered or wishes to register the relevant Creation(s) on the Services.
  2. “Licensor” means a creator that has independently created a Creation.
  3. “Licensee” means a creator that uses, within the Scope of License stipulated by the Licensor, a Registered Work that said Licensor has Registered as a Character on the Site, and creates new Creations therefrom.
  4. “Scope of License” means, in regards to a Creation that a Licensor distributes and sells to the public, the extent to which such Creation can be used in a case where there are stipulations regarding whether modifications or redistribution or the like are permitted or not.

Article 4: Prohibited Acts

When using the Individual Service, User must not engage in prohibited conduct specified in Article 14 of the pixiv Master Terms of Use. User must not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise analyze Software, systems, contents, Registered Works, or other data or programs on the Individual Service, and must not attempt to do so. Engaging in a prohibited act may result in revocation of membership, suspension of use, deletion of all or some Registered Work Information and/or other data, alteration of the scope of public accessibility, or other adverse measures (provided, however, that the Company is not obligated to take these measures or to disclose the reason any of these measures was taken).

Article 5: Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights, Licensing

  1. Copyrights, other intellectual property rights, and all other rights to Registered Work Information that has been Registered as Characters using the Individual Service will belong to the creator of the relevant Registered Work(s)
  2. The knowhow, copyrights, other intellectual property rights, and all other rights contained in the Individual Service shall belong to the Company or the holders of the relevant rights, and except where User have obtained the advice written consent of the Company, such User shall not be entitled to imitate the Individual Service, use the knowhow contained in the Individual Service, to duplicate, adapt, publicly disseminate or otherwise infringe rights in regard to copyrighted materials such as images, logos, or copyrighted materials such as text, or to engage in any other conduct that will infringe any of the abovementioned rights.
  3. The Company shall be entitled to use and/or modify Registered Work Information, non-exclusively and at no cost, within the extent necessary for the smooth provision, encouragement of use and/or advertisement/promotion of the Individual Service or for the construction, improvement and/or maintenance of Company systems, and User shall consent to the foregoing. (E.g., cases where 3D models Registered as Characters are displayed in the Individual Service; cases where, when a 3D Model Data Registrant has modified Registered Work Information, such changes are reflected in the Registered Work; cases where thumbnails of Registered Work Information etc. are generated; cases where generated thumbnails are trimmed; etc.)
  4. When the Company uses Registered Work Information in any of the forms set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall be entitled to omit some of the information or the name indication.
  5. There may be cases where Registered Work Information etc. that has been Registered as Characters on the Individual Service will be downloaded or used in VR/AR platforms, 3D content or the like via a VRoid Hub SDK, within the parameters of the Conditions of Use stipulated by the relevant 3D Model Data Registrant.

Supplementary Provisions


“VRoid Hub Developer” Terms of Use

Article 1: Introduction

  1. These terms of use (“Individual Terms of Use”) set forth, for developers of apps linked with the “VRoid Hub” service (“Individual Service”) provided by the Company on the Site (defined in next article), the conditions of use appertaining to disclosure of the APIs required for development of such apps. Users wishing to use the Individual Service shall consent to these Individual Terms of Use before using APIs etc. (defined in next article).
    When a User has applied for use of APIs etc., such User will be deemed to have consented to all of the particulars set forth in these Individual Terms of Use.
  2. These Individual Terms of Use are individual terms of use under the pixiv service Master Terms of Use (“Master Terms of Use”) applicable to all services provided by the Company, and said Master Terms of Use, the VRoid SDK Terms of Use, and any guidelines or other regulations stipulated by the Company on the Individual Service shall apply to all matters not provided for in these Individual Terms of Use, except in cases specified herein as outside the scope of such application. Moreover, in the event of any discrepancy in relation to “SDKs” (defined in Article 2) between these Individual Terms of Use and the VRoid SDK Terms of Use, the VRoid SDK Terms of Use shall have priority hereover.

Article 2: Definitions

The terms used herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in their respective items below. Any terms not specifically defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Master Terms of Use.

  1. “Site” means the “VRoid Hub” ( website on which the Company operates the Individual Service.
  2. “Creation” means a creation that has been Registered as a Character on the Site by a 3D Model Data Registrant in accordance with these Individual Terms of Use.
  3. “3D Model Data Registrant” means a User that has uploaded information for a Creation to the Site.
  4. “Conditions of Use” means the application settings that are set in accordance with Article 3, Paragraph 3 when a developer uploads information for a Creation to the Site.
  5. “APIs etc.” means “Application Programming Interfaces (individually “APIs”), Software Development Kits (individually “SDKs”), and associated tools, documents, data, technologies, code, and other materials provided by the Company via Subscriber websites” which the Company provides to other VR/AR platforms so that files, images, text, and other work information etc. related to Creations that 3D Model Data Registrants have Registered as Characters on the Site can be used on or in various other VR/AR platforms, 3D content, etc.
  6. “Subscriber” means any person using APIs etc. to create a Developed App linked to the Individual Service.
  7. “Developed App” means any app created by a Subscriber using APIs etc., and includes both Developed Apps that have been approved by the Company (“Certified Apps”) and non-certified Developed Apps that have not been approved by the Company (“Non-Certified Apps”).

Article 3: Applying for Use

  1. Users wishing to use APIs etc. shall complete Subscriber registration by Company-prescribed method when applying to use the same.
  2. The method of Subscriber registration shall conform to the account creation method set forth in Article 7 of the Master Terms of Use, and in the text of said article, “these Terms of Use”, “the Services”, and “account registration” shall be read as and superseded by “these Individual Terms of Use”, “the Individual Service”, and “Subscriber registration” respectively.
  3. Application settings related to Developed Apps planned for creation must be registered at the time of Subscriber registration. At such time, “model specifications information” shall be entered with particulars in line with the realities of the actual app.

Article 4: API etc. Licenses

  1. The Company will grant Subscribers a license to design and develop Developed Apps using APIs etc. both within and outside Japan, subject to such Subscribers’ compliance with the provisions of these Individual Terms of Use. Such licenses shall be non-exclusive and non-transferrable.
  2. Subscribers shall comply with the following when using APIs etc.
    1. When using APIs etc. to obtain Creations, ensure that no one other than “Users permitted to use the Creations under the license issued by the Site” can use the same;
    2. Subscribers shall create Developed Apps that conform to the application settings registered under the preceding article, and shall not create Developed Apps with particulars different from the pre-registered specifications information;
    3. When using the Creations of 3D Model Data Registrants, Subscribers shall respect the Creations of 3D Model Data Registrants, shall be obligated to uphold the quality and image of the Creations of 3D Model Data Registrants, and shall promptly delete Developed Apps if there is a possibility that such quality will be compromised; and
    4. If an extremely large number of requests are made in a certain time period, there may be cases where such requests cannot be accommodated, or the Company may impose restrictions on the number of requests to the Individual Service.
  3. Subscribers shall use APIs etc. only for the purposes formally declared by them to the Company, and shall not use APIs etc. for any other purposes.
  4. The consideration for a license to use APIs etc. shall be as set forth in Article 5.
  5. The preparation and maintenance of all client PCs, computers, and other hardware and software etc. necessary for use of APIs etc. shall be handled under the cost burden and responsibility of Subscribers, and the Company shall neither involve itself with nor bear any responsibility for Subscribers’ use environments.

Article 5: Consideration for Use of APIs etc.

Use of APIs etc. shall be free of charge; provided, however, that the Company will be entitled to charge for API etc. downloads or for use of the Individual Service in whole or in part if it has given advance notice of the effective date, and that from such effective dates onwards, Subscribers will be entitled to use paid services only if they have consented to the usage fees etc. separately specified by the Company.

Article 6: Prohibitions

  1. Subscribers shall not engage in any of the following conduct when using APIs etc.
    1. Disrupting, altering, destroying, or disabling characteristics or functions of APIs etc. or API etc. monitoring mechanisms;
    2. Creating or attempting to create services or products that are identical or similar to the Individual Service;
    3. Selling, lending, leasing, sublicensing, distributing, transferring, or by other method assigning or providing access to APIs etc. in whole or in part to third parties;
    4. Using APIs etc. for illegal, unauthorized, or other inappropriate purposes;
    5. Infringing rights related to the Individual Service, APIs etc., or Creations registered thereon;
    6. Infringing any rights related to Creations held by 3D Model Data Registrants;
    7. Attempting to improperly access the Site, APIs etc., Company content, or associated systems or networks;
    8. Using, outside of Developed Apps, model data that has been registered on the Site by a 3D Model Data Registrant, or implementing functions that allow such data to be shared with third parties, without the permission of the 3D Model Data Registrant;
    9. Using images or text obtained from the Site (including icon data, user names, etc.) outside of Developed Apps created using APIs etc.;
    10. Creating Developed Apps that adapt Creations for applications that fall under or may fall under sexually obscene material, child pornography, or child abuse which violates or may violate laws, ordinances, or Company-specified standards; transmitting, displaying, or selling such Developed Apps; or providing advertisements to third parties to encourage sale of the same; or
    11. Other conduct that the Company deems inappropriate.
  2. The Company shall be entitled to suspend linkage to the Site and APIs etc. in the case where a Subscriber has breached any of the provisions of the preceding paragraph or the Company judges that such a breach may have occurred, and Subscribers consent to this without objection.

Article 7: Registration of Developed Apps

  1. Subscribers shall, as a rule, formally notify the Company when they have created Developed Apps that use APIs etc.
  2. Upon being formally notified of a Developed App under the preceding paragraph, the Company shall conduct a review in accordance with Company-prescribed conditions regarding whether the Developed App follows the particulars of application settings as set forth in Article 4, and shall determine whether such app passes or fails the review.
  3. When a Developed App has failed review, instructions for improvement shall be given to the relevant Subscriber by the Company.
  4. When a Developed App has passed review, such Developed App shall be registered on the Site as a Certified App.
  5. Even when a Developed App has failed review, the relevant Subscriber shall still be entitled to distribute or allow Users to use such Developed App, but the Company shall define such Developed App as a Non-Certified App and shall be entitled to issue warnings on the Site that the app carries risks.

Article 8: Ownership of Rights

  1. All intellectual property rights and other such rights to APIs etc., the Individual Service, or information, websites, products, programs, applications, documents, or other goods etc. associated therewith, shall belong to the Company.
  2. Company authorization to use APIs etc. under these Individual Terms of Use shall not entail the transfer to Subscribers of any rights related to the above, and Subscribers shall be given merely a license that is limited to the extent necessary for such Subscribers to use Creations in Developed Apps in accordance herewith.
  3. All copyrights, moral rights of author, and other such rights to Creations shall belong to the relevant 3D Model Data Registrants or to creators of such Creations that have licensed use of the same to such 3D Model Data Registrants. When Subscribers use Creations in Developed Apps, they shall be entitled to do so only to the extent permitted hereunder.
  4. Copyrights to Developed Apps created using APIs etc. shall belong to the relevant Subscribers.

Article 9: Updates

  1. The Company shall be entitled to update, alter, or eliminate (hereinafter “Update” in each case) functions or characteristics of APIs etc. in whole or in part as the occasion demands.
  2. Subscribers shall always use the most recent version of APIs etc. and, when Developed Apps need to be modified as a result of an Update, Subscribers shall make such modifications under their own cost burden and responsibility.
  3. The Company shall not be held liable for damage of any kind resulting from Updates.

Article 10: Suspension

  1. The Company shall be entitled to suspend or interrupt the provision of the Individual Service or APIs etc. at any time.
  2. The Company may interrupt provision of APIs etc. when it deems any of the following items to be applicable:
    1. If it has become impossible to provide APIs etc. or the Individual Service because of a natural calamity or other force majeure event;
    2. If it is necessary to interrupt provision of the Individual Service in whole or in part for operational or technical reasons of the Company; and
    3. In addition to the foregoing, in the cases set forth in the items of Article 24, Paragraph 3 of the Master Terms of Use.
  3. The Company shall not be held liable for any damage suffered by Subscribers because of interruption of provision of APIs etc. under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
  4. When suspending provision of the Individual Service, the Company shall be entitled to delete linkages for Developed Apps immediately.
  5. Subscribers shall be entitled to suspend their use of APIs etc. at any time.
  6. When a Subscriber suspends provision of a Certified App, it shall notify the Company in advance by Company-prescribed method.

Article 11: Cancellation

  1. When a Subscriber has breached these Individual Terms of Use, the Company shall be entitled to cancel applicable agreements pertaining to use of APIs etc. as set forth in Article 4, deregister the Subscriber, or suspend linkage between the Site and such Subscriber’s apps.
  2. Subscribers shall be held liable for any damage which may be suffered by the Company in the case of the preceding paragraph.

Article 12: No Guarantee

  1. APIs etc. provided by the Company will be provided to Subscribers as is, and no guarantees are made as to the following:
    1. The quality, performance, suitability for purposes of use, etc. of APIs etc.;
    2. Permanent Updating, improvement, defect repair, etc. of APIs etc.;
    3. That the Site or APIs etc. will have no actual or legal defects (including deficiencies of safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, or suitability for specific purposes; defects related security etc.; errors and bugs; rights infringements; etc.), will have no technical inaccuracies or typographical or coding errors, or will not experience failure or breakdown; or
    4. That content associated with the Site or APIs etc. will not contain computer viruses etc.
  2. Subscribers shall resolve under their own cost burden and responsibility any claims which may be made by third parties for infringement of rights in regard to Developed Apps that use APIs etc.

Article 13: Disclaimers

  1. The Company shall owe no liability with regard to the matters set forth in the items below, nor any indemnity, damage liability, or other such liability for any direct or indirect damage, foreseeable or unforeseeable damage, or other such damage or loss that is suffered by Subscribers because of such matters.
    1. Use or unavailability of the Individual Service or APIs etc. (including APIs etc. as improved or modified; hereinafter the same);
    2. Alteration, suspension, or termination of the provision of the Site or APIs etc.;
    3. User errors in using APIs etc.;
    4. Defects, temporary shutdowns, partial deletion, alteration, or termination of APIs etc.;
    5. Disputes etc. with Users resulting from use of APIs etc.; and
    6. In addition to the foregoing, the subject matter of the non-guarantee etc. set forth in the preceding article.
  2. The Company shall not be held liable for, and shall not involve itself in, any trouble arising between Subscribers and Users in connection with the Individual Service. Any such trouble which does arise shall be resolved by litigious or non-litigious means among the parties concerned, and in the case where the Company suffers damage because of such trouble, the relevant Subscriber(s) shall indemnify against such damage and against all attorney fees and other such costs which are incurred by the Company.
  3. The provisions of Article 24 (Disclaimers), Paragraph 11 of the Master Terms of Use shall apply to these Individual Terms of Use as well.

“VRoid SDK” Term of Use

Article 1. Introduction

  1. These Terms of Use (these “Individual Terms of Use”) apply to all conduct in cases where Contracting Parties (defined in Article 2, Paragraph 2) use the VRoid SDK (the “SDK”) in order to use 3D model data and 3D model data related files, images, text, and other work information (collectively, “Works”) posted by 3D model data registered parties on the VRoid Hub (the “Site”) provided by the Company and all websites, software, applications, products, documents, and all other products and services (“Individual Services”) provided to Contracting Parties in relation to such 3D model data and Works.
  2. These Individual Terms of Use set forth the conditions for use of the Individual Services and the SDK. Users shall use the Individual Services and the SDK in accordance with these Individual Terms of Use after consenting to these Individual Terms of Use. If a User does not consent to the Individual Terms of Use, policies, and guidelines specified in the preceding paragraph, the User may not use the Individual Services and SDK.
  3. By using the Individual Services and SDK, a User shall be deemed to have agreed all provisions of the pixiv Master Terms of Use, pixiv Privacy Policy, Individual Terms of Use, VRoid Hub Terms of Use, and related guidelines and rules (the “Rules”).
  4. Any matters not specified in these Individual Terms of Use shall be governed by the pixiv Master Terms of Use. In the event of any discrepancy or conflict among these Individual Terms of Use, pixiv Master Terms of Use, VRoid Hub Terms of Use, and related guidelines and rules, except when otherwise provided in these Individual Terms of Use, in connection with the use of the Individual Services and SDK, the related guidelines and rules, these Individual Terms of use, the VRoid Hub Terms of Use, and pixiv Master Terms of Use shall apply preferentially in that order.

Article 2. Definitions

The definitions of the terms used in these Individual Terms of Use shall be as set forth in the following items. If not expressly provided in these Individual Terms of Use, the definitions of terms shall be governed by the Master Terms of Use and the VRoid Hub Terms of Use.

  1. “Use Agreement” means an agreement pursuant to these Individual Terms of Use for a User to receive provision of the SDK and Individual Services from the Company.
  2. “Contracting Party” means a User who submitted an application to the Company to use the SDK and the Individual Services in accordance with these Individual Terms of Use and was approved by the Company.
  3. “Contract Applicant” means a person who wishes to use the Individual Services and SDK.
  4. “SDK” means the software development kit provided by the Company to Contracting Parties for using information and so on of Works posted on the Site by 3D model data registrants on various VR/AR Platforms publicly released by Contracting Parties and 3D content and includes sample applications, incidental printed materials and electronic documents such as manuals, and other materials.
    When 3D model data registrants post 3D model data on the Site, they can freely designate whether the use of the 3D model data on various VR/AR Platforms and 3D content etc. is authorized, whether the 3D model data can be downloaded, whether commercial and non-commercial use by individuals or corporations is permitted, whether violent expression is permitted, and so on within the scope specified in these Individual Terms of Use.
    When Contracting Parties use the Works of 3D model data registrants with various types of VR/AR Platforms and 3D content, only use in accordance with the scope permitted by the 3D model data registrants is permitted.
    Use of Registered Works, Example1:
    3D Model Creator
    “I want the 3D models I have created to be seen and used freely by many people. Redistribution, adjustments, modifications and design changes by individuals or corporations, can also be carried out freely. However, please display my name as Creator on the relevant page.”
    VRoid Hub
    Conditions of Use can be set in regard to whether to allow downloading of Registered Works or use of the same in VR/AR platforms, 3D content or the like via SDK. Conditions which are not set in the pre-existing settings can be set in “Other Conditions”.
    Providers of VR/AR Platforms, 3D Content, etc.
    Use is allowed only within the scope of the Conditions of Use stipulated by the 3D Model Data Registrant on VRoid Hub. Please confirm with the 3D Model Creator about the specific credit attribution method etc. in cases where it is impossible to display the credit attribution etc. for use in videogames or the like.
    Use of Registered Works, Example2:
    3D Model Creator
    “I want to distribute videos myself on multiple platforms and reduce the burden of managing 3D models on each such platform. I do not want to allow use by other people.”
    VRoid Hub
    The use of Registered Works that have been Registered as Characters can be restricted to only by the 3D Model Registrant him/her/itself.
    Providers of VR/AR Platforms, 3D Content, etc.
    If a video distribution platform has introduced a VRoid Hub SDK, the Registered Works of which VRoid Hub allows use only by the 3D Model Data Registrant will be consulted, and only the relevant 3D Model Data Registrants will be entitled to use such Registered Works in video distribution etc.
    Use of Registered Works, Example3:
    3D Model Creator
    “I want the 3D models I have created to be seen and used freely by many people. Redistribution, adjustments, modifications, design changes and the like can also be carried out freely. However, using such 3D models in printed materials shall be prohibited.”
    VRoid Hub
    Please allow downloading of Registered Works or use of same in VR/AR platforms, 3D content or the like via SDK, and disallow use in printed materials.
    Providers of VR/AR Platforms, 3D Content, etc.
    Only use within the Scope of License stipulated by the 3D Model Creator is allowed. Use in printed materials is not possible.
    *“3D Model Creator” means an individual or corporation that has created 3D model data and will be 3D Mode Data Registrant when it registered such 3D model data on Vroid Hub.
  5. “VRoid License Software” means a program compatible with the SDK developed by a Contracting Party necessary to acquire 3D model data posted on the Site using the SDK and to use that data with various types of VR/AR Platforms and 3D content made public by Contracting Parties.
    When Contracting Parties use with various types of VR/AR Platforms and 3D content 3D model data posted on the Site by 3D model data registrants, such use is limited by the Individual Terms of Use and the VRoid Hub Terms of Use and to the scope permitted by the 3D model data registrants in accordance with the VRoid Hub Terms of Use (“VRoid License”).
  6. “VRoid License Content” means 3D model data of a 3D model data registrant posted to VRoid Hub which is acquired, used, copied, or modified by Contracting Parties via the SDK in accordance with the scope of the VRoid License for provision to End Users.
  7. “Platform” means websites or services (including 3D content) publicly released and operated by Contracting Parties.
  8. “End User” means a user who views etc. Platforms.

Article 3. Use License, etc.

  1. Subject to compliance with the provisions set forth in the Rules, the Company grants to Contracting Parties a non-exclusive and non-transferable license in Japan and other countries to design and develop VRoid License Software using the SDK and the Individual Services.
  2. A Contracting Party may create a reasonable number of VRoid License content only on Platforms publicly released and operated by the Contracting Party himself/herself and provide such content to End Users.
  3. A Contracting Party may use, copy, or modify in accordance with the VRoid License 3D model data posted on VRoid Hub by 3D model data registrants for use on Platforms publicly released and operated by the Contracting Party himself/herself.
  4. When the Company upgrades the SDK and the Individual Services, it shall provide notice to that effect to Contracting Parties on the Site or related sites, and Contracting Parties approve this in advance.

Article 4. Use Rights and Use Fees

  1. Contracting Parties may download the SDK to a client PC in their possession and use the SDK.
  2. Download of the SDK and use of the Individual Services shall be free of charge.

Article 5. Preparation of Use Environment

  1. Preparation of all client PCs, computers, and other hardware and software and the like necessary for use of the SDK and Individual Services shall be performed under the responsibility and at the expense of Contracting Parties.
  2. The Company shall not become involved in preparation of the use environment of Contracting Parties and shall not bear any liability whatsoever.

Article 6. Application for Use Agreement and Non-approval of Application for Use Agreement

  1. A Contract Applicant shall consent to the Rules including these Individual Terms of Use and apply for a Use Agreement by the method designated by the Company.
  2. The Company may determine whether an application submitted by a Contract Applicant pursuant to the preceding paragraph shall be approved as a Contracting Party.
  3. In cases where the Company determines that an application submitted pursuant to Paragraph 1 of this article falls under any of the following items, it shall not approve the application.
    1. In cases where an application is made with false or misleading content;
    2. In cases where a Contract Applicant failed to perform its duties under an agreement with the Company in the past in relation to services etc. provided by the Company or failed to perform its duties under the agreement with another user and in cases where the Company determines that the Contract Applicant is likely to fail to perform its duties in the future;
    3. In cases where the Contract Applicant engaged in prohibited conduct specified in Article 10 of these Individual Terms of Use in the past or the Company determines that there is a likelihood that the Contract Applicant will engage in prohibited conduct in the future;
    4. In cases where registration details contain inaccurate information or false information;
    5. In cases where the Company determines that the Contract Applicant engaged in conduct that hindered or interfered with the Company’s operations or provision of services or use of services by other users and in cases where the Company determines there is a likelihood that the Contract Applicant engaged in such conduct; and
    6. In cases where the Company otherwise determines that the Contract Applicant or accepting the application would substantially interfere with the Company’s operations.
  4. A Use Agreement between the Company and a Contract Applicant shall be formed at the time that the Company grants the approval specified in Paragraph 2.
  5. In cases where a Use Agreement is not formed, the Contract Applicant may not use the Individual Services.
  6. In cases where the Company does not approve a Use Agreement application, the Company shall not bear a duty to disclose or explain the reasons for non-approval to the Contract Applicant relating to the relevant application and shall not bear any liability whatsoever for damage incurred by the Contract Applicant as a result of the non-approval.

Article 7. Contracting Parties’ Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Contracting Parties understand the pixiv Terms of Use, Individual Terms of Use, and other Rules and shall endeavor to perform them and comply with them.
  2. Contracting Parties shall not engage in conduct that is prohibited by the Rules (“Prohibited Conduct”). If a Contracting Party engages in Prohibited Conduct, this shall be deemed as conduct in violation of the Rules including these Individual Terms of Use, regardless of the Contracting Party’s willful misconduct or negligence.
  3. When using the Individual Services or posted works of 3D model data registrants, Contracting Parties shall respect the Works of 3D model data registrants and shall bear a duty to maintain the quality and image of the Works of 3D model data registrants, and if there is a possibility of impairment of that quality, must promptly delete the SDK and the Works.
  4. In cases where the Company determines that conduct is in violation of the Rules or is inappropriate, the Company may, at its discretion, cancel the SDK and provision of the Individual Services. The Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever for damage incurred by Contracting Parties and End Users as a result of measures taken pursuant to this paragraph.
  5. In the case where a Contracting Party incurs damage as a result of use of the SDK or Individual Services or from VRoid License Content etc. created by the Contracting Party or in the case where a Contracting Party causes damage to a 3D model user registrant, other Contracting Party, other user, or third party, the Contracting Party shall resolve the matter under its own responsibility and at its own expense and shall not cause any damage to the Company. In such case, the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever unless otherwise provided in the Rules.

Article 8. Cancellation, etc. of Contracting Party Qualifications

  1. In cases where a Contracting Party or Contract Applicant falls under any of the following items, the Company may cancel or temporarily suspend such person’s qualifications as a contracting party, not enter into a Use Agreement, or refuse future use of the SDK or Individual Services.
    1. In cases of violation of laws, regulations, or the Rule;
    2. In cases of inappropriate conduct;
    3. In cases corresponding to grounds for non-approval of an application specified in each item of Article 6, Paragraph 4 or in cases where it becomes clear to the Company that there are grounds for non-approval of an application;
    4. In cases where there are not at least a certain number of logins within a certain period specified by the Company;
    5. In cases where the Company determines that continued provision of the SDK and Individual Services would be infeasible because of reasonable grounds;
    6. In cases where procedures are not performed or notice to the Company is not provided as required in accordance with the Rules;
    7. In cases where it has been identified that a registered telephone number or email address is no longer accessible;
    8. In cases where a Contracting Party incurs liabilities in excess of assets, becomes insolvent, suspends payments, or is unable to make payments;
    9. In cases where a Contracting Party or Contract Applicant personally or through a third party engages in any of the following conduct: (i) violent demands, (ii) unjust demands that exceed legal responsibility, (iii) use of threatening language or behavior, or violent acts, or (iv) conduct damaging the reputation or obstructing the business of the other party by spreading rumors, or using fraudulent means or force;
    10. In cases where problems are caused to other users or third parties, regardless of whether such problems are caused by willful misconduct or negligence on the part of the Contracting Party or Contract Applicant, as the case may be;
    11. In cases where complaints are received from other users or third parties, regardless of whether such complaints are caused by willful misconduct or negligence on the part of the Contracting Party or Contract Applicant, as the case maybe; and
    12. In other cases where the Company determines that the individual is not suitable as a Contracting Party.
  2. Unless otherwise provided in the Rules, the Company shall not bear a duty to disclose or explain the reasons for measures taken pursuant to the preceding paragraph and shall not bear any liability whatsoever for any damage, whether direct or indirect, incurred as a result of measures taken pursuant to the preceding paragraph.

Article 9. Prohibition of Provision to Third Parties

The SDK and other content are provided by the Company to Contracting Parties pursuant to these Individual Terms of Use for use by the Contracting Parties only. Contracting Parties may not provide to third parties the SDK or any other content provided to Contracting Parties by the Company.

Article 10. Prohibitions

When using the SDK and Individual Services, Contracting Parties may not engage in conduct falling under the following items. In cases where a Contracting Party engages in conduct failing under the following items, the Company may deem such conduct to be a violation, regardless of whether such conduct was caused by willful misconduct or negligence, and may dismiss the Contracting Party from the Services (each service provided by the Company) including the Individual Services, suspend use, cancel VRoid Licenses, delete or modify data relating to the SDK in whole or in part, or take other disadvantageous measures (provided, however, that the Company shall not bear a duty to take such measures and shall not bear a duty to discloses the reasons for taking such measures).

  1. Reproducing information of Works uploaded to the Site without the consent of the 3D model data registrant relating to those Works;
  2. Altering Works to VRoid License Content that violates or is likely to violate the scope of the VRoid License, laws, regulations, or other standards established by the Company or that constitutes or is likely to constitute obscenity, child pornography, or child abuse, and distributing, displaying, or selling such VRoid License Content, or sending to End Users advertisements that bring to mind selling of such VRoid License Content;
  3. Using or providing computer viruses or other harmful programs via the SDK or in relation to the SDK or engaging in conduct likely to lead to such use or provision;
  4. Using or employing the SDK in excess of the scope specified by the SDK such as reproduction, public broadcast (including, in the case of automated public broadcast, making such broadcast possible), transmitting, transferring, loaning, modifying, or using adaptations or the like;
  5. Reverse engineering, reverse compiling, reverse assembling, or engaging in other analysis conduct of the Services or the SDK in whole or in part;
  6. Providing applications that directly use the SDK or VRoid Hub API on a server without obtaining the Company’s approval;
  7. Assigning, lending, or permitting the use by a third party of use rights to the SDK and Individual Services without obtaining the Company’s approval;
  8. Deleting or modifying displays of copyrights, author’s moral rights, or other rights attached to Works;
  9. Downloading or using the SDK and Individual Services by methods contrary to the procedure specified by the Company;
  10. Further to the preceding items, engaging in conduct contrary or likely contrary to the prohibition set forth in Article 15 of the pixiv Master Terms of Use or conduct in violation of or likely to violate the Rules; and
  11. Further to the above, engaging in conduct that the Company determines is inappropriate.

Article 11. Suspension of Provision

  1. If the Company determines that any of the following items apply, the Company may suspend provision of the SDK and Individual Services in whole or in part.
    1. If provision of the SDK and Individual Services is no longer possible because of natural disaster or other force majeure;
    2. If suspension of provision of Individual Services in whole or in part is necessary because of the Company’s operational or technical issues; or
    3. Further to the preceding items, in cases specified in each item of Article 25, Paragraph 3 of the pixiv Master Terms of Use.
  2. In cases where the Company plans to suspend provision of the SDK and Individual Services in whole or in part pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Company shall endeavor to provide notice to that effect to Contracting Parties; provided, however, that in cases where there is no prior plan or there are urgent or unavoidable circumstances, this shall not apply.
  3. Even if a Contracting Party incurs damage as a result of the suspension of provision of Individual Services pursuant to Paragraph 1 of this article, the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever.

Article 12. Modification, Supplementation, and Discontinuation of the SDK and Individual Services

  1. The Company may, at its convenience, at any time, modify, supplement, or discontinue the SDK and Individual Services in whole or in part.
  2. In the case of the preceding paragraph, upgrading the SDK, Individual Services, and VRoid License Software may be necessary.
  3. In cases where the Company upgrades the SDK and Individual Services, it may not be possible to use the SDK, Individual Services, and VRoid License Software in whole or in part until such upgrade is completed.
  4. IIn cases where the Company determines that modification, supplementation, or discontinuation of the SDK and Individual Services pursuant to Paragraph 1 of this article will have a material impact on Contracting Parties, the Company shall provide prior notice to Contracting Parties regarding the details of the modification, supplementation, or discontinuation; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where there are urgent or unavoidable circumstances.
  5. Even if Contracting Parties incur damage in cases where the Company modifies, supplements, or discontinues the SDK and Individual Services in whole or in part pursuant to Paragraph 1 of this article, the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever.

Article 13. Termination of Use Agreement

  1. In cases where a Contracting Party wishes to terminate a Use Agreement, the Contracting Party shall submit a request for termination of the agreement to the Company by the method specified by the Company.
  2. If a Contracting Party violates any provision of the Use Agreement, the Company may immediately cancel the Use Agreement without the provision of any prior warning or notice to the Contracting Party.

Article 14. Measures at the Time of Termination of Use Agreement

  1. In cases where a Use Agreement is terminated etc. (here and hereafter, including cases where a Use Agreement is canceled or rescinded, a Contracting Party loses qualifications as a Contracting Party, a Contracting Party is dismissed from the Services, or a VRoid License is canceled), the Contracting Party may no longer use the SDK and Individual Services. In this case, the Contracting Party shall immediately discontinue use of the SDK and delete using a method that makes recovery impossible the SDK and its copies and the VRoid License Content in the Contracting Party’s possession or under the Contracting Party’s management.
  2. Notwithstanding termination of a Use Agreement, Article 7, Article 11, Paragraph 3, Article 12, Paragraph 5, this Article 14, Article 15, Paragraph 4, and Article 16 shall survive and remain in effect.

Article 15. Defects in the SDK and Individual Services

  1. The Company provides the SDK and Individual Services in as-is condition, shall not bear any liability whatsoever including statutory defect liability in relation to the SDK and Individual Services, and makes no warranties whatsoever in these Individual Terms of Use, whether express or implied, written or orally (including without limitation any warranties concerning accuracy, reliability, safety, marketability, quality, product suitability, non-infringement of third party rights, or fitness for a particular purpose).
  2. In the case where the Company discovers a defect in the SDK and Individual Services and determines that correction of the defect is necessary, the Company shall endeavor to provide a defect-free SDK and Individual Services or to correct the defect in the SDK and Individuals Services, but does not guarantee that it will do so.
  3. Except when provided in these Terms of Use, the Company shall not make any guarantees, provide support, or respond to problems and the like in relation to the SDK and Individual Services. Contracting Parties shall resolve problems occurring in relation to the SDK and Individual Services under their own responsibility and at their own expense.
  4. Even if the Contracting Party incurs damage as a result of a defect in the SDK and Individual Services, unless otherwise provided in the Rules, the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever.

Article 16. Disclaimers

  1. In cases where the Company temporarily suspends the SDK and Individual Services pursuant to Article 11, Paragraph 1, use and the effective period (in cases where there is a relevant expiration date) of the SDK and Individual Services may be extended; provided, however, that the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever for direct or indirect damage incurred as a result of use or inability to use the SDK and Individual Services.
  2. Even in cases where a Use Agreement is continued and in cases where a Use Agreement is terminated etc., the Company shall be released from liability to Contracting Parties to pay compensation or indemnification for damage, losses, and other expenses incurred in conjunction with supplementation, modification, suspension, or termination of the SDK and Individual Services, whether direct or indirect and regardless of whether such damages etc. were foreseeable.
  3. The Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever in relation to the lawfulness, accuracy, and so on of Works. Further, the Company does not make any guarantees that Works provided on the Services comply with the internal rules and the like of the corporations and organizations with which the 3D model data registrants who posted the relevant Works are affiliated and shall not bear any liability whatsoever for any problems arising in relation to such compliance or non-compliance.
  4. The Company does not make any guarantees whatsoever that content related to the SDK and Individual Services is free of computer viruses etc. The Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever to Contracting Parties or third parties including End Users for any damage arising as a result of content related to the SDK and Individual Services containing computer viruses etc., whether direct or indirect and regardless of whether such damage was foreseeable.
  5. The Company shall make maximum efforts such that the SDK and Individual Services are useful to Contracting Parties, but the Company’s responsibility to Contracting Parties shall be limited to making reasonable efforts to operate the SDK and Individual Services such that they can be used by Contracting Parties without impediment, and the Company shall not bear any liability and shall not bear any duty whatsoever to pay compensation for damage incurred by Contracting Parties as a result of use or the inability to use the SDK and Individual Services or damage incurred by Contracting Parties or other parties arising from the SDK and Individual Services.
  6. The Company does not make any warranties whatsoever that the SDK and Individual Services are free of technological inaccuracies, typographical errors, or incorrect values and or that no problems or impairments will occur.
  7. The Company shall not bear any responsibility for or becomes involved in any problems arising between Contracting Parties and End Users or other third parties in relation to the SDK and Individual Services. In the case where a problem occurs, it shall be resolved judicially or extrajudicially among the parties, and in the case where the Company incurs damage as a result of such problem, the parties shall jointly and severally pay compensation to the Company for all expenses including attorney’s fees and damages.
  8. Further to the preceding paragraphs, matters relating to disclaimers between the Company and Contracting Parties shall be governed by Article 25 (Disclaimers), Paragraphs 1 to 12 of the pixiv Master Terms of Use. In the event of any contradiction between Article 25, Paragraph 11 or 12 of the pixiv Master Terms of Use and these Individual Terms of Use, Article 25, Paragraph 11 or 12 of the pixiv Master Terms of Use shall apply preferentially from the perspective of protection of consumers or users.

Article 17. Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights

  1. Intellectual property rights and all other rights to the SDK and the Individual Services and related information, websites, products, programs, applications, documents, and all other goods etc. shall belong to the Company.
  2. Execution of Use Agreements pursuant to these Individual Terms of Use relating to the SDK and Individual Services does not constitute a transfer of any rights relating to the SDK and Individual Services to the Contracting Party and is no more than the grant to the Contracting Party of a use license limited to the extent necessary for the purpose of using Works with various VR/AR Platforms and 3D content etc. in accordance with the VRoid License.
  3. Copyrights, author’s moral rights, and all other rights to Works belong to 3D model data registrants or the creators of the relevant Works who permitted their use by 3D model data registrants. When Contracting Parties use Works with various VR/AR Platforms and 3D content etc., they may do so only to the extent of the VRoid License.
  4. Copyrights to VRoid License Software created using the SDK and Individual Services belong to the Contracting Parties who developed the VRoid License Software.

Article 18. Open-Source Software

Notwithstanding the provisions hereof, licenses to open-source software specified elsewhere are granted to users pursuant to the respective applicable license agreements.

Article 19. Compliance with Import/Export Related Laws and Regulations

In cases where a Contracting Party takes the SDK and Individual Services outside of Japan and import/export related laws and regulations etc. of Japan or other countries (“Import/Export Related Laws and Regulations”) apply, the Contracting Party shall comply with those Import/Export Related Laws and Regulations.

Supplementary Provisions

These Individual Terms of Use shall take effect on 01/28, 2019.

“VRoid mobile” Individual Terms of Use

This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Japanese language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and this English translation, the original Japanese version shall prevail.

1. Introduction

  1. These Terms of Use (these “Individual Terms”) set forth the conditions of use of the mobile application software (“App”) provided by the Company as a platform enabling creation of avatars and communication with others in a virtual space, and the “VRoid Mobile” services provided by the Company on said App (collectively with the App, the “Individual Services”). These Individual Terms are applicable to all acts when Users use Individual Services.
  2. Users shall consent to these Individual Terms before using Individual Services in accordance herewith.
  3. By using Individual Services, Users shall be deemed to have consented to all particulars set forth herein.

2. Definitions

The terms used herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them below. Any terms not explicitly defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the pixiv Master Terms of Use (“Master Terms of Use”).

  1. “Individual Services” means, collectively, the App and all services provided on the App. The term “App” is used when referring only to the “VRoid Mobile” application software operated by the Company.
  2. “User” means Members, Applicants for the creation of accounts, persons accessing the App unless otherwise specified, and all other individuals and corporations using Individual Services.
  3. “Member” means individuals and corporations that have consented to these Individual Terms, submitted prescribed applications for use of Individual Services, received the Company’s approval of such applications, and created accounts.
  4. “Avatar” means 3D characters created by Users on the App or on Associated Services (i.e., VRoid Hub and other services provided by the Company; hereinafter the same), in accordance with these Individual Terms.
  5. “Avatar-Related Information” means data, images, text and all other information input on Individual Services and Associated Services when Avatar Creators save Avatars (not including the Avatars themselves).
  6. “Avatar Creator” means Members that have uploaded Avatar-Related Information to the App.
  7. “Content” means 3D model data containing clothing, hairstyles, accessories and the like for which usage rights can be purchased for free or for a charge on Individual Services, and all Avatars and data created using such 3D model data on Individual Services.
  8. “Photo Studio Function” means an App function in which Users can use Avatars they have created to conduct photoshoots, on the App, of said Avatars alone or with Avatars of other Users while communicating with such other Users.

3. Scope of Application of Individual Terms

  1. The conditions of use of Individual Services are set forth in these Individual Terms, the Master Terms of Use, the pixiv Privacy Policy, guidelines, notations under the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions, indications under the Payment Services Act (including other Terms of Use, guidelines or the like, if any; hereinafter “Conditions of Use etc.”). Such other Conditions of Use etc., regardless of how denominated or entitled, shall constitute a part of these Individual Terms, and Members are obligated to comply with these Individual Terms and other Conditions of Use etc. when using Individual Services.
  2. In the event of a discrepancy between the provisions of these Individual Terms, the Master Terms of Use, and guidelines or other regulations, priority shall be applied in the following order: the guidelines or other regulations; these Individual Terms; and the Master Terms of Use.
  3. Matters not provided herein or in guidelines or other regulations shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the Master Terms of Use.

4. Creation of Accounts

  1. Individual Services have a function that can be utilized by creating an account through “pixiv” and becoming a Member (“Login Function”). The details of the Login Function shall be provided on the App, and the scope thereof will be subject to change without warning at the Company’s discretion.
  2. The creation of accounts shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Master Terms of Use. Persons that have submitted applications to create accounts (“Applicants”) will become Members when the Company has approved their applications.
  3. Please be advised that the Company is not obligated to restore or recover data etc., even if a Member has deleted an account by mistake.

5. Provision of Services

The Company will grant Users a non-exclusive right to use Individual Services in accordance with these Individual Terms and conditions of use published in/on such Individual Services. Users are not entitled to assign their rights to use Individual Services to third parties or to cause or allow third parties to succeed to such rights.

6. Content

  1. Usage rights for Content can be purchased on the App. Users shall comply with the usage fees, usage periods, payment settlement methods and other conditions of use set forth with respect to such Content.
  2. Content can be used only in the account that purchased the usage rights thereto. Users are not entitled to assign the usage rights to Content to third parties or to cause or allow third parties to succeed to such rights.
  3. In the case of some Content, restrictions may apply to the periods during which usage rights can be purchased or utilized. In such cases, the Company may terminate, without warning, the period during which such purchase or utilization is possible.
  4. Users shall not use (including duplication, transmission, republication, modification and other similar acts) Content in excess of the modes of use or methods expressly permitted herein or in excess of the modes of use intended for Individual Services.
  5. Please be advised that in the case of some Content, depending on the region of use or the state of use of the relevant account, it may not be possible to purchase or utilize usage rights to such Content.
  1. All knowhow, copyrights, design rights, trademark rights, patent rights, utility model rights, and rights under the Unfair Competition Prevention Act (including rights to register designs, rights obtained by applying for trademarks, rights to receive patents, and rights to register utility models; hereinafter “Intellectual Property Rights”; Intellectual Property Rights shall include any rights equivalent to the foregoing in other countries and any rights comparable to the foregoing which arise through any future revision etc. of laws or regulations), and other rights related to any text, images, videos, music, logos, services, programs or other information on or ancillary to Individual Services (“Information”), will belong to the Company or to third parties that have authorized the Company to use, utilize or implement such rights.
  2. Users are entitled to use or utilize Information only to the extent necessary to create Avatars on the App and/or use the App’s Photo Studio Function in accordance with these Individual Terms. Except where expressly permitted herein and where authorized in advance in writing by the Company or a third party as specified in the preceding paragraph, Users shall not be entitled to imitate or copy Individual Services, to utilize knowhow contained in Individual Services, to duplicate, adapt, publicly disseminate or otherwise utilize Information, or to engage in any other use of Information.

8. Rights to Avatars, Conditions of Use of Avatars, Company’s Use of Avatars

  1. The ownership etc. of copyrights and other rights to Content containing Avatars created by Users using Individual Services shall be handled as follows.
    1. With respect to Content containing Avatars, regardless of whether such Content is provided for free or for a charge, and even when “Buy”, “Sell” or the like is indicated on screen in an Individual Service, neither Intellectual Property Rights nor any other rights shall transfer to Users, and such Users will be granted only a usage right. It is not permissible to transfer usage rights to third parties, or to cause or allow third parties to succeed to the same.
    2. All other rights encompassing Intellectual Property Rights to Content will belong to the Company or to third parties that have authorized the Company to use such rights. When the Company or such a third party has stipulated conditions of use for an individual item of Content, Users must abide by such conditions in addition to the provisions of these Individual Terms. Users are not entitled to use Content unless authorized by the Company or such third parties.
    3. When Avatars are used on services affiliated with Individual Services, the terms and conditions of such affiliated services shall apply.
  2. When Avatar-Related Information that a User has personally created falls under a copyrightable work, said User shall have the rights, as author, to all parts constituting such work; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply when such rights belong to the Company or a third party.
  3. The Company shall be entitled to use and modify etc. Avatar-Related Information, non-exclusively and at no cost, to the extent necessary for the smooth provision, promotion of use, and/or advertisement/promotion of Individual Services and Associated Services or for the construction, improvement and/or maintenance of Company systems, and Users shall consent in advance to the foregoing. (E.g., displaying a registered Avatar on/in Individual Services; reflecting, in an Avatar, changes that an Avatar Registrant has made to Avatar-Related Information; generating thumbnails of Avatar-Related Information etc.; trimming the thumbnails so generated.)
  4. When the Company uses Avatar-Related Information in any of the forms specified in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall be entitled to omit some information or a name attribution (username).
  5. There may be cases where Avatars or Avatar-Related Information registered on Individual Services are used in Associated Services or services etc. provided by third parties, via downloading or VRoid SDK, within the extent of the conditions of use specified by the Avatar Registrant. Avatar Registrants must determine the conditions for use of Avatars and Avatar-Related Information on Associated Services and services etc. provided by third parties in accordance with the terms of use etc. of such services, and therefore should confirm the terms of use etc. of such services.

9. Photo Studio Function

  1. When using the Photo Studio Function, Users shall be personally responsible for their communication with other Users.
  2. With respect to any User that, when using the Photo Studio Function, has engaged in inappropriate conduct such as defaming another User, the Company will be entitled, in accordance with a report to the Company by such another User or at the Company’s discretion, to restrict the scope of such User’s use of the Photo Studio Function or take any other action against such User that the Company deems appropriate. The Company shall bear no liability for adversity or damage suffered as a result of such actions.

10. Usage Fees

  1. Account creation and use of Individual Services shall be free of charge, except where the Company has specified otherwise.
  2. Use of paid Content shall require the purchase of VRoid Coin. The Company will stipulate, and indicate on Individual Services, the units of purchase, payment settlement methods, use periods, and other conditions for the awarding of VRoid Coin.

11. VRoid Coin

  1. “VRoid Coin” means a dedicated prepaid payment instrument on Individual Services that is used to purchase paid Content. VRoid Coin can be obtained through purchase or through other actions designated by the Company.
  2. Users are entitled to use VRoid Coin only on Individual Services provided by the Company. When Users use VRoid Coin, they shall follow the on-screen indications in Individual Services.
  3. VRoid Coin does not expire once purchased; provided, however, that VRoid Coin will become invalid in the event of cancelation of membership on Individual Services.
  4. The Company will be entitled to delete accounts without advance notice to Users if there have not been at least a certain number of logins within a certain timeframe as set forth by the Company, or if such accounts are deemed to have been used improperly as prohibited under terms of use specified by the Company. Unused VRoid Coin will become invalid in such cases.
  5. VRoid Coin will be given to Users through purchase on Individual Services, campaigns, and other methods designated by the Company. The Company will stipulate, and indicate on Individual Services, the units of purchase, payment settlement methods, use periods, and other conditions for the awarding of VRoid Coin.
  6. VRoid Coin can be exchanged only for paid Content designated by the Company and cannot be exchanged for any other rights or for cash, property or other economic benefits. The Company will stipulate, and indicate on Individual Services, the amount of VRoid Coin that must be exchanged for each item of Content, and other conditions of use of VRoid Coin.
  7. Users shall be personally responsible for the management of their own VRoid Coin, together with the management of their accounts. When VRoid Coin has been purchased in order to use Content, such VRoid Coin cannot, after use, be cancelled, be reissued, or undergo any similar dispensation for any reason whatsoever. In addition, VRoid Coin owned by a User cannot be reissued even when lost due to unauthorized use by a third party other than such User.
  8. VRoid Coin cannot be refunded; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply in the case where the Company discontinues Individual Services or where otherwise required under laws or regulations; in such cases, the method of refunding VRoid Coin will, in accordance with laws and regulations, be determined by the Company and communicated to Users receiving refunds.
  9. VRoid Coin can be used only with the accounts used by Users to purchase such VRoid Coin, and cannot be transferred or assigned to other accounts or other Users.
  10. Users cannot use VRoid Coin or account information containing information related to VRoid Coin for any purpose other than use in Individual Services. Neither VRoid Coin nor such information can be directly or indirectly converted to cash or transferred to third parties. Furthermore, neither VRoid Coin nor such information can be used, on behalf of the relevant User him/herself or of third parties, for any purpose not authorized by the Company.
  11. VRoid Coin can be succeeded from the present terminal use by User to another terminal on which a single account used on the present terminal has been authenticated; provided, however, that between different app-based charging services such as App Store and Google Play Store, the VRoid Coin on such services is of different types regardless of how denominated or entitled, and therefore cannot be succeeded, consolidated or added together across such services.

12. Prohibitions

Users shall not engage in any of the conduct indicated below when using Individual Services or Associated Services. Engaging in a prohibited act may result in revocation of membership, suspension of use, deletion or alteration of the scope of public accessibility of all or any part of Avatar-Related Information and/or other data, or other measures (provided, however, that the Company is not obligated to take any of these measures or to disclose the reason any such measure was taken).

  1. Republishing, without the consent of the creator (including Avatar Creators and original providers of Content), Avatar-Related Information or Content uploaded to the App or associated sites;
  2. Reverse engineering or other acts of disassembly and analysis;
    Engaging in any of the following conduct with regard to Avatar-Related Information or other data that is tantamount to obscenity, child pornography or child abuse such as will violate laws, ordinances or other standards specified by the Company (“Obscene Data”):
    • Registering or displaying Obscene Data;
    • Selling media on which Obscene Data is recorded; and
    • Registering or displaying advertisements to encourage the transmission, display or sale of media on which Obscene Data is recorded.
  3. Registering Avatar-Related Information or other data containing any of the following:
    • Material defamatory of any uploaded Avatar;
    • Personally identifiable information, such as the registrant’s name, address, employer or telephone number (including cases in which an individual can be identified by cross-referencing information associated with an uploaded Avatar);
    • Fraudulent material or material of which the veracity is difficult to confirm; and
    • Anything else deemed unsuitable by the Company;
  4. Registering: Avatar-Related Information having the purpose of commercial advertisement, promotion, or inducement (excluding information that the Company has specifically permitted); Avatar-Related Information containing affiliates’ links; Avatar-Related Information constituting MLM, pay-to-read email, or other material for the inducement of others; Avatar-Related Information that guides viewers to adult sites, one-click fraud sites, sites intended to disseminate viruses or other harmful computer programs, and other sites that the Company deems inappropriate (including the act of simply sharing links); or other Avatar-Related Information that the Company deems inappropriate;
  5. Engaging in conduct falling under any item of Article 14 of the Master Terms of Use, or conduct in violation of associated guidelines; and
  6. Other conduct that the Company deems inappropriate.

13. Right of Deletion

In any of the cases indicated below, the Company shall be entitled to delete, alter the scope of public accessibility of, or take other similar action in respect of Avatar-Related Information in whole or in part, regardless of whether the relevant Avatar-Related Information is illegal or in breach of these Individual Terms (provided, however, that the Company is not obligated to take any of these measures or to disclose the reason any such measure was taken).

  1. In the case where Avatar-Related Information that the Company judges to be obscene has been registered;
  2. In the case where an official body or expert (e.g., the national government, a local government, a reliability verification organization as set forth in a guideline on the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Right to Demand Disclosure of the Identification Information of the Senders, an internet hotline, or an attorney) has indicated that or has manifested an opinion to the effect that an item of Avatar-Related Information is illegal, violates public order and morality, or infringes another person’s rights;
  3. In the case where a third party has asserted rights in regard to Avatar-Related Information; and
  4. In the case where the Company determines that registered Avatar-Related Information infringes a third-party copyright.

14. Responses to Breaches etc.

  1. If a User is found to have breached these Individual Terms or other Conditions of Use etc., or if the Company otherwise deems it necessary, the Company may take the actions indicated below without advance notice to such User; provided, however, that the Company is not obligated to prevent or remedy conduct in breach of such terms/conditions, to take any of the following actions, or to disclose the reason any such action was taken.
    1. Demanding that the User who committed the breach delete or revise Avatar-Related Information;
    2. Deleting, altering the scope of public accessibility of, or making it impossible to access all or any part of the Avatar-Related Information of the User who committed the breach;
    3. Imposing a compulsory disposition for revocation of membership on the User who committed the breach;
    4. Not approving a membership application by the User who committed the breach;
    5. Suspending or revoking rights to use Content;
    6. Suspending or revoking accounts or the use thereof;
    7. Suspending use of Individual Services in whole or in part; or
    8. Other actions that the Company deems necessary and appropriate.
  2. Users shall not raise objections to any Company action as in the preceding paragraph.

15. Method of Communication

  1. Communication from the Company to Users in regard to Individual Services will be carried out by notice in an appropriate location in the App or by other method deemed appropriate by the Company.
  2. Communication from Users to the Company in regard to Individual Services should be carried out by transmitting an inquiry form provided in an appropriate location in the App or by other method designated by the Company.

Supplementary Provisions


“pixivcoban” Individual Terms of Use

This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Japanese language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and this English translation, the original Japanese version shall prevail.

Article 1 Application and Scope

  1. These terms of use (these “Terms of Use”) prescribe matters concerning the handling of use of pixivcoban (as defined below) issued by pixiv Inc. (“we,” “our,” or “us”). Users must adequately understand the contents of, and consent to, these Terms of Use before using pixivcoban.
  2. If a User (as defined below) is a person with qualified legal capacity, such as a minor, then that User must obtain the consent of the User’s legal representative (such as a person with parental authority over the User) before using pixivcoban. We may contact the User or the User’s legal representative to confirm whether the consent of the legal representative has been obtained.
  3. If a User uses any eligible service for which Users may use pixivcoban, the User will need to consent separately to the individual terms of use for that service. In using pixivcoban for an eligible service, the User is requested to adequately confirm the contents of the individual terms of use for that service ( in addition to these Terms of Use.

Article 2 Definitions

The terms below have the following meanings in these Terms of Use.

  1. “pixivcoban” means “Coban (fee-based)” (defined in the following item) and “Coban (free of charge)” (defined in item (3)) that are issued by us.
  2. “Coban (fee-based)” means the prepaid payment instrument that we issue for a fee and that has an effective period prescribed by us.
  3. “Coban (free of charge)” means the prepaid payment instrument that, in accordance with conditions prescribed by us, we provide without receiving any payment in exchange and that has an effective period prescribed by us.
  4. “User” means a person who uses pixivcoban or intends to use pixivcoban in accordance with these Terms of Use.
  5. “Products, Etc.” mean products sold, and services and the like provided, through services that incorporate pixivcoban as a payment instrument.
  6. “System” means the system used for provision, management, use, and the like of pixivcoban.
  7. “pixivcoban Services” mean “prepaid payment” services provided by us.

Article 3 Authentication and management of accounts, etc.

  1. In commencing the use of pixivcoban Services, a User needs to open a pixiv account ( and complete authentication procedures prescribed by us. The User must separately confirm and consent to the contents of common rules for pixiv services (“Common Rules”) before opening and using a pixiv account. The User is liable for the strict management and storage of information and the like concerning the use of pixivcoban Services (including, but not limited to, information concerning a pixiv account; “User Information”) and must not transfer or sell User Information to a third party, allow a third party to succeed to User Information, or lend, disclose, or divulge User Information to a third party.
  2. If a User finds that any third party has, or is likely to have, improperly used the User Information of that User or pixivcoban held by that User, that User must contact us immediately from the page below.
  3. A User will be liable for any detriment arising out of any inadequate management, error in use, or the like of that User’s pixivcoban and any detriment arising out of any inaccuracy in, or inadequate management or the like of, the User Information of that User, and we will not be liable unless that detriment has been caused by our negligence.

Article 4 No refund

We will not refund pixivcoban unless such refunding is otherwise provided in laws and regulations.

Article 5 Purchasing pixivcoban

  1. Issuance of pixivcoban
    Cobans (fee-based) issued by us will be one yen per Coban, and purchase units, purchase volumes, and purchase prices will be prescribed by us. We may also set an upper limit for the holding and purchasing of Cobans by Users.
  2. Purchase procedures for pixivcoban
    1. A User purchases Cobans (fee-based) in accordance with procedures prescribed by us.
    2. Cobans (fee-based) purchased by the User are recorded on the User’s pixivcoban dashboard.
    3. Each User may confirm the purchase unit, cap for purchase, effective period, and the like of Cobans (fee-based) on the User’s pixivcoban dashboard.
    4. A User may not cancel the purchase of Cobans (fee-based) after completing the procedures prescribed in item (1) in this paragraph.

Article 6 Acquisition of Cobans (free of charge)

  1. We may provide Cobans (free of charge) to Users. Terms and conditions of provision, units of provision, and volumes of provision will be prescribed by us.
  2. Each User may confirm on the User’s pixivcoban dashboard the effective period of Cobans (free of charge) acquired by that User.

Article 7 Use of pixivcoban

  1. Users may use pixivcoban to make payment in each eligible service for the purchase of Products, Etc. at the rate of one yen per Coban.
  2. If a User wishes to make payment by pixivcoban for the purchase of Products, Etc., the User must choose payment by pixivcoban using the method prescribed by us. In this case, the User may not combine payment by pixivcoban and another payment instrument.
  3. In the case that a User chooses to make payment by pixivcoban, if the amount of the price for the Products, Etc. falls within the balance of the pixivcoban recorded on the User’s pixivcoban dashboard, then an amount of pixivcoban equivalent to the price of the Products, Etc. from that balance will, in order from those with the shortest effective periods to those with the longest, be used for the payment. If the respective effective periods of a Coban (fee-based) and a Coban (free of charge) to be used are the same, theCoban (fee-based) will be used first.
  4. Each User accepts that, if the User cancels or takes any similar action to a payment made for a transaction using pixivcoban, we will refund to the User the price for the Products, Etc. by a method through which an amount of pixivcoban equivalent to the price for the Products, Etc. will be provided instead of refund in cash of the price for the Products, Etc. In this case, pixivcoban to be returned will be the same type of pixivcoban used for the payment in question and will have the same effective period as the pixivcoban used for the payment in question.

Article 8 Invalidation of pixivcoban

  1. The effective period of a Coban(fee-based) will be 180 days, calculated from the purchase date of that Coban (fee-based). The effective period of a Coban (fee-based) will not be extended for any reason whatsoever.
  2. The effective period of a Coban (free of charge) will be a period that is prescribed by us at the time of provision and will fall within the scope of 180 days or less, calculated from the provision date of that Coban (free of charge). The effective period of Cobans (free of charge) will not be extended for any reason whatsoever.
  3. If a User does not use a pixivcoban within the period in question that is prescribed in either of the preceding two paragraphs, it will become invalid on the date when that effective period has elapsed.
  4. Apart from the cases provided for in the preceding paragraph, a pixivcoban will become invalid in each of the following cases:
    1. if the User deletes the User’s pixiv account;
    2. if the User’s pixiv account is deleted by us in accordance with these Terms of Use or Common Rules;
    3. if it is found that the User has, or if we determine it is likely that a User has, acquired a pixivcoban by improper means;
    4. if it is found that the User has, or if we determine it is likely that a User has, improperly used pixivcoban;
    5. if the User purchases pixivcoban after it is found that the User has, or we determine it is likely that the User has, improperly acquired or used pixivcoban;
    6. if the User breaches, or if we determine it is likely that the User has breached, these Terms of Use; or
    7. if the User falls under the provisions of Article 9.
  5. We will not be in any way liable to any User if a pixivcoban becomes invalid under the preceding two paragraphs.

Article 9 Suspension of use of pixivcoban Services, etc.

  1. If a User falls under, or if we determine that a User is suspected to fall under, any of the cases set out below (a person who falls under any of the cases set out below or who we determine is suspected to fall under any of the cases below is referred to as the “Specified Person” in this Article), then we may, without providing the Specified Person with any notice or demand for cure, immediately suspend all or part of the performance of obligations under any contract with us that is based on these Terms of Use, including through the suspension of use of pixivcoban by the Specified Person, invalidate pixivcoban owned by the Specified Person, terminate the use of, or cancel contracts for the use of, pixivcoban Services by the Specified Person, or take any other measures we reasonably consider to be necessary and appropriate. Each User accepts that we will not be liable even if any of these measures cause damage to the Specified Person.
    1. If the User holds or uses a pixiv account or a pixivcoban for the transfer of criminal proceeds or any other unjust purposes prescribed in Article 2 of the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds
    2. If the User transfers his or her pixiv account or makes an exchange for cash, property, or any other economic benefits for the purpose of transferring his or her balance of pixivcoban
    3. If the User holds or uses a pixiv account or pixivcoban for the purpose of improperly defrauding money from us, a financial institution, or any other third party or for any other improper purpose
    4. If the User breaches these Terms of Use or any other rules applicable to Users
    5. If, apart from in the cases above, we determine that the User’s holding or using of a pixiv account or pixivcoban is inappropriate.
  2. If a User falls under, or if we determine that a User is suspected to fall under, any of the cases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, all obligations owed to us by the Specified Person (that are not limited to obligations under contracts based on these Terms of Use) will become automatically due and payable, and in that case the Specified Person shall immediately pay to us the entire amount of those obligations.
  3. Invalidation of pixivcoban or deletion of a pixiv account under paragraph 1 of this Article will not preclude us from making against the Specified Person a claim for damages.

Article 10 Notices from us

  1. Notices from us to a User in relation to pixivcoban will be (a) sent by email to the email address notified to us by the User when the User opened a pixiv account as provided for in Article 3, paragraph 1 or the email address notified to us under the following paragraph or (b) posted on our website or each User’s pixivcoban dashboard. Users must check such notices at least once every month.
  2. If there is a change in the email address notified to us by a User when the User opened a pixiv account as provided for in Article 3, paragraph 1, that User must notify us of the new email address without delay.
  3. Each User will be liable for any detriment incurred by the User as a result of failing to conduct confirmation or notice as prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs, and we will not be liable for any such damage.

Article 11 No transfer of the balance of pixivcoban

  1. A User may not transfer any pixivcoban or pixiv account to any third party whether for a fee or free of charge.
  2. Even if a User holds several pixiv accounts, that User may not transfer pixivcoban between accounts.

Article 12 Management of registered information, etc. concerning pixivcoban Services

  1. If a User changes any User Information, that User must notify us of the changed information without delay by the method prescribed by us.
  2. If a User registers inaccurate information or false information when conducting the notice provided for in the preceding paragraph or fails to provide one or more notices under the preceding paragraph, that User will be liable for any detriment incurred by that User as a result of that act, and we will not be liable for any such damage.

Article 13 Theft or loss, etc. of User Information, etc.

  1. Even if a User’s pixiv account or pixivcoban becomes unusable or is improperly used due to theft, loss, or the like of User Information, etc. (including in cases where the User forgets User Information, etc.), we will not reissue pixivcoban to that user.
  2. We will not be liable for any detriment incurred by a User under the preceding paragraph unless that detriment is caused by our willful misconduct or negligence. However, we may provide Cobans (free of charge) to that User at our discretion in accordance with the circumstances of the unauthorized use.

Article 14 Suspension or temporary halting of pixivcoban Services and pixiv accounts (the System), etc.

  1. We may suspend or temporarily halt the use of pixivcoban Services or pixiv accounts without providing notice to Users in advance in each of the following cases:
    1. if we perform urgent maintenance on the System necessary for us to provide services relating to pixivcoban;
    2. if any disaster, such as a fire, power failure, earthquake, eruption, flood, or tsunami, or war, terrorism, rebellion, riot, disturbance, or labor dispute occurs;
    3. if we are unable to provide services relating to pixivcoban or pixiv accounts due to laws and regulations or measures under laws and regulations;
    4. if we determine it necessary to temporarily suspend or halt the provision of services relating to pixivcoban or pixiv accounts due to operational reasons or technical reasons;
    5. if a User falls under, or we determine that a User is suspected to fall under, any of the cases prescribed in Article 9, paragraph 1; or
    6. if, apart from the cases above, we determine it necessary to suspend or halt the provision of services relating to pixivcoban or pixiv accounts due to unavoidable reasons.
  2. If any of the cases prescribed in any of the items of the preceding paragraph occurs, we may, by a method announced or notified in advance in a manner prescribed by us, terminate or change all or part of services relating to pixivcoban without providing any individual notice to Users.
  3. If all or part of services relating to pixivcoban are terminated under the preceding paragraph, pixivcoban for the services subject to termination will be treated in the manner set out below.
    1. Cobans (fee-based)
      We will take procedures for refunding the amount equivalent to the balance of the Cobans (fee-based) in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
    2. Cobans (free of charge)
      Cobans (free of charge) will become invalid, and we will not refund or repay the balance.
  4. Even if a User incurs any damage pursuant to any of the preceding paragraphs, we will not be liable for that damage, unless the damage is caused by our negligence.

Article 15 Disclaimer

  1. We do not warrant that the contents of services provided by us (including the System) do not have any actual flaws or bugs (including faults and errors concerning security, or the like; meaning we do not warrant their integrity). We do not owe any obligation to Users to remove such flaws, bugs, or the like before providing services.
  2. If any provision of these Terms of Use is deemed to conflict with any relevant law or regulation applicable to contracts with Users based on these Terms of Use, that provision will not, to that extent, apply to those contracts with Users. However, in this case, the effectiveness of any other provisions of these Terms of Use will not be affected.

Article 16 Damages

  1. If a User causes damage to us or any third party due to the User’s breach of these Terms of Use, the User shall compensate us or the third party for that damage (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney fees).
  2. We will not be liable for any damage incurred by any User arising out of the use of pixivcoban , unless that damage is caused by our negligence.
  3. Even if we are liable to a User based on these Terms of Use (including, but not limited to, the preceding paragraph) due to our negligence (excluding gross negligence), we will not be liable to compensate for loss of profit or any other damage caused by any other special circumstances, and we will only be liable within the extent of damage that would ordinarily occur and capped to the amount of pixivcoban held by the User at the time of such event of default or tort.

Article 17 Operating environment settings, equipment, etc.

Each User must, at that User’s expense, prepare communication apparatus and all other apparatus and software necessary to make payment using pixivcoban. Each User must, at that User’s own discretion and expense, choose a communication method to connect to our services. We will not be liable for any apparatus, software, or communication method chosen by any User (“Equipment”) or any malfunctioning or the like relating to payment of pixivcoban arising due to Equipment.

Article 18 Amendment to and notices concerning these Terms of Use

  1. We may amend or abolish these Terms of Use due to changes in economic circumstances, the establishment or abolition of laws or regulations, or for any other similar reason.
  2. If we amend or abolish these Terms of Use, we will make an announcement to that effect on our website.
  3. If there is any amendment to these Terms of Use, it will be deemed that a User’s continued use of pixivcoban after that amendment to these Terms of Use constitutes the User’s consent to the Terms of Use after that amendment.

Article 19 Response to inquiries, etc.

If a User intends to make any inquiry concerning pixivcoban, that User must contact us by the method set out below.
Contact method:
Business hours: From 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Holidays: Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays

Supplementary Provisions

“Pastela” Terms of Use

Article 1: Introduction

  1. These Individual Terms of Use apply to any and all of Users’ acts when they use an “illustration creation application” (the “App”) and “Pastela” which provides storage and linkage services for illustrations, etc., created on the App, both of which are provided by the Company (collectively, “Pastela”).
  2. These Individual Terms of Use prescribe the terms of use of Pastela. Users shall agree to these Individual Terms of Use and use Pastela in accordance with these Individual Terms of Use.
  3. When a User starts to use the App, the Company deems that the User has agreed to all the terms of these Individual Terms of Use.
  4. These Individual Terms of Use are established as individual terms of use under the pixiv service Master Terms of Use (the “Master Terms of Use”) that apply to all services provided by the Company. Any matters not prescribed herein, unless otherwise specified by these Individual Terms of Use to be excluded, shall be subject to various terms, including individual guidelines for smooth operation of Pastela and the terms of use and guidelines, etc. for services related to Pastela (collectively, “Various Terms”) as an integral part of these Individual Terms of Use, in addition to the Master Terms of Use.

Article 2: Definitions

The terms used in these Individual Terms of Use shall have the meanings set forth in the following items. Unless otherwise provided, terms used in these Individual Terms of Use other than those defined below shall have the meanings specified in the Master Terms of Use.

  1. “Pastela” collectively means an illustration creation application and storage service and Linkage Services for illustrations, etc., both of which are provided by the Company.
  2. “App” means an application downloaded by a User to his or her terminal to use Pastela.
  3. “Picture Drawing Function” means a function provided by Pastela to create texts, images, etc.
  4. “Illustrations, Etc.” means images, texts and other works created by a User on the App.
  5. “Cloud Storage” means a cloud storage managed by the Company with free storage capacity and paid storage capacity.
  6. “Cloud Service” means a function and service to store Illustrations, Etc. created by a User in the Cloud Storage managed by the Company.
  7. “Service Site” means a service site ( that is linked to the App and can be used by a User by logging in his or her Account set forth in the following article. On the service site, the User can view the guide for use of Pastela, use Linkage Services, subscribe to paid services, etc.
  8. “Linkage Services” means various services or websites provided by the Company or entities other than the Company whereby Users can post their illustrations directly from the App.
  9. “Pastela Account” means an account issued to identify the use of Pastela.
  10. “pixiv Account” means an account issued by the Company that is required to use services provided by the Company.
  11. “Account” individually or collectively means “pixiv Account” and “Pastela Account” that are required for a User to be authorized to use Pastela.

Article 3: Creation of Account and Login

  1. To use Pastela, a User needs to have both Pastela Account and pixiv Account. Pastela Account is created when a User logs in Pastela for the first time with his or her pixiv Account. If a User does not have pixiv Account, the User needs to create his or her pixiv Account.
  2. The User shall create a pixiv Account in compliance with the provisions of the Master Terms of Use.
  3. Pastela has functions that can be used by logging in (logging in is hereinafter referred to as “Account Linkage” and such service is hereinafter referred to as the “Linkage Functions”). Details of the Linkage Functions are published on the App or the Service Site, and the scope of the functions may be changed at the Company’s own discretion without notice.

Article 4: Use of Pastela

  1. By downloading the App, a User can use the Picture Drawing Function. To use other services, a User needs to carry out Account Linkage as set forth in the preceding article.
  2. Illustrations, Etc. created by using the Picture Drawing Function will be automatically stored in the User’s terminal.
  3. The User can do the following by carrying out Account Linkage:
    • Store Illustrations, Etc. created on the App in the Cloud Storage using the Cloud Service
    • View or delete Illustrations, Etc. posted on the Service Site and link with Linkage Services
  4. The User can post on a Linkage Service Illustrations, Etc. stored in the App or the Cloud Storage.

Article 5: Cloud Service

  1. If a User carries out Account Linkage on the App, Illustrations, Etc. created by the User on the App will be automatically synchronized to the Cloud Storage (“Cloud Synchronization”) and thereby the User can view such Illustrations, Etc. on the Service Site.
  2. The Cloud Synchronization set forth in the preceding paragraph will be stopped when a User uses up the storage capacity that is available to him or her. Illustrations, Etc. are also stored in the User’s terminal even if the Illustrations, Etc. are not subject to the Cloud Synchronization. If the User creates space in the capacity of the Cloud Storage by organizing data such as Illustrations, Etc., Illustrations, Etc. created thereafter will begin to be automatically synchronized.
  3. Notwithstanding the preceding two paragraphs, the Company shall have no obligation to store Illustrations, Etc. that are subject to the Cloud Synchronization provided by the Company, but the User shall be solely responsible for the storage of such Illustrations, Etc.
  4. The Company will store Illustrations, Etc. according to the capacity available to the User based on the plan to which the User has subscribed. If Illustrations, Etc. are stored in the Cloud Storage over the capacity that the User is allowed to use due to a change in the plan, the Company may delete the Illustrations, Etc. until the storage capacity reaches within the prescribed capacity in chronological order of final access.
  5. In deleting Illustrations, Etc. pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Company shall have no liability to the User unless the Company has committed willful misconduct or gross negligence.
  6. The Company reserves the right to judge the appropriateness and compliance with laws and regulations or these terms, of the Illustrations, Etc. synchronized by the User to the Cloud Storage and may transfer, refuse, modify and/or delete such Illustrations, Etc. at its own discretion at any time without notice if the Company recognizes that such Illustrations, Etc. breach laws and regulations or these terms and that they are inappropriate. This does not, however, necessarily mean that the Company monitors the User’s Illustrations, Etc.

Article 6: Linkage Services

  1. Users may post Illustrations, Etc. created using the App on Linkage Services.
  2. Users shall use Linkage Services in compliance with the terms of such Linkage Services. The Company shall have no liability for any trouble arising in the Linkage Services.
  3. Link with the Linkage Services may be temporarily suspended or interrupted due to reasons such as trouble in the Company’s system or a Linkage Service or a failure of a User’s terminal. The Company shall have no liability for such suspension or interruption unless it is caused by the Company’s willful misconduct or gross negligence.

Article 7: Use of Paid Service

  1. Pastela can be used for free, in principle. However, if a User subscribes to paid services, the User can use additional services. For specific service fees and the contents of services, please see the App or the Service Site.
  2. To use a paid service, a User shall access the Service Site and subscribe to the paid service on the Service Site.
  3. If a User subscribes to a paid service, the term of use of the service will be automatically renewed unless the User terminates the service by the method specified by the Company.
  4. Paid services can be terminated by the method specified by the Company. Even if a User takes procedures for termination of a service during the term of the service, the User can still use the service during the remaining term of the service. The service will be terminated at the time of expiration of the term of the service.
  5. If a User subscribes to a paid service and deactivates his or her account during the term of the service, the Company will not refund the fee for the paid service he or she has already paid to the Company.
  6. If a User changes the plan of a paid service during the term of the service, the following items will apply:
    • Change to a higher-priced plan: The difference between the plan before the change and after the change shall be paid to the Company at the time of the change, and the price of the new plan shall be paid on the following renewal date and thereafter.
    • Change to a lower-priced plan: The difference between the plan before the change and after the change will not be refunded. The price of the new plan shall be paid on the following renewal date and thereafter.
  7. If a User cannot use any paid service due to the Company’s gross negligence and the service continues to be unavailable for 24 hours or more from the time that the User becomes aware of the unavailability, the Company shall compensate him or her for any actually incurred damage claimed by him or her up to the amount obtained by multiplying the fee for the paid service per month based on the plan the User has subscribed to by the number of days on which the service was unavailable (in units of a day and fractions shall be rounded off) (amounts less than one yen shall be rounded off) or extend the term of use of the service for a period equivalent to the period of unavailability.

Article 8: Termination of Paid Service

  1. If a User wishes to terminate a paid service, the User shall complete the termination procedures no later than the day preceding the following renewal date.
  2. If the User fails to complete the termination procedures for the paid service by the day set forth in the preceding paragraph, the term of use of the paid service will be extended for the same period as the current applicable period and a fee will be charged.

Article 9: Termination of Use of Pastela

  1. If a User deletes his or her Pastela Account or the Company deactivates a User’s account, or a User does not access the Cloud Storage for one year or more continuously, the Company may deem that the User has terminated the use of Pastela and delete Illustrations, Etc. stored in the Cloud Storage.
  2. The Company shall have no liability for deletion set forth in the preceding paragraph unless the Company has committed willful misconduct or gross negligence.

Article 10: User’s Responsibility

  1. Users have responsibility for backup of Illustrations, Etc. created using the App. The Company will exert the best efforts to store each User’s Illustrations, Etc. on the Cloud Service, but have no responsibility to store backups of such Illustrations, Etc.
  2. Users shall always use the latest version of the App. The Company shall have no liability for any damage incurred by a User due to his or her failure to use the latest version of the App.

Article 11: Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights and License

  1. Intellectual property rights, including copyrights, and any other rights in or to Illustrations, Etc. created using Pastela shall belong to the User who has created such Illustrations, Etc.
  2. Intellectual property rights, including know-how and copyrights, and any other rights included in Pastela shall belong to the Company or the owners thereof. Users shall not take any act that violates the Company’s intellectual property rights unless they have obtained the prior written approval of the Company.

Article 12: Change of Service

  1. The Company may renew, modify or discontinue all or part of functions or services of Pastela at any time (each of such acts is hereinafter referred to as “Update”).
  2. The Company shall have no responsibility to continue to provide released functions and no liability for discontinuance of any functions and services as a result of Update.
  3. The Company may revise the contents and fees of paid services as a result of Update. The Company will notify Users of Update of services and revision of the fees in a way specified by the Company.

Article 13: Prohibitions

  1. In using Pastela, Users shall not take the following acts:
    1. Using the App and Pastela for purposes other than those specified by the Company
    2. Transferring, lending or licensing the App to a third party
    3. Taking an act that causes an excessive load on the Cloud Service or the Cloud Storage
    4. Altering the App
    5. Fraudulently analyzing the App, the Cloud Service or communication information
    6. Unlawfully accessing the Cloud Storage
    7. Storing Illustrations, Etc. that are excessively brutal or obscene or constitute child pornography or child abuse in violation of laws and regulations or other standards established by the Company
    8. Using the Illustrations, Etc. that fall under the preceding item on any Linkage Service
    9. Taking a prohibited act under Article 14 of the Master Terms of Use or storing Illustrations, Etc. that fall under the same article of the Master Terms of Use.

Article 14: Actions against Offender

  1. If a User is deemed to have breached these Individual Terms of Use or other terms of use, etc., or otherwise the Company deems necessary, the Company may take the following actions without prior notice to the User; provided, however, that the Company has no obligation to prevent or correct acts of violation of terms and conditions, to take the following actions, or disclose the reasons for taking such actions:
    1. Deleting the breaching User’s Illustrations, Etc. from the Cloud Storage
    2. Suspending the breaching User’s use of the Cloud Service
    3. Suspending the breaching User’s pixiv Account
  2. Users shall not object to the Company’s actions set forth in the preceding paragraph.

Article 15: Subcontract

The Company may subcontract all or part of management of Pastela to a third party at its own responsibility.

Article 16: Suspension, Discontinuance, Interruption and Termination of Pastela

  1. In any of the following events, the Company may temporarily suspend the provision of Pastela:
    1. In an unavoidable event such as maintenance or construction works, etc. of the Company’s telecommunication facilities
    2. In the event that emergency communications need to be made in preference for the public interest due to occurrence or threatened occurrence of a natural disaster or other emergency in accordance with Article 8 of the Telecommunications Business Act
    3. In the event that a telecommunications carrier, etc. suspends telecommunication service
    4. In other events that the Company determines that it is necessary to discontinue or suspend the provision of Pastela
  2. If the Company suspends the provision of Pastela, it shall give prior notice to Users regarding the suspension and the reasons and period of suspension unless it is required urgently.
  3. If the Company suspends the provision of the service pursuant to Paragraph 1, it shall have no liability to compensate Users for any damage incurred by them.
  4. If there are unavoidable reasons, the Company may suspend or discontinue all or part of Pastela. In this case, the Company shall give notice to Users at least one month prior to the suspension or discontinuation unless the suspension or discontinuation is required urgently.

Supplementary Provisions