Dishonored 2 is coming to PS4 in November 2016, first gameplay due next month - PlayStation Universe (original) (raw)


Bethesda has staple-gunned a worldwide release date of November 11, 2016 to its hotly anticipated Dishonored sequel on PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One.

Developed by Arkane Studios, the stealth-action sequel will receive its debut gameplay video at Bethesda’s E3 2016 showcase on June 12 in Los Angeles.

Dishonored 2 is the follow-up to 2012’s critically acclaimed first-person actioner, and once again allows gamers to choose how they wish to tackle the game. Do you go in all guns blazing, or do you fancy a more methodical, stealthier approach? The choice is up to you.

Your decision will ultimately affect how the storyline will play out, and there’s plenty of options available as you combine your character’s—either Empress Emily Kaldwin or royal protector Carvo Attano—unique powers, gadgets and weapons.

Read our review of Dishonored Definitive Edition for PS4 here.