TemTem Update 2.000.009 Patch Notes Reveal Species Clause To Randomlocke Mode, Bug Fixes And More - PlayStation Universe (original) (raw)

Crema News PS5 TemTem TemTem Patch Notes Temtem Update 2.000.009

Crema has lifted the wraps off the Temtem update 2.000.009 patch notes for you to digest, which comes packing a range of bug fixes for the game, as well as new additions including a species clause to Randomlocke mode.

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We’ve added an indicator for the Nuzlocke and Randomlocke modes that will show you the number of captures left for the zone you’re currently in. It’s located next to the Minimap.

We’ve added an Species Clause to the Nuzlocke and Randomlocke modes:

When running into a Temtem they have already tamed before as the first encounter on any given zone, the player can defeat it or run away without wasting one of their allowed encounters.

If the player decides to capture that Tem despite already having it, it will count as a valid encounter and it’ll consume one of the allowed encounters.

The game will check for the entire evolutive line, so if you have a Granpah in your squad and encounter a Paharo, you will be able to defeat it without using one of your allotted encounters.

We’ve added new internal rules to the Techniques of starter Temtem to prevent insta-failed runs in the Randomlocke mode.

Starters must now have at least one Technique that fulfills all of these requisites: Damage greater than 1, Hold 0 and STA Cost less than 20.





These changes were meant to be included with patch 1.3, but didn’t make it in due to a bug. After checking the competitive community’s feelings on it, we’ve decided to include them in this patch to place us closer to the idea of balance we had for this Season.


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[Source – Temtem Patch Notes]