INFJ Stress Relief: The Best Way to De-stress If You’re an Extroverted Introvert (original) (raw)

You’re an INFJ, the rarest of the 16 Myers-Briggs types—you’re thoughtful, helpful, creative and a true advocate for others. But sometimes, you’re so focused on other people, even small details can cause you to lose sight of your goals and veer straight into a stress spiral. Put down the remote control and the potato chips: You think differently than other Myers-Briggs types, and you need to unwind differently, too.

a woman meditating alone


1. Meditate

As an INFJ, you’re a perfectionist, and it’s easy for you to get bogged down with small details. On a particularly stressful day, you might find yourself dropping a glass or losing your keys, getting frustrated when your co-worker shows up late to a meeting and feeling stressed by things that typically don’t bother you, like bright lights and loud noises. Hit the reset button as soon as possible: shut the door, put in earplugs, turn out the lights and meditate in total silence for ten minutes. Do this twice a day and you’ll get back to feeling more like yourself in no time.

a woman writing in her journal at a cafe


2. Write In A Journal

You have a rich inner world, and when you’re feeling calm, your mind is bursting with creative ideas. But when you feel like your life is being controlled by the demands of others (can’t Suzy from marketing make her own damn copies?), your brain starts to short circuit and you lose your typically strong sense of self. The best way to get your groove back? Try journaling for 30 minutes a day, and tap back into your own voice. (And if the idea of writing a few pages a day makes you feel more overwhelmed, try one-word journaling. It’s low lift and really fun.)

the marquee of the castro movie theater


3. See A Play Or Movie

At times, INFJs seem extroverted—you can totally hold your own at a party or in a crowd. But too much social interaction, especially if it’s with someone who’s demanding something of you (“Will you come to my barbecue, babysit my kids and help me move next week?”), can leave you feeling drained and vulnerable. And while it might help to spend a couple hours watching Netflix in bed, complete solitude isn’t exactly what you’re after, either. Try going to a play or a movie (and invite a calm and understanding friend, or even go solo) to get some of the creativity and social interaction you crave, without having to feel like any demands are being placed on you.

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Freelance Editor

From 2015-2020 Lindsay Champion held the role of Food and Wellness Director. She continues to write for PureWow as a Freelance Editor.