Values & Behaviour (original) (raw)

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Values & Behaviour

Values and Behaviour

Our School motto and Golden Principles underpin everything that we do and are embedded in our curriculum. Our School motto ‘Disce Prodesse’ – Learn to be of service underpins our teaching and learning, and provides an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens in modern day Britain.

At QEGS Primary our vision is to allow the pupils to ‘Be the best that they can be’. In 2021, QEGS Primary wanted to change our Primary School Values to something more meaning and memorable. We made the decision to change from 5 values to 3. With input from staff, pupils and parents and carers, we created our 3 Golden Principles (Known as the three R’s) ‘Ready’, ‘Respectful’ and ‘Resilient’. These were launched in September 2021 and are clearly displayed throughout the Primary School. We have high expectations in all areas, especially behaviour and achievement.

These 3 core values were revealed to the whole school in an assembly led by our prefects and staff being successfully embedded throughout the school.

We know how vital working in partnership with parents and carers really is, in order for pupils to find school a positive and rewarding experience. We believe that if we all work together, then the pupils will enjoy and achieve more. We enjoy welcoming in our parents and carers throughout the school year for events such as homework shares, performances and story, play and rhyme sessions. We also welcome parents and carers in for special events including ‘Careers Day’ where we are always seeking parents in any job to come and tell our pupils all about it and share their experiences to inspire our younger generation.

Assemblies and Reflection Time

We understand that assemblies and reflection times are a crucial point during the school week. These are opportunities to get together to reflect and think about other current issues in society.

Monday’s Primary Phase Assembly

Every Monday, pupils get together to celebrate the achievements of the previous week. Mrs Southworth leads this assembly with support from the Primary Deputies, Mrs Collins and Mr Halliwell. During this assembly Mrs Southworth awards each class’ star of the week certificate and badge, awards a Head Teacher’s Award and announces the House Point Winners. This assembly is also used to announce winners of events such as Verse Speaking, hand out additional in school certificates and make important announcements such a Prefects and the award of Head Boy and Head Girl. Finally, any messages for the following week are delivered too. This assembly is either delivered in the main hall or virtually.

Wednesday’s Music Assembly

Pupils in KS2 participate in a music assembly, led by our specialist music teacher, Mrs Mitchell, in the main hall. KS1 will do their music assemblies in their classrooms which are planned by Mrs Mitchell. These are planned in Key Stages to allow for song choices to be age appropriate. Pupils are exposed to a variety of different songs and are encourage to have good posture and focus during these assemblies.

Friday’s Celebration Assembly

Each Friday, staff deliver a whole Primary Phase assembly based on our subscription to ‘Picture News’ in the main hall before home time. Staff share a poster or picture which is designed to expose pupils to current affairs, discover interests and bring the world closer to their everyday lives. Staff then share a text with the pupils which provide opportunities for children to learn from the world and develop respect of other’s beliefs, feelings and faiths. Pupil are exposed to a range of current issues including political, religious, cultures, environmental, social, moral and spiritual. The assemblies encourage pupils to explore, discuss, challenge and inspire them to learn, making British Values relevant and meaningful to their lives!

Daily Reflection Time

In addition to the 3 weekly assemblies, we have also introduced daily reflection time. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday this is incorporated into the assembly whereas on Tuesday and Thursday this is done in classrooms. These reflection times may include current events, RE topics, PSHEE topics and cultural celebrations.

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