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Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages


The Modern Languages Department, within the Languages Faculty, aims to enable pupils across all age and ability ranges to study foreign languages with success and pleasure.

Pupils will be encouraged to:


Key Stage 3

Prior to arriving at the school, pupils are allocated to either a French or Spanish group.

In Year 8, all pupils will learn the modern foreign language that they started in Year 7 and some forms will also begin German.

Topics taught:

Spanish French German
Year 7 ● Myself & Family, including pets and descriptions● Free Time ● My House ● My Town ● French phonics● Myself & Family, including pets and descriptions ● Free Time ● Where I live ● Holidays n/a
Year 8 ● School● Healthy Lifestyle ● Holidays ● Personal Interests (television, film, past tense activities, reading)● A visit to Paris ● My identity (fashion, music, relationships) ● At home and meals ● Myself & Family, including pets and descriptions● Where I live ● Clothing ● Free time

Key Stage 4

All pupils must continue with at least one previously studied modern language, from French or German or Spanish; they may opt to learn another language as well.

We follow the AQA specification at GCSE which is made up of 3 main themes across the four papers: Theme 1: Identity and culture, Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Theme 3: Current and future study and employment.

There are 4 skills that are developed and assessed equally: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Each skill’s assessment encompasses all the topic areas in the course. The topics taught are as outlined below:

Spanish French German
Year 9 ● My Life (online activities, jobs, film, music, television)● Fashion & Shopping ● Me & My World (global issues, family relationships, routines around the world) ● The Hispanic World ● Family & Marriage● Social media & mobile phones ● Free time: film, TV, music and sport ● Traditions & Celebrations ● Where I live ● Social ISsues & Environment ● Holidays ● School ● Family & Pets, Marriage● Social media & mobile phones ● Free time: film, TV, music and sport ● Traditions & Celebrations ● Where I live ● Social ISsues & Environment ● Holidays ● School
Year 10 ● Family and Relationships, marriage and future plans● Technology and social media ● Free time and eating out ● Festivals and Customs ● House and region
Year 11 ● Holidays● Social and global issues ● School and education post -16 ● Work and future plans


The Department has four dedicated classrooms, including a 28 station digitised audio language laboratory. There is also a room for focussed speaking sessions and Sixth Form study with widescreen TV, TV DVD monitor and two computers. All rooms have a computer and amplifier through which to play sound recordings and a data projector. Two further ICT rooms are easily accessible.

Each language in each year is supported by a specialist course. At KS3 staff follow the Claro, Studio and Na Klar courses for Spanish, French and German respectively. Pupils at KS4 and KS5 follow the AQA OUP course, supplemented with an array of authentic materials, which also benefits from the Kerboodle platform and can be accessed from home.

The Department uses many digital resources, and we make full use of Google Classroom so that pupils can easily access materials and communicate with their class teacher. Some of our favourite digital tools include Quizlet, Blooket, EdPuzzle, Flippity and Language Gym.


To enhance the pupils’ feel and understanding for their language learning and to give them first-hand insight into the socio-cultural backgrounds of the languages which they are learning, pupils are strongly encouraged to participate in the visits abroad and other cultural activities laid on by the Department.

Every year we aim to offer a short stay trip to France, Germany or Spain during which they will undertake mini language projects, for example the 2022 trip to Barcelona.

Students, especially older ones, are encouraged to make trips abroad on their own initiative. Information about gap years and work experience abroad is posted from time to time on Faculty notice boards.

The Faculty also arranges several trips to support pupils’ learning and promote interest in the learning of languages and encourage curiosity about the cultures of their chosen language. In recent years there have been several visits including a Year 10 German trip to HOME cinema in Manchester, and a study day for A Level Spanish at Manchester University.


The Department is dedicated to providing a wide variety of learning opportunities. We currently offer a World Film Club, a DuoLingo Club and a Board Games Club as well as revision sessions.

We also encourage participation in several regional, nationwide, and indeed international competitions including the Young Translator’s competition for Sixth Form in November and the Northern Schools MFL Debating Competition. In February, we run the Linguistics Olympiad Competition for Year 9 and above. Students have also had the chance to take part in an essay writing competition organised by Lancaster University.

In addition to this, we organise a Languages Day for Year 8 with outside speakers and various cultural and linguistic activities offered which reflect the diversity of the world. Year 11 pupils also have a dedicated Languages & Careers morning with guest speakers from Lancaster University and industry as well as taster sessions in different languages including Russian and Japanese.

For more information please contact:

Mrs. S Broom

Head of Languages Faculty

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