RCSB PDB - 4G0C: Neutron structure of acetazolamide-bound human carbonic anhydrase II reveal molecular details of drug binding. (original) (raw)

Neutron diffraction of acetazolamide-bound human carbonic anhydrase II reveals atomic details of drug binding.

[Fisher, S.Z.](/search?q=citation.rcsb%5Fauthors:Fisher, S.Z.), [Aggarwal, M.](/search?q=citation.rcsb%5Fauthors:Aggarwal, M.), [Kovalevsky, A.Y.](/search?q=citation.rcsb%5Fauthors:Kovalevsky, A.Y.), [Silverman, D.N.](/search?q=citation.rcsb%5Fauthors:Silverman, D.N.), [McKenna, R.](/search?q=citation.rcsb%5Fauthors:McKenna, R.)

(2012) J Am Chem Soc 134: 14726-14729

Organizational Affiliation:

Bioscience Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA.