Announcing Fedora 9 Alpha (original) (raw)

Jesse Keating jkeating at
Tue Feb 5 15:25:25 UTC 2008

A funny thing happened on the way into the office today, an Alpha release of Fedora 9 happened!

The Alpha release provides the first opportunity for the wider community to become involved with the testing of Rawhide: representing a sanitised snapshot of Fedora's development branch, which sees rapid changes and will become the next major release, it should boot on the majority of systems, providing both an opportunity to get a look at what new features will be included in the next release and also an opportunity to provide feedback and bug reports to help ensure that the next release is as good as possible.

Some highlights of Fedora 9 Alpha:

And numerous other improvements and enhancements.

Getting it:

The Alpha release is available both through our mirroring system and via bittorrent.

For direct http access to a local mirror:

For a list of mirrors carrying the content and the various protocols they support:

For bittorrent:

More Information:

For more information regarding the Alpha release, please visit the release notes page:

-- Jesse Keating Fedora -- All my bits are free, are yours? -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>

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