Movies starring Channing Tatum (original) (raw)

21 Jump Street Poster

21 Jump Street

The television series 21 Jump Street, like many old shows, is a product of its time. Trying to accomplish a "straight" remake of something so irrevocably tied to the '80s could not be done in 2012; it wouldn't work. When Michael Mann reworked Miami...

22 Jump Street Poster

22 Jump Street

There are times when 22 Jump Street is borderline brilliant. Unfortunately, those instances are outnumbered by segments that don't work for one reason or another. On balance, the film has just enough to earn it a recommendation but, with a little t...

Blink Twice Poster

Blink Twice

Blink Twice is a deliciously nasty “refrigerator film” – a psychological thriller that holds viewers spellbound while in the theater (even if certain plot elements fall apart upon later reflection – say, for example, when getting a snack f...

Book of Life, The Poster

Book of Life, The

The Book of Life represents Guillermo del Toro's most hands-on foray (to date) into the realm of family friendly entertainment; this is closer in tone and sensibility to one of Tim Burton's offbeat animated films than one of Pixar's more "vanilla" ...

Coach Carter Poster

Coach Carter

The main problem with Coach Carter can be summed up simply: too much sermonizing. In a way, it's hard to fault the film, because its heart is in the right place. The movie wants to impress upon teenagers that education is the first step on the pa...

Dear John Poster

Dear John

Dear John delivers pretty much what one would expect from an adaptation of a Nicholas Sparks novel: a high-profile downer of a Harlequin romance. There's a market for this sort of movie, which lays it on thick and does everything possible to make ...

Dilemma, The Poster

Dilemma, The

Ron Howard is unquestionably an A-list director, and his credentials are impeccable. When a filmmaker of Howard's status has a movie tossed into theaters during garbage time (January/February or August), it results in raised eyebrows and generates ...

Fly Me to the Moon Poster

Fly Me to the Moon

Throughout the course of its bloated (132 minutes, sheesh) length, Greg Berlanti’s Fly Me to the Moon never figures out what it wants to be. Is it a rom-com? A screwball comedy? A parody of conspiracy theorists and their crackpot hypotheses? A v...

Foxcatcher Poster


Like Raging Bull, Foxcatcher is a dark drama masquerading as a sports movie. Also like Raging Bull, Foxcatcher is based on a true story. Although such comparisons risk overselling Bennett Miller's new movie, Foxcatcher isn't afraid of venturing int...

G.I. Joe: Retaliation Poster

G.I. Joe: Retaliation

I confess a degree of bafflement about why Hollywood apparently considers it necessary to employ the dumbest possible screenplays for movies like this. On one level, the only significant differences between G.I. Joe: Retaliation and Transformers ar...