Black Mesa's Definitive Edition update makes it just about finished (original) (raw)

Performance improvements and extra prettiness

After over a decade of work (and nine months after actually releasing the game), the Black Mesa gang are finally just about finished remaking Half-Life. Today they launch a big update they're calling the 'Definitive Edition', with changes including a visual refresh of many areas, performance improvements, extra polishing, and a redo of one level from the bit with all the trains. They... still have a few wee fixes to follow, but it seems they're really, truly, mad, deeply almost done with it.

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The developers, Crowbar Collective say the Def Ed is the "final big update" for Black Mesa. The dozens of tweaks and fixes include...

Very glad to see that cans issue fixed. Gotta get those bumpy cans. But they note a few issues do remain, including controllers not working on the main menu. They also say they're still looking into how best to release the source files for maps. But by and large, that's it, Black Mesa is basically done.

"So, Half-Life, then," Graham said in our Black Mesa review when it left early access in March. "I used to say it was my favourite game of all time. Now, I'd say it's a first-person shooter that is occasionally great, mostly good, and sometimes charmingly crap. Black Mesa smooths out most of the crap, and maintains the great and the good. It doesn't modernise the antiquated design – but then, it wouldn't be Half-Life if it did. As it is, it's the best way to play Valve's original design if you haven't done so before, and it's a brilliant way to retread those old ventilation shafts, if you have."